American Thinker . . . "The big takeaway of the night: Republicans won; Democrats lost, spectacularly so. Oh, and the psephology profession is now dead.
"To the first point, GOP candidates didn't just perform better than expected; the party as a whole is poised to make larger gains in the near future. Holding the Senate circumscribes a President Biden agenda from the get-go. Stoppage alone would have justified a conservative beano on Election Night. But Republicans picked up at least six House of Representatives seats, with the possibility of further gains not far. These unexpected captures weren't in bleak areas of rolling farmland — many took place in suburban enclaves that were supposed to house the Democrats' new gentry base."
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"The presidency is the bug light of politics, but if you're able to peer around it, the paths of the two major parties can be discerned. Republicans would be foolish to abandon the populist-nationalist admixture Trump goosed the moribund party with. Democrats can look forward to more losses if they continue to support, materially and otherwise, Antifa and urban rioters. Trump-despiser Andrew Sullivan summed up what's looking like 2020's eventual outcome: "Biden wins; wokeness loses; Trump loses; Trumpism wins." Vegas odds on Republicans taking back in the House in 2022 just plumped.
And for the political handicappers who got it all wrong again? There's nothing left to say other than to ignore them, which most Americans have shown they do already. The human ordinateurs were like Olympic sprinters who tripped halfway through the race in 2016 and had four years to train and better themselves to avoid the same mistake. Yet they tripped again. Don't watch them get up; better, even, don't offer a helping hand. Let them stay down and think about what they did. Dunce caps permanently grafted to their crowns would be a fitting punishment, Geneva Convention violation or not."