MRC "The hosts of The View are doing their best to prop up Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, even offering him free advice and future media appearances on their show. After Joy Behar confidently claimed Biden could disappear and still win the election, she had a change of heart on Friday’s show, saying that he needed more media air time to counteract Trump’s “bloviating.” Each host fawned over the “sane” and “stable” Biden as their dream president.
"At one point, Meghan McCain even admitted that more people losing their jobs to the coronavirus lockdown, could only help Biden’s campaign.
"Co-host Whoopi Goldberg began the show wondering if Biden needed to “excite” the base or stay out of the limelight. Behar said she was done with Trump’s “excitement” and she wanted someone who was “sane” and “stable” like Biden:
“No. I think that what you need is somebody who is stable. You need somebody who is going to bring sanity, stability, empathy, a sense of calm to the nation,” she said, adding that Biden would “take care of us” during our national time of “pain.”
"She also demanded the media give Biden more air-time, offering to boost his campaign with appearances on their show: . . ."