“I am increasingly concerned that a major crisis is coming,” said Ian Easton, senior director at the Project 2049 Institute who wrote “The Chinese Invasion Threat: Taiwan’s Defense and American Strategy in Asia.” “It is possible to envision this ending in an all-out invasion attempt and superpower war. The next five to 10 years are going to be dangerous ones. This flash point is fundamentally unstable.”
Chinese state media sends 'ominous' warning to Taiwan after U.S.'s Afghanistan exit (yahoo.com)
Tim O'Donnell, Contributing Writer
"In the lead up to the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, several foreign policy analysts predicted that Washington's adverseries, including Beijing and the Kremlin, would push such a narrative as a way to undermine the United States' role on the world stage. It appears the ball is already rolling.
"Afghanistan today, Taiwan tomorrow? US treachery scares DPP" - Chinese Communist Party Global Times . . . "Yesterday's Saigon, today's Afghanistan, and tomorrow's Taiwan?" read some online posts by internet users in the island of Taiwan, implying that the so-called alliance that Taiwan has forged with the US is nothing but an empty promise that will eventually "leave the Taiwan people hurting alone."
"An Op-Ed in local Taiwan news site udn.com said that the unexpected end in Afghanistan has "shocked" US allies and partners, who have become wary of putting the safety of Taiwan in the hands of the US, as the latter may pull the same tricks played in Kabul." . . .