Thursday, July 30, 2020

The Washington Post slanders a sheriff who opposes Black Lives Matter

Andrea Widburg  "One of the most heartening things in the past week was to learn that the Washington Post had given up the fight and settled with Nick Sandmann, the 16-year-old boy it slandered as a racist because, while wearing a MAGA hat, he smiled when a creepy-looking Native American man got into his face and started drumming. Although the dollar amount is unknown, people instinctively feel that the WaPo had to dig deep. With an article it published on Wednesday, the Washington Post may have just set itself up for another lawsuit and (God willing) another expensive settlement.
"The offending article is entitled “A Nevada library wanted to back Black Lives Matter. The sheriff said he wouldn’t respond to 911 calls there.” Under that big, black-letter heading is a picture of a smiling white sheriff, in his uniform. Immediately under is this text:
Douglas County, Nev., Sheriff Daniel Coverley threatened to stop responding to 911 calls at a local library after its leaders drafted a statement in support of Black Lives Matter. (Douglas County Sheriff's Office)  . . .
The Washington Post
A Nevada library wanted to back Black Lives Matter. The sheriff said he wouldn’t respond to 911 calls there.
. . .
"This sheriff is obviously a low-life and needs to be ruined. There’s just one problem: What the WaPo said is a lie. The sheriff never said that neither he nor his deputies would respond to calls from the library. Instead, he sent them a letter suggesting that, if they were going to support Black Lives Matter, consistency demanded that they cease calling the sheriff for help. He never said that the sheriff’s office would not respond to such calls.
"Coverly’s letter was detailed and fact-filled. He talked about data showing police are not racist and that they regularly risk their own lives to protect people. He pointed out that the Black Lives Matter movement calls police corrupt and racist and is determined to destroy them. Moreover, its hate-filled rhetoric puts the police at risk. It was in this context that he suggested that the library might want to put its money where its virtue-signaling was:
Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriff's Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help. I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior, since those are just some of the recent calls my office has assisted you with in the past. (Emphasis mine.)
Full article. Perhaps the WaPo can fact check this claim:

Trader Joe's wises up, reverses course, tells the leftist political-correctness mob 'no'

Have we reached Peak Corporate Cave-In? What did kneeling do for the Jews in Fascist Europe? The video at the bottom should show us how political correctness sucks the very joy out of our society. TD

Monica Showalter "It kind of looks like it - Trader Joe's has decided to reverse course and not change all the brand labels of its products to satisfy the wokeness demands of a tiny, largely white, racism-parsing left-wing mob. Here's their statement:. . . 
. . . 
Trader Joe's must have taken a look at who was behind the petition and decided it was total bee ess. Who's behind it? A rich little wokester white high school teenager no doubt eager to please her teachers and college admissions committees named Briones Bedell. Rest assured she knows nothing about racism, she's just another Karen looking to 'atone.'
Second, she drew very few signatures to her petition, a miserable 4,900 at last count, falling short of her 5,000 goal. This, despite fawning media profiles linked on her Twitter feed and copious glowing press. Seriously, she got less than 5,000 signatures and a lot of people trolling her. That doesn't sound like the person who's earned a right to push around big corporations, except that she knows they'll let her. Maybe not now." . . .
. . . "What this sniveling ignorant little white teenager doesn't get is there's a difference between appropriation and appreciation, as a far smarter and more brilliant black teenager has explained exquisitely here:. . . 

How's this for "cultural appropriation"? I love it!

Don't Be a Karen. Be a Becky!

Politically Incorrect Daily
Ann Coulter  “ 'Karen” and “Becky” are two neologisms with opposite meanings for the enjoyable life. Here’s your field guide."" . . .
. . . 
Karen is:
. . .  the Harvard Asian who made a TikTok video lecturing white people on their racism and threatening, “Ima stab you!”
"The public has been crying out for a word like “Karen” ever since “bossy” was cruelly taken away from us.
"I’m more interested in the Becky.
"As a huge fan of Me Not Being Killed, I can’t help but notice that the Becky concept runs counter to all received wisdom on how to avoid becoming a crime statistic. The central lesson, for example, of Gavin De Becker’s smash, featured-on-“Oprah” bestselling book, The Gift of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence is: Trust your gut." . . .

Anti-Slavery Party started!

News Maven  
'I used to be a Democrat until I did my history and found the misery that party brought to my race ... Let's pay restitution. How about the Democratic Party pay for all the misery brought to my race?'"

"Calls to ban statues, flags and images of groups that were involved in slavery would have to include the Democrat Party's Donkey and Islam's Crescent, as both of these institutions were involved in the enslavement of Africans.
"Beginning in colonial times, approximately 350,000 African slaves were brought to America.
"This number grew to nearly 4 million slaves prior to the Civil War.
"Slaves were purchased at sharia Muslim slave markets. 
"Sharia Islam defended the right to own slaves, as its founder, Mohammed, owned slaves.
"Beginning in 622 AD, the next 1,400 years saw an estimated 180 million Africans enslaved in sharia Islamic countries.
"Only by international pressure did Yemen and Saudi Arabia nominally end slavery in 1962, and as recently as 1980 for Mauritania.
"Fundamentalist sharia groups, such as ISIS, have continued unreported slavery.
"Ironically, those in Western nations who claim to care about Black lives and want reparations for slavery in the past turn a deaf ear to present-day Black lives being killed and enslaved by sharia groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, Chad, and Mali.
"Prior to the Civil War, the United States had two major political parties: Democrats and Whigs.
"The Democrat Party was pro-choice, wanting to protect a slave owner's choice to own slaves.
"The Whigs were attempting to be a big tent party in order to keep members from joining other parties such as the Free Soil Party and the Know-Nothing Party.
"Whigs were originally the party in Britain who opposed the absolute power of the king.
"Quakers and Second Great Awakening Revival preachers, such as Charles Finney, were urgent abolitionist voices calling for the end slavery."... Full article.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Updated: Do Burning Cities Mark Start Of Democrats’ ‘Civil War 2.0’?

The SA was from the first a violent force that was the offensive weapon by which the Nazi implemented their strategy that “those who ‘ruled the street’ would sooner or later also come to political power.” Mitchell Abidor
Update: Image by Ghenghis Gary
Issues & Insights  "The upsurge in rioting, looting, destruction and violence in cities across the country won’t just peter out, as many hope. Sadly, mainstream media outlets refuse to cover the actual news, while Democratic politicians actually express solidarity with those who are burning down our cities. It’s become obvious to one and all: The left media and so-called progressive Democrats would rather see urban bonfires than lose to Donald Trump in November.
"Asked recently about 59 straight days of protests and violence in Portland, New York Rep. Jerry Nadler called reports of Antifa rioting there a “myth.” Not to be outdone, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi likened the federal police sent to quell the disturbances to “Nazis.”
"This is today what passes for leadership in the Democratic Party, which since losing in 2016, has undergone an extreme makeover to become the most radical “mainstream” party in the U.S. in modern times. To find its equivalent, you’d have to go back to … let’s see, 1860 and 1861, when the very same Democratic Party convinced 11 states to secede from the union, thus setting off the Civil War.
"Plus ça change, as the French would say.
"Egged on in 2020 by that same radical party, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and other extremist groups have gone on an unchecked spree. Vandalism, looting, murders and politically motivated beatings have metastasized across the nation, making city after city into unlivable hellholes." . . .
"Antifa" implies these street bullies are against Naziism, yet we have seen for weeks how they use the very same approach to their innocent victims as Hitler's bully boys used. 

Filed under "Irony": Brownshirt Violence and the Nazi Machine   . . . "OUR DOMINANT image of the German streets, both during the rise to power of the Nazi Party and while it ruled, is of jack-booted men in brown uniforms beating opponents, threatening Jews, burning books, and dissuading people from doing business in Jewish stores. These brown-shirted Stormtroopers (Stormabteilung, aka the SA) served as the mass fighting arm of the Nazi Party and ensured its presentation as a group not to be trifled with.
. . . "The SA was from the first a violent force that was the offensive weapon by which the Nazi implemented their strategy that “those who ‘ruled the street’ would sooner or later also come to political power.”  . . .   Much more at the Tunnel Wall

What happened to an America where you could freely speak your mind?

Agree with me or not — and isn’t that the point of a newspaper column? — I owe readers a clear statement of what I will do and not do:I will not apologize for writing about Soros.I will not bow to those who’ve wrongly defamed me.I will continue writing my column.The left doesn’t like my politics. I get that. I don’t like theirs much, either. 
John Kass, Chicago Tribune  "The angry left-handed broom of America’s cultural revolution uses fear to sweep through the our civic, corporate and personal life.
"It brings with it attempted intimidation, shame and the usual demands for ceremonies of public groveling.
"It is happening in newsrooms in New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles. And now it’s coming for me, in an attempt to shame me into silence.
"Here’s what happened:
"Last week, with violence spiking around the country, I wrote a column on the growing sense of lawlessness in America’s urban areas.
"In response, the Tribune newspaper union, the Chicago Tribune Guild, which I have repeatedly and politely declined to join, wrote an open letter to management defaming me, by falsely accusing me of religious bigotry and fomenting conspiracy theories.
"Newspaper management has decided not to engage publicly with the union. So I will.
"For right now, let’s deal with facts. My July 22 column was titled “Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of lawlessness.”
"It explored the connections between soft-on-crime prosecutors and increases in violence along with the political donations of left-wing billionaire George Soros, who in several states has funded liberal candidates for prosecutor, including Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx. 

"Soros’ influence on these races is undeniable and has been widely reported. But in that column, I did not mention Soros’ ethnicity or religion.
"You’d think that before wildly accusing someone of fomenting bigoted conspiracy theories, journalists on the union’s executive board would at least take the time to Google the words “Soros,” “funding” and “local prosecutors.”
"As recently as February, the Sun Times pointed out roughly $2 million in Soros money flowing to Foxx in her primary election effort against more law-and-order candidates.
"In August 2016, Politico outlined Soros’ money supporting local DA races and included the view from opponents and skeptics that if successful, these candidates would make communities “less safe.' ” . . .

Democrat Sanctioned Terrorism: Antifa-BLM Protesters are Packing Their Fireworks Bombs with Nails

The Gateway Pundit
Antifa-Black Lives Matter protesters attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with nails embedded in fireworks bombs. reported:

A federal law enforcement document reviewed by Breitbart Texas reports that “protesters” who attacked the Atlanta Field Office of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) embedded nails into commercial-grade fireworks. The devices were reportedly discovered after the protest ended Sunday morning.
Breitbart Texas reviewed an FBI “activity alert” regarding the use of modified fireworks during the demonstrations in Atlanta, which began on July 25. The alert states that approximately 100 to 200 people dressed in dark clothing, backpacks, goggles, and helmets approached the ICE office in Atlanta. The subjects reportedly carried shields, bats, and large sticks.  . . .

Democrats Make Mockery of Barr ‘Hearing’

"Barr brings out the worst in them, which is saying something."

Andrew C. McCarthy   "If it’s a “hearing,” Bill Barr asked with an irked tongue in cheek, “aren’t I the one who’s supposed to be heard?”
"His frustration was more than justified. Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler (D., N.Y.) and the other Democrats who control the House demanded for months that Barr come to a “hearing” and “testify.” But of course, it wasn’t anything like an actual hearing, and they didn’t want him to testify — as in actually answer questions. The session was a coveted election-year opportunity for Democrats to berate the attorney general of the United States in five-minute installments, accusing Barr of corruption, perjury, violating his oath, betraying the Constitution — at one point, even of killing thousands of COVID-19 victims (apparently, by being attorney general during a pandemic).
"Especially at the beginning of the hearing, Barr easily parried the hostile questions — soliloquies with question-marks at the end. He picked apart their misstatements and disingenuous premises, and answered with aplomb. Democrats thus dropped the threadbare pretense that this was a hearing. In the main, the rest of the afternoon was devoted to raging, mock-anguished perorations about how Trump is a dictator and how Barr is helping him destroy our democracy.
"These were punctuated by the occasional petulant demand that Barr answer “yes or no” a question that was either loaded or incoherent. When Barr would begin to answer, there would be foot-stomping, indignant, “I’m reclaiming my time” interruptions, claims that there was no question pending (usually after a question had just been posed), and then more Democrat filibustering about how the American people could clearly see that Barr was afraid to answer their questions . . . that they wouldn’t let him answer.
"It was an embarrassing spectacle." . . .

The cringeworthy, appalling behavior of the Judiciary Committee Democrats  
"The Democrats certainly took to heart their orders from headquarters, decreed from on high, probably by Pelosi or perhaps AOC, the leader of the dominant far left faction, on how to conduct themselves at the judiciary hearing held Tuesday.  Once  Barr had delivered his opening statement, the Democrats began their calculated offensive, verbally assaulting, accusing and trying to shame the AG.  Clearly, they were instructed to attack and not let Barr answer a single question. Their incivility was on display. " . . . 

AG Barr destroys Jerry Nadler in another House Democrat testimony disaster: Goodwin
Another congressional hearing, another Dem disaster. They planned a public hanging of the attorney general and spent weeks constructing their scaffold. He is corrupt, a liar, a toady, they and their media handmaidens assured us, and the House Judiciary Committee will reveal all.Two obstacles quickly became apparent. The first is that the Dems were led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, whose rabidness is exceeded only by his haplessness.

Cops pull out: Democrats in need of convention protection can now call a hippie

It seems the Democrats have lost the previously friendly law enforcement community vote. In favor of … what – the craziest fringe extremists in America? This doesn’t sound like it will end well for them. Got trouble, Dems? Call a hippie.

Monica Showalter  "One hundred police agencies delivered a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the Democrats’ fitness to govern, pulling out from contracts to protect the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, just three weeks before kickoff.
"According to Fox News:
More than 100 police agencies are pulling out of security agreements to send personnel to next month's Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee over orders that would prevent officers from using certain crowd control measures during protests, Fox News has learned.
The police departments were part of a collective of outside agencies poised to send officers to secure the event, which will run from Aug. 17-20 and where Joe Biden is expected to be named the party's presidential nominee. The action comes after the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission directed Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales to change department policy to restrict the use of tear gas and pepper spray.
. . .
"Because the police pullout is an entirely reasonable and rational. On a broad level, Democrats have refused to condemn the far-left mob violence directed against police and property in every blue city from New York to Minneapolis, to Portland, to Seattle.

"They’ve also demonized police, blaming them for every act of violence that occurs as leftist mobs run wild, tearing down statues and destroying property. President Trump’s recent effort to send in federal officers to protect courthouses in some cities has been met with blue city mayors claims that police make matters worse,

"Democratic leaders such as Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti have demonized police as “killers” while Marxist Democrats such as New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio gave ‘the talk’ to his black son about the wickedness of the police. For Democrats, the cops are always ‘pigs.’

"No Democrat has condemned the widespread violence of blue cities, nor stood up for the police officers who are being sent into harm’s way to stop it." . . .

Tie police hands and you will see lots of citizens with AR-15s  "We learned some people in Minneapolis have begun to protect their streets, as we see in this report:   

Minneapolis residents have begun patrolling their own neighborhoods after violent crime across the city surged in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death in late May.
The patrols, some armed, are part of a largely grassroots efforts to protect neighborhoods, businesses, and residents from rioters and criminals. Some groups have constructed barriers at the entrance to their neighborhoods and control who can enter, according to the Wall Street Journal. . . 

CNN’s Tapper Calls on GOP Rep. Jordan to Apologize to Reporters for Video

Breitbart  "Tuesday on CNN, anchor Jake Tapper called on Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) to apologize to the reporters he used in an allegedly edited video presented during the House Judiciary hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr.
"Tapper said, “At the beginning. Jim Jordan of Ohio played a video featuring many upsetting images of mayhem and violence from protests and riots across the country. And that was included along with a mash-up of members of the media and others using the term peaceful protests.”
"He continued, “The motive was clearly to show members of the media, including many of my CNN colleagues, calling violent protests peaceful. But Congressman Jordan neglected to give the full context of these comments. So, my team and I did it for him.”
"In a video, Josh Campbell said, “This has been the epicenter where there have been largely peaceful protests during the day, at night sometimes turning violent with these confrontations between protesters and police.”
"In another clip, Diane Gallagher said, “This is something that we have been seeing here on the streets of Atlanta, mostly peaceful protests since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. And when it was one of their own, that anger, that frustration, that pain simply exploded. And we saw the results of that overnight and into this morning in those protests. Again, for the most part, throughout the entire day on Saturday, the protests after Rayshard Brooks’ death were peaceful. And as it began to get dark, things began to change.”" . . .

Jerry Nadler’s bizarre denial reveals the media’s cover-up and other Nadlerisms

'The Violent Riots Are A Myth,' Says Rep. Nadler As Antifa Sets Fire To Congressional Hearing Room
Andrea Widburg  . . . "Second – and this is the big lie -- the violence did not start with the federal police. The federal police came in response to violence directed at federal property. In a July 16 letter explaining why federal troops had to go to Portland, Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf included a long list detailing how the “peaceful” protesters were destroying federal property and attacking local police before federal law enforcement came on the scene in early July. The following is just a small part of that list:" . . .   Much more here

Related: Baghdad Bob announces Americans are surrounded everywhere and defeated. 

. . . "Nadler badly needs a narrative addressing the Democrats’ myriad problems: Biden is senile and uninspiring; Democrat states liquidated their economies with lockdowns and turned old age homes into abattoirs; Democrats are allowing anarchists to destroy their cities; and Democrat policies severely damage blacks, their most important constituency.". . .
Jim Jordans video that the leftist press did not want you to see, including the classic MSNBC for openers:

Jim Jordan EXPLODES On Nadler After He Refuses to Allow AG Barr to Respond to Constant Attacks  "Jerry Nadler wouldn't let AG Bill Barr speak during a hearing today, choosing instead to lecture him. Now, we know why. Once one of the GOP representatives gives Barr the mic, he DESTROYS Nadler. WATCH Press Sec. force the Media to watch the violence in Portland they refuse to report on."

Leftists Don’t Want The Shutdown To End Because They Are Living Out Their Wildest Dreams
Townhall  . . . "To leftists, ordinary Americans are uneducated, ignorant rubes who deserve whatever pain comes their way, just for being who they are. . . . 
. . . "While Congress is “fighting” this overblown pandemic from the safety of its members’ home offices, they aren’t in session getting things done for the American people, and Trump appointees and judges aren’t being confirmed either. If you’re a leftist, keeping this going for as long as possible is akin to holding onto the basketball with no shot clock. Keep it up, beat Trump, and it’s ‘smooth sailing’ in 2021, they think."

Ignoring Science, Pelosi Dems Fight Reopening Schools  . . . "President Donald Trump has called for a full reopening of schools in the fall, even going so far as threatening to cut federal education funding for schools that don’t. After all, why should schools get taxpayer funding if they refuse to open?
"Speaking of risk, however, Trump’s stance is arguably politically risky, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi intends to exploit and increase that risk. Pelosi accused Trump of “messing with the health of our children,” claiming, “Going back to school presents the biggest risk for the spread of the coronavirus. They ignore science.”
"Jennifer Rubin, The Washington Post’s ostensibly “conservative” columnist, went a step further, accusing President Trump of wanting to “kill your kids.' ”

Our letter for today, children, is the letter M:
Pelosi and her minions in the Democrat Party aided by CNN and MSNBC feel they can shape the thinking of our mal-educated millions who apparently are incapable of critical thinking. We see them nightly in the streets of our once-beautiful streets. America's malleable millennials. TD