UK Daily Mail . . . "The cable news channel had averaged 2.5 million prime-time viewers each night from November 4 through Inauguration Day on January 20, according to a Fox News analysis of Nielsen data.
"But data shows the network averaged only 1.6 million total prime-time viewers from January 21, the day after the inauguration of President Joe Biden, through March 15, according to the report.
"CNN's overall prime-time viewership, from 8pm to 11pm Eastern Time, has dropped 36% since Biden took office in January, according to Fox News." . . .
. . . "When a YAF employee emailed Connelly asking why he had singled out only conservative news outlets as unreliable, the professor said his choice had nothing to do with politics. “ 'Politics do not play a role in this assignment as this is an introductory science course. This has to do with scientifically accurate news pieces that focus on the topic we are studying,” Connelly said. “If a student were able to find an appropriate article from any news source they may use that, although it will be much easier to complete the assignment in a reasonable amount of time if students start with the reliable news organizations that I suggested.”
Comments to this video:
Kirk Patrick: So, the most popular President in US History will be replaced by the least popular human in US History?
Garden Of Praise Knowing so many of my love ones voted for them and hated me after all is heart broken. I’ve left my birthplace to America for freedom, it looks like I should pack again.