The liberal media is giving all their attention to the tax and spend Democrats!
"Via the memeorandum aggregator, I found this bizarre story on Newsbusters (“LOPSIDED: Dems Swamp Republicans (115 to 16) on Evening News Budget Stories“):
Is there any surprise our national debt keeps climbing when the voices calling for fiscal responsibility are almost completely drowned out by the national media?
In the network evening news show coverage of stories about the infrastructure bill, increasing the debt ceiling and President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better” spending boondoggle Republican voices were almost completely shut out.
MRC analysts looked at 30 stories on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening programs covering the most recent budget debates from September 23 to October 10 and discovered a whopping disparity in soundbites with Democrats overwhelming Republicans by a 115 to 16 count.
Yes, viewers of these programs were seven times more likely to hear from hardcore big spending Democratic lefties such as Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Pramila Jayapal than Republicans like Sen. Mitch McConnell or Rep. Kevin McCarthy.
"Leaving aside that the Republicans seem to be committed to “fiscal responsibility” only when Democrats are in the White House, this seems a rather bizarre critique. One party controls the White House, House of Representatives, and (nominally, at least) the Senate. The Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, has made it abundantly clear that there will not be a single vote from his party for raising the debt ceiling or in support of the reconciliation package.". . .
All emphases in the original.