Monica Showalter . . . "So now Bush is freely taking potshots against President Trump, something he only occasionally did when Trump was president and something he never did against President Obama, who did more to destroy the institutions of the U.S. and wokester-fy the U.S. military and Justice department than anyone. Maybe he's trying to suck up to Joe Biden, an old acquaintance, and now trying to get his licks in. Maybe he's just still seething, and it's boiling over.
"Bush has never liked President Trump."Unlike Obama, Trump made Bush's own record as president look awful in comparison.
"Unlike Trump, Bush did a paltry tax cut and got a paltry, barely there, recovery. He got the U.S. into a string of useless never-ending wars, none of which gained the U.S. anything, and all of which were costly in terms of U.S. blood and treasure, never recognizing the folly of nation-building. The only people who gained were Bush-linked "consultants." He did nothing as the media attacked him as "Hitler," he never liked his Republican voters, and he always tried to suck up to the swamp establishment, hoping to extend his political power to his relatives in a sort of "dynasty," which is revolting to voters. He was also big on expanding government power — in the Patriot Act, which is now being abused on Republicans instead of bloodthirsty terrorists, and in bringing us the TSA, targeting old blue-haired ladies instead of angry Middle Eastern military-aged young men. Maybe his biggest failure was that he and his brother, terrified of what consultants called "the Latino vote" constantly sucked up to the open borders lobby narrative on immigration, leaving the U.S. border open, and attempting and failing to get an amnesty bill through in 2007. (Do you wonder what he thought of those majority votes for Trump in Texas's solidly Latino Rio Grande Valley? Anyone ask?) Bottom line: what a shambles of a president he was." . . .