Monica Showalter . . . "Obama was a lot like the current Joe Biden. Like Joe,
he encouraged waves of illegal immigration, but I guess he had to allow the Border Patrol to do some of its lawfully committed duty. He also built the kids-in-cages cages, not President Trump, though the left tried to pin those on Trump. During his presidency, leftists yelled that he was the "deporter in chief" based on the fact that he encouraged illegal immigration yet didn't completely open the border. The logical outcome of that is obvious: human waves plus kids in cages. Joe Biden, who was placed in charge of the matter at the time, is now making his same old mistakes, senile and unable to learn.So now we have people who shouldn't be here, and their advocates, demanding that Obama be canceled. They've already done their worst on George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Now they've moved on to Obama. The funny thing here is that if it were anyone but Obama, Obama would support the move. Now that it's Obama's turn in the barrel, and there's no Trump to kick around, it will be interesting to see whether and how he reacts.