Monday, October 19, 2020

Democrats, Bidens, and Big Tech: the new axis against Trump voters

 Hold on to your hat: Hunter's hard drive roll-out this week is going to unleash a whirlwind   "President Trump may want to replace "YMCA" as the closing song for his rallies with Bachman Turner Overdrive's "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet."

"Joe Biden has gone into hiding for the next four days ("to prepare for the debate") as the social media censorship of information on Hunter Biden's hard drive fails to force it down the memory hole.  So massive is the cache of information on corruption that daily updates in digestible bites that build toward public rejection of putting Joe Biden in the Oval Office is the strategy that makes most sense.

"We can safely speculate that that's exactly how it will play out now that we know that Steve Bannon was given a copy of the hard drive and is orchestrating the roll-out in collaboration with Rudy Giuliani.  Bannon himself confirmed this in an interview with Revolver:  . . .

Things may soon get a lot worse for Hunter and Joe Biden  . . . "The recently released emails reveal a man with horrifically low self-esteem.  They also indicate that his father pimped Hunter to foreign governments to act as a bagman for bribes.  However, it's possible to be both pathetic and evil.  In this case, the evil may exist, not just because Hunter sold out his country, but also because there are increasingly credible rumors that Hunter's hard drive holds child pornography.

"The first reference to child pornography on Hunter's hard drive came from Chanel Rion of OAN.  A day after the New York Post story broke, she tweeted that, having seen some of the contents on Hunter's hard drive, there were disturbing indications that he is obsessed with underage girls: .  . ."

"We've learned from the Jeffrey Epstein affair that the very rich and powerful don't feel that ordinary morality applies to them.  That's why this coming week should be interesting.  It may prove that all the rumors are wrong.  Alternatively, it could reveal that the man who was our former vice president and who is now the current Democrat presidential candidate has been engaged in dirty dealing, using as a go-between a son who lives in a world of unbelievable depravity." . . .

The latest news should end the tech and media blackout of the Hunter Biden story

. . . Lastly, the FBI has been sitting on the hard drive since last December.  Sen. Ron Johnson sent a letter to FBI director Christopher Wray demanding that the FBI act on its responsibility either to verify the laptop or confirm it's a fake.  Johnson told Maria Bartiromo that the FBI has an affirmative duty to give that information to Congress.

"The computer is real.  It's contents are real.  And when even more serious allegations drop in the coming week (and we know they will), the tech tyrants and the mainstream media will have no excuse to hide them from Americans.

Here’s How You Know the Hunter Biden Emails Are Real

Larwyn’s Linx: Behind the social-media blackout of Biden family corruption 

. . .  Giuliani Outlines Unreleased Evidence Against Joe, Hunter Biden's Payments from Foreign GovernmentsCTH

Fox News Confirms Biden/China Payoff – Rudy Giuliani Talks to Lou DobbsCTH

Orwell Rears His HeadErick Erickson

Censoring the Biden story: How social media becomes state media   . . . "If thousands of emails and images were fabricated, then serious crimes were committed. But if the emails and images are genuine, then the Bidens appear to have lied for years as a raw influence-peddling scheme worth millions stretched from China to Ukraine to Russia. Moreover, these countries likely have had the compromising information all along while the Bidens — and the media — were denying reports of illicit activities.

"Either way, this was major news.

"The response of Twitter and Facebook, however, was to shut it all down. Major media companies also imposed a virtual blackout on the allegations. It didn’t matter that thousands of emails were available for review or that the Bidens did not directly address the material. It was all declared to be fake news.

"The tech companies’ actions are an outrageous example of open censorship and bias. " . . .

Big Tech's drawbridge

Turning on President Trump; Our Soviet-style media hate machine has done its part.

"What the hell is happening to our beloved America? Why is America turning her back on Donald Trump? I simply do not understand what he did wrong that the Democrats could have done better." The American Spectator

What’s Wrong With America, Turning Its Back on President Trump?  .  .  . "Why isn’t this being treated as a miracle of economic policy? Where is the record of the Democrats proposing anything better than what Mr. Trump and the free enterprise society have done? Where are the speeches of Mr. Biden and Mrs. Harris suggesting any better way of fighting covid or the effects of covid?    

"This is the media hate machine at work. The power they have over the society, over the voters, over the country, is horrifying. No one elected them. They are not representative of the ordinary American. They are an unaccountable New Class, right out of 20th-century Soviet regimes.

"We get the America we voted for and hard times are coming. We brought them on. The Green New Deal, mandatory racial preferences, failure to keep the streets safe, these are the future, and it is not a pretty picture."  (Post title from this article)

 Critics pan NBC town hall, Savannah Guthrie for 'debating' Trump, ABC for giving 'softballs' to Biden

President Trump to Hold Town Hall Wednesday with a Pro-Trump Moderator and Not Someone Like Wallace or Guthrie   "President Donald Trump will hold a town hall on Wednesday with former FOX News host Eric Bolling.

"This will be President Trump’s first town hall where he will not have to argue with a far left moderator.

"In the past two weeks Trump has held a debate and a town hall with . . . Chris Wallace and angry hack Savannah Guthrie.

"Wallace used his time as moderator to lie to the American people about the violence on US streets every night of week."

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Twitter refuses to unlock New York Post account unless Hunter Biden posts deleted

 Fox Business  "Twitter has refused to unlock the New York Post's account since Wednesday unless the outlet deletes six tweets about its reporting on 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, the Post reported.

"Both the San Francisco-based social media platform and Facebook came under fire this week after the two blocked users from sharing a Post article showing purported communication between 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and an adviser to a Ukrainian energy company.

"The younger Biden's work in the country while his father was vice president was at the heart of President Trump's impeachment trial earlier this year. House Democrats accused Trump of improperly attempting to condition U.S. aid on an investigation into Biden, then a contender in the party's presidential primaries, by the Ukrainian government." 

"The company previously said the Post's Hunter Biden stories violate the website's Hacked Media Policy against displaying "hacked" information -- an allegation that the Post called "baseless.". . .

Twitter Locks Account of Republican Senate Candidate Lauren Witzke – Again

Kirstie Alley sets Twitter alight and immediately comes under attack from liberal celebrities for declaring: 'I'm voting for Trump because he's NOT a politician' . . . "
The Cheers actress, 69, shared her views on the presidential race, tweeting: 'I voted for him 4 years ago for this reason and shall vote for him again for this reason. 

" 'He gets things done quickly and he will turn the economy around quickly. There you have it folks there you have it'. " . . .

Disgusting: Sen. Blumenthal Throws Tantrum After Amy Coney Barrett Hearing, Calls For Protests "In The Streets"

 Ryan Ledendecker  "While it’s not surprising that Senate Democrats are still upset over the fact that they actually had to do their elected, Constitutional job and trudge through several days of SCOTUS confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett, it is at least a tad bit shocking that Sen. Richard Blumenthal is calling for protests in the streets over it.

"According to Twitchy, a Twitter post from Fox News reporter quotes Sen. Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, as essentially saying since Democrat in the Senate can’t really do anything to stop Barrett’s inevitable nomination, it’s up to the American people to take over the fight.

"Part of that fight, as Blumenthal’s call-to-action suggests, is protests — maybe even violence — in the streets.

How the Left Plans to SMEAR Amy Coney Barrett | Wilkow

" 'Dem CT Sen Blumenthal on Barrett: Our main and last best hope is for the American people to tell my against this nominee and delay it until after the election. Those p rotests have to occur outside Washington, or even in the streets,” Pergram tweeted." . . .

"What’s even more reprehensible about Blumenthal’s call to protest “even in the streets” is the fact that for nearly the entire summer and beyond, liberal protesters have, in fact, occupied the streets of American cities and many of them — especially in cities like Portland — are literally awaiting marching orders.

"They’re waiting for any excuse to continue their “protests,” which usually morph into fire-starting and the theft of big screen televisions, only later to be hailed by the liberal mainstream media as heroes.

"Though Blumenthal is probably not the radical leftist general from which angry liberals were hoping to receive orders, should protests break out in the process of Barrett’s confirmation and result in even more destruction to small businesses, Blumenthal should be held accountable for their actions." . . .

Tiger Droppimgs

Blumenthal did lead voters in Connecticut to believe he was a Vietnam veteran when, in fact, he was never deployed to Vietnam.  "He obtained at least five deferments and later served in the Marine Reserve in the Washington area, according to a New York Times article in 2010.   There's no evidence Blumenthal boasted of near-death experiences, or claimed to be a war hero; he did make false claims about returning back from war or serving in Vietnam." . . .

Going Sour on Joe Biden

 Nick Chase  "For years I have viewed Joe Biden as a typical "swamp creature," a cipher as both a U.S. senator and as vice president, usually wrong, undistinguished except for the political mean streak he showed in the Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas Supreme Court justice hearings. Certainly he wasn't somebody I'd vote for to become U.S. president.

"But I also had some sympathy for him because he had some really rough things happen to him in his life." . . .

. . . "And Joe has poisoned his entire extended family. Which among them (except grandchildren too young to understand) did not realize that Joe was profiting (by bribes) from his V-P office? And in his presidential campaign, which of Joe's senior campaign officials did not know about Joe's corruption? None, I would surmise.

"Joe now has zero moral authority to lecture anybody about decency - not his family, not his friends, not the public, certainly not President Trump.

"Until recently the Democrats (aided by the media) were perpetrating a fraud, offering up for president a weak candidate with advancing dementia, who would be unlikely to last a single term in office. Now they a perpetrating a double fraud: A candidate exhibiting signs of dementia who is himself a fraud.

"We have a two-tier system of justice in this country... the federal government is too weak-willed and corrupted at top levels to see that any of these malefactors will be imprisoned for crimes which, if you or I committed them, would put us in the pokey for life." . . .

Turned off and tuned out: Hollywood and pro sports viewerships plummet

We’re not asking you to be conservative, just keep politics out of it.  If we want politics, we’ll tune to Fox News or MSNBC.  But if we go to a movie, or if we turn on a playoff game, we want to focus on sports, not politics, and certainly not your leftist worldview. 

TRUMP PUTS FOCUS ON EMPTY SEATS AT NFL STADIUMS  . . . On Thursday, the San Francisco 49ers officially claimed an attendance of 70,000 for their game with the Chargers, despite TV viewers clearly being able to see that the stadium was largely empty.

"Some of the best seats in the lower bowl at Levi’s Stadium were left untaken, while tickets were available on secondary markets for as little as $14.

"The New York Post has also reported dismal ticket sales at the New York Jets, whose poor results have not helped in attracting crowds.

"The newspaper reports that corner endzone seats for the game against the Miami Dolphins, with a face value of $173, were going for 55 per cent less at $78, according to SeatGeek. Tickets at the 50-yard-line valued at $75 have dipped 24 per cent to $42." . . .

P.F. Whelan   "Americans are fed up with millionaire actors and athletes preaching to us about how bad our country is, and evidence for that disgust is everywhere we look. 

"We see bumper stickers slamming Hollywood, Facebook posts ripping the NFL and NBA, and most significantly we’re seeing epic declines in viewership across the board.  Unfortunately, that backlash appears to be largely falling on deaf ears.

"In 2016, the NFL made a conscious decision to condone the politically charged antics of a handful of their employees/players, and their ratings took a hit.  Earlier this year, however, they decided to double down by actively participating in, and indeed ratcheting up, those efforts. We’ve seen similar approaches by MLB and the NBA, to the point that we can barely watch any of our team sports without being bombarded by politically tinged virtue signaling.  And while Hollywood has been dominated by leftists for decades, they have taken that domination to new levels recently.  There are few things more American than going to the movies or watching a ballgame, but unfortunately we can now add both to the growing list of traditions that the Left is succeeding in trying to destroy.

"The entertainment corporation Cineworld recently announced that they would be shutting down all of their Regal Cinema movie theaters indefinitely.  The move barely received a shrug from the Left, as they dismissed the news as just another casualty of COVID-19.  But while the pandemic has clearly played a large role in the company’s current woes, attendance at movie theaters has been declining for several years now.  Hollywood’s revenue last year was down almost 10% from 2018. And while we can certainly point to other causal factors such as online streaming, there is a clear and growing revulsion for Hollywood, too, and we need not look any further than the Oscars for evidence.

"In early February, still weeks before the pandemic took hold; the Oscars telecast earned the lowest ratings in their history, only a few weeks after similarly poor ratings for the Golden Globes. " . . .

Beyonce's half-time Super Bowl show was a middle finger to police and all who support them, fitting nicely with the "Jim Crow" accusations made by Robert Francis (Beto) O'Rourke.

Looking on the bright side: 15 reasons the polls may be wrong

 Andrea Widburg  "When people ask me to predict whether Trump or Biden will win the election, I like to say that I don’t predict elections; I just worry about them. However, as a worrier, I’m always on the lookout for signs that will ease my worries. With the election only 17 days away, there are a surprising number of signs that Biden’s allegedly spectacular polling lead is illusory.

"Before beginning this post about identifying positive trends, it’s important to remember that the polls – both state-by-state and national – are still showing Biden in the lead. Here’s a screengrab from Real Clear Polls with that information:"

. . . Statistics at the post link.

"That’s the bad news. Here is the more cheering information:

1. The Biden campaign, which used the Wuhan virus as an excuse not to have any ground game, is suddenly sending volunteers to do door-to-door canvassing in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Michigan, Nevada. You don’t do that if you’re confident you’ll win.

2. Obama is hitting the campaign trail for Biden. That’s a sure sign of insecurity.

3. Biden’s campaign manager admitted that the pro-Biden polls are inflated.

4. Since the revelations about Hunter Biden hit the news, an IBD/TIPP poll shows that Biden's support dropped by slightly over two percentage points, while Trump’s support rose by almost .6 percent.

5. There’s an interesting trend in voting by mail (“VBM”), a concept that Democrats were confident would benefit them. Unexpected numbers of Republicans are using VBM. The initial VBM numbers hugely favored Democrats and undoubtedly will continue to favor them. However, the number of Democrat VBM numbers is stagnant, while the number of Republican VBMs continues to rise.

6. Larry O’Connor has an interesting theory about why the polls are completely wrong, even though they’re now tapping the more reliable “likely voter” metric (as opposed to the “registered voter” metric). You should read his article, but here’s the gist:: . . .

A “likely voter” is one who’s an experienced voter. That is, he knows where votes are cast, has voted before, and votes often.” In this election, though, Trump’s support comes from unlikely voters, whom the polls ignore.

Ronna McDaniel’s data shows that up to 36% of people who make the effort to attend a Trump rally did not vote in 2016, and that substantial percentages have never voted:

. . .  

If all this fails, Biden can always go home and live his Bidenlife: 

Even More Proof of the Final Debate Moderator's Anti-Trump Nature Have Surfaced


"The final presidential debate is scheduled for Thursday night with moderator Kristen Welker, from NBC News. Welker's objectivity has been called into question, particularly after she deleted her Twitter account which included anti-Trump tweets.

"According to a new report from the New York Post, Welker is a long-time Democrat with heavy ties to both the Democratic National Committee and various big wigs in the party, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

"From the Post:Her mother, Julie Welker, a prominent real estate broker in Philadelphia, and father, Harvey Welker, a consulting engineer, have donated tens of thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and close to $20,000 to Barack Obama alone.

There was also $3,300 for Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign and $2,100 for Hillary Clinton’s doomed 2016 presidential effort against Trump. Another $7,300 was contributed to the Democratic National Committee between 2004 and 2020.

"Not only did the Welkers donate to various Democrats but they also celebrated Christmas at the White House with President Barack Obama. " . . .

Saturday, October 17, 2020

The nodding lady of Trump's lane

Media, Democrats Melt Down Over ‘Nodding Woman’ From NBC’s Trump Town Hall

"If you watched NBC’s town hall event featuring President Trump on Thursday night, you probably noticed a woman in the background who at certain points nodded in approval at the answers Trump gave to the questions that were asked, including the ones from combative town hall moderator/Biden stand-in Savannah Guthrie.

"For those who missed it, here is the “nodding woman” at one point giving a nod and a thumbs up to an answer Trump gave on the economy:   Video . . . 

NBC repositioned ‘nodding lady’ Mayra Joli behind President during town hall without realizing she supports him  "It's clear NBC was ambushing President Trump with their "town hall" that was a live grilling by an activist journalist. But did they calculate poorly based upon a stereotype.". . . "But she wasn’t originally positioned there. Before the town hall began, a Caucasian lady was originally positioned there. NBC found Mayra Joli and put her in that prominent spot instead. Now, it would not be a stretch based on their clear bias against the President that they wanted to put someone in the spot very visible to the camera who would be against him. But they didn’t ask Joli, moving her solely based on her appearance. Joli is Black." . . .

Woman ‘nodding vigorously’ behind Trump infuriates and captivates town hall viewers, then she responds   "President Donald Trump naturally sparked praise and outrage during his NBC town hall but he also seemed to have some competition for attention during the night.

"While Trump crushed the event Thursday with NBC moderator Savannah Guthrie, deftly taking apart her liberal talking points, it was a woman sitting behind him in the audience of Florida voters who suddenly captured the adoration – and wrath – of viewers.. . .  Trump fielded one after another confrontational question as he fact-checked Guthrie and shut her down after she tried to accuse him of not condemning white supremacy. From topics ranging from the economy, the coronavirus pandemic, immigration and his Democrat critics, the president delivered his answers in the televised event which was held at the same time as an ABC town hall with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in Philadelphia.

"The woman to the right of the NBC screen during Trump’s responses, wearing a light top and red mask, gave her vigorous head-nodding approval to many of the president’s responses, setting off a liberal meltdown." . . .

Trump: We’re Not Just Running Against Biden, We’re Running Against The Corrupt Media  . . . "Trump held multiple campaign events on Friday and really took the fight to Joe Biden and the media. At one point, he brought up the Biden Ukraine scandal and knocked the media for ignoring it. He also slammed big tech for censoring the story."


"It’s official: Facebook and Twitter have joined Joe Biden’s presidential campaign."

ABC silent after Biden town hall attendees identified as ex-Obama speechwriter, wife of prominent Democrat  "ABC is keeping silent amid growing criticism of its town hall with Joe Biden after two of the attendees who asked the Democratic nominee questions were identified as an Obama speechwriter and the wife of a prominent Pennsylvania Democrat. 
"One of the questioners was Nathan Osburn, who worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration. " . . .

Donald Trump: We’re Running Against the Media and ‘Big Bad Tech’  . . . "The president spoke about new reporting from the New York Post about former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter pursuing lucrative foreign deals while his father was in office.
“ 'All of this is being covered up by the media and ‘Big Tech,’ Trump said.
"Twitter notably censored the stories published by the New York Post from their platform and Facebook took actions to reduce the spread of the information.
"“They talk about freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. There’s no freedom of the press,” Trump said.
"Trump added that for years he had heard complaints about the power of Big Tech, but he almost dismissed them because he was able to win the presidency in 2016 despite their opposition to his campaign." . . .

The Topics for the Final Presidential Debate Have Been Announced

WJ   "The topics for next week’s final presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have been released.

"Trump and Biden, as of now, are expected to meet Thursday at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

"The currently embattled Commission on Presidential Debates announced Friday that the candidates will discuss leadership, the coronavirus pandemic, issues of race, families, national security and climate change."  . . . 

"Kristen Welker of NBC News, the moderator of the 90-minute debate, selected the topics.

"The debate commission called off the second debate after the supposedly nonpartisan body unilaterally decided to make the forum virtual.

"Trump declined such a forum, saying, “That’s not what debating is all about. You sit behind a computer and do a debate. It’s ridiculous. And then they cut you off whenever they want.”

"The debate was ultimately canceled after the moderator, C-SPAN host Steve Scully, posted a tweet last week publicly seeking the advice of Trump opponent Anthony Scaramucci." . . .

'Nodding woman' who went viral at Trump's town hall joins 'Hannity' exclusively

WATCH: NBC's Grotesque Town Hall Double Standard  "NBC has now hosted a town hall event for both presidential candidates, and to nobody’s surprise, yesterday Savannah Guthrie was several orders of magnitude harder on Trump than Lester Holt 
as on Biden last week.
"Guthrie was combative right out of the gate, almost immediately chastising the President for attending an event with gold star families: “Shouldn’t you know better?” "She spent much of the evening interrupting her guest, often to argue against a point assertion he’d just made.
"By contrast, softball players would be justifiably offended if one were to mention their sport in describing Holt’s questions for Biden. In fact, the majority of his prompts could be seen as setups for the Democratic nominee to go after his opponent. For example: “A recent poll said 65 percent of Americans think the President bears some responsibility for contracting this virus. Do you agree?”
"To see a back-and-forth comparison between NBC's treatment of Trump and Biden, watch the video below:"