‘Morning Joe’ to Beto O’Rourke: ‘Do Not Apologize for Being White’ and for...and for...and for...
“Beto stop apologizing. Do not apologize for being in Vanity Fair. Do not apologize for having a very rich father-in-law, own it. Do not apologize for taking Republican positions in the past,” Scarborough said. “Do not apologize for being white, do not apologize for being privileged.” “Or for being a man,” co-host Mika Brzezinski added." . . . "When he has made news, it has often been in response to activists who have demanded various forms of apology or contrition for “privileges” they accuse him of having for one reason or another." . . .
Beto O’Rourke Apologizes for His College-Newspaper Theater Review Still, O’Rourke apologized, offering Politico this statement: “I am ashamed of what I wrote and I apologize. There is no excuse for making disrespectful and demeaning comments about women,” he said.
“Beto O’Rourke apologized Friday night for writings the former Texas representative made as a teenager describing fantasies about running over children with a vehicle,” reports the Daily Caller. OK, now that was needed.Too bland? I'm sorry. |
Beto Complains About His ‘Privilege,’ Agrees Vanity Fair Cover was ‘Elitist’ . . . "White. Male. Privilege. Is anyone else sick of white males having to apologize for their race and sex?
"Give me a break. He expects this to relaunch his campaign? Because we all want a sad little man as the leader of this country." . . .
“Beto, whatever his name is, he’s apologized for being born,” Bloomberg said to laughter from the audience. . . . “ 'It’s just not going to happen on a national level for somebody like me, starting where I am, unless I was willing to change all my views and go on what CNN called ‘an apology tour,’” he said, referencing some of his would-be opponents. “Joe Biden went out and apologized for being male, over 50, white. . . .
Nevertheless, Beto pivoted quickly from joking to groveling, appearing on a podcast to self-flagellate about his “white male privilege” and to apologize: . . . "The real privilege Beto O’Rourke benefits from right now isn’t that of being white, or male, or having a supportive spouse. It’s the privilege he enjoys as a liberal media darling, lavished with attention befitting a celebrity (and spared, during his Texas senate race against Ted Cruz, from unpleasant stories about his youth by news outlets that were happy to bury bad news for him)." . . . His "leftist privilege" as it were. TD
Beto O'Rourke apologized to the staff of his Texas Senate campaign for being a 'giant a**hole' during the competitive, high-pressure 2018 contest . . . "He apologized for [his] quote - which was criticized for being condescending and reeking of male privilege. "But he had to apologize again a short time later for telling a crowd in Iowa his wife is 'is raising, sometimes with my help,' their three kids." . . .
Nevertheless, Beto pivoted quickly from joking to groveling, appearing on a podcast to self-flagellate about his “white male privilege” and to apologize: . . . "The real privilege Beto O’Rourke benefits from right now isn’t that of being white, or male, or having a supportive spouse. It’s the privilege he enjoys as a liberal media darling, lavished with attention befitting a celebrity (and spared, during his Texas senate race against Ted Cruz, from unpleasant stories about his youth by news outlets that were happy to bury bad news for him)." . . . His "leftist privilege" as it were. TD
. . . "The real privilege Beto O’Rourke benefits from right now isn’t that of being white, or male, or having a supportive spouse. It’s the privilege he enjoys as a liberal media darling, lavished with attention befitting a celebrity (and spared, during his Texas senate race against Ted Cruz, from unpleasant stories about his youth by news outlets that were happy to bury bad news for him)." . . .
Ex-Trump strategist calls Beto O'Rourke a beta male . . . " 'I describe O'Rourke as a 'beta' because that term is for guy who is immature. And from hiding from police after getting busted for a DUI, refusing to admit it years later, to cursing like a misfit teenager at public events to desperately seeking substance-free celebrity on social media, O'Rourke cements his 'beta' status," Braynard said. " . . .