Tuesday, September 14, 2021

"Champaign Socialist" AOC attacks the rich while attending a $30,000 gala dinner

 AOC is slammed as a hypocrite for donning a custom Aurora James dress with'TAX THE RICH' scrawled across it to the Met Gala where tickets cost $30,000 each   "Democrat Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez made an appearance at the Met Gala wearing a white gown with bright red letters spelling 'TAX THE RICH.' The congresswoman was photographed in the red carpet of the socialite event in New York City, where tickets are up to $35,000 and tables are $250,000. AOC wore an off-the-shoulder custom dress, red heels and a bag that also read 'TAX THE reach', designed by creative director Aurora James, ELLE reported.Brothers Vellies, James' luxury brand, is often worn by celebrities such as Beyoncé, Meghan Markle, Zendaya, Rihanna and Lady Gaga,"

Ted Cruz, Trump, Jr Point out the Folly of AOC's 'Tax the Rich' Dress at Met Gala ..."The irony? She’s attending an event hanging out with the rich, that costs at least $30,000 to attend. So she either paid or was gifted the ticket which raises gift/donation questions."...

..."Um, AOC? You grew up in Westchester, the daughter of an architect, and went to Boston College, despite your stories about the Bronx. You bartended briefly. You’re now a sitting member of Congress, making $174,000, who lives in a luxury building and drives a Tesla. You are not now a “working-class woman' ”

Yes, Ocasio-Cortez Really Wanted to Send This Message at a Ritzy Gala

AOC Unironically Wears 'Tax the Rich' Gown to Bougie Met Gala . . . "How many of you could afford to go to the Met Gala, I wonder? So while she’s profiting off her access to the super wealthy and the culture they create, she’s also sending a message that she wants to punish them for being wealthy… and they all love it. Of course, that’s not really what she means. She doesn’t mean “tax my donors until they bleed.” This is just marketing for her. What she really means is “tax the middle class” until we become a lower class. That’s always the Democrats’ plan. When they say, “tax the rich,” they’re really just targeting the suburbs. They never actually target Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg, or anyone else on their friends’ list—those with yachts they get invited to (or Gala events—Zuckerburg and Instagram sponsored this one)."

Photo: I believe the left calls this a "white Power" signal, does it not? Fear her voters.

Nolte: Elites Violate Mask Mandate at Grotesque Met Gala  "The maskless Met Gala once again proves that the science is clear. Masks only stop us, you and I, the little people, from spreading the coronavirus. However, America’s cherished left-wing elites are so unique and beautiful that the virus dare not spread through them.". . . 


,,, You

Joe and the Football -

The football, or Presidential Emergency Satchel, has existed since the Eisenhower administration.  The football is carried by a military aide and should accompany the president at all times.  The football gives the president the ability to order a nuclear strike regardless of his location. 

 American Thinker  "We are not talking about Joe Montana, arguably the greatest quarterback of all time (sorry, Tom).  We are talking about Joe Biden, categorically the worst president of all time.

"Joe's football weighs a hefty forty-five pounds.  It is not composed of pigskin and compressed air.  Instead black leather and aluminum hold classified papers and a satellite radio set."...

..."Relay of the order is governed by the two-man rule.  That is, it takes the approval of two authenticated individuals for the order to proceed down the chain of command.  This ensures that no one person, deranged or not, can initiate a nuclear strike.

"Well, almost.  The commander-in-chief is the exception.  The two-man rule does not apply to him."...

..."So we come to the crux of the matter.

"The crux is not whether an increasingly addled, inept, frustrated, and callous Joe Biden would order a nuclear strike.  This summer, the pressures on him have grown immensely.  The months of fall and winter promise no relief.  This president is likely close to the cracking point, if he has not already arrived.

"The crux is whether the chain of command would follow through on a strike order issued by this president?   Especially if the strike was not in response to an attack, but motivated by the need for Joe to lash out at his tormentors?

"The compliance to the insane order to abandon Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan provides a nauseating clue.  The Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and everyone down the chain had to know the order would result in catastrophe, but they obeyed anyway.  Not a single soul resigned in protest.  

"Joe, of course, would not order a strike against the true enemies of the United States.  The heinous regimes of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela have little to fear.  Who, then, would seething Joe move against?"...   Read more.

Monday, September 13, 2021

With Newsom poised to win California recall, another indication COVID politics may be starting to favor Democrats over Republicans

 Looks Like the monkey lady and the Taliban both won.

Yahoo  ..."With polls now showing Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom ahead by double-digit margins on the eve of California’s much-hyped recall election, voters here seem ready to reject the laissez-faire COVID-19 policies that have failed to contain huge summer surges in Republican-led states such as Florida — and vindicate the Golden State’s more careful approach to the hypercontagious Delta variant.

"Their verdict could have national implications for both Democrats and Republicans heading into the 2022 midterm elections."...

Another Resignation Rocks the White House. People Are Jumping Ship |

  News Thud

It has also been rumored that Secretary of State Antony Blinken may also be forced to resign after his testimony before Congress was a complete disaster.

"In light of the border crisis and the influx of refugees from Afghanistan the chief of staff to the Department of Homeland Security, Karen Olick has decided to resign.

"Olick plans to leave the DHS at the end the month. Mayorkas told DHS officials that Olick “has decided to resign her position and pursue new opportunities. We are grateful to Karen for her service during the critical first nine months of the new Administration.”

"Olick is leaving amid the massive flow of illegal migrants across the border and the influx of refugees from Afghanistan. The DHS has been rocked and she doesn’t feel like being the scapegoat.

"Recently, two of the FDA’s top vaccine experts, Philip Krause and Marion Gruber resigned because they did not agree with Biden’s plan for a third booster.

"Along with numerous other scientist the two wrote in a peer reviewed paper that “current evidence does not, therefore, appear to show a need for boosting in the general population, in which efficacy against severe disease remains high:'”. . .

LEAKED Audio Of Blinken May End His Political Career

OAN reporter, Jack Posobiec made breaking news that, “Republican staff have an audio recording of Tony Blinken at an East Hampton gathering the weekend that Kabul fell. In the recording, Blinken is heard making several disparaging comments about the most senior members of the Biden administration, per GOP official.”

Naivete is not a virtue

. . . "Who in his right mind actually thinks telling the friggin’ Taliban “the Afghan people deserve an inclusive government” would make a damn bit of difference to those guys?

"The only reason they’re voicing concern is because their expectations were entirely unrealistic. And if they weren’t so deeply naïve they would have known their expectations were unrealistic.

"Yet this is the department in charge of US foreign policy and diplomacy.

"No wonder we got rick-rolled by Iran, taken advantage of by NATO, hoodwinked by China and blindsided by the Taliban.". . . 

What the Biden surrender has wrought


Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has warned that President Joe Biden’s Afghanistan exit strategy could lead to future terror attacks against the U.S. as the Taliban now again rules the country after two decades of U.S. occupation"...

A senior manager working at the headquarters of the NDS told The Sunday Times that the Taliban took possession of laptops and paperwork from the headquarters after taking Kabul on August 15.     Bidens tend to lose laptops

 Now U.S. intelligence officials are warning that America's chaotic withdrawal from that war is inspiring terrorist groups abroad. CBS News 

'The Great American Walkout' Begins, Targets Biden's Overreaching Vaccine Mandate

  The Federalist  "A call has been issued for Americans to take a stand against vaccine mandates by walking out of their jobs or schools.

"On Thursday, President Joe Biden said he would draft executive orders forcing all employers with more than 100 workers to institute vaccine mandates, as well as imposing them on federal workers and federal contractors.

"According to a news advisory provided to The Western Journal, “The Great American Walkout” kicked off Saturday with a San Diego news conference “to announce the launch of a nationwide peaceful protest of Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Medics, Educators and Parents who are all greatly concerned with President Biden and multiple other state Governor’s recent calls for nationwide COVID-19 vaccine mandates.' ”. . . More at the link.

Texas Set to Defy Joe Biden, Finalizing Plans to Build 700 Miles of Wall at Southern Border

The Western Journal   "Texas is expected to award a contract this week to begin construction of a barrier along its southern border with Mexico.
"In an early-September statement on its website, the Texas Facilities Commission announced that a design firm and an engineering firm had been selected to oversee the project’s construction, The Texas Tribune reported last week.
"That statement noted that the contract is expected to be awarded by mid-September — or sometime this week.
" 'The Texas Facilities Commission, which oversees state contracts, said in a statement it anticipates awarding the border wall project with more than $1 billion in available funding by mid-September,” the Washington Examiner reported.

“ 'The commissioners must vote on the decision before the contract for a program manager can be awarded, and the final monetary amount has not yet been determined. The program manager will handle the budget and determine where to build.' ”. . . 

Wokeness: An Evil of Our Age


What skulls full of mush wrought

Victor Davis Hanson; American Greatness

Even the Chinese apparat could not invent a more evil, more macabre way to destroy the United States.  

. . . "The effort to force war-weary Czarist Russia to reform into a constitutional monarchy ended up being kidnapped by a small but lethal clique of Leninist Bolsheviks. What ensued was the destruction of Russian life—and millions of corpses—over the next 70 years. Ditto Mao Zedong’s various murderous resets culminating in the cannibalistic “Cultural Revolution.” Mao’s final tab was 60-70 million deaths of his fellow Chinese. 

"French, Russian, and Chinese wokists all toppled statues, canceled out the nonbelievers, wiped away history, tore down monuments, and declared themselves the purest of all generations in their year zero—before getting down to the business of dividing up the spoils and settling scores.

"Most of these bloodbaths started out with the supposedly noble idea of delivering social justice, equity, and fairness before they inevitably went deadly and feral. We should be just as worried about our own woke pandemic.". . . 

Leftists Destroy Statues Because Scorched Earth Is Their Only Option (thefederalist.com)  “Who even is this guy?” one Wisconsin protester asked, staring down at the toppled statue of Hans Christian Heg, an abolitionist leader who fought and died for the Union in the Civil War.

So much more on this here.

Do what the Fauch says and you'll be fine


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

Lara Logan drops dynamite Fox News segment on Biden's sweeping vaccine mandates - American Thinker  

Ms. Logan began the show reporting on new directives to OSHA not to report on COVID vaccine side-effects.  She then segued into recent reports from the U.K. and Israel that report on serious problems with the vaccines.

One feature of the segment that conservatives will appreciate is the montages from other channels, like MSNBC and CNN.  Their "commentators" are so crazed that it's surreal.  These un-American fools actually think Biden "didn't go far enough."

The Biden Mandates are a civil rights issue, and they should appall lovers of freedom.  Do watch Lara: 

(If YouTube takes down the video, you can also find it at FoxNews.com after you sit through a commercial or two.)

 Fauci Calls for 'Many, Many More' Vaccine Mandates (westernjournal.com)  ..."The White House’s chief medical adviser said the spread of the delta variant of COVID-19 is the fault of those who do not listen to experts such as himself."...

Political Cartoons (townhall.com)

Kamala Harris Blusters ‘Protect The Vaccinated,’ Gets Mocked: ‘What The Hell Is It Even For?’ | The Daily Wire 

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Obama and Springsteen: the Barry / Bruce bromance


Democrats, [Please] Break Up With Bruce Springsteen - POLITICO

"And while you’re at it, stop relying on pop culture to score points with voters."

..."Recent years have seen a growing penchant among online liberals for reworking the materials of pop culture into the shallowest sort of political commentary. Anyone who’s been on liberal-leaning corners of the internet over the past five years has seen Hillary Clinton imagined as Daenerys Targaryen, Donald Trump as Lord Voldemort, and Joe Biden as Captain America, to name just a few examples. Reworking pop-cultural figures into mascots for certain political values certainly isn’t a new phenomenon, but social media has made it a considerably more prevalent and embarrassing one.

"These sorts of political expressions are an inevitable result of a time when most of pop culture is thought to belong to Democrats.". . . 

. . . "As someone who writes about music for a living and is both a Springsteen agnostic and a reliable (if at times reluctant) Democratic voter, I’m fascinated by the party’s longstanding love affair with the Boss. And it’s often been reciprocal: Springsteen has endorsed every Democratic presidential candidate since 2004 and has been affiliated with liberal politics for far longer, going at least as far back as his storied repudiations of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. At this point Springsteen and the liberal establishment’s mutual affinity feels completely intuitive, although it also feels like an early, analog model for an entanglement of political thinking and popular culture that has come to pollute Democratic politics in the 21st century."...

I like his stuff, have always liked it, but now the bloom is long off the rose, knowing he would dislike me, and seeing so many unlikeable celebrities who adore him. One feels the urge to ask him if he thought Obama was vindictive when O shut down the government, fenced off open-air memorials and their viewpoints, then told his park service to "make it hurt". The Tunnel Dweller;                                     "Though his disdain for Donald Trump is well-known, Springsteen has revealed he supports Joe Biden and believes his election will help repair America's global reputation.                     "Speaking about this year's RNC, Springsteen said it was "just seeded with constant lies and total distortion of the American idea."

Why Isn’t the Attack on Larry Elder the Biggest Story in America?


National Review

A white woman in a gorilla mask threw an egg at a black man seeking to become the first non-white governor of our largest state, and the media shrug.

"Do a search for “Larry Elder” and gorilla on the CNN website and nothing comes up. Washington Post? Zilch. Nothing comes up on the New York Times site either, although if you make it to the 15th paragraph of a story entitled “The Vice President pushed back against the effort to recall Newsom in the Bay Area,” you will find a bland passing reference to Wednesday’s disgusting incident. According to our nation’s media leaders, it’s not a story that a white person wearing a gorilla mask attacked Larry Elder, a black man seeking to become the first non-white governor of California, by hurling an egg that touched his head.

"If Elder were a Democrat, the attack would have been instantly and with good reason dubbed racist. It would not only be front-page news, it would be just about the only news you were hearing about today on CNN and MSNBC. Charles Blow, Perry Bacon, and Jamelle Bouie would each be writing the first in a series of angry columns about it. So would Gail Collins, Jonathan Capehart, Jennifer Rubin, Michelle Goldberg, Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd, Dana Milbank, and Ezra Klein. We would be treated to multiple news analyses about the history of the usage of gorilla tropes against blacks. Joy-Ann Reid, Rachel Maddow, and Don Lemon would be doing hour-long broadcasts on the attack, convening panels discussing just how the attack pulls the scab off racism in America, and proves we have so much work left to do in dealing with the problem. Vox would commission a series about California’s grim history of racism dating back to the Chinese Exclusion Act, and Asian-American and Latino writers would hasten to explain that California’s historic hostility to all sorts of persons of color is as traditional as its Tournament of Roses parade. Three-thousand-word essays about the brutal, unknown history of lynchings in the Golden State would be published in The Atlantic and/or The New Yorker. Al Sharpton, exhibiting a combination of exhaustion and despondency, would be a guest on half a dozen cable TV shows.

"The woman who threw the egg at Elder would find her picture, her name, and everything she’d ever said on social media scrutinized at great length and on the home pages of the leading news sites. Her appearance would be mocked by late-night comedians. Dozens of reporters would be sent out to learn this woman’s story, to check out where she lived, where she worked, and where she went to school.". . . 

California Recall Election: Larry Elder and Team Targeted by Eggs in Los Angeles  .."The woman in the gorilla mask appeared to slap a staffer in the face, while a man shouted at Elder that he is a “piece of sh**” as the candidate was escorted away from the situation.'...

Los Angeles deputies shot: Crowds protest, allegedly shout 'We hope they die' outside hospital  California seems to provide us all with repulsive people and politicians. I can visualize our egg-throwing gorilla being one of those trying to enter the hospital. TD

"Democrats Finally Get Comfortable Saying Obama Is a Jerk"

 Obama accumulated all this, while lecturing the world’s rich: “There’s only so much you can eat. There’s only so big a house you can have. There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.”

Democrats Finally Get Comfortable Calling Out Barack Obama's Narcissism | National Review    "Last week, our Charlie Cooke spotlighted an MSNBC commentator insisting Florida governor Ron DeSantis is “more dangerous than Trump” and accurately dissected how Democrats talk about Republican officials in and out of office.

This is simply how Democrats begin to talk about Republican candidates whom they believe are capable of winning a national election. When such candidates reach office, they’re Hitler. When they’ve left office, they’re bad, but not as bad as the ones in office. And when they’re dead, they’re the sort of Republicans whom the living ones should be more like — yes, even if, when they were alive, they, too, were deemed to be Hitler.
"There’s an inverse relationship with Democratic party lawmakers. The more time that passes since a particular Democrat was in elected office, the easier it gets for his fellow Democrats to acknowledge glaring flaws that they previously ignored or downplayed. Six years after Ted Kennedy died, it was safe to make a movie about Chappaquiddick – and lay out the facts that Kennedy left a young woman to drown. In 2017, nearly 17 years after Bill Clinton left officeand when it was clear his wife would not become president someday, Matt Yglesias and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand could safely acknowledge that Clinton’s affair with an intern should have forced his resignation.

"And now this appears to be the moment when Democrats feel comfortable publicly ripping into Barack Obama. There were moments during the 2020 Democratic presidential primary where candidates and factions within the party grappled with their disappointment and recognized that if Obama was as terrific a president as they insisted, the American people would not have elected Donald Trump." . . .

Obama Wants to Make the Shutdown Hurt Ordinary Americans ..."Mr. Obama’s behavior is not normal behavior but it is the behavior one would expect in a Banana Republic. "

Flashback to when Obama weaponized 2013 government shutdown (legalinsurrection.com) "Obama shut high profile monuments and national parks specifically so that the TV cameras could show veterans and others being turned away. "

“A Tale of Two Shutdowns”: Obama Closes War Memorials to Veterans; Trump Admin Keeps Them Open to Public   ..."In 2013, what President Obama did was nothing short of a political stunt. To make our veterans feel the pain of the shutdown, he weaponized our public lands. He actually had park officials working overtime to erect barricades and stand guard to deny access to open air memorials, which were normally open 24/7. Worse still, he did this knowing that groups of WWII veterans were planning once in a lifetime visits to the memorial erected in honor of their fight for freedom."...