Fox News Contributor Deneen Borelli said she was insulted by Biden’s gaffe and tweeted a video of her response to the former VP. She claimed, “Joe Biden says you’re not black if you don’t vote for him. Well, Joe Biden, as a black woman, I am outraged by your ridiculous comments and this independent black woman won’t be voting for you.”MRC "Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden made one of the biggest gaffes of his 2020 campaign by letting it slip just how much he takes the African-American community for granted. Prominent African-American conservatives swiftly condemned his disgusting comments.
"As The Breakfast Club radio host “Charlamagne Tha God” signed off on his interview with the Dem nominee, he claimed he still had “more questions” about how Biden would benefit the African-American community. That wasn’t enough of a pledge for the indignant candidate, who responded by saying, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
"Following the offensive blunder, 10 prominent African-American conservatives slammed the callous comment on behalf of the “1.3 million” black Americans who supported President Trump in 2016, and the “millions” more who will be supporting him in 2020. Black conservative leaders like HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and commentator Candace Owens called Biden’s words “racist,” “condescending,” “short-sighted” and “entitled.”
"Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson commented on Biden's gaffe, tweeting, “It is disheartening to see that some in this country still believe that African Americans are beholden to one political ideology at birth, due to the color of their skin.”
"In a subsequent tweet he added, “In reality, ideals like the freedom of thought, resilience, and self-determination have guided the black community through the darkest of times. It is these principles, not pandering, that will continue to lead us to the mountaintop.' ” . . .