Sunday, October 4, 2020

The Democrats' Long Temper Tantrum Will Reelect Trump

(As a footnote -- when Obama was president 60 million Americans got the H1N1 swine flu. Did you know that? How widely was it reported? And did you know that once tests indicated how widely it was spreading that White House halted the testing?)

Clarice Feldman  "It’s quite obvious to me that the Deep State and the Democratic Party that staffs it never got over the fact that their nefarious misuse of our intelligence agencies and hoodwinking the media didn’t work any better than their constant efforts after his election to remove Donald Trump from office and continue their autocratic grifting. This week was no exception. Indeed, I have to agree with Roger L. Simon that “In the aftermath of Trump’s contracting Covid-19, they are reelecting him.”

Regarding the left-friendly press and it's role in magnifying this tantrum:

. . . "She explains that their tactics either force people to back down or slug them, and to them, either way is a win. (Especially so because they block from viewing any press which is not sympathetic to them. And some prosecutors are with them, if you want an explanation of why Kyle Rittenhouse who was clearly defending himself against these street thugs is being prosecuted.)

. . . "The satire site Babylon Bee notices the party that wants to run your healthcare roots for its political opponent to die. (Let that one sink in. It’s satire but true.)

"MSNBC’s execrable Joy Reid suggests the President is faking it to get out of the next debate. More class is shown by North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, who, according to Reuters says he “sincerely hopes” Trump recovers soon. "

Is extreme Trump-hatred the storm before the calm?

The media's reliance on attention-economy scaling can't last forever.  By the time the next president takes control, either next year or in four, the country will be thoroughly desensitized to any cottage industry of outrage.  A President Biden, or President Harris, or President Haley, or President Cotton could never dance in the limelight like Trump.  The subscriber base of traditional dailies will extenuate, especially under a Democratic president.

Is this a Democrat tantrum or is it an insurgency?   "Is the United States in the Midst of an Insurgency?"

The vast majority of BLM members and supporters make up what Vladimir Lenin called “the useful idiots.”  That is, the people actively working for a cause without really understanding the cause’s objectives.  They are cynically being used to achieve an end they may have never intended.  The core organizers’ goal is to keep the useful idiots blind to the truth for as long as possible while indoctrinating them into the cause.


Saturday, October 3, 2020

MSNBC's Joy Reid sparks fury by suggesting Trump is faking his COVID diagnosis because he 'lies so much' and could be using the virus to 'get out of the debates'

 Demagogues gotta demagog

UK Daily Mail  . . . "Before Trump headed to the hospital, the 'ReidOut' host shared a theory on Twitter that Trump may be faking his diagnosis, citing previous dishonesty from the president and his administration.

" 'Here’s how wrecked Trump’s credibility is at this point: I’ve got a cellphone full of texts from people who aren’t sure whether to believe Trump actually has covid. "He lies so much," one friend just texted. "Is he just doing this to get out of the debates?" others are texting,' Reid tweeted Friday." . . .

Reid's evidence:

Full article...

VIDEO: Antifa Is NOT Just An Idea…

 Weasel Zippers

Media Plays Game With White Supremacy

When will the media press Biden on an apology from his party for supporting slavery, segregation, lynching, and the Klan?

The American Spectator "What in the world has gotten into Fox’s John Roberts?

"Thursday he badgered White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, saying this:

It was my wife, Kyra Phillips, of ABC, who asked him that question yesterday. And she said to him, “Do you denounce white supremacy?” And he — he got a little bit worked up at her about it. And — and said, “I denounced it, I’ve always denounced that.” But I don’t understand why he wouldn’t say, “I denounce white supremacy. I’ve always denounced white supremacy.” For some reason they’re not saying the word. And that’s what’s very puzzling.

"As Rush Limbaugh pointed out on his Thursday show, President Trump has done just that, bold print supplied:

RUSH: TIME magazine accurately reported Trump’s Charlottesville remarks.

This story is from August 14, 2017: “President Trump condemned the violent attack on a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Va., that left one dead and 19 injured Saturday. Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room in the White House Monday afternoon, Trump said plainly that ‘racism is evil’ and that members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazis and white supremacists are ‘repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.’ ”

"As the Annenberg Center for Public Policy pointed out, on yet another occasion, Trump said, bold print for emphasis supplied:

In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America.

"Hello? Right there, John Roberts, is the president of the United States declaring in American English that “white supremacists are ‘repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans’ ” and in “one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.”

"What about these are not a denunciation of white supremacy?

"To be crystal clear, John Roberts is a superb journalist. But since he is asking the question here, I will ask this one. Has John Roberts denounced white supremacy ever? How about all his colleagues in the media? And if they did so today — what about tomorrow? And the day after tomorrow? And if they did so on Thursday but not on Friday does that mean they now support white supremacy?" . . .

Those who kick the heads of prostrate Trump supporters react to President Trump's covid

Welcome to America, Madam First Lady

 Liberal reactions to Trump's hospital trip give the lie to 'Love Trumps Hate' slogan  . . . "For liberals, the oh, so clever play on words against their hated opponent meant they were the good guys and gals, symbolizing love for all humanity bravely opposing someone who personifies hate.  So, naturally, they would emerge victorious, trumping Trump.  Well, they didn't, so for the past four years, the liberals have been spewing hate,  acting hatefully, all in the name against Trump.  Or something.  And nothing, unmasked the naked hatred that permeates liberals when they don't get their way as the outpouring of vitriol they instantly vomited upon learning that the president and his wife, a legal immigrant, tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus.  

"Oh, yes, of course, some liberals kept quiet or even wished the Trumps the best.  Trump's opponent, Joe Biden (D), and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris (D), were fine examples of how decent people should react.

Joe Biden wishes Donald Trump, Melania Trump 'swift recovery' after positive coronavirus test

"But they were outliers; few followed their example." . . .

‘I Hope They Die’: Left-Wingers React To Positive Coronavirus Diagnosis For Trump, Melania  . . . "Despite receiving well wishes and safe recovery from some, other comedians, actors, political candidates, former political staffers, journalists, and other verified Twitter users celebrated and mocked Trump’s diagnosis." . . .

America will recoil in disgust and horror as the Democrats take off the mask and show the rot and decay festering in the party of hatred, bigotry and death.

 These people vote and want to run this country

CLASS: Celebs Pile On the Hate After Trump Transferred to Walter Reed  "And it didn’t take long before the celebs were piling on the hate. Below is a roundup of their vile." . . .

. . . Biden: Critics Question His SOB STORY About First Wife’s Death

If your family is ever in a tragic collision you better hope it is not with the family of your state's most powerful politician.

 The Blacksphere  "While the media plays footsies with Biden on his plagiarism and lies about his grades, they ignore his bigger lies. Like the one about his first wife’s death.

"As this video shows, Biden uses Neilia Biden’s death as a campaign tool.

"In the debate, Biden tried to profit from the death of Biden’s “good” son, Beau Biden. However, President Trump recognized the ruse and cut him off at the knees." . . . 

Sadly, the exchange was unbecoming to Mr. Trump. TD

"47 years in office with nothing to show for it, except fictionalized stories about his family’s “heroism”. That’s Biden’s real record.

"After some thought, I got curious about Biden’s depiction of his first wife’s death. Especially considering he even uses her in a campaign commercial.

"As it turns out, the actual story differs greatly from what Joe Biden relates. Surprised? Not if you have a brain.

"The story dates back to 1972. Joe Biden had just been elected to the U.S. Senate in Delaware when his first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden decided to take the couple’s three children to get a Christmas tree. In the tragic accident, the family’s vehicle was struck by a truck carrying corncobs.

"Biden often claims that the driver of the truck was drunk. However, according to Politico and other sources, the driver of the truck, Curtis C. Dunn of Pennsylvania, was not accused of drunk driving or any wrongdoing in association with the crash." . . .  

Friday, October 2, 2020

IT'S ON: Sandmann's Lawyer to Sue Joe Biden for Calling Kyle Rittenhouse a White Supremacist

 The Next Nick Sandmann? Defamed Covington Kid’s Lawyer Takes Up the Case of Kyle RittenhouseTodd McMurtry, Wood’s colleague, argued that Biden “had defamed Kyle Rittenhouse by suggesting on this video that he is a White Supremacist. The [Left] just will not stop. I am working on the retraction demand now for Mr. Biden and his campaign.”

 PJ Media  "On Wednesday, Lin Wood announced he would sue Democratic nominee Joe Biden for libel after the candidate released an ad suggesting that his client, 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, is a “white supremacist” responsible for violence in Kenosha, Wisc. Wood has represented Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School graduate repeatedly defamed by the legacy media after the March for Life last year. Wood has represented Sandmann in wresting money from CNN and The Washington Post in defamation lawsuits. Wood took on Rittenhouse as a client after the 17-year-old was smeared as a white supremacist following shootings in Kenosha.

“On behalf of Kyle Rittenhouse, I shall sue [Joe Biden] & Biden/Harris Campaign for libel,” Wood tweeted on Wednesday. “Put in your hearing aid, Joe. You will hear footsteps.” . . .

"Earlier on Wednesday, Wood announced that a “formal demand for public retraction is being prepared for Biden/Harris Campaign on behalf of Kyle Rittenhouse. I also hereby demand that [Joe Biden] immediately retract his false accusation that Kyle is a white supremacist & militia member responsible for violence in Kenosha.”

Photographer Went Undercover With Looters Expecting To Find White Supremacists. Instead, He Found Anarchists

 Daily Caller

“The ability to continue to spread and to eventually bring more violence, including a violent insurgency, relies on the ability to hide in plain sight — to be confused with legitimate protests, and for media and the public to minimize the threat,” Paresky said.

"A furloughed photographer who documented protests starting on May 31 expected to find white supremacists behind widespread looting but instead found anarchists, according to a New York Times opinion column.

"Jeremy Lee Quinn started photographing a Black Lives Matter protest in Santa Monica, California, May 31 when someone notified him that people were looting a nearby shoe store, New York Times’ editorial board member Farah Stockman wrote in a Wednesday column. When Quinn arrived, he saw young people running out of the store carrying shoeboxes while a group of black-clad men wearing masks behaved like supervisors as the store was looted.

"Quinn witnessed a black-clad white man break a store window with a crowbar the following day, though he didn’t take anything from the shop, Stockman wrote.

"After reviewing videos of looting across the country, Quinn noticed similar groups of masked black-clad supervisors, so he dressed the same way and attended a protest, Stockman wrote. Quinn thought the supervisors would be tied to white supremacy groups, instead, he found a group of “insurrectionary anarchists.” . . .

From Kenosha To Portland: How Two Young Reporters Covered The Riots Better Than The Corporate Press  . . . "In Kenosha, McGinniss stood just feet away from a man who was shot and killed, tending to his wounds in the immediate aftermath. Talcott was recently arrested in Louisville while covering the riots that broke out after news broke of the grand jury’s decision in the Breonna Taylor case." . . .

Rick Moranis punched in head in random attack

 Fox5ny  "Actor Rick Moranis was the victim of a random attack on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

"That attack happened at about 7:30 a.m. Thursday on Central Park West in the vicinity of West 70th Street just outside of Central Park.

"The attacker sucker-punched the victim, identified by the Associated Press as the 67-year-old "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" star, knocking him to the ground.

"The attacker, wearing an "I (Heart) NY" sweatshirt, walked away.

"The victim suffered from pain to the head, back, and right hip and went to a hospital for evaluation, before reporting the incident to the police.

"The NYPD released a video of the incident.  Anyone with information was asked to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS.

"On Friday afternoon they also released a photo of the suspect entering a subway station."

One has to ask: If Moranis had felt fear when first seeing this guy coming, would he have been racist? TD

The Rich People Who Rent U-Hauls For Riots In Louisville Where Cops Get Shot

  Charles "Sam" Faddis

"Spoiler Alert: Gates Foundation, Twitter’s @Jack Dorsey and a lot more…"

"Yesterday video footage of a U-Haul truck filled with signs and gear for rioters in Louisville attracted significant attention online. In fact, one of the Twitter accounts that reported on this initially had its account temporarily suspended. Several Twitter feeds captured scenes of apparent Black Lives Matter personnel unloading the truck with the assistance of a blond-haired white woman inside the bed of the vehicle. Follow-up investigation showed that the woman in question was almost certainly Holly Zoller who admitted to having rented the vehicle during a recorded phone conversation.

. . . "Zoller is a local Louisville representative for an organization called the Bail Project, which raises money to bail out individuals arrested for criminal offenses." . . .

U-haul Trucks In Louisville Handing Out Supplies For Rioters? Cops Making Arrests Now As Protest Declared Unlawful   . . . "There are reportedly signs – which some refer to as riot “shields” – and other things being handed out. It is unclear what other items were being thrown out from the U-haul truck in the video above. It is being reported widely on social media that the woman who rented the truck is Holly Zoller of The Bail Project, however, that does not appear to have been corroborated by any official source.

Follow the Money – Who’s Paying to Destroy America?  . . . "One of the Tides Foundation’s projects is the Apollo Alliance, formed under the umbrella of something called the BlueGreen Alliance. This initiative promotes a radical clean energy revolution whose tenets bear an uncanny resemblance to Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal.
"The Alliance for Global Justice also receives money from among others:
  • The Open Society Institute/Open Society Foundations created by George Soros.
  • The Arca Foundation. Arcgives money to radical environmentalists, anti-corporate activists, and supporters of the Communist regime in Cuba.
  • The New World Foundation. From 1982 to 1988 this organization was chaired by Hillary Clinton. The Foundation has given money to the Committees in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, a group dedicated to a communist takeover of that nation, Grassroots International, a group with ties to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and Earthjustice, an organization focused on the elimination of the use of fossil fuels.
  • The Foundation for Deep Ecology, an organization that considers human beings to be a plague on the earth. The Foundation embraces the “Deep Ecology Platform,” which emphasizes that there must be a substantial reduction in the size of the world’s human population and that humans must renounce their “current obsession” with achieving “an increasingly higher standard of living.” The Foundation seeks to block industrial activity and “rewild” large portions of North America.
"The Alliance for Global Justice originated in an organization called the Nicaragua Network – a group dedicated to supporting the Marxist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua. It was created by the Nicaragua Network to take charge of actions focused on areas outside of Nicaragua itself. Katherine Hoyt and Chuck Kaufman are founding co-chairs of the Alliance." . . .

The Trump's covid shows the sickness of the left

With Trump's COVID diagnosis, leftists are showing their inner ugliness  "At 1:00 A.M. on Friday, President Trump notified the world that he and Melania have tested positive for the Wuhan virus.  All decent people should hope he recovers quickly because he is a fellow human being and because he is the president of the United States of America.  The left, however, has a massive cohort of indecent people.  Within minutes of Trump's announcement, leftists, many of whom are clearly Biden-supporters, went on the ugliest Twitter rampage I've ever seen." . . .

Classless: An Hour After News Broke of Trump’s COVID Diagnosis, WaPo Publishes: “Imagine What It Will be Like to Never Have to Think about Trump Again”

“I Hope He Dies” – Former Obama Staffer and Hillary Clinton Spokeswoman Tweets Out a Death Wish for President Trump  "Former Barack Obama staffer and Hillary Clinton national spokeswoman Zara Rahim tweeted out “I hope he dies” after news broke that President Trump came down with coronavirus.

Evil: Here Were CNN’s WORST Moments Immediately After Trump’s COVID Diagnosis "Throughout Friday’s early hours, CNNers repeatedly expressed best wishes to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after having tested positive for the coronavirus. But behind those best wishes, CNN not only levied their usual, poisonous rhetoric, but plenty of subliminal levels of apocalyptic brainstorming, gloating, and calls for a return to global lockdowns.

"Perhaps worst of all, it led off CNN analyst and former Obama flack Sam Vinograd claiming the President’s diagnosis could “be the most dangerous moment that the U.S. government has ever faced.” No word on why the Civil War, Cuban Missile Crisis, four presidential assassinations, September 11, 2001, or two World Wars tested America and her government less.

"This author kept up through the night and combed the first 90 minutes of CNN Tonight after the President’s tweet to come up with the most ghoulish moments. Below is both a video providing but a sampling of the hot takes and then a Notable Quotables-style blog." . . .

Sick: Nets Excited By ‘Worst Case Scenario’ After Trump Tests Positive for COVID

NBC’s Today show was the worst offender, spending several segments excited by the idea of Trump becoming  incapacitated and replaced.

Who are the Proud Boys?

Enter the Proud Boys. This group was formed by Vice News Founder and comedian Gavin McInnes, who set it up as a joke. Their name is a reference to a song by the hit Broadway show Aladdin and their initiation ceremony is to name breakfast cereals while getting punched on the arm. Affirmation of the superiority of Western Civilizatiton is at the heart of the group's ideology, as reflected in their flag:

 Grant Baker  "In Tuesday’s presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace tried to corner President Trump: “Are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we saw in Portland?” “Sure.” responded Trump, before noting that all the violence he saw was the fault of ANTIFA and other left-wing groups. Both Wallace and Biden then implied that white supremacists and Proud Boys were responsible for the violence in Kenosha and Portland, which Trump rebutted by referring to ANTIFA. “ANTIFA is an idea, not an organization.” Biden responded." . . . 

. . . "What earns the Proud Boys the ire of the media is their advocacy of Western Civilization and their free speech activism, specifically their confrontations with ANTIFA. While Proud Boys stay away from ANTIFA events, Proud Boy events inevitably draw ANTIFA presence, usually resulting in self-defense violence and landing the group bad press and legal trouble. Why opposing ANTIFA would invite negative press is answered by a study by Dr. Eoin Lenihan, a professional political extremist group researcher. Dr. Lenihan mapped out the social media connections that American journalists have with ANTIFA members and ANTIFA twitter accounts. Some journalists are members of ANTIFA or actively source information from ANTIFA members who know the journalists will write sympathetic articles."

Proud Boys Founder Announces He’s Suing Biden, CNN and ‘Reporters Who Call Multiracial Patriotic Group White Supremacists and Nazis’   . . . "Despite the fact that the current Proud Boys Chairman Enrique Tarrio is Cuban and African American, Biden and his media lackeys have been smearing the group as “white supremacists” since President Donald Trump walloped him in the debate on Tuesday.  

"Tarrio is the Florida state leader of Latinos for Trump.

"McInnes announced his intent to sue while speaking to Newsmax host Chris Salcedo.

. . . "The Proud Boys are made up of patriotic men from all ethnicities and backgrounds, but have long been a boogeyman for the left to point fingers and make outrageous claims about in order to stir up fear and division.