Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Hollywood's repulsive wokeness

But facts don’t matter to the racist anti-racist crowd that is the Democrat party today.  They relish the riots, the looting, the threats of violence.  They adore the execrable Maxine Waters.  They yearn for the next Black person to be shot resisting arrest, no matter how dangerous he or she may be. Patricia McCarthy

Rich Terrell

The Oscars – tying party balloons to a burning stake  . . . "Piers Morgan was exactly right when he wrote: “The tragic truth is that the Oscars as we know it died last night - woked to death by a craven collective desire from those involved to preach not entertain, to lecture rather than make us laugh, and to virtue-signal instead of perform.”   For the Oscar show to be mounted from LA’s Union Station, tall fences were erected around the train station and the Kodak Theater.  Scores of homeless people in the area had to be moved.  God forbid those compassionate stars of the screen be bothered by the tragic vision of the vast homelessness that plagues Los Angeles thanks to the leftist policies that have ruined California.  These are people who do not mingle with lesser beings." . . .

Sadly, this ratings disaster will change nothing. Hollywood is lost, lost for the foreseeable future in a wave of that fascist self-importance called woke.

Tyler Perry Stuns Oscars With Powerful Rebuke Of Hate   "During a predictably leftist Academy Awards broadcast Sunday evening, one speech stood out amidst the virtue-signaling for its moving and refreshingly important message. In his acceptance speech for the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, Tyler Perry gave a powerful rebuke against hate and a plea for understanding between Americans on all sides of the ideological spectrum." . . .

Tucker Carlson reports police officer pulled off duty after telling the truth about Ma’khia Bryant shooting

The Post Millennial

"But the cop who said that, we have learned from an authoritative source, has now been pulled off duty pending a review," Tucker reported. "He’s lost in effect his job for saying that."

Body camera video: man allegedly stabs Pittsburg cop

Woman stabs two cops (Warning: Graphic Content)

Detroit officer stabbed and shot; Suspect killed

A Nation Divided

 Issues & Insights

                                                            By Michael Ramirez

7 Statistics That Show That ‘Systemic Racism’ Doesn’t Exist In Policing

Alpha Stock Images - http://alphastockimages.com/

Daily Wire  "Despite leftists like Kim Kardashian whining about “systemic racism” in policing, statistics reveal that “systemic racism” in policing simply does not exist. Here are seven stats proving this point.

1. Police are more likely to shoot whites than blacks.

"As The Daily Wire reported earlier on Monday, a recent Harvard study concluded that 1,332 police shootings over the 2000-2015 time frame reveal that blacks are actually 20 percent less likely to be shot at by police than whites, despite the fact that blacks and whites are just as likely to be carrying a weapon.

"This is further confirmed by a study conducted by John Jay College of Criminal Justice assistant professor Peter Moskos, who determined that when the homicide rate is adjusted, “whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks [to] die at the hands of police. Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”

2. Police are also less likely to shoot at unarmed black suspects than unarmed white suspects." . . .

3. According to American Free Press’s Peter Papaherakles, “For every black killed by a white police officer in the U.S. every year, there are about 71 blacks killed by other blacks.” . . .

Children in All 50 States Being Taught Revolutionary War Was Fought To Promote Slavery

. . . The Continental Congress passed the Northwest Ordinance, which established the laws governing the territorial land encompassing the future states of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. The ordinance outlawed the introduction of slavery in the territory.
All of these facts from the founding era demonstrate that slavery was not a primary reason the Colonies declared their independence from Great Britain, and our nation’s students should not be taught that it was.
Not satisfied to push their liberal ideological perspective in reporting current events, The Times has moved on to propagate false narratives about America’s founding.
What motivated the founding generation to pledge their lives, fortunes and sacred honor was not to protect slavery but to secure their God-given right to liberty.  . . .

Why would anyone want to be a cop with the way they’re being treated  . . . "It’s open season on anyone who wears a badge, so no wonder recruitment is down, retirements are up and the streets grow ever more violent

"By swallowing the false narrative of systemic racism, we have demonized and criminalized police while turning criminals into civil-rights martyrs. This won’t end well." . . . 

. . . "In Hollywood, the studios rush to hide what used to be merely bad taste but is now heresy.   And our courageous comedians cower, terrified to mock the eminently mockable antics of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and the other sects of the left’s semi-organized religion. But hey, those Audie Murphys of America’s stages and screens will never hesitate to take on those Jesus-loving Christians." . . .

Monday, April 26, 2021

Australian Reporter: Biden 'Weakening America's Standing' & 'Emboldening Her Enemies'

Neon Nettle 
Journalist James Morrow raises global concerns as US enemies become more aggressive

"A top Australian reporter has raised global-level concerns about Joe Biden's leadership, warning that the Democrat seems "determined to weaken America's standing" while enemies of the free world grow increasingly more aggressive.
"Sky News Australia host James Morrow blasted Biden's recent moves that appear to be weakening the United States’ military strength which is "emboldening" America’s and Australia’s common enemies.
"Morrow made the remarks Sunday on Anzac Day - a national day where Australians commemorate those in their military who gave their lives for freedom.. . . 
" 'Which is why today, it is so depressing to look at what is happening to the U.S. under Joe Biden, who seems, for whatever reason, determined to weaken America’s standing, her military, and emboldening her and our enemies, making a mockery of a century’s worth of shared sacrifice.
" 'Now, we’ve all seen the silly side of Joe Biden’s green eco-warrior posturing, which this week included the bizarre spectacle of the U.S. president wearing his face mask on a zoom call to discuss climate talks as bemused world leaders looked on.” . . .

Biden's electric vehicle plan is a road to nowhere

Washington Examiner   "
President Joe Biden’s $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal calls for spending $174 billion for a network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. Does this make sense?

"In 2020, only about 296,000 electric vehicles were sold in the United States, about 2% of the new car market. After all the electric vehicle hype, climate alarm, and generous taxpayer subsidies ($7,500 per car) of the past 30 years, there are now only about 1.7 million electric vehicles out of a total of about 290 million total vehicles on U.S. roads.

"In other words, Biden wants to spend more than $100,000 per car for a national charging network. Sure, the $100,000-per-car figure will come down in the future as more electric vehicles sell. But even if there were 10 times as many electric vehicles on the road, that would still be an outrageous spend rate of more than $10,000 per electric vehicle just to make charging more available." . . .

Biden administration will impose new regulations on meat industry, expert warns

 Fox Business

. . . "The Biden administration is focusing on “re-regulation,” a large shift away from the Trump administration’s deregulation push, Andrew Harig, a policy expert at the Food Industry Association, told attendees at the virtual 2021 Annual Meat Conference on Wednesday." . . .

The Academy Awards are this weekend. Almost no one has even heard of the movies up for Best Picture.


Reason  . . . "It's funny I should mention that movie, since it's about how Hollywood is smug, cynical, self-absorbed, and completely deluded about its own political relevance and purity. Of all the explanations for why the Oscars has failed to capture the public imagination in recent decades, this is the one that has received the most attention. 

"And not without reason either. The films in contention have, by at least one count, become more political in recent years, and it's probably true that the discussion around those films has become more political, at least for the Extremely Online. Movies have become grist for the culture-war-take mill; I've ground out a few in my time. 

"And then there are the speeches themselves, about which The New York Times recently had this to say: "Increasingly, the ceremonies are less about entertainment honors and more about progressive politics, which inevitably annoys those in the audience who disagree. One recent producer of the Oscars, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential metrics, said minute-by-minute post-show ratings analysis indicated that 'vast swaths' of people turned off their televisions when celebrities started to opine on politics."

"Fair enough. People love to hate celebrity politics; at this point, hating celebrity politics may well be more popular than the Oscars." . . .

Any awards release with political overtones faces a conundrum: To win the Academy Award, it must court Hollywood liberals, which can mean alienating the ticket-buying public at large.

"The Oscars Sink To New Level of Ridiculous (Had me laughing)"

An airport brawl seems like a microcosm of America

 Andrea Widburg  "A few videos are making the rounds showing a wild brawl taking place at one of the gates in Miami International Airport.  We don't know what started the brawl, although the media are reporting that the police did eventually arrest one person for disorderly conduct.  The primary victim, however, does not want to press charges, so the matter will almost certainly disappear.

"What makes one of the videos so compelling is the fact that it seemingly represents the breakdown of law and order across American cities." . . .

. . . "This is what America seems to have become in 2021: a place unconstrained by any societal norms, in which even once peaceful venues become the setting for wildly antisocial behavior.  Moreover, there are almost no men with chests to step in and make things right.

"If you're not familiar with the phrase "men without chests," it's from C.S. Lewis's 1943 book, The Abolition of Man.  In it, Lewis writes,

We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.

"It's a densely written book, which makes it hard to read because it begins by attacking what we've come to know as moral relativism or postmodernism — that is, denying objective facts
and values and replacing everything with subjective feelings.  In that context, his men without chests weren't weaklings.  They were, instead, men who no longer stood for anything because moral relativism left them without values they could hang on to as guides through life.  Notions such as bravery, honor, decency, loyalty, and chivalry are meaningless if everything is supplanted by feelings.

"And so, at the airport, brutal men fought because they've been raised in a world without objective values of decency and morality. " . . .

Pictured, right: Amazon "In the classic The Abolition of Man, C.S. Lewis, the most important Christian writer of the 20th century, sets out to persuade his audience of the importance and relevance of universal values such as courage and honor in contemporary society. Both astonishing and prophetic, The Abolition of Man is one of the most debated of Lewis's extraordinary works. National Review chose it as number seven on their 100 Best Nonfiction Books of the Twentieth Century."

Joy Behar of "The View" solves the issue of guns

 "Idiot Joy Behar Suggests Columbus Cops Shoot ‘Shot in the Air,’ Police Union Slams Her for Being an Idiot"  . . . "Leftists have made it clear there is NOTHING police can do that will get in the way of their political agenda. Let’s say police did fire a warning shot. Instead of Bryant being stopped, it would be the other girl who was stabbed to death. Then the shrill yaks on The View would be attacking the cop for NOT stopping the murder. It would probably be the cops’ fault for not stepping in the way of the knife.

"A combination of politics and not wanting to admit they screwed up is making media personalities side with someone who was about to kill someone else. Just because that’s the anti-cop side. These are the idiots who control our “national” discussion." . . .

Joy Behar: Don't tell Americans before you take their guns "Politicians seeking to confiscate guns from Americans shouldn't share their plans with the public beforehand and should seek to maintain an element of surprise, Joy Behar said on "The View" Monday." . . .

Fraternal Order of Police VP blasts Joy Behar's comments about policing: 'not grounded in any facts'

Why don't we have a discussion about warning shots, Joy? They're prohibited in every single police agency and, oh yeah, a simple law of physics: what goes up must come down. So those bullets are going to come down somewhere. And this other idea of shooting someone in the leg, first of all, someone had the femoral artery in their leg. Not only that, we shoot center mass because that is the largest target. If that officer misses and hits the girl next door and the one who is the actual victim in all of this, how is that going to play out?

Behar does have a verbal track record:  ‘The View’ star Joy Behar mocks Mike Pence’s Christian faith: ‘That’s called mental illness’

You can say anything stupid as long as the guy who controls the Applause machine works for you. TD

Sunday, April 25, 2021

"Biden Has Always Been a Doofus"...

Youtube Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas and Newt Gingrich expose Biden for the incompetent phony he always was, and still is.

When Democrats rule...

                                                                        Ghenghis Gary

Here's Why Democrats Can Never Be Trusted With the Majority Again; Also at the Patriot Daily Press  . . . "When Barack Obama had one-party rule we got a government takeover of healthcare. Joe Biden now has one-party rule, and we’re seeing efforts to eliminate the Senate filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, make Washington, D.C., a state, and federalize elections. All of these things have just one goal: preserve power for the Democratic Party." . . .

George Floyd Square Is a Crime-Ridden Disaster, Black Business Owners Speak Out "With the guilty verdict levied against Derek Chauvin, the quasi-religious shrine to George Floyd in Minneapolis is continuing to cause major issues for those who actually live there. While outsiders pour in and crime spikes, including at least one murder in the square, those who actually live in the area are paying the price.

"Now, black business owners are speaking out and asking for something to be done to help their situation." . . .

Conservative Group 'Welcomes' Kamala Harris to New Hampshire With Blistering 'Wrong Border' Newspaper Ad  "Kamala Harris traveled to “hostile territory” in New Hampshire on Friday to shill for the “Biden-Harris,” so-called “infrastructure” plan, where she was promptly greeted by conservative protesters. Their principal target was not the “infrastructure” plan, but rather Harris’s refusal to travel to the southern border to address the Biden Border Crisis." . . .

Dems are out to destroy a Chauvin defense witness’s life and reputation "George Floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl in his body. His post-mortem blood oxygen level was a robust 98%, despite significant heart disease. He was complaining that he couldn’t breathe long before the police, following a violent struggle, got him to the ground in the Minneapolis-approved position for excited delirium. Accurate, previously unseen footage showed that Officer Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s shoulders, not his neck. Oh, and an alternate juror said that she was afraid the mob would go after her for a non-guilty verdict. On these and other facts, the prosecution got a guilty verdict. Armed with it, the Democrats are now working to destroy a former medical who dared to testify in Chauvin’s favor.

"Here’s the story according to the Daily Mail:" . . .

That’s how Democrats roll. They have sent a warning to conservatives or independents in America that, if they run up against the Democrats on a single issue and lose, they will be destroyed. Does that mean we shouldn’t take principled stands, show courage, and fight the good fight? Of course not. It means only that, like Calgacus before us, we must understand the stakes. 
From Twitter:  
In a welcome contrast to Trump-Pompeo homophobia, Secretary of State Blinken will allow US diplomatic posts around the world to fly the Pride flag at key moments to showcase US support for LGBTQ rights. foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/22/pri

 Biden Admin Invites Young Mexican Communist to Crap All Over US and Push Marxism at their Online Climate Conference  from Sky News, Australia.  She reads somebody else's words, as you can see.

Where's the Accountability For California's $31 Billion Unemployment Scandal?

Poll: Americans Not Buying Into Democrats' Anti-Gun Panic Rhetoric  . . . "The anti-gun lobby is just one of the many puppet masters pulling the strings of the empty vessel occupying the Oval Office. They made their intentions known quite early and leaned on Biden to do something quickly. He obeyed his masters via executive action earlier this month.  He had to do it that way because federal gun control legislation rarely gets passed (more on that in a moment)." . . .