Because I have ignored Obama since he left the presidential stage, I had forgotten how demeaning he could be to people he dislikes or doesn’t understand. He attempts to sound reasonable, but his contempt bleeds through like a leaky pen on white silk.
"I find it fascinating that former President Obama chose this moment in time to write and publish his book, Promised Land. He could have had it released a year before the elections, or a year from now, once another administration had been settled. Instead, he decided to ride the coattails of the election, as though he had won another term, and capitalize on someone else’s momentum.
"Obama the 2008 candidate came off as likable, but that was clearly an act. Obama the 44th President and Obama post-presidency is an insufferable jerk who doesn’t know when to leave the stage.
"My colleague Nick Arama said it perfectly,
“I have to admit that one of the great things about the Trump Administration is that Barack Obama is no longer president.
“Now while it’s fair that as a Democrat, he would have policy that I would likely disagree with and yes, want to fight against, often what was most infuriating about Obama was his utter pretense and gall, claiming to be against division while completely cutting people up or siccing his administration on them behind the scenes.
“He was always praised by media for being so smooth. But they mistook ‘smooth’ for caring, rather than simply being smooth, deceitful and huge narcissist.”
"Big time. It doesn’t help that the Democrat Party keeps calling him back, like a
talisman. Obama could refuse, but narcissist that he is, he can’t ignore the siren song of attention. It’s not like he and Michelle aren’t busy making left-leaning, poorly produced Netflix fodder. In fact, he made a big deal that he wanted to stay out of this election (yeah, right). But… <sigh> the party… and Joe Biden needed him, so he made the ultimate sacrifice <sigh> and came back on the stage.
"As my colleague, Scott Hounsell, says, “Excuse me while I call BS.” . . .
Obama wrong again
Well, the bit about putting "undocumented workers" in cages is a bit strange coming from the man who built those cages and was given the nickname "deporter in chief."
The Morning Briefing: Barack Obama Hates Joe Biden, the Truth, and Man Jeans
The disrespect for Joe Biden here is hard to deny, and it’s classic Obama. He begins to fade from existence if he goes more than five minutes without anyone paying attention to him. Since it’s RACIST to deny him, he knows he can just snap his fingers and get the cameras turned back on him. Obama obviously knew that his turn as the belle of the post-election Attention Whore Ball could potentially shove Grandpa Gropes into the background at a time when he should be enjoying his greatest triumph.
. . . "I don’t really care that he’s crapping all over Biden, I’m just pointing it out as a reminder of how awful he is.
"Not that Obama himself isn’t busy reminding us that he’s a terrible human being."