American Thinker "When my children were under five and underfoot, I would occasionally use the original Blue's Clues as a babysitter. It was a safe, sweet show for little ones, who watched Blue give Steve clues about finding a scarf or apple. The 21st-century reboot, Blue's Clues & You, is a whole new ballgame. Based on its latest video — The Blue's Clues Pride Parade sing-along featuring Nina West — it's a babysitter if your sitter is a sex fiend."
"Gay Pride (which celebrates a gazillion non-normative sexual orientations and "identities") is an inappropriate topic for preschoolers. The only thing that distinguishes LGBTers from other people is sex. Take away their sexual practices or sexual identities, and suddenly there's no Pride. They're just ordinary people."
"Preschoolers shouldn't be forced to focus on or think about sex. They're curious about the difference between what boys and girls have in their pants, but once you name the parts, you're done. Indeed, one of the classic ways to tell if a child was a victim of pedophilia was if that child was too sexually precocious. That precocity was a sign of abnormal adult behavior toward the child. By inundating children with sexual material, the pedophiles are creating haystacks in which they can hide their needles.". . .
Nina West - Wikipedia |