Obama reshaped Democrats into his own image. That means they are effete snobs who sneer at the people dumb enough to vote for them.Don Surber
"Democrats running for president today are running against themselves. Recent stories include Amy Klobuchar disowning her 2006 call for "order at the border." Mini Mike has apologized for his stop-and-frisk program which saved hundreds of black lives. And Breadline Bernie did a 180 on his call to ban the hiring of illegal aliens.
"I won't go into the way Quid Pro Joe has ditched everything he stood for because that is the nature of a grifter. He is a pay-to-play hack who fit in like a bug in a rug in the Obama administration. Biden is running again to fleece donors again who should know better by now.
"But the rest have had to jettison their beliefs because Obama fundamentally transformed Democrats into a loser communist party that hates America and will punish it by stripping citizens of their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
"The first step upon election is to make citizenship meaningless, which is the purpose of open borders. Businesses buy in because they think cheap labor is worth it. For some reason, corporations are led by people who foolishly believe their money will protect them from the consequences of the end of citizenship.
"Open borders is now the Democrat Party's goal. Klobuchar and Sanders are on board.