Shortages Cripple Certain Industries And Food Is Getting More Expensive Than Families Can Afford
"Media gurus continue to insist the recent reporting of a 5% inflation spike is because of the pandemic, when in reality there are a number of factors from weather events to supply chain issues, and are also pushing the claim that it should balance itself our in "the near future."
"Then again, the media first denied the pandemic as Independent Media warned what was coming, and called us "conspiracy theorists."
"The media then insisted there would be no food or other shortages and when signs started popping up in grocery stores showing "limit purchase to (insert number here), the media reported it months after Independent Media warned it was coming, and the MSM also acted like they were reporting "current news."
"The point here, is the media claims and assurances, mean absolutely nothing, as they are one of the top reasons their audience needed to panic shop in the first place because they were woefully unprepared, which in turn caused a run on toilet paper, other paper products, cleaning supplies and foods, especially meats." . . .