Friday, October 30, 2020

Do Americans Love their Country More than They Hate Trump?

Related: Squeamishness Shouldn't Stop Americans from Voting to Save Their Country  . . . "And why do I believe that anyone who supports Trump's agenda for America are making a critical error when they abstain from voting for the man simply because they're turned off by his crudeness?"

Lauri B. Regan  "Many NeverTrumps assert that they're voting against Trump, not for Biden. But the reality is that a vote against Trump is a vote for Biden/Harris and their progressive policies.  Biden promised that if he is elected, "I'm gonna be good to go down as one of the most progressive presidents in American history."  Bernie Sanders asserted, "Joe Biden will become the most progressive president since [FDR]."

"Kamala Harris, who stands a good chance of replacing Biden, has the most progressive record in the Senate, farther left than even Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who will likely serve significant roles in a Biden/Harris administration, critically influencing policy.  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other admitted socialists are advising the campaign and will be a powerful influence in a Biden/Harris administration.

"Based on the premise that America is systemically racist, Phil Gramm, former Senate Banking Committee chairman, noted that Biden proposes "a massive transformation of American life, using a reparations commission, wealth transfers, subsidies, employment and promotion preferences, quotas, and even a new mandate to the Federal Reserve[.]"

"The Biden-Sanders "manifesto," which the WSJ labeled "the most radical policy document of either major party in our lifetimes," co-written by AOC promoting her socialist dreams, is a must-read.  The multi-trillion-dollar Green New Deal; $1.4 billion in slavery reparations; open borders; taxpayer-funded college, health care, and housing for illegal aliens; Medicare for All (Squad member Jayapal co-chaired Biden's health care task force); ending Israeli military aid; court-packing; expansive regulations overseeing every aspect of our lives including regulating the destruction of suburbs; federally funded abortion on demand; expanding unions by repealing right-to-work laws; defunding the police; restricting gun ownership; ending fossil fuels and rejoining the Paris Accords; skyrocketing taxes; and empowering Iran and China — these are but a few of the Democrats' plans." . . . Much more here... 

From Russia Today in 2018: Secret Service on alert after actor calls for Trump’s son to be put ‘in a cage with pedophiles’  Jack Posobiec VOTE:

Hollywood Democrat Peter Fonda goes on deranged meltdown, calls for rape of 12 year old Barron Trump, attacks on children of ICE agents
Flashback – Kathy Griffin: ‘Happy to Deliver Beat Down’ to Barron Trump
TMZ reported this week that Barron Trump panicked after he saw the image on television, because he did not know who Griffin was or the context in which the photograph was taken.

Clueless Joe thinks If you can run a lawnmower you can learn to code!

 Yes, Joe Biden just literally told coal miners they should learn to code. You can’t make this stuff up.  Bonchie

Photosnark by Rich Terrell

Joe Biden to Miners: Learn to Code  . . . To say that his handlers must have been gnashing their teeth is an understatement." . . .
. . . "Oddly enough, the phrase “learn to code” had previously been banned from social media because people were using it to make fun of “journalists” who were losing their jobs due to their product being mostly garbage. Given that, it’s a little funny to see all these major media outlets posting stories about Biden’s comment without a hint of irony.

"I wonder if Twitter will be banning the VP for saying such a hateful conglomeration of words?"

Does Joe Biden have any idea about what it is to learn to code?  . . . "The Examiner and the Detroit Metro Times earlier focused on the improbable — and patronizing — spectacle of Old Joe going into 'the Hood' and somehow getting hold of black female gear-turners laid off from the auto industry to enroll in the program, a variant on the 'learn to code' trope for 

displaced workers.

"And if you look at the Wayne County School of Continuing Education's website, it's likely that that the program he was talking about was this." . . .

Joe Biden Suggests Coal Miners Should Learn To Code  . . . “ 'Anybody who can go down 3,000 feet in a mine can sure as hell learn to program as well,” Biden said at a New Hampshire event Monday. He added later: “Anybody who can throw coal into a furnace can learn how to program, for God’s sake!”

"Biden’s adversarial posture toward the coal industry bears similarities to that of 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who said her administration would “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.' ” . . .


Thursday, October 29, 2020

CNN Plays the Fool After Laughable 'Anonymous' Reveal

 RedState  "Yesterday, the infamous ‘Anonymous’ op-ed writer revealed himself to be a low-level DHS toady named Miles Taylor. The most common response to the news was to ask “who?” This came after years of speculation that it was actually someone as high in the Trump administration as Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, or Jared Kushner.

"In other words, the media were played for fools. And while The New York Times bears the brunt of that for knowing who Miles Taylor was and still publishing his op-ed under the guise of him being a “senior level” official, perhaps no one looks more foolish than CNN.

"This is a network which went wild with speculation when the op-ed was first written. In typical fashion, they spun crazy conspiracy theories to justify the anti-Trump hit as being exceptionally important, which leads us to the world “lodestar.” The use of that term had CNN convinced that the op-ed had been written by VP Mike Pence." . . .

Infamous 'Anonymous' Op-Ed Writer and Trump Official Has Been Revealed, and It's Hilarious "Some years ago, a supposed “high-level” Trump administration official penned a scathing op-ed in the pages of The New York Times. That set off a wave of speculation. Was it Nikki Haley? Was it Jared or Ivanka Trump? There was even talk it could be Mike Pence.

"Well, the identity of that person has finally been revealed and it’s absolutely hilarious. The media have egg all over their face after this revelation."

"You probably had the same reaction I did. Who is this guy? And how does this qualify as a “senior level” Trump administration official? Further, given his meager rank at DHS, how exactly was he even in a position to influence policy the way he asserted he could in his original op-ed? Remember, this guy painted himself as literally steering Trump away from tyranny.

"This was an absolute grift, nothing more, and the media fell for it hook, line, and sinker."

. . . "Brian Stelter was quick to attempt damage control, claiming that CNN was not aware of this when they hired him. Will they now fire him for lying on air? A network with some integrity would, right?" . . .

. . .  "Color me incredibly skeptical. This nobody had no other reason to be hired by CNN if they didn’t know who he really was. I’d guess he revealed it to the high-ups in order to get the job but that the anchors themselves weren’t told.

"And just in case this wasn’t all funny enough, the left are already turning on Taylor because he was at DHS during the period when “child separation” was going on."

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Tucker Carlson's interview with Tony Bobulinski, must-see TV, reveals the terrible character of the left

It speaks volumes about Washington, D.C. and the Democrat party that Joe spent 47 years in the swamp and rose to the second highest office in the land.  What we've learned now, though, irrefutably and without any Russian hokum, is that Joe Biden is also a profoundly corrupt man who willingly sold out America and her allies to enrich himself and his sleazy, incompetent family.

Andrea Widburg   . . . "Tucker opened by making the point that he was dedicating his show to the Bobulinski interview because the rest of the American media are assiduously ignoring the story, downplaying it, or claiming it's a Russian smear.  The leader of the Russian smear approach is, naturally, Rep. Adam Schiff, a man who has all the hallmarks of a conscienceless psychopath.  Ironically, it was Schiff's smear about Hunter Biden's hard drive that led Bobulinski, a Democrat, to go public with his story." . . .

. . . "At this point, Schiff, the media, and Joe Biden, none of whom ever denied the legitimacy of the email, claimed that the whole thing was a Russian smear.  This unfounded accusation got Bobulinski's dander up.  As a naval officer from a military family and a true patriot, being smeared as a Russian agent was beyond the pale.

"Bobulinski demanded that Schiff retract the insult, and when Schiff failed to do so, he went public and did a full document dump.  Bobulinski had saved everything — every document, every email, and every text."

Such a shameful thing when decent, honest Americans like Mr. Bobulinski and Brett Kavanaugh fall into the hands of such evil and corrupt people. How the American left breeds such character I cannot say. The Tunnel Dweller

More of the same here: Bracing for massive vote fraud and mob violence as the counting hits the courts  . . . "It's been a hard year.  It may well be about to get a lot harder for American conservatives and patriots.  We may be on the brink of having to endure another two-month election night, as in 2000 — but this time endure it in a country whose Democrats can and will deploy their large and well organized violent street thug wing to aid an army of lawyers.  It's a classic revolutionary coalition straight out of the history books: intellectuals backed by the mob.  If it unfolds thus, Trump's prevailing will require a much steelier will, by him and his supporters, than in 2000. " . .  .

With truck bombs coming into the picture, maybe this group should draw more attention from law enforcement. The mystery is why it's not happening.

Angry Democrats Deliver a Big Temper Tantrum During Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett on Senate Floor

Sarah Patterson

Nobody got angry when Obama said the same thing

Silvio Canto, Jr. "It's getting hard to be a teacher in our public school system, especially when you repeat what Obama once said.  Take a look at this story from Minnesota:

Charles Glotta, a basketball, tennis and track coach in Fort Zumwalt's school district, tweeted on October 3, in response to another tweet, "Never should have allowed gay marriage to start with. Marriage is between man and woman, plain and simple," according to a screenshot of the since-deleted tweet.

Glotta was responding to a tweet from actor Jeremy Leroux criticizing the Republican Party for its position on gay marriage [sic].

"As I understand, the teacher responded with an apology.  Apologize for what?  Wonder how many people were actually insulted by what he wrote?

"First of all,  Glotta is entitled to an opinion about marriage.  We do have a First Amendment that allows us to opine on issues.  Have teachers now been written out of the Constitution?  Does that mean that teachers cannot support Black Lives Matter, either?

"Most important of all, we are watching precisely what I feared back when the opinion was issued.  Justice Anthony Kennedy's opinion denied state legislatures the opportunity to pass such laws.  It also made same-sex "marriage" a right, thus giving people like Team USA forward Sidney Leroux the high ground to push their agenda.

"Going forward, we will see more and more parents "homeschool" or do whatever it takes to put their kids in private schools.  I heard the other day that our Catholic bishop in North Texas said that every desk is full for this term.  He added that more desks will be available next year as parents with kids in public schools call to ask about enrollment options.

"So let the teacher speak his mind."

Hillary's back...and planning the Dems' revenge

  Thomas Lifson  "Almost four years of stewing in bitter anger has not softened the edges on Hillary Clinton.  Retreating to long walks in the woods and the comforts of Chardonnay has done nothing to mellow her out.  On the contrary, with her plastic surgery falling apart, her cackle as robust as ever (a model for Kamala Harris), and her voice still able to strip paint, newly available video of her interview yesterday on Sirius/XM is the perfect warm-up for Halloween this weekend."

"If you dare, 4-plus minutes of video is [linked] below, in which she plans on "moving quickly" following the election victory she anticipates, on "the courts" and " everything, election reform, climate change, COVID relief, expanding health care, everything that we care about."

"Amusingly, she manages to forget that Joe Biden is the Dems' candidate:

But, you know, I've told the Obama campaign, I mean, the Obama — I've told the Biden campaign and the Biden transition, that they're going to have to move really fast because let's assume we take back the Senate.

Hillary speaks

July 9, 2020: James Woods Just Watched Hillary’s Latest Video: “New Teeth, Another Facelift, Vodka Afternoon Glow… She’s Running!”  . . . "Actor and conservative powerhouse James Woods  watched Hillary’s latest video and he’s got a theory…"He believes she’s running again."

Hillary Clinton Face Lift Surgery Before And After Photos  The photos are all relative. Underneath it all, she is still Hillary Clinton.

Vietnamese Baptist Church Burned in Philadelphia During Black Lives Matter Riots

File photo

 Breitbart  "The Vietnamese Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania was a “total loss” after being burned during Black Lives Matter protests and riots on Tuesday night, according to news reports and video footage released Wednesday." . . .

Vietnamese Baptist Church burns amid Philadelphia unrest

"PHILADELPHIA (BP) – The building of Vietnam Baptist Church in Philadelphia was burned Tuesday night (Oct. 27) during the second night of unrest in the city after the police shooting of a Black man Monday (Oct. 26).

"Pastor Philip Pham received a call Tuesday night from a church member whose friend had seen the flames and seven fire trucks surrounding the church.

“I have no idea why they attacked our church,” Pham said. “They burned it from the roof. They threw flammable chemicals on the roof and [flames] burned through the roof” and down through the rest of the building. He said the facility is a “total loss.”

Of primary concern to Pham were three hard drives. Since before purchasing the building in 2005, Vietnam Baptist Church has served as something of a community center each weekday, providing help with immigration paperwork, taxes and even marriage counseling.

“ 'I prayed right away: ‘God, please protect the hard drives,'” Pham recalled. “Other stuff can be recovered. But those files will never be recovered.”More than 15 years’ worth of information about hundreds of clients is on hard drives kept at the church. Pham said when he got the call about the fire, he immediately began praying that the hard drives would be spared.
When firefighters finally let him in after the blaze was extinguished, Pham said he was amazed.

“ 'I saw the routers and modems and things surrounding the hard drives all burned, melted,” he said. “But that piece of hard drive, no harm. No harm at all. Just two feet above that, all melted. … That is amazing how God knows our needs and answers our prayers. He is an almighty God. He granted our prayer.” . . .

Girl Scouts deletes social media congratulations to Amy Coney Barrett on Supreme Court seat after angry backlash

Do you not fear for this nation yet?


"And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

"The Girl Scouts on Wednesday night deleted social media posts congratulating conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett for her controversial appointment to the Supreme Court hours after the posts sparked a wave of angry comments — and some praise.

“Shame on Girl Scouts for promoting this. She represents the exact opposite of what we instill in our girls!” one woman wrote in reply to Girl Scouts’ Facebook post.

" 'The backlash began right after the Girls Scouts Twitter and Facebook feeds featured an image showing photos of Barrett and the only four other women who have served as justices on the high court. Those women included Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal whose death last month opened the door for President Donald Trump to nominate Barrett for her seat.

“ 'Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court since its inception in 1789,” the post said, ending with an emoji of hands raised up.

"The post was replicated on the group’s Facebook page, followed by a note saying, “Girl Scouts of the USA is a nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization.”

“ 'We are neither red nor blue, but Girl Scout GREEN. We are here to lift up girls and women.' ” . . .  Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Hangtown, CA

But I love to do it for the kids! Never Buy Girl Scout Cookies Again

. . . "Reader NinaBR comments:

I agree that you shouldn’t buy their cookies. As a former Girl Scout leader, I was shocked at how little of the money the girls make actually goes to the local troop. Most of it goes straight to the GSUSA national office. When one of those cute kids asks if you want to buy cookies in January, give them a cash donation to their troop instead. Yes, GSUSA national office is caving to wokeness, but they do not represent many of the leaders, parents, volunteers, and girls who are in their program–and it is still a good program, on the local level. MANY Girl Scout families are not happy with the direction the GSUSA has taken in the past 10 or so years. When I was a leader, I was part of several FB groups of others leaders who are at wits’ end with all of this.

Cookies are a fun part of Girl Scouts, but believe me, they’ll be just as happy when you hand them a crisp $20 bill that their troop can keep for themselves. . . .

More on this here: NewsweekDaily Caller

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Trump campaign unveils five-minute video compilation showing '38 times he has condemned racism and white supremacy'

UK Daily Mail  "The Trump campaign has released a video of the 38 times it says the President has denounced white supremacy.

"Donald Trump's disavowals date back to 2000 and include statements made during his 2016 campaign, as well as in the recent debates against Joe Biden.

"But in the first presidential debate, Trump last month provoked fury for a fumbled condemnation of Proud Boys – an alleged white supremacist group – who he told to 'stand back and stand by.' "

"Biden claims the reason he decided to run against Trump was because of his infamous line that there were 'very fine people' on both sides after a white supremacist killed a woman in Charlottesville in 2017 during violence between right-wingers and counter protesters." 

Much more here...

Election do-overs


After Watching Biden's GA Rally, You'll Get Why 'Can I Change My Vote' Was Trending on Google   . . . "During his speech, Biden told supporters, “A season of protest has broken out all across the nation. Some of it is just senseless burning and looting and violence that can’t be tolerated, and won’t. But much of it is a cry for justice from a community that’s long had a knee of injustice on their neck.”

"Kind of like how the Chinese would have their knee on the neck of the very compromised Joe Biden?"

Mary Beth Brown: Will Christians Regret Voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris?  "Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is running television and radio ads touting his faith, trying to convince Christian voters of his devout faith to solicit their votes, but the facts tell a different story." . . .

Parents Of Man Killed By Illegal Immigrant Kicked Out Of Kamala Harris’ Office

RedState  "Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has been an outspoken supporter of DREAMers enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. But it appears that she lacks the same level of sympathy for the parents of Americans killed by immigrants who illegally enter the country. 

"Breitbart News reported that two Angel Parents — people who have lost children to illegal immigrants — attempted to visit Harris’ office on January 15, 2019, but were summarily rebuffed by members of her staff. Sabine Durden and Don Rosenberg told the news outlet that the senator ignored them when they stopped by her office during a visit to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) office. 

"Durden’s son, 30-year-old Dominic, was killed by an illegal alien in 2012 in California. As RedState readers might recall, Rosenberg’s son, 25-year-old Drew, was killed by an illegal alien in 2010 in California.

"When the two angel parents walked by Harris’ Senate office, they saw a sign that read, “DREAMers are welcome here” in Spanish. Durden took a picture of the sign while placing her son’s photo next to it. 

"The two parents told Breitbart that one of Harris’ staffers greeted them when they walked into the office, holding pictures of their sons. “I said ‘They used to have big dreams until they were killed by illegal aliens,’” Durden said.

"Rosenberg said to the staffer, “I see DREAMers are welcome here; what about nightmares?” referring to the killing of his son by an illegal immigrant. “I said, ‘We’re living a nightmare because our kids were both killed by illegal aliens.’” He recalled that the staffer froze after hearing this statement. Durden told the person that they were Harris’ constituents. " . . .

(READ our original reporting about Drew Rosenberg’s murder, and then-District Attorney Kamala Harris’ complicity, here.)

Press ordered not to cover Biden laptop scandal.

NPR says it won’t cover Hunter Biden news because it's a 'waste' of time  "Yes, allegations that the 2020 Democratic nominee may have used the office of the vice president to line his family’s pockets is apparently a nonstory, unlike, say, “binders full of women” or “Seamus the dog.' ” . . .

NPR and USA Today Refuse to Cover Hunter Biden Corruption Scandal  "In addition, op-ed columnist for USA Today Glenn Harlan Reynolds also was refused to run his regular column on Hunter Biden this week.

'Reynolds published it anyway, via another platform:

“SO USA TODAY DIDN’T WANT TO RUN MY HUNTER BIDEN COLUMN THIS WEEK. My regular editor is on vacation, and I guess everyone else was afraid to touch it. So I’m sending them another column next week, and just publishing this one here. Enjoy! This is as filed, with no editing from USAT

Piers Morgan says he was cancelled abruptly by CNN after he nailed networks for burying Biden news  "Piers Morgan claims that he was uninvited by CNN because he accused the Biden-boosting U.S. corporate media during a Fox & Friends interview of hyper-partisanship over efforts to downplay or outright censor the scandal involving Hunter Biden’s overseas business deals that allegedly may implicate Joe Biden." . . . 

Why Big Media Will Never Report On Hunter Biden’s Emails   "The corporate media has refused to cover the substance of the New York Post’s bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden’s recovered laptop and emails, not because there’s nothing to the story or because the emails are fake, but because the story itself is, on its face, harmful to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

"That’s not to say news outlets haven’t been writing about the Post’s reporting. They’ve simply decided to cover the meta-narrative—the story about the story—while studiously ignoring what Hunter Biden’s emails reveal about his family’s overseas business dealings and influence-peddling.

"Here’s how it works. Instead of aggressive follow-up reporting on the content of Hunter Biden’s emails, which is what you’d expect from news organizations, we’ve gotten a wave of process stories about the “anatomy” of the Post’s “dubious” reporting, censorship stories about Twitter and Facebook, and wild conspiracy theory stories about a rumored Russian disinformation plot." . . .

Then there is this sort of thing:   Mayor de Blasio Pledges To Take Swift Action Against NYPD Cop Caught Praising Trump