Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Justice Brett Kavanaugh: The slander of a good husband, father, and justice

From the one-can-only-hope file:  Democrats Efforts to Slander and Defame Judge Kavanaugh Backfire – Americans Fed Up with Lowlife Liberal Smears  
"The Liberal Democrat’s agenda to slander and defame Judge Kavanaugh are backfiring. Americans everywhere (especially women) see through their nasty tricks and are totally disgusted. Red wave coming!

"As liberals pile on in slanderous and concerted attacks on Judge Kavanaugh in hopes to derail his Senate confirmation, Americans are seeing right through it and are raging with disgust!" . . . (Even Michael Avenatti Joins Attack.)
"One woman shared how her entire nail salon of 40 or so women all agreed that the slander of Kavanaugh was a ‘hit job’ – Women see through this! –"

The sliming of Brett Kavanaugh by a Bernie donor is disgusting and disgraceful
. . . "People who tell you that “You have to believe the victim!” are afraid you’ll spoil their lynching if you discover the alleged victim is lying. When people refuse to allow the one thing that centuries of experience has shown to be the best way to discover the truth, due process including the cross-examination of the accuser, then it’s reasonable to assume that they are not interested in the truth."
"You can dispute the lie, but once it is uttered, it cannot be taken back. It takes on a life of its own. Even if shown to be untrue, the lie exists in memory, at times destroying reputations and lives. Perhaps this is why slander has been seen as such a major offense by religious traditions.

"Adamant that “no good can come from slander,” Beck next describes the disturbing root of slander and the necessary resolve to combat this “world of unrighteousness” (James 3:6):

"Whether we torch a reputation for our own purposes or we find ourselves maligned for the sake of someone else’s designs, there is no good that comes from slanderRooted in insecurity and detached from reality, slander begins as words uttered and ends in lives destroyed. The surest way to prevent that destruction is to imprison malicious words with utmost diligence…' ”
Posted by T Whitfield at Sarah Watching, referring to, wait for it - CNN religion editor

If Rev. Al hosts your funeral, make sure he knows who you are...

... and what you look like.

Via the Free BeaconSharpton Mourns Late Journalist, Picks Wrong Picture
"MSNBC host has historical issues with facts, names, spelling" 

"MSNBC PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton mourned the passing of journalist Cokie Roberts on Tuesday by sending out a tweet with pictures of the still-living journalist Christiane Amanpour.
"Sharpton tweeted, "Saddened to hear of the passing of legendary journalist Cookie [sic] Roberts. Here is a Easter Sunday special we did in 2011. May she Rest In Peace," along with several pictures of Amanpour. Aside from the obvious misidentification of the deceased, Sharpton misspelled Roberts's name.
"Critics were quick to point out Sharpton's errors, and he deleted the tweet." . . .

. . . "Throughout his many years as a TV anchor, Sharpton has produced a
 long and fabled history of gaffes and mistakes."

Nic Rowan is media analyst at the Washington Free Beacon. His work has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, First Things, and The New Criterion.

"American Pravda" CNN: Everything but the News

Victor Davis Hanson
Trump derangement, all the time: lies, smears, threats, and profanity. Viewers are noticing — and leaving.
"For a while, we thought MSNBC had temporarily usurped CNN as the font of fake news — although both networks had tied for the most negative coverage (93 percent of all their news reports) of President Trump’s first 100 days in office.
2'A cynic would argue that CNN had deliberately given Trump undue coverage during the Republican primary on the theory that he would be the weakest Republican in the general election and would therefore be the weakest challenger to Hillary Clinton. CNN president Jeffrey Zucker at one point had bragged that in the primaries, Trump made CNN money. Only later, after Trump’s nomination, did Zucker regret giving so much airtime to Trump and his boisterous rallies.
“ 'If we made any mistake last year, it’s that we probably did put too many of his campaign rallies in those early months and let them run,” the contrite Zucker conceded in October 2016, at a talk at Harvard’s Kennedy School. Yet Zucker admitted that Trump had been a “publicity magnet” as a primary candidate, and, more important, “Trump delivered on PR; he delivered on big ratings.”
"So CNN’s Zucker gave copious coverage to Apprentice-star Trump both to win ratings and to ensure the nomination of a candidate who was polling anemically against Hillary Clinton — with the intention of then reversing course and destroying Trump in the general election.
"The ratings gambit worked; the second aim, of aiding a Clinton victory, did not. And now CNN is focused on another strategy: to destroy the perceived Frankenstein monster that Dr. Zucker helped to create.
"Just recently, MSNBC anchor Lawrence O’Donnell broke a story based on a single unnamed source who said that Deutsche Bank documents (which the source had not seen) would soon prove that Russian oligarchs had co-signed a loan application for Donald Trump — O’Donnell was apparently trying to resurrect the Russian-collusion zombie. The story was discredited within 24 hours by denials from the bank — as O’Donnell did his part to destroy what was left of the credibility of progressive cable news." . . .
Tony Branco
. . . 
"CNN host Sally Kohn and her roundtable panel raised their hands on air to emulate the “hands up, don’t shoot” fake narrative that had followed the Ferguson shootings. However, an Obama Department of Justice investigation later found that Michael Brown neither stopped and put his hands up in the air, nor cried out “hands up, don’t shoot” but instead charged the Ferguson police officer with an intent to renew their earlier struggle. The CNN newsroom was perpetrating an inflammatory lie on the air — again with no consequences for their cheap street theater. . . .
"CNN anchor Don Lemon, currently being sued for allegedly making an obscene sexual advance to a bar patron, claimed on the air that “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men” — a false assertion given that Lemon conceded that more Americans have been killed in ideologically driven terrorist attacks by Islamists since 2001 than by “white men.” . . . 
What is strange about CNN is neither the incompetence nor the bias, but its sanctimoniousness and cluelessness about its own suicidal trajectory into oblivion. When Donald Trump at his rallies points to the media cameras and hoots, “Fake news,” often directly referencing CNN, many claim that his antics are a crude attack on the press that has repeatedly lied to destroy Trump, his family, and his presidency.
Perhaps. But the better question is whether CNN — which has ruined its reputation and profits in an Ahab-esque effort to destroy the Trump white whale — is any longer a media organization at all, or a failing entertainment channel, or a boring Orwellian Ministry of “Truth.”
American Pravda Part 3: CNN Selectively Edits, Hates Trump, and Think Voters Are Stupid
Tony Branco
Beto's Gun Grab and Constitution Day  
"Beto is becoming more clownish every day." Lucianne
. . . "Critics of the Second Amendment say that they are not going after guns used for legitimate activities such as hunting. But when the Founders wrote the Second Amendment, it was because the British were coming, not because it was the start of deer season. As Fox News contributor Judge Andrew Napolitano notes:" . . .  "Come and take them, O’Rourke -- from our cold dead hands."

Arizona Gun Store Offers ‘Beto Special’ On AR15s And AK47s – Sells Out In ONE DAY
As before with Obama, "Now Beto O’Rourke is getting in on that action. After Beto declared his intentions to confiscate guns at the last Democrat debate, one Arizona gun store decided to do a sale in his name."  "It worked out pretty well for them."
That was pretty unequivocal — and totally done at the spur of the moment. It’s not like it was something that was endlessly rehearsed or anything. And his campaign clearly wasn’t in on it.  Oh, wait, what was that?
"I’m hearing something in my rhetorical earpiece — ah yes, we’re going to go to Twitter, where we’ve seen reports of a new product in the Beto 2020 online store:"

Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15.
Buy your shirt now: https://store.betoorourke.com/hell-yes-were-going-to-unisex-womens-styles/ 

Cartoon Shows What Will Happen When Beto Comes For Your AR-15s  . . . "While the odds are “Beto” will never be elected President we believe any of the 2020 candidates would do the same thing, even if they don’t explicitly say so yet.
"So how will your average Joe react to someone showing up at the door to collect his AR-15 rifle?
"The cartoon below purports to answer that question with a brutal illustration of what might happen:

Democrats, have you no sense of decency? At long last have you no sense of decency?

Notice these accusations against the hard right? What similarities do you see today in the Democrat Party both in Congress and in Hollywood? Never forget the Democrat star chamber in their inquisition of Judge Kavanaugh and the media persecution of President Donald Trump. I'd love to go down the Democrat side of the Nadler Judiciary Committee and ask each one, "Have you no sense of decency? At long last, have you no sense of decency?". I would say no when recalling one Stephen Colbert writer declare of the Kavanaugh hearings, "I'm Just Glad We Ruined His Life"   The Tunnel Dweller

NYT Insider Reveals Who Drafted And Sent The Vile Tweet About Kavanaugh
. . . "The only supposedly new claim made in the book isn’t new and comes from Democrat attorney Max Stier, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s with whom he has a long and contentious history. In the words of the Yale Daily News, they were “pitted” against each other during the Whitewater investigation in the 1990s when Kavanaugh worked for Independent Counsel Ken Starr. Stier defended President Bill Clinton, whose legal troubles began when a woman accused him of exposing himself to her in [the] hotel room she had been brought to. " . . .

What seems clear is that Mr. Stier's claims were meant to buttress an allegation from another Yale woman, Deborah Ramirez, whose story was litigated at length in 2018:
. . . "Other 2020 Democrats, from Elizabeth Warren to Beto O'Rourke, have piled on this reckless, institution-undermining talking point. "Sham process," asserts Harris, whose own conduct during said process was appalling, and whose party sat on unsubstantiated allegations against the nominee until the initial hearings (including closed-door hearings for sensitive topics) were over.  This is despicable and demagogic; classic Harris." . . .

The Ongoing Smear Campaign against Brett Kavanaugh  . . . "The New York Times’s disgraceful weekend performance is a reminder that the media performed abysmally during the Kavanaugh confirmation process." . . .

Brit Hume Slams The New York Times For Trying To Smear Brett Kavanaugh Again: ‘They Are Corrupt’  
Shame, shame on The New York Times and its sweaty minions for abetting the revival of this grotesque calumny

Lindsey Graham, Start Fighting For Justice For Brett Kavanaugh  "Yes, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed. But that isn’t justice. Justice requires consequences for those who tarnished the man and lied to Senate Judiciary investigators and committee members."
. . . "The left isn’t done. They aren’t nearly done. They will continue to hound Kavanaugh, either to twist him into a virtue-signaling pro-Roe vote, or to caution future conservative nominees to stay clear of the Supreme Court, or they’re coming for you." . . .