Joe's lying is said to be "habitual". Hillary's was called "congenital". They are Democrats so either is operative. TD
The explosion of knowledge and of freedom in modern times has made the world immensely more complicated than the world our grandparents knew. Yet for liberty to be for all and not just the few, the commitment to knowledge and truth for all is of first importance.
The American Spectator "In the way that the last president was enamored of hyperbole and name-calling, the current president is enamored of outright lies. The $3.5 trillion “infrastructure” bill won’t cost anything; the generals all agreed with his assessment of Afghanistan; no American will be left behind; the exit from Afghanistan was a great triumph; as well as the many false assertions he has made about his own life that cross into the bizarre.
"Lying by American politicians is not something new. It was said by White House reporters of that day that when Lyndon Johnson lied, he gave it away by a motion of his body. No, it wasn’t pulling his ear that indicated a lie was to follow, nor was it the blink of his eyes. The telltale sign, they said, was when his jaws moved.
"But there is a major difference between LBJ’s ’60s and now. The institutions of home and of faith were still overwhelmingly strong back then. There was a robust consensus of what was decent civil behavior that covered the vast majority of Americans, whether conservative, moderate, or liberal. When the government’s lies began to be exposed during the grind of war and social upheaval, there was a powerful wave of revulsion that would sweep Johnson out of office, radicalize the Democrats, and see the end of the era of consensus, civility, and shared national purpose that had seemed so powerful after our victory over fascism in World War II.
"Lying shows the contempt or the fear a politician has of his constituents. Contempt, because he believes his audience is gullible enough to believe him; and fear because he believes that he could not have the power and influence he wants honestly.
"So many of the fundamentals of Western democracy are based on the biblical tradition. Ancient nations had their priesthoods and god-rulers, whose power was all the evidence needed that they were divine and their power legitimate. Knowledge was tightly controlled. Hieroglyphics and pictographs could only be mastered by an elite few. Literacy and knowledge were dangerous, for if everyone could know truth, the elites would lose their monopoly and wealth and influence would have to be worked for much harder.". . .