Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Gavin Newsom Blames Everyone Else for His Recall. Here Are 100 Reasons That Might Jog His Memory. –

Pat Cross Cartoons

  PJ Media  "California Governor Gavin Newsom faces a recall on September 14 and the more desperate he gets,  the lower he goes to save himself. Odds are 50-50 that Newsom will survive. It’s not a good place to be for an incumbent. Newsom and his supporters hope to distract from the copious reasons that Californians signed the recall petition to get rid of him.

"Union bosses, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley are flooding money into marketing, direct mail, online ads, terrestrial radio, TV, and making sure that Google puts Newsom’s “Stop the Recall” campaign website at the top of the page for Newsom-related search inquiries.

"The way Newsom has used the power of his office to save his own hide helps explain why at least 1.7 million Californians of all political backgrounds want him gone.

"The governor’s campaign has attempted to tar recall proponents, including Democrats, independents, Libertarians, and Republicans, as “radical, right-wing,” “anti-vaxxers,” “QAnon conspiracy theorists,” and racists, who “could threaten California’s efforts to fight COVID-19.” We don’t know what that means but oooh, scary!. . . ."

California's Liberal Utopia: Blackouts, Bacon Shortages, and Maxi Pads for Boys – PJ Media

..."So, how is it going in the Golden State? Is California implementing what Americans really want to see as national policy? You could place a fair wager that the answer to that question is no just from watching the viral videos of criminals emptying the shelves of retailers like Walgreens and Neiman Marcus. Then there is the problem of out-of-control homelessness. And don’t forget the annual purge of accumulated woodland undergrowth by raging forest fires rather than reasonable conservation policy."

They Fear Him Part 2: California Investigating Larry Elder’s Financial Disclosure (  ..."In doing so, the editorial board also identified who the progressives in charge of the state don’t fear."...

Gov. @GavinNewsom is leading California through unprecedented crises—he's a key partner in fighting the pandemic and helping build our economy back better. To keep him on the job, registered voters should vote no on the recall election by 9/14 and keep California moving forward.
...I’ll believe it when I see Joe Biden come here. I’m not sure he’s going to. I understand he’s supposedly going to come here to campaign on behalf of Gavin Newsom. His popularity now is in the low forties — I think I saw 41%. Most Americans don’t even believe he’s home — that somebody else is in charge. So it’s going to backfire. But let him bring it in. Let him have him come in, and try to defend Gavin Newsom’s record on crime, and on homelessness, and on the outrageous cost of living, and on the way he ignored science and shut down the state to the point where a third of small businesses are gone forever. Let Joe Biden make that case for him. I want him to come here.. . . 

Trump's epic attack ad against Joe Biden -

Now, with America's ship of state foundering badly, the world's bad actors will see their opportunities. Most people are making bets about when China will move against Taiwan. There'll be realignments in the rest of the world, too. Already, the Saudis have entered into a joint military cooperation deal with Russia.

 American Thinker  "If you were wondering whether President Trump intends to run again, the ad he just dropped attacking Joe Biden seems to say, "Yes, I'm still in the game."  It is one of the most vicious (and deservedly so) ads that I have ever seen.  That's not because Trump has unusually mean or brilliant people working for him.  The sad fact is that the ads against Biden write themselves.

"Usually, political ads are made for a specific purpose: "Vote for me."  "Block that initiative."  "Donate money to someone."  This ad, though, exists solely to destroy Joe Biden — or rather, considering that Biden is destroying himself, to give Biden the coup de grâce.

"The ad is formulated as so many political attack ads are: it has a voice-over from the politician under attack, paired with footage of events that show how dismal his predictions and promises were or how badly he lied to the American people.  What makes it so powerful is the growing list of Biden's terrible failures." . . .

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Liberal Media Scream: CNN regular says Biden’s doing a heck of a job

 Yahoo  "It is no surprise that some in the liberal media are running block for President Joe Biden’s bumbling in Afghanistan. But CNN took the Liberal Media Scream prize this week by featuring a pundit who thinks the president is doing a heck of a job.

"It came on CNN’s Sunday Reliable Sources show hosted by Brian Stelter when consultant Matthew Dowd said that the media isn’t giving Biden credit for a great mission accomplished, especially when compared to deaths related to the COVID and crime fights he is struggling with.

"Dowd, the former chief political analyst for ABC News, said, “the press has a tendency to judge things by anecdotes,” but “data for the last week shows Joe Biden has basically gotten 30,000 people out of Afghanistan without a single loss of an American life.”

"From the Sunday, Aug. 22 Reliable Sources:

BRIAN STELTER: So, Matthew Dowd, you would describe the media coverage this week as what?" . . .

Responding to this CNN report is Brent Baker, vice president of research and publications for the Media Research Center, who explains our weekly pick: 

“Dowd is one of the Baghdad Bobs of the current debacle, ignoring the dire reality that looks very bad for his favored political side. He’s a sycophant in defense of President Biden spinning liberal talking points about the supposed misdeeds of Trump and conservatives instead of offering any kind of honest assessment about Biden’s bungling.”

Monty Python's timeless humor


Monty Python predicted all this!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Embassy staff feels 'betrayed' by US and rather be killed by Taliban than face Kabul airport chaos

 Daily Mail    "Damaging US cables reveal staff working at the American Embassy in Kabul are 'deeply disheartened' by the Biden Administration's withdrawal, with some even saying 'it would be better to die under the Taliban's bullet' than attempt to flee to safety. The jarring statement was part of a diplomatic cable from Afghan US Embassy staff, who said they've been separated from their children, according to NBC News, which obtained the message. 'Happy to die here, but with dignity and pride,' another embassy staffer said, while a third accused the U.S. of prioritizing Afghan government elites with vast wealth and the connections to safely flee. " . . .

USA TODAY 'Flat wrong': Fox News' Chris Wallace confronts Blinken on Biden's al-Qaida statement

 Yahoo  "Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday confronted Secretary of State Antony Blinken over President Joe Biden's claims on Afghanistan, including the suggestion that al-Qaida is no longer active in the country.

"Biden told reporters Friday that the United States no longer needs troops in Afghanistan to counter al-Qaida, which was behind the 9/11 attacks.

"“What interest do we have in Afghanistan at this point with al-Qaida gone?” Biden said. "We went to Afghanistan for the express purpose of getting rid of al-Qaida in Afghanistan, as well as... getting Osama bin Laden. And we did."

"Wallace during the interview with Blinken on "Fox News Sunday" said what the president was "flat wrong."

"What is ISIS-K?: Brutal militant group – a rival to Taliban – poses terror threat to U.S. evacuation

" 'What the President said just wasn’t true," Wallace said after playing a short clip of Biden's remarks.

"Earlier this summer, the United Nations released a report that al-Qaida is present in "at least 15 Afghan provinces, primarily in the east, southern and south-eastern regions." Wallace cited the report to Blinken.

"Blinken tried to reframe Biden's statement, noting al-Qaida is no longer the force it once was." . . .

FX Releases New Trailer For ‘Impeachment: American Crime Story’

 You can check out the premiere episode September 7. There’s no shot at all I miss this one! I can’t wait to see what we get.

The Daily Caller   "FX recently dropped another trailer for “Impeachment: American Crime Story.”

"The highly-anticipated third version of the show from Ryan Murphy will follow former President Bill Clinton’s sex scandal with Monica Lewinsky and the subsequent impeachment trial. (REVIEW: ‘Westworld’ Season 3 Ends With The Possible Deaths Of Multiple Characters)

"Judging from the latest trailer, fans are in for a very fun time. Give it a watch below."

Biden’s Indefatigable Incompetence; Pitiful, helpless pusillanimity in Afghanistan.

Biden’s Indefatigable Incompetence  ". . .  Also on Friday, we learned that Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue, the commander of the 82nd Airborne, called his British counterpart to demand that they stop evacuating civilians because it made the US military’s effort look bad. (Donohue denies making this request.)

The Brits have been sending elements of their famed 22nd Parachute Regiment — part of the Special Air Service, which is comparable to our SEALs or Green Berets — to take British citizens to safety. Fortunately, according to a Washington Times report, the British commander told Donahue to bugger off. Pusillanimity had never been a characteristic of the 82nd Airborne, but with Biden, Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley in charge, both the alleged request by Donohue and the Brit’s reply are entirely believable. The Brit effort — as well as those of France, Germany, and other nations — is making us look bad because we’re not doing the same for our people." . . 

..."As I wrote on Friday, it is clearly within our capability to clear convoy routes by force, send in our troops to gather up U.S. citizens, and get them to the airport. If they have to kill a few hundred Taliban — or however many more that is necessary — to do so, so much the better.

"But we’re not doing that. Our forces — again, directed by Biden, Austin, and Milley — are sitting inside the airport perimeter. On Friday, Biden said, “I cannot promise what the final outcome will be, or that it will be without risk of loss, but as commander-in-chief I can assure you I will mobilize every resource necessary.” So far, all he’s done is to mobilize Civil Reserve Air Fleet assets — about eighteen civilian airliners — to carry people out of the Qatar refugee center to the U.S. and other nations."...

Biden has been wrong, or worse, for his entire, sorry career (  . . . "That still doesn’t absolve the media of its obligation to examine the equally powerful evidence that Joe Biden is a liar, a serial plagiarist, a foreign-policy numbskull, a political coward, and a useful idiot for the radical Left.

As for cowardice, it is beyond all reason that Biden doesn’t face repeated questions and harsh criticisms from every media outlet about his refusal to say whether he would sign a bill to pack the Supreme Court. It is one of the election’s most important issues, with momentous ramifications for the court’s independence and the nation’s future." . . .

"It defies all journalistic standards for editorial boards to not demand answers about why Biden ferried his troubled son Hunter on Air Force Two to China when Hunter was seeking lucrative business deals from entities controlled by the Communist Chinese government."   ...

Biden's administration is either too incompetent or too dishonest to operate (

    Either the Biden administration lied to the public, or it is so incompetent and inefficient that senior officials cannot accurately interpret intelligence reports. Neither of these scenarios is good.

124 retired generals and admirals question Biden's mental health


The Hill via Changing America (Even back in May!)   "A group of retired U.S. military admirals and generals signed a letter released Tuesday questioning President Biden’s fitness for office and seemingly challenging the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. 

"The letter, signed by 124 former military leaders and posted by Flag Officers 4 America, said the “Constitutional Republic is lost” without “fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the 'will of the people.'”

" 'The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020," the letter added. 

"Former Attorney General William Barr said in December the Justice Department uncovered no evidence of voter fraud that could have affected the outcome of the 2020 election, The Associated Press (AP) reported." . . .

World Leaders Lash Out at Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle, One Ally Holds Joe in "Contempt"


Wayne Dupree   Global leaders this week slammed Joe Biden for the absolute dog’s breakfast that was and is the Afghanistan disaster. He has done everything wrong. Everything.
"FNC: “President Biden’s pledge to renew America’s standing on the world stage is in jeopardy as international leaders are expressing outrage over his rushed withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, leading to the quick collapse of Kabul and the rise of Taliban military rule.
"‘I’m sending a clear message to the world, America is back, the transatlantic alliance is back and we’re not looking backward, we’re looking forward together,’ Biden declared earlier this year in a virtual address to the annual Munich Security Conference.
"Now, both critics and allies of the U.S. are slamming Biden for abruptly ending its 20-year North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) campaign in Afghanistan, endangering allied nationals as well as friendly Afghans throughout the country as the Taliban gains control.”
"German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that German troops, which made up the largest military deployment after the U.S., would have stayed if Americans remained and that “domestic political reasons” motivated Biden’s decision." . . .

BREAKING Authorities Seeking Person(s) Responsible For Crafting A Nautical Map For Cuban Refugees To A Fake Martha’s Vineyard “Receiving Center” –

 Earl of Taint  "The map directs immigrants to what has been confirmed as Barack Obama’s birthday party, falsely stating they will be welcomed and offered free food and housing. Detectives are asking the public for help identifying possible suspects adding this aerial security photo taken earlier this morning.

"One immigrant we spoke to said she was eager to taste the “Jelly made from the Pearls” she’d heard would be there …perhaps as a filling in her Pupusa, if she got lucky.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

What Bruce Springsteen Has Said About Joe Biden on 9/21/20

I like his stuff, have always liked it, but now the bloom is long off the rose, knowing he would dislike me, and seeing so many unlikeable celebrities who adore him. One feels the urge to ask him if he thought Obama was vindictive when O shut down the government, fenced off open-air memorials and their viewpoints, then told his park service to "make it hurt". TD

 What Bruce Springsteen Has Said About Joe Biden (   

"Bruce Springsteen has deemed the 2020 Republican National Convention "horrific" in a scathing attack against the President.

"The legendary musician and lifelong Democrat did not hold back when asked about the event this year, in a wide-ranging interview about his new music, his old music, politics and Black Lives Matter.

"Though his disdain for Donald Trump is well-known, Springsteen has revealed he supports Joe Biden and believes his election will help repair America's global reputation.

"Speaking about this year's RNC, Springsteen said it was "just seeded with constant lies and total distortion of the American idea."

"The "Born to Run" singer is advocating for "some pretty serious systemic changes moving leftward" and cited Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as leading left politicians in the U.S.

" 'I like Bernie Sanders a lot," he said. "I don't know if he was my main choice, my first choice. I like Elizabeth Warren, I like Bernie." . . .

He makes a good soulmate for Megan Rapinoe; one could say they even resemble each other....Becky’s dad doesn’t approve of the guy she’s dating, probably named Johnny, but she’s not going to let that stop their love. The factory has closed or is about to, making life in this small town even tougher than it was before. The young lovers are going to meet somewhere, probably on the outskirts of town, and go off to start their lives together, even though the odds are stacked against them. (Cue the guitar or horns.) Derek Hunter (

 Limbaugh slams Springsteen parody  . . . " 'You are only a friend of a Democrat for as long as they can use you, and why this isn’t seen by people is beyond me,” Limbaugh said. “It was a big deal that Obama got Springsteen on the phone from Air Force One. … And here is the guy who brought [Gov. Christie] to tears by talking to him, making fun of him on a late-night comedy show.”

Parissa Sedghi: Partisan Bruce Springsteen's Call For 'Unity' Falls Flat  ..."With his call for unity and sudden eagerness to find some common ground, you’d never think that this was the same man who spent the Trump years fueling the flames of partisan fire and, before that, proudly vocalized opposition to Republicans and Republican leaders."...

..."For one, Springsteen and Biden romanticize the blue collar, factory life of times past, but neither of them have spent time experiencing it. Springsteen might have grown up in a working class family, but he has spent the majority of his adult career in the limelight. Biden’s been in politics his whole life with little to show for it. And no matter how much pandering he extends to the working class and how relatable he pretends to be, his hands will never be calloused. He’d sooner kill jobs before he’d do any work to create them, as we’ve already seen just weeks into his presidency. Biden and Springsteen have taken it upon themselves to be the mouthpieces of the working class man–but as it stands now, they are both failing miserably."...

Bruce's "Bourgeois House"