Power Line Blog "In a normal news cycle, this would be a significant story, and Joe Biden would be subject to universal condemnation. That is, if we lived in the world pre-2016.
"The headline: “Biden Warns Trump Will ‘Steal This Election,’ Predicts Military May Have To Remove Trump From White House.”
Joe Biden, the Democrats’ presumptive 2020 presidential nominee, told “The Daily Show” Wednesday that he expects President Donald Trump to try to “steal” the presidential election and expressed hope that the United States military would remove Donald Trump from the White House if he refused to vacate.
"There could be some projection going on here. The Democrats are hoping to steal the election by sending out millions upon millions of mail-in ballots to people who are deceased, have moved away or are ineligible to vote, knowing that law-abiding Republicans who come across them won’t send in fraudulent ballots, but Democrats will.
Biden did express hope, though, that if Trump resisted an unfavorable election outcome that the United States military would conspire to forcibly eject him from the White House.
"This is sheer fantasy. It is ridiculous to assert that President Trump may refuse to vacate the White House if he loses November’s election, and until now, no presidential candidate of either party would have floated such a scurrilous suggestion. But for the Democrats, there are no longer any boundaries. They are desperate for power and will devastate our country and destroy our democracy to get it."