Monday, September 27, 2021

The baleful significance of the Dems' Iron Dome fiasco

 Melanie Phillips (

Shamefully, it has never pushed back against "The Squad" of progressive women lawmakers despite the revolting remarks they have made — not just about Israel but also the Jews — under the risible fig-leaf of concern for "Palestinian rights."

"According to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, when the Democrats withdrew from their embattled spending bill $1 billion in emergency funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system, this was merely a "technicality" that would be reversed.

"Some technicality! The baleful reality behind this development is that the Democratic Party is splintering over support for Israel.

"The Iron Dome system has prevented thousands of rockets and missiles from slaughtering Israeli civilians and reducing their cities to rubble. Removing this funding would signify that the party no longer wished to prevent this.

"Cue predictable uproar, not least among pro-Israel Democrats. Two days later, the House overwhelmingly passed a separate bill dedicated to the Iron Dome funding. Pro-Israel Democrat Rep Kathy Manning pledged that the party "will reiterate our ironclad support for our ally, Israel."

"But despite the second bill passing that support is ironclad no longer.

"The fiasco was triggered by pressure from the party’s "progressive" caucus, whose members hate Israel and want it gone. They reportedly told the party leadership they wouldn’t vote for the bill if it included the Iron Dome funding.

"With the Republicans continuing to dig in their heels against the bill in total, Hoyer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi caved — a moment of moral bankruptcy which subsequent actions can’t erase.". . . 

You see how "The Squad" has thrown a wrench into Congress' support for our traditional allies?  Wait till all the border-crossers and Afghan imports settle into areas and elect their own Democrat representatives into Congress. Unless somehow the American education system teaches them to love this nation, it's Constitution and our history. TD

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Biden leads our nation from Canada to approximately Mexico

 ‘Judge, Jury And Executioner’: Tulsi Gabbard Says Biden ‘Needs To Apologize’ For Throwing Border Agents Under The Bus | The Daily Caller

"Former Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard said Saturday that President Joe Biden “needs to apologize to the American people” for falsely accusing border patrol agents of “strapping” illegal immigrants from Haiti.

“ 'I consider Joe Biden a friend. But he’s absolutely wrong and he needs to apologize to the American people for saying what he said,” Gabbard told Fox News’ “Watters’ World.” “And here’s why.  He’s somebody who’s been very outspoken about being against autocrats and dictators. But what he essentially did was act as judge, jury and executioner for these customs and border patrol agents on horseback,” the former Democratic presidential candidate continued." (RELATED: Lara Logan Says Biden Is ‘Demonizing’ Border Patrol, ‘Decriminalized Crossing The Border’)

During an appearance on “The View,” Vice President Kamala Harris said, “Human beings should not be treated that way and it also invoked images of some of the worst moments of our history where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against African-Americans during times of slavery and so I’m glad that the Department of Homeland Security is taking it very seriously.”. . . 

 Texas governor to Border Patrol agents under investigation: ‘I will hire you’ - POLITICO

 The Department of Homeland Security said it would launch a full investigation, and President Joe Biden said the footage shocked him. “It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay,” Biden said Friday.  Abbott said the fault for any misbehavior should be placed on Biden and members of his administration because they didn’t keep the Haitian migrants from crossing from Mexico into Del Rio, Texas.

Border Patrol agents blast Biden for repeating debunked claim that they 'strapped' migrants | Daily Mail Online

 UK Daily Mail Online

  • Border agents have hit out at the president for not supporting them over pictures of a mounted agent swinging the reins of his horse while confronting an immigrant
  • The pictures were first believed to show him whipping the man, but that account has already been debunked with even the photographer who took the pictures saying his image showed no such thing
  • But Biden said: 'People will pay. There will be investigation underway now and there will be consequences'
  • VP Kamala Harris had compared the photos to 'times of slavery'
  • Agents blasted the administration, saying: ‘It is absolutely outrageous that President Biden wouldn’t give us the benefit of the doubt before spouting off'
  • Another said the officers live by a code of conduct, adding: 'Just because Biden won't man up and accept responsibility for his actions doesn't mean we won't'
  • Another mass crisis is looming from South America where some 19,000 migrants, mainly Haitians, are now amassed near the Colombian border 

. . . "But that didn’t stop Biden calling the image and video ‘outrageous.’

"' ‘It is absolutely outrageous that President Biden wouldn’t give us the benefit of the doubt before spouting off,’ one agent told

" ‘He should have supported us as Federal agents — especially in light of how abysmally he’s handled the border crisis.' 

" ‘We do this job for the safety and security of our families and the nation. Just because Biden won't man up and accept responsibility for his actions doesn't mean we won't,’ a second agent told

" ‘We have handled every crisis this administration has challenged us with and we still hold our heads up, put a badge on and go to work to defend this country from any who would enter illegally,’ he added. 

" Instead of support them, Biden said of the picture and video: ‘It was horrible to see, to see people treated like they did, with horses nearly running them over. People being strapped.'

"He added: ‘It's outrageous. I promise you those people will pay. There will be investigation underway now and there will be consequences. There will be consequences. It's an embarrassment.' ". . . 

The Democrats tend to be anti-police

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Give CDC the Power to Cancel Rent Whenever They Want

 Legal Insurrection

“Their bill would explicitly give the CDC the authority to re-enact the moratorium and compel it to do so.”

"The Centers for Disease Control was widely criticized over the summer when they extended the eviction moratorium. Critics correctly pointed out that the CDC is not an elected body, they’re not lawmakers, and they should not have the power to enact such a policy.
"Now Elizabeth Warren wants to give them the power to do this whenever they want.
"Warren is teaming up with Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri to do it.
"Brad Polumbo writes at the Foundation for Economic Education:

Elizabeth Warren Introduces Bill to Bring Back One of the Federal Government’s Worst Pandemic Policies

In late August, the Supreme Court struck down the Centers for Disease Control’s so-called “eviction moratorium.” The justices ruled that the federal agency did not have the legal authority to unilaterally extend a prohibition on the eviction of non-paying tenants in many circumstances. This was a win for both the rule of law and for a rental market destroyed by the order—but the victory could prove short-lived, if a new coalition of progressive lawmakers gets its way.... More...

‘Very sad’ AOC has an ‘irrational hatred of Israel’


Cartoons - American Thinker

‘Very sad’ AOC has an ‘irrational hatred of Israel’ | Sky News Australia  "Executive Director of UN Watch Hillel Neuer says it is “very sad” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez voted ‘present’ on a bill funding Israel’s Iron Dome, which showed an “irrational hatred of Israel”.

"Mr Neuer said Ms Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘present’ vote on a bill funding Israel’s Iron Dome was a “betrayal of progressive values”.

 “ 'The Iron Dome defence system, that was under review this week at Congress, to replenish Israel’s stocks after more than 4000 Hamas rockets were fired at Israeli civilians,” Mr Neuer told Sky News host Sharri Markson.

“ 'The notion that AOC and her colleagues Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who claim to be progressive and humanitarian, would be doing something that eliminates defence for civilians and effectively empowers terrorists … is truly unbelievable.' ”

Border Patrol Outraged by Biden’s Scapegoating: ‘He Just Started a War’


Border Patrol Outraged by Biden’s Scapegoating: ‘He Just Started a War’ (  "President Biden earned the ire of Border Patrol agents on Friday after endorsing the false claim that they were recorded “whipping” migrants who were attempting to cross the Rio Grande into Del Rio, Texas, earlier this week.

"At a press briefing Friday, Biden said the agents would “pay” for allegedly lashing the Haitian migrants — a narrative popularized by journalists on social media even though the video evidence shows no such thing.

"Border Patrol morale is suffering due to the administration’s scapegoating.

“ 'Would you go to work and do your best knowing that if you do your boss is going to ‘make you pay’?” one agent told Fox News. “I’m dumbfounded and don’t know what to say. Is the president threatening to throw us in prison?”

“'I see the administration wants to fry our agents, he just started a war with Border Patrol,” said another agent.". . . 

What whip?

Democrats ‘will be forced’ to remove Joe Biden from office due to his ‘mental decline’ | Sky News Australia   "Former White House physician and current Republican member of Congress Ronny Jackson has told Fox News he believes Joe Biden will have to resign before his term is up due to an “alarming” decline in the president’s cognitive abilities.

"Dr Jackson was the White House physician for former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama.". . . 

WATCH: Media Finally Nails Biden Admin on False CBP Story, Asks Why They Don't Have Wall – RedState   ,,,"Mayorkas was trying to deal with a lot of fall-out. The Biden Administration finally caught a lot of flak — not only for having thousands of illegal aliens congregating under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, immediately after crossing the border. But they got even more flak for the false story that the Border Patrol whipped migrants trying to enter, while on horseback. Despite the fact that the story was false, the Biden Administration seemed to embrace it and didn’t deny it, even though it reflected badly on them, because it distracted from the real problem that they were doing nothing about — the massive influx of people.". . .   

“It is the policy of this administration: we do not agree with the building of the wall,” Mayorkas said. “The law provides that individuals can make a claim for humanitarian relief. That is actually one of our proudest traditions.”

Apparently entering illegally is a “proud tradition” to the Biden administration.

No, they didn’t stop the illegal aliens from coming in; they just poured right in. Then the application of the “law” that Mayorkas talked of? While some were deported, most seem to have been released into the country, as Mayorkas himself admitted.

Hillary Clinton Heckled At Queens University While Accepting "Ridiculous Award" Making Her A Chancellor There…

"War Criminal!" - Hillary Clinton Booed, Heckled Outside Queen's University Belfast (VIDEO) (   "Northern Ireland – Hillary Clinton was booed and heckled outside of Queen’s University Belfast on Friday.

"Recall, Hillary Clinton was appointed the first female chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast in January 2020, but because of Covid restrictions, she wasn’t formally inaugurated until this week."  

Weasel Zippers


"Don’t try to shame the elite. They don’t care about the optics because they know they will always be better than you. You’re nothing to them. They don’t even think about you." Ian Miles Cheong 

Babylon Bee on General Milley and "The Art of War"

"Know thy pronouns, and know thy enemy's pronouns."

"U.S.—Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a pretty good book, but General Mark A. Milley says he can make it even better. Milley believes the book needs to be updated to integrate all the advancements America's modern military has made in military tactics and strategy. To that end, he's releasing his own version of the book.
"And here at The Babylon Bee, we're legit journalists, so we've got the exclusive scoop. Here are some excerpts from the upcoming revision of The Art of War:". . . 

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bill Maher slams Whoopi Goldberg for claiming we need more than one national anthem

The host then played a clip of Barack Obama's famous 2004 speech at the Democratic National Convention where he says 'There is not a Black America or a White America … there is the United States of America,' and said 'where we should be now is here.'  

 Daily Mail Online   "Bill Maher has slammed 'The View' host Whoopi Goldberg after she said America needs a separate black national anthem in order to 'reeducate people'.

"Maher had hit out at the NFL two weeks ago after Alicia Keys performed Lift Every Voice and Sing - otherwise known as the black national anthem - at a Thursday night football game.

"He warned that having separate anthems for different people was 'segregation' but 'under a different name'.".. . 

Maher reasserted he isn't opposed to a new national anthem but 'We just shouldn't have two… I am what you might call an old school liberal who was brought up with the crazy idea that segregating by race is bad. That's what I was talking about.'

"Maher asked if the country has two anthems for black and white Americans why stop there and pondered why there shouldn't be an Anthem for women, gays and other races like Latinos and Asians."...

Bear in mind the wisdom posted above comes from Whoopi Goldberg, source of the below intelligent plan:

The above Whoopithought comes from the same source that gave us this intelligent plan:  ..."Whining, complaining and refusing to call President Donald Trump by his name, Goldberg serves up her insights on the world of politics each weekday.
"The audience members, like trained seals, invariably applaud whatever she says — even when she humiliates herself, as she did Wednesday."...

Whoopi Goldberg Calls Ed.D. Jill Biden 'a Hell of a Doctor' Who Would Be Great Surgeon General (  ..."It would have been OK if not for the fact that the “Dr.” title that Jill Biden has does not have anything to do with medicine.

"As the Los Angeles Times mentioned in a 2009 piece, Biden has a doctorate of education that she earned in 2007 from the University of Delaware."...

Our Alice in Wonderland government and its Media

 Biden vows to punish Border Patrol agents for 'whipping Haitians' hoax - American Thinker  "Looking at the "Border Patrol agents with whips" hoax, it's clear what's happening.  We have gone down the rabbit hole and ended up in Lewis Carroll's Wonderland, a place in which there is no logic, all of the characters are crazy, and the ones with the most power are the most cruel.  For Alice, it was a bad dream, but for all Americans, especially the scapegoated Border Patrol agents, Biden, et al. are trying hard to ensure that this is a nightmare from which we'll never awaken.

"To refresh your recollection, in Alice in Wonderland, Alice attends a trial at which the demented, tyrannical Queen of Hearts is present.  After the evidence phase, the King tells the jurors to consider their verdict.  "'No, no!' said the Queen.  'Sentence first — verdict afterwards.'"  Alice rightly calls this "stuff and nonsense," explaining, "The idea of having the sentence first.". . . 

Will Biden use the Del Rio 'whipping Haitians' hoax to abolish police mounted patrols? - American Thinker

My guess is that even if the investigation finds the agents operated fully in accordance with their training, in order to save face for the president, etc., the investigators will conclude that it is inhumane to use horses as a tool to control people, and their use should be confined to herding cattle, etc.  As a result, police departments in NYC and elsewhere will be forced to discontinue this important tool for crowd control and other law enforcement activities. Will the next step be eliminating police dogs?

 Biden Admin Still Pushing Whip Lie To Distract From Their Open Border Strategy And Policy Failures (  ..."The claim that border patrol agents on horses whipped Haitian migrants illegally crossing the border spread like wildfire, pushed by the media and Democrats. But it was a lie, not just disputed, an outright hoax."

Biden’s DHS Pounces on Fake News, Temporarily Bans Border Patrol From Using Horses (

Joe Biden Declares War on Border Patrol – PJ Media  "Despite the fact that the photos of migrants allegedly being whipped by Border Patrol agents have been debunked by the man who took them, some news outlets are clinging to the story that agents were riding migrants down like Cossacks. Of note, the photographer’s statement is oddly missing from the CNN website.". . . 

Despicable Milley


                                                                      The People's Cube via .American Thinker

What Does Gen. Milley's Conduct Say about Our System? - American Thinker   ..."Woodward's book further asserts that Milley demanded each person in the military chain of command to pledge an oath to him personally, and promise to consult with him first before carrying out any orders from the president.  This demand comes dangerously close to taking over the military by a coup...or at least an attempted coup.  It was not the "Trump-supporters" who committed an "insurrection" by taking over government control, as they didn't have the means to do that, even if they had wanted to.  Rather, Milley's taking over the military and requiring personal loyalty in opposition to a sitting president's potential orders, that constitutes a coup attempt."...

..."Some think Milley should be fired for treason.  Others believe he should be fired for his incompetence regarding his role in Afghanistan, which resulted in untold numbers of deaths, rape, and tyrannical oppression. Either way, Milley must go."

The Dangerous Delusions of Gen. Mark Milley | The American Spectator  ..."America has gone from fake crises under Trump to real ones under Biden — from a period of peace to a presidency of body bags, botched evacuations, and failed drone strikes. Yet the ruling class’s appetite for hysterical books about the Trump presidency hasn’t waned. Now Washington is excited about Bob Woodward’s take on Trump’s final days. Never mind that the biggest scandal his book has unearthed comes not from Trump but from General Mark Milley’s hyperventilating about him. 

"It appears that Milley, based upon imaginary fears about Trump’s mental state after January 6, committed an act of treason. "...

General Milley's record of abysmal failure is why he's gone WOKE 

On June 29th, Domenich wrote: 

The General will likely preside over the military’s defeat in Afghanistan, and aiding in the fall of Kabul to The Taliban, and the massacres thereafter.

   "Ben Domenech, the co-founder, and publisher of The Federalist took over for Laura Ingraham last night and gave an excellent, well-researched summary of the performance of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley.

"As he said, Milley’s many errors, for which he never paid a price demonstrated a “profound blundering, a persistent misunderstanding of national interests and a dangerous willingness to politicize the Army of the United States.' ” . . .Domenech named a few.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Biden’s Jews

 And then there is the rabid anti-Semitism of congresswomen Alexandra Octavio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, all of whom rose to important positions based on the success of the Democrats. This too did not matter, for Jews were quick to rationalize that Speaker Nancy Pelosi had them under control. 

Biden’s Jews - American Thinker "When a friend of mine converted to Judaism, he told the rabbi that he understood the ethics, the laws, and all that was required of him. But there was one thing that he said that he refused to do. He refused to become a Democrat.

The bond between the Jews and the Democrat Party is so strong that, except for blacks, Jews, more than any other group, overwhelmingly support Democratic candidates.  In his seminal work  Beyond the Melting Pot, on the impact of American immigration on society, sociologist Nathan Glazer observed, along with co-author Daniel Patrick Moynihan, that Jews in America have achieved the socioeconomic status of Episcopalians, but they continued to vote like Puerto Ricans.

The lopsided alignment of Jews with the Democrats was showcased in two infamous quotes. The first arguably attributed to James Baker was, “F**k the Jews, they don’t vote for us.”  The more recent version characterizes the Biden administration’s pressure on Israel to accept a premature ceasefire in the recent battle with Hamas, “F**k the Jews, they’ll vote for us anyhow.' ”  . . . 

. . ."So, when J. The Jewish News of Northern California took it upon itself to defend Biden’s disastrous and chaotic retreat from Afghanistan, I should not have been surprised. But the statement was, nonetheless, shocking. Here is what the opinion editors said, "Turning to the tragedy in Afghanistan, it’s too late, and not helpful, to complain about whether the exit and evacuation could have been handled better. That’s over now."

"Let’s consider how out of touch with reality you must be to write that. Let’s apply this trenchant reasoning to other events, “Turning to the tragedy in Europe known as the Holocaust, it’s too late, and not helpful to complain about whether the Western powers should have come to the aid of the Jews. That’s over now.”  Or how about, “Turning to the tragedy of trans-Atlantic slavery, it’s too late, and not helpful to complain about whether the institution could have been handled better or to ask for reparations. That’s over now.' ” 

Virulent Israel-hatred erupts on the floor of Congress - American Thinker  ..."What made Thursday's vote so notable was the virulent Israel-hatred that the naysayers expressed, from Rashida Tlaib's openly anti-Semitic statements, which earned her an open condemnation from a fellow Democrat, to Ocasio-Cortez's bursting into tears because Israel was being given the means to defend itself.

"Rashida Tlaib, who consistently makes it clear that she sits in Congress to represent Gaza and the West Bank, was the worst of the bunch:"...