"What the hell is happening to our beloved America? Why is America turning her back on Donald Trump? I simply do not understand what he did wrong that the Democrats could have done better." The American Spectator
http://www.terrellaftermath.com/ |
"This is the media hate machine at work. The power they have over the society, over the voters, over the country, is horrifying. No one elected them. They are not representative of the ordinary American. They are an unaccountable New Class, right out of 20th-century Soviet regimes.
"We get the America we voted for and hard times are coming. We brought them on. The Green New Deal, mandatory racial preferences, failure to keep the streets safe, these are the future, and it is not a pretty picture." (Post title from this article)
President Trump to Hold Town Hall Wednesday with a Pro-Trump Moderator and Not Someone Like Wallace or Guthrie "President Donald Trump will hold a town hall on Wednesday with former FOX News host Eric Bolling.
"This will be President Trump’s first town hall where he will not have to argue with a far left moderator.
"In the past two weeks Trump has held a debate and a town hall with . . . Chris Wallace and angry hack Savannah Guthrie.
"Wallace used his time as moderator to lie to the American people about the violence on US streets every night of week."