Judicial Watch said, "We commend the heroic work of General Flynn’s legal team, led by Sidney Powell, which exposed the criminal conduct by FBI and DOJ officials behind Flynn’s illicit prosecution. This corruption, as we have exposed from the get-go, is the tip of the iceberg. The required next step for justice is the prosecution of the coup cabal who tried to destroy General Flynn and overthrow our president."Don Surber
"Obama and his posse of henchman from his thug administration framed an innocent man -- Lieutenant General Michael Flynn -- in the hope of flipping him to incriminate President Donald John Trump. To get justice and make himself whole again, General Flynn and his lawyer, Sidney Powell, need to use an old liberal trick called sue and settle.
"Ballotpedia's definition is, "Sue and settle (sometimes hyphenated as sue-and-settle) is a term used to describe cases in which a federal agency is sued by an interested party, declines to defend itself in court, and negotiates a settlement with the plaintiff in a non-adversarial process. Through sue and settle, outside groups sue an agency in order to reach a settlement on terms favorable to the regulatory goals of both. These settlements may require the agency to issue a rule on a particular subject or within a certain timeline.
" 'Sue and settle practices have frequently occurred in response to environmental lawsuits involving the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Scott Pruitt, former EPA administrator under President Donald Trump (R), issued a directive in October 2017 that ended the practice of sue and settle at the EPA."
"Flynn and Powell can sue for, oh, $100 million and President Trump could agree to an out-of-court settlement of $10 million. He can claim to save taxpayers $90 million while General Flynn sails away with $7 million after paying a contingency fee to Powell." . . .
Here his defense counsel speaks on the Mueller investigation of President Trump:
Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Mueller Upends Rule of Law, In Final Appearance—Sidney Powell