From the one-can-only-hope file: Democrats Efforts to Slander and Defame Judge Kavanaugh Backfire – Americans Fed Up with Lowlife Liberal Smears
"The Liberal Democrat’s agenda to slander and defame Judge Kavanaugh are backfiring. Americans everywhere (especially women) see through their nasty tricks and are totally disgusted. Red wave coming!
"As liberals pile on in slanderous and concerted attacks on Judge Kavanaugh in hopes to derail his Senate confirmation, Americans are seeing right through it and are raging with disgust!" . . . (Even Michael Avenatti Joins Attack.)
"One woman shared how her entire nail salon of 40 or so women all agreed that the slander of Kavanaugh was a ‘hit job’ – Women see through this! –"
The sliming of Brett Kavanaugh by a Bernie donor is disgusting and disgraceful
. . . "People who tell you that “You have to believe the victim!” are afraid you’ll spoil their lynching if you discover the alleged victim is lying. When people refuse to allow the one thing that centuries of experience has shown to be the best way to discover the truth, due process including the cross-examination of the accuser, then it’s reasonable to assume that they are not interested in the truth."
"One woman shared how her entire nail salon of 40 or so women all agreed that the slander of Kavanaugh was a ‘hit job’ – Women see through this! –"
The sliming of Brett Kavanaugh by a Bernie donor is disgusting and disgraceful
. . . "People who tell you that “You have to believe the victim!” are afraid you’ll spoil their lynching if you discover the alleged victim is lying. When people refuse to allow the one thing that centuries of experience has shown to be the best way to discover the truth, due process including the cross-examination of the accuser, then it’s reasonable to assume that they are not interested in the truth."
"You can dispute the lie, but once it is uttered, it cannot be taken back. It takes on a life of its own. Even if shown to be untrue, the lie exists in memory, at times destroying reputations and lives. Perhaps this is why slander has been seen as such a major offense by religious traditions.
"Adamant that “no good can come from slander,” Beck next describes the disturbing root of slander and the necessary resolve to combat this “world of unrighteousness” (James 3:6):
Posted by T Whitfield at Sarah Watching, referring to, wait for it - CNN religion editor"Whether we torch a reputation for our own purposes or we find ourselves maligned for the sake of someone else’s designs, there is no good that comes from slander. Rooted in insecurity and detached from reality, slander begins as words uttered and ends in lives destroyed. The surest way to prevent that destruction is to imprison malicious words with utmost diligence…' ”