Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Is Antifa advertising for rioters for Jan. 20?

Monica Showalter  "Independent journalist Andy Ngo posted an appalling group of rioter recruiting posters, purportedly from Antifa.

#Antifa are continuing to put out the call for riots throughout the U.S. on 20 Jan. These are some of their flyers for Seattle, northern California & Denver. pic.twitter.com/jcoYYHg7a6

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Antifa?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Antifa</a> are continuing to put out the call for riots throughout the U.S. on 20 Jan. These are some of their flyers for Seattle, northern California &amp; Denver. <a href="https://t.co/jcoYYHg7a6">pic.twitter.com/jcoYYHg7a6</a></p>&mdash; Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) <a href="https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1351120439918125058?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 18, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

. . . These posters seem to be openly calling for riots and rioters, just as Democrats try to pin all opprobrium on Trump supporters. Where is the outrage?

A new badge of honor for President Trump. BUT....

William Dodd   "Congratulations, President Trump!  You have been awarded your second badge of honor: another accusation of wrongdoing ("impeachment" in Washington parlance) by the ever-anxious-to-do-you-in House of Representatives and its leader, the Madam Pelosi.  What greater tribute could a man, who loves our country and cherishes its God-given freedoms, be granted than to be chastised by today's socialist-sympathizing, hate-filled politicians?  The first 2019 accusation against Trump went down in flames when the Senate refused to even consider the hollow claims presented by the House.  It remains to be seen if and when the Senate will consider the newest accusation.

"President Trump deserves unending credit and appreciation for what he has done over the past four years for our country and for those who love freedom — freedom that many who despise the president are working to take from us.  He has done more than any other president in history to strengthen our country and its economy and to pull it out of the socialist gutter that it has been floundering in for several generations." . . .

May Donald Trump continue to be motivated to battle on our behalf against the modern socialist movement that seems determined to destroy our country both from without and from within.  Godspeed, President Trump.

"My nightmare is unfolding before my waking eyes"  . . . "The English language will be stripped of its glory.  Already, conservative writers use “he and she” in place of “he”, and they write as if “everyone” is plural.  Words such as heroine and hostess are verboten.  A female presenter of a TV show is a “host.”

"The rot is everywhere.  In judicial opinions, gender-neutral words must be used. “Administratrix” and “brethren” and “Congressman” and “foreman” and dozens of others were vaporized by judges.  “He” and “she” may not be used as generic nouns.  New York State, Law Reporting Bureau, “New York Official Report Style Manual,” para. 12.1, pp. 101-103  . . . 


Monday, January 18, 2021

House Impeachment Manager Gives the Game Away


"President Donald Trump has been officially impeached for a second time, with the latest attempt striking me as no more legitimate than the last. As I’ve shared in other articles, factually, I don’t believe Trump ever incited violence on January 6th when a group of QAnon morons rushed the Capitol Building. He pointedly said to protest “peacefully” in his speech given prior to the action. While his previous comments on the election being stolen may have gotten people worked up, that’s hardly a viable standard for incitement — otherwise, many more politicians would be in jail right now.

"Looking at all the aspects of this, I simply don’t believe there’s some deeply principled, justified reason to be impeaching Trump after he’s left office. Right now, the Senate trial isn’t even scheduled, and the President is gone on Wednesday.

"Now, a Democrat House Impeachment manager is giving the game away. This has always really been about stopping Trump in 2024."

 . . .“One of the other purposes of impeachment in this case is to make sure that President Trump is not able to run for federal office again, that he’s not able to seek the presidency,” Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.” . . .

. . . "It’s unclear as to whether or not McConnell will vote to convict President Trump. To be quite frank, it’s not really important. What is important, is his and other RINOs’ objectives for the future. More so than any Democrat, McConnell, Sasse, Cheney, and a host of others, want nothing more than to ensure that the likes of Trump never again appears on the political scene (more on that crew of craven cowards in another article).

"There is a reason the term Uniparty has become a common term in conservative circles. As I heard Newt Gingrich once quip, There isn’t a lot of difference between Republicans and Democrats, just about who gets to spend the money. " . . .

After fourth American imprisoned, Richard Grenell says Iran is making moves against the Biden team

Maybe Joe will take the Ayatollah behind the gym and beat the daylights out of him. TD

 Twitchy  "NBC News reported Sunday that another American has been imprisoned by Iran on spying charges, and that “the imprisonment of a fourth American could derail a bid by the Biden administration to revive a nuclear agreement with Iran.”

"Benjamin Weinthal is a correspondent for the Jerusalem Post:

 — Benjamin Weinthal (@BenWeinthal) January 18, 2021

. . . "Richard Grenell says that Iran is making moves against the upcoming Biden administration because they believe they can get away with it." . . .

The Daily Beast Actually Revised A Review On A Movie They Called Brilliant Once They Realized Ben Shapiro Made It…

 Weasel Zippers

Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred

Conrad Black

The Democrats are not going to be able to hide much longer behind their Trump hatred. But it’s really all they’ve got.

"These are among the darkest days of American democracy. With nearly airtight totalitarian uniformity, the American media robotically repeat that there is no possible argument to be made that the 2020 presidential election produced an unjust result. In the same magical spirit of post-electoral unanimity, President Trump has been condemned for his remarks to hundreds of thousands of his supporters in Washington on January 6, and it is now a political commandment that he is responsible for the ensuing illegal forced entry and fatal violence at the United States Capitol.

"He actually told his supporters that they should “peacefully and patriotically make your voices be heard” when they proceeded on to the Capitol; this is a minor inconvenience to the confected consensus that the president shouldn’t serve out the last week of his term.

"There remains no conclusive evidence that Richard Nixon broke any laws in the Watergate affair, though some members of his entourage did. But it was not hard to foresee that driving him from office (a very capable president who had been reelected by what remains the greatest plurality in U.S. history) would addict the American political system to the criminalization of policy differences."

"As the patriotic traditionalist he was, Nixon resigned rather than put the country through the humiliation of an impeachment trial, an extremity that had only occurred once in U.S. presidential history, a silly and unsuccessful action against Andrew Johnson in 1868. President Clinton was impeached in 1998-1999 over a dishonest answer to a grand jury about his extramarital sex life, tawdry but inadequate grounds for removing a president from office. The impeachment of President Trump last year over an innocuous telephone conversation with the president of Ukraine was fatuous: the charges were not impeachable offenses and there was no evidence that they actually occurred.

"No honest and informed person can doubt there is room for skepticism about the accuracy of the presidential vote in five or six states in the November presidential election. As with the elections of 1876 (Rutherford Hayes), 1960 (John F. Kennedy), and 2000 (George W. Bush), we will never know who really won, but once the system has produced a result, it doesn’t matter, except to the individuals involved." . . .

Biden, CNN Seek To Annihilate Trump’s Legacy With Flood Of Executive Orders Within First 10 Days

 RedState  "Former Vice President Joe Biden plans to issue a series of executive orders designed to eliminate much of what the Trump administration put into place within his first ten days in office. He will impose these new measures as a way to indicate a new direction for the country. However, you will be glad to know that he has no plans to govern from his basement, as far as he knows.

“ 'President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr., inheriting a collection of crises unlike any in generations, plans to open his administration with dozens of executive directives on top of expansive legislative proposals in a 10-day blitz meant to signal a turning point for a nation reeling from disease, economic turmoil, racial strife and now the aftermath of the assault on the Capitol,” according to The New York Times.

"The former vice president’s team has created a list of executive orders that he will implement after his inauguration on Wednesday. These measures will be designed to reverse some of President Trump’s policies, especially those related to immigration. They will also begin the pursuit of Biden’s agenda for the country as well. The Times noted, “advisers hope the flurry of action, without waiting for Congress, will establish a sense of momentum for the new president even as the Senate puts his predecessor on trial.”

"Biden plans to get started on erasing Trump’s programs on his first day in office by issuing a set of orders." . . .

Let's Not Mince Words on What CNN Will Try to Do Under a Biden Administration  . . . "What these supposed gatekeepers of truth are really trying to do boils down to two things: shut down competitors like Fox News (Oliver Darcy has led the way on that front), and promoting “portion control” — that is, controlling what viewers and readers see come from media newsrooms. The news they “report” will mirror state-run TV, which CNN didn’t hesitate to experiment with after Election Day.

"Stelter said the quiet part out loud in October when he proclaimed it was the media’s job to “protect the public” from certain things politicians, candidates for higher office, and the like say.

"In media-speak terms, that was code for “it’s our job to control the message and to prevent audiences from hearing things we don’t like.”

"His obedient sidekick, Oliver Darcy, also ranted not long after about how media coverage of stories that are damaging to Democrats – like the Eric Swalwell and Hunter Biden stories – must be kept “in proportion” to alleged scandals involving Republicans — because left-wing narratives and so forth." . . .

Biden set to cancel Keystone XL pipeline and right out the gate enrages Canada

U.S. president-elect Joe Biden has indicated plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office, sources confirmed to CBC News on Sunday. A purported briefing note from the Biden transition team mentioning the plan was widely circulated over the weekend after being shared by the incoming president's team with U.S. stakeholders. The words "Rescind Keystone XL pipeline permit" appear on a list of executive actions supposedly scheduled for Day 1 of Biden's presidency. 

 Monica Showalter   "Well isn't this coming Biden administration special?

"Joe Biden has gotten word out that he intends to use his pen and phone to cut dead the Keystone XL pipeline, kicking off his presidency by annoying Canada.

"According to CBC Canada:

U.S. president-elect Joe Biden has indicated plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit via executive action on his first day in office, sources confirmed to CBC News on Sunday.

A purported briefing note from the Biden transition team mentioning the plan was widely circulated over the weekend after being shared by the incoming president's team with U.S. stakeholders.

The words "Rescind Keystone XL pipeline permit" appear on a list of executive actions supposedly scheduled for Day 1 of Biden's presidency. 

The list shown to stakeholders is a lengthier version of a list already reported in the media based on a memo released publicly over the weekend by Biden's chief of staff Ronald Klain. That publicly reported memo from Klain did not mention Keystone XL, but cautioned that the memo was not a complete list of planned actions.

"Nice detail there about Biden omitting that planned executive action in the publicly circulated memo. Apparently he didn't want the adoring media, or the Americans set to lose their jobs, or the Canadians -- to see it right away.

"The Canadians, though, have gotten wind of it, their not-so-adoring press has printed it and they're enraged: . . ."


Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday

Rich Terrell

'Where Do We Go from Here?' King's question amid the chaos of the '60s still resonates today  . . . "That debate is similar to the one raging today between youthful leaders and supporters of Black Lives Matter and older establishment leaders. Then as now, race was front and center. The youngsters of SNCC had kicked whites out of the group, while the SCLC and other organizations were strong proponents of integration. "

. . . "A schism developed among Black people after Stokely Carmichael, the SNCC leader from 1966-67, raised a clenched fist and shouted, “Black Power,” and said Blacks should cut ties to whites. He was also part of the effort that led to name changes from centuries-old labels of “colored” and “Negro” to African American and Black, which once was deemed an insult.  

"We at the New York Times were puzzled at first over which term to use in our reporting. Executive Editor A. M. Rosenthal finally threw up his hands and instructed writers to use whichever term their sources preferred. For a while, we did just that, until Black and African American became the standards.  

"The decades of the '70s and '80 marked a significant shift with slow but sure progress. More Blacks were elected to political office; there was economic improvement and more progress for other ethnic groups; and the general racial climate began to improve.  

"Recent elections have propelled even more nonwhites and women into elected office. ...  

Not the America of MLK’s Dreams  . . . "But a robust and competitive marketplace of ideas depends on a responsible and free press -- not the Pravda-like agitprop arm of the government we have today -- free expression via any medium on any topic, a virtuous society, and an educated population -- all of which are in jeopardy today. 

"Today’s Democrat message is one of “let hatred, not freedom, ring.”  For whites, as the quintessential scapegoat for all of Black America’s problems, constantly accusing us of racism does little to promote unity and only builds resentment.  While Democrats shroud this hatred as “justice,” it has the bloody stench of revenge. 

"Most of us haven’t done anything racist or supremacist, but revenge is being exacted against us because we are white." . . .


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Spiritual advisor to Barack Obama and George W. Bush sentenced to 6 years for multi-million dollar China bonds fraud


  • The spiritual advisor for both Barack Obama and George W. Bush during their time as President has been sentenced to six years for his role in a multi-million dollar investment fraud scheme.

  • Kirbyjon H. Caldwell, 67, was sentenced by US District Judge S. Maurice Hicks on Wednesday in Shreveport, Louisiana, where he and his co-defendant, Gregory Alan Smith, were indicted in 2018.

  • He spoke at the 2000 Republican National Convention, delivered the benediction at Bush's 2005 inauguration, and officiated his daughter Jenna's 2008 wedding, the New York Times reported

  • The spiritual advisor for both Barack Obama and George W. Bush during their time as President has been sentenced to six years for his role in a multi-million dollar investment fraud scheme.

  • Kirbyjon H. Caldwell, 67, was sentenced by US District Judge S. Maurice Hicks on Wednesday in Shreveport, Louisiana where he and his co-defendant, Gregory Alan Smith, were indicted in 2018.

  • Caldwell was formerly the Senior Pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church, a mega-church in his native Houston, Texas, which has around 14,000 members, the Associated Press reported. . . .

Nancy Pelosi appoints Eric Swalwell to a rather unexpected committee

Andrea Widburg

...Pelosi showed humanitarian grace when she chose not to punish him for something that wasn’t his fault. But do you really think of humanitarian grace when you think of Nancy Pelosi?  Pelosi could simply be trolling everybody for the fun of it. That doesn’t sound likely either. Pelosi is all about power and there’s no room for fun there.

"Eric Swalwell has the distinction of being the first American congressman believed to have had a sexual affair with a Chinese spy. Maybe that explains why Nancy Pelosi assigned him to his old seat on the Home Security panel. After all, who has more knowledge about spies than someone whom a spy duped? However, Pelosi may be sending us a few other messages we just have to decode.

"Briefly, in December, news broke that Eric Swalwell, a Democrat congressman from California, had been in a relationship with a woman named Fang Fang, who was almost certainly a Chinese spy. It wasn’t just any relationship. She wasn’t driving him around town as Dianne Feinstein’s chauffeur-Chinese spy had been for almost twenty years. Instead, Swalwell is said to have had a sexual relationship with Fang Fang. You know what that means, right? Pillow talk.

"Swalwell’s affair with Fang Fang leads to a few possible conclusions: Swalwell is dangerously naive, Swalwell is careless, Swalwell is a traitor, or Swalwell is an unlucky but innocent man. Without further information, we don’t know which is true, but the first three possibilities might suggest that you don’t want to put Swalwell on committees involving national security.

"Nancy Pelosi, though, had other ideas. The New York Post tells the story:

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell is joining the House Committee on Homeland Security one month after it was revealed he was targeted by a suspected Chinese spy.  . . .

The Trump Era Held Up A Mirror To Our Shattering Culture

 The Federalist

Where the anxieties of the working class and Baby Boomers were channeled into Trump, the anxieties of the left were channeled into a furious, culture-wide censorship campaign.

“ 'The madness of Trump, as bad as it was, it really needed to happen. We really needed a reflection of our world’s greatest problem, which is not climate change, but sociopathy and narcissism. Especially in America. It’s going to kill the world. It’s not capitalism, it’s narcissism.” So said songstress Lana Del Rey, reflecting on the Trump administration this week.

"She’s right to dig deeper than climate change and capitalism, but wrong to finger an incurable element of the human condition for America’s ills. The broader point, however, is important. Del Rey is arguing that Trump’s political ascent exposed or, perhaps, accelerated a cultural clash. She seems to be convinced this exposition will ultimately be constructive.

"I’m not so sure. The problem is not that we’re all as narcissistic as Trump. The problem is that we’re all as anxious. Characterizing Trump as anxious may seem odd—and I’m certainly not invoking the psychological concept—but his central promise to “Make America Great Again” was predicated on a reasonable anxiety that the version of America he knew and loved was slipping away. That resonated immensely, and for some eminently fair reasons.

"Where the anxieties of the working class and Baby Boomers were channeled into Trump, the anxieties of the left were channeled into a furious, culture-wide censorship campaign. Each vessel has profound issues made worse by their inevitable confrontation, which accelerated this painful culture clash in which we’re now engulfed. So why are we anxious?

"While they’re a small fraction of the population, let’s begin by zooming in on the young men who populate the ranks of Antifa and even far-right groups like the Proud Boys. It seems in many ways that we’re harvesting the bitter fruit of a campaign Christina Hoff Sommers identified two decades ago in “The War Against Boys,” coping with a generation of alienated men now aging into their thirties and forties." . . .

Emily Jashinsky is culture editor at The Federalist. You can follow her on Twitter @emilyjashinsky .