Friday, November 12, 2021

Remember Kamala Harris declared fervently that she supports BLM?

"The anti-American revolution they are advancing would destroy the most equitable, inclusive, tolerant, and free society that has ever existed." *

 BLM activist threatens 'bloodshed' if New York's new Mayor Eric Adams dares tackle crime    "New York City's voters, who elected black Democrat Eric Adams mayor on an anti-crime platform, have, to say the least, spoken.

"But that hasn't stopped a particularly crazy leader of the Black Lives Matter movement from threatening "bloodshed" if Adams dares carry out his anti-crime pledge to voters." . . .

. . .This shouldn't even be an issue.  A maniac has threatened an elected official and ought to be dealt with on those terms. 

*What Kind of Movement Is BLM? "If Black Lives Matter were a civil rights organization, one would reasonably expect its patron figure to be Martin Luther King, Jr., and its aspiration to be King’s vision of a race-free America where individuals are judged on their merits and not by their skin color. Instead, the revered figure and inspirational icon for Black Lives Matter activists is a designated terrorist and convicted cop killer: Assata Shakur. 
"In the 1970s Shakur was a member of the Black Liberation Army, a group that robbed banks and murdered police officers to achieve a Marxist revolution. Shakur is still wanted for the 1973 murder of Werner Foerster, a New Jersey state trooper who stopped her for a broken taillight on her car, whereupon she pulled out a gun and shot him. The 34-year-old officer and Vietnam vet was lying wounded on the pavement pleading for his life when Shakur walked over and finished him off, execution-style. Foerster left behind a wife and two young children. Shakur was convicted of the murder but escaped from prison in 1979 with the help of left-wing terrorists, including Susan Rosenberg. With the help of Rosenberg and others, Shakur fled to Communist Cuba, where she has lived as a fugitive for nearly 40 years. After being pardoned by Bill Clinton, Rosenberg went on to become board vice chair of Thousand Currents, the left-wing nonprofit organization that served as Black Lives Matter’s fiscal sponsor from 2016 to 2020." . . . 
. . ."If Black Lives Matter were a civil rights organization, one might reasonably expect its leaders to condemn or at least distance themselves from well-known race haters like Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. But Black Lives Matter leaders embrace both of those demagogues. Black Lives Matter joined Farrakhan’s “Justice or Else” march in Washington on October 10, 2015, and chose Sharpton to give the eulogy at George Floyd’s memorial service, where he accused white America of having pressed its knee on black America’s neck for 401 years." 

Networks Ignore BLM Threatening to Bring 'Bloodshed' to NYC   . . ."While they were ignoring how the socialist-extremist organization was threatening to launch terrorist attacks on New York City, ABC’s World News Tonight, the CBS Evening News, and NBC Nightly News were busy touting snow in the Midwest. They also lamented how an appeals court temporarily blocked the January 6 committee from accessing former President Trump’s documents from the National Archives.
"And as we discussed on the NewsBusters Podcast earlier this week, their ability to manipulate the reach of local stories was especially true when they spring up from their backyards in New York City. ABC has literally covered traffic accidents and other incidental happens in the city as if they’re worth national attention.
"So, it was left up to Fox News Channel and their show America Reports to do the end-run around their filter. “The head of New York's Black Lives Matter movement promising ‘bloodshed,’ ‘riots,’ and ‘fire’ if the city's incoming mayor, Eric Adams follows through on his plan to crack down on a violent crime,” announced co-anchor John Roberts." . . .

The Ego Of Obama Revealed: "I, Me, Mine"

Eight years of "my military", "my Secretary of State", my, my, me, mine!

The Ego Of Obama Revealed  . . ."The biography claims that Obama, once confident that Crooked Hillary would win in a runaway, took it as a “personal insult” that she lost — claiming that Clinton truly screwed up by running a “scripted, soulless campaign.”

"But that’s not the worst part…

"The worst part is, Obama took the loss as a personal affront committed BY the American people, saying “this hurts,” and that the American people had “turned on” him.

"Apparently, Obama was both shocked and appalled that he’d be handing over control of the country to Trump, a man he dismissed as nothing more than a “cartoon.' ”. . .

Or maybe people were just tired of you making our nation look weak by kowtowing to despots and bowing to royalty.

Obama’s Ego and The Story of America He Told

. . .But if we are to examine Obama’s story we can’t ignore his ego. In doing so we would miss a defining characteristic of the American story. We would overlook an element of both genius and dysfunction that imprisons all of us.

Obama’s Outsized Ego  . . ." And here’s Time’s Mark Halperin: “With the exception of core Obama administration loyalists, most politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusion: The White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters.”
"Halperin’s diagnosis was inevitable, given Obama’s conviction that he represented a movement that was larger than politics or even the presidency. After all, this was the man who, as a candidate, descended on Berlin as the leader of a worldwide cause that transcended national borders." . . .

Stephen Colbert Very Awkwardly Fawns Over Obama To His Face

Russia Security Council Secretary Patrushev: The Overconfident Americans Botched Up Everything In Afghanistan, American Allies Should Take Notice

 Meanwhile, Kiev subserviently obliges the interests of its overseas patrons, striving to join NATO. But did the fact that the pro-American regime in Kabul enjoyed the status of a major non-NATO ally avail it? A similar fate awaits the supporters of the Americans in Ukraine, where the neo-Nazis are capable of taking power; the state is heading to collapse, while the White House at some point won’t even remember its supporters in Kiev

Middle East Media Research Institute  " 'According to the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russia Nikolai Patrushev, the situation in Afghanistan will be the main topic of discussion at one of the upcoming operational meetings of the Security Council; additional measures on maintaining the region's stability will be discussed. He emphasized that the priority task now is to control migrant flows from Afghanistan, protect the region from terrorists crossing the border in the guise of refugees as well as from contraband weapons and drug trafficking. The Security Council secretary stressed that after the withdrawal of the US contingent from the republic, only devastation was left for the common Afghans, the country was pushed back decades in its development. The fact that the dethroned pro-American regime in Kabul enjoyed the status of major non-NATO ally, didn’t help it [to keep the power]. According to Nikolai Patrushev’s  prognosis, a similar fate awaits the supporters of the Americans in Ukraine."

'Ordinary Afghans Pay For Washington’s Mistakes'

— Nikolai Platonovich [Patrushev], the situation in Afghanistan develops rapidly. A couple of weeks ago, almost no one in the world could believe that Kabul would fall as early as August and that the government would hurriedly flee the country. It seems that it was a shock mostly for the Americans and their NATO allies. Why did it happen so unexpectedly?

"— The confidence of the US military and political leadership and its allies that they were fully in control of events in Afghanistan is under their total control led to ignorance and underestimation of the actual situation.

"This is partly due to incompetence of the US, British and other NATO countries' intelligence services, which, as it seems, were insufficiently focused in their approach to information gathering and analysis, or did poor-quality work with it.

"Similar miscalculations were admitted in other parts of the world, including the Middle East (i.e. Syria, Iraq, and Libya.)

"But the most fundamental cause for what transpired is the typical Anglo-Saxon trust and conviction in the correctness of their decisions. Whereas, the failures and their consequences are written off to other parties. That’s what America is precisely doing now. It blames the of Ashraf Ghani government that the US itself brought to power for everything that occurred. There is also talk of the insufficient training of the Afghan army.

"Ordinary Afghans pay for Washington’s mistakes. Let’s note that the US and European countries are extricating their soldiers and citizens from country. The Afghans, who collaborated with them are left to fend for themselves.

"One might ask European human rights advocates, “How does this situation correlate with proverbial Western values?”

"— In your opinion, is America ignoring its failure because its image in the world has been badly damaged?" . . .

"Afghanistan As A 'Hot Potato' In Biden's Hands"  Chinese Communist Party Media outlets

"Commenting on the above cartoon, depicting Biden holding the
"Afghanistan Debacle" against a backdrop of portraits of
Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, the Global Times
 wrote: "Hot potato. It's yours now."

Group Biden Removed From Terror List Storms U.S. Embassy in Yemen, Takes Hostages

 Robert Spencer

"Isn’t great that America is back and the adults are back in charge? America is back, all right: all the way back to 1979, the last time we had a president so weak that enemies of the United States stormed one of our embassies and took hostages. On Thursday, the Yemeni media outlet Al-Masdar Online reported that Houthi jihadis in Yemen, which are backed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, stormed our embassy in Sana’a, seizing “large quantities of equipment and materials.” Just days before that, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), they “kidnapped three Yemeni nationals affiliated with the U.S. Embassy.” Biden’s team promised America would be back, but didn’t say anything about Jimmy Carter coming around again as well." . . .



New Jersey Democracy Died in Darkness?

 But with this lament, they have told us all they can't imagine voters making a decision without heavy influence from the media, and the decision to dump a powerful Democrat is somehow a failure of local journalism.

Townhall  "At The Washington Post, when Democrats are kicked unceremoniously out of office, it can only mean one thing: Democracy died in darkness. 
"Take Sen. Stephen Sweeney, the powerful Democrat leader of the state Senate in New Jersey. Absolutely no one thought he would lose to a Republican who was a trucker and had a tiny campaign treasury.
" Paul Farhi, a veteran media reporter at the Post, diagnosed the problem in a story headlined, "How the media missed a New Jersey senate candidate's racist social media posts -- until he'd already won." A more accurate headline would be, "How the media failed to help a Democrat win (because no one thought he would lose)."
" Farhi insisted Ed Durr "had a history of posting bigoted, misogynistic and derogatory comments on social media." Like what? None of Durr's tweets were quoted in full by Farhi, and Durr quickly deleted his Twitter account, so a lot of context is missing.
" No. 1: "Mohammed was a pedophile!" he tweeted in 2019, and also described Islam as "a false religion" and "a cult of hate."
" Mohammed, according to Islamic writings, married a 6-year-old child bride. But the Post seems upset that Islam is being criticized at all. Is it "racist" or "bigoted" to say there's such a thing as a "false religion"? Muslims believe other faiths are false, to put it mildly. Christians believe other faiths are false. That's why they have their own faiths. "Cult of hate" is harsh, but it sounds pretty close to how the Post describes die-hard Trump fans. 
"No. 2: Durr called the coronavirus "the China virus." . . .

Scientists and journalists criticizing Aaron Rodgers for ‘spreading misinformation’ should look in the mirror

Thursday, November 11, 2021

BLM leader threatens ‘riots, fire, bloodshed’ in NYC if Eric Adams gets tough on crime

NY Post  "A Black Lives Matter leader vowed there’ll be “riots,” “fire” and “bloodshed” if Mayor-elect Eric Adams follows through with his promise to bring back plainclothes anti-crime cops to battle New York’s surge in violent crimes.

"New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome debated the plan for a return to tougher policing with Adams during a contentious sit-down at Brooklyn Borough Hall Wednesday that was livestreamed on Instagram.

"Although Adams found common ground with the activists on plans to fight poverty in the black community, the former NYPD captain said he’ll be reinstating a revamped version of the undercover anti-crime unit that was disbanded at the height of widespread police protests last year.

" 'If they think they are going back to the old ways of policing then we’re going to take to the streets again,” New York BLM co-founder Hawk Newsome said outside Borough Hall after the meeting." . . .

I’m A California Teacher About To Be Fired Because Of The Vaccine Mandate. Here’s How I’m Fighting Back

Daily Wire

"I am a high school honors English teacher in northern California, and I am on administrative leave, in the process of being fired due to the California vaccine mandate.  

"Let me explain how I got here and why I’m willing to be fired over this.

"Governor Newsom announced a vaccine mandate on October 1st for all public and private school-age children in California; without the shot, they will be denied in-person learning.  Once FDA approved (likely in January for ages 12 and up), educators must either take the shot or be fired, regardless of whether or not they’ve recovered from Covid already, regardless of whether or not they have natural immunity. 

"Newsom’s one-size-fits-all mandate is discriminatory and ignores the authoritative science behind natural immunity. When I heard about the mandate, it greatly disturbed me.  

"I was already disturbed by the discriminatory policies that were enacted throughout California seemingly designed to coerce children to take the vaccine. For example, in California, if a student tests positive for Covid, all students seated within six (6) feet are contact traced. If they have taken the vaccine and have no Covid symptoms, they get to stay in class, clubs, and sports. If they don’t have the vaccine — even if they have already recovered from Covid and even if they also have no Covid symptoms — they are forced to do distance learning for 10 days. This can happen multiple times throughout the school year." . . .

The Balkanization of America

Professor Dyson and Joy Reid just Black mouths for Black supremacy?  "The ironically named Joy Reid embarrassed herself again on her MSNBC show The Reidout recently. She asked a guest, Vanderbilt University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, to opine on newly elected Republican Winsome Sears, the first Black woman lieutenant governor of Virginia. Dyson sneeringly labeled Sears, an immigrant from Jamaica and a Marine Corps veteran, as nothing but a "black mouth” for white supremacy.". . . 

. . ."Today’s Democrats, and their aiders and abettors in the Media-Academic Complex, are hell-bent on reversing that dictum and balkanizing the country. That is something that all of us should rebel against, Black, white, and otherwise.

"Thomas Jefferson, the supposed founder of the Democratic Party, once stated: “I have sworn on the altar of God, eternal hostility to all forms of tyranny over the minds of man.” How times have changed. Many in ”his” party no longer believe in God. Many now do believe in tyranny over the minds—and bodies—of those with whom they disagree." . . .

Tulsi Gabbard: Joe Biden Is ‘Tearing Our Country Apart’; Democrats Are Fomenting ‘Anger And Hatred’  . . ." 'I think that the American people, it’s clear as we saw in Virginia, it’s actually a positive sign that they’re rejecting the kind of divisiveness, racialization of everything in this country, the fomenting of anger and hatred, that unfortunately, we’re seeing coming from so many of my fellow Democrats,” Gabbard said of the recent elections that took place last week. “And I think the Virginia governor’s election was a positive indication of voters taking a stand and letting their voices be heard through the ballot box.”

"When asked about a top Democratic strategist saying that Democrats had a “wokeness” problem, Gabbard responded, “It’s true, you know, when you have people in positions of power, who arrogantly believe that they’re not accountable to the people and who treat us like we’re stupid, like they know better, they know best what’s good for us more than we know ourselves and all we got to do is blindly follow along and listen, it’s no wonder that people are rejecting that.' ”. . .

Belarus TV: American facing Jan. 6 riot charges seeks asylum   "KYIV, Ukraine -- An American who faces criminal charges from the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol is seeking asylum in Belarus, the country's state TV reported, in a move that could further heighten tensions between the turbulent former Soviet nation and the United States.

"Evan Neumann of Mill Valley, California, acknowledged in an interview with the Belarus 1 channel that he was at the Capitol that day but rejected the charges, which include assaulting police, obstruction and other offenses. The channel aired excerpts of the interview on Sunday and Monday, and promised to release the full version on Wednesday.

"“I don't think I have committed some kind of a crime,” said Neumann, 48, according to a Belarus 1 voiceover of his interview remarks. “One of the charges was very offensive; it alleges that I hit a police officer. It doesn't have any grounds to it." Neumann spoke in English but was barely audible under the dubbed Russian.

"Both Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin have used the Jan. 6 riot as a way to accuse the U.S. of a double standard in criticizing other countries, including Russia and Belarus, for cracking down on antigovernment protests . . ."

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?

 ". . . the CIA sent a memo to the FBI — attention Peter Strzok — relating “US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers as means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

 Jack Cashill

It is becoming increasingly clear that then President Obama was very much in on the effort to smear Donald Trump as colluding with Russia.

"In researching my 2020 book, Unmasking Obama, I focused on one question above all others: What did Barack Obama know about the plot to link Donald Trump to Russia and when he did he know it? Unlike the Watergate era, when all the insiders in government and media rushed to discover what Nixon knew, only the outsiders have dared to ask about Obama.

"Major credit here goes to Rep. Devin Nunes and his chief investigator Kash Patel, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, and most recently Special Counsel John Durham. For all their good efforts, however, this probe remains very much a work in progress.

"That caution established, the answer to the question in the headline is becoming increasingly clear. The information contained in Durham’s recent indictment of Russian national Igor Danchenko, when coupled with the CIA notes declassified in October 2020 by Ratcliffe, leads directly to the White House. In the past week, these revelations have gotten a fair share of attention, at least on the right side of the blogosphere. They deserve it.

"What has not gotten attention, however, is the specious counter-narrative that Obama and his allies have been quietly constructing for the last five years. Deconstructing this counter-narrative may not put Obama’s Praetorian guard in prison, but it should provide Watergate-level amusement for those of us who believe prison is where Obama’s people belong.

"The Rosetta Stone of the counter-narrative may well be a comprehensive article in the Washington Post from June 2017. Perhaps more than any other bit of Trump era “journalism,” this article — complete with photos and flow charts — revealed the major media’s eagerness to enable the ongoing Democrat-Deep State disinformation campaign. A July 2017 update — “The Post’s new findings in Russia’s bold campaign to influence the U.S. election” — contained even more bogus charts and timelines." . . .

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Doing It Before Someone Else Does It For You…Because You Know They Will

Patterico's Pontifications 

 "Blacklist yourself before others do it for you, I guess:"

"From the report:

"The British comedy icon, 82, announced Tuesday that he is pulling out of a planned appearance at Cambridge University after a fellow attendee was “blacklisted” by “woke” staff and students.

"Cleese — who is an alumnus of Cambridge — took to Twitter, saying: “I was looking forward to talking to students at the Cambridge Union this Friday, but I hear that someone there has been blacklisted for doing an impersonation of Hitler.

“ 'I regret that I did the same on a Monty Python show, so I am blacklisting myself before someone else does.”

"The funnyman followed up with a second tweet, telling his 5.6 million followers: “I apologize to anyone at Cambridge who was hoping to talk with me, but perhaps some of you can find a venue where woke rules do not apply.”  

"The BAFTA winner’s announcement comes after art historian Andrew Graham-Dixon was banned from speaking at the Cambridge Union event.

"Graham-Dixon last week “performed a mock-Hitlerian rant” during an academic debate to “caricature Hitler and his views,” the Times reported. He has since apologized and said his intention was to highlight “the utterly evil nature of the Nazis.”

This brouhaha reminds me of the recent, multi-award-winning and utterly charming film called JoJo RabbitJojo is a lonely German boy who discovers that his single mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their attic. Aided only by his imaginary friend — Adolf Hitler — Jojo must confront his blind nationalism as World War II continues to rage on:. ...

Then there is this damning evidence: