Friday, November 19, 2021

Bill Maher Went on CNN and Triggered the Entire Audience Last Night

 Townhall  "Bill Maher is just asking to be canceled, but he doesn't care. This isn't the first time he's duked it out with people of the "woke" mindset. He has slapped down guests who have been apologists for radical Islam. He's pro-free speech. He's not a political correctness junkie either. He's still a classical liberal, just not insane. It's quite an evolutionary tale. In less than a generation, the Democratic base has become so insane that Bill Maher looks conservative. There are others like him. Data scientist David Shor, a self-described progressive, knows that some of his own views simply do not sit well with most voters. He has warned Democrats for months about how they need to expand their messaging strategies beyond the professional elites that dominate the party brass nowadays."

Bill Maher Blasts MSNBC For Calling Youngkin’s Virginia Victory ‘White Ignorance’  On Friday, HBO’s Bill Maher slammed left-wing criticism of Republican Glenn Youngkin’s recent gubernatorial race victory over Terry McAuliffe in Virginia, saying that progressives are contradicting traditional liberal beliefs and endorsing the idea of “resegregation,” a belief that “you’re either a racist or you don’t know you’re a racist.”

"Maher made his comments on his program “Real Time” on Friday evening." . . .

"Bill Maher: ‘I’m an old-school liberal. I believe in a colorblind society. That’s not where woke is, okay’

"Later Maher focused on how the contemporary left is betraying liberal principles by viewing everything through a racial lens, including the recent Virginia gubernatorial election. 

"Maher said, “After the governor of Virginia — the new governor won, MSNBC headline was, ‘Glenn Youngkin’s Victory Proves White Ignorance is a Powerful Weapon.”

"“I don’t think that helps,” Maher said. “I don’t think some of this — I’m an old-school liberal. I believe in a colorblind society. That’s not where woke is, okay.”

" 'There’s a lot of resegregation going on,” Bill Maher claimed. “There’s a lot of you’re either a racist or you don’t know you’re a racist.' ”

Anti-Trump ‘Lincoln Project’ Advisor Calls Critical Race Theory ‘New N-Word For Republicans’

Political Insider  "A senior adviser for the Lincoln Project recently said that critical race theory was now the “new n-word” for Republicans.

"The advisor, Tara Setmayer, made the comments on “The View.”  . . .

. . ."The View’ Goes Off The Rails

“So Democrats are very bad at arguing and Republicans are very good at fueling and manufacturing outrage,” explained Setmayer, discussing the GOP’s criticism of CRT.

“The View” co-host Sunny Hostin chimed in, “So it’s the new southern strategy.” 

“Absolutely!” Setmayer replied.

“So it’s all based on race,” Hostin asked." . . .

Joy Reid and White Male Tears  "MSNBC host Joy Reid is the only minority host on her network from noon to midnight, so it's only natural she would be most expected to lecture on the evils of whiteness, especially white maleness. It can even happen on her social media accounts." . . .

. . ."Reid's rant continued: "But in America, there's a thing about both white vigilantism and white tears, particularly male white tears. Really, white tears in general because that's what Karens are, right? They Karen-out, and as soon as they get caught, they bring waterworks. White men can get away with that, too, and it has the same effect.". . . 

For her part, Reid is best remembered for exclaiming how Clinton was just about

the most qualified contender ever in 2016: "My God, since the Founding Fathers, has anyone tried to run for president with more on their resume?" 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Pelosi Reportedly Seen Maskless At Swingers Bar With Rep. Yvette Clarke, Breaking Mask Mandate

Daily Caller

. . ."The reason they call it Swingers is because, in addition to fancy cocktails and high-end street food, they have an adults-only mini-golf course or “crazy golf club,” as they call themselves. On the course, you are encouraged to drink, so Pelosi should fit right in.

"Pelosi was at the bar with her arm around Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), neither were wearing masks despite the city mandate to wear masks indoors in public businesses like bars and restaurants that is still in effect in Washington, D.C., and despite Pelosi’s constant promotion of mask-wearing." . . .

Political Insider mentions the DC article:  "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Democratic New York Rep. Yvette Clarke were reportedly seen Tuesday night at a Washington D.C. bar violating the district’s mask mandate, a video obtained by the Daily Caller shows.

"In the video, both Pelosi and Clarke can be seen speaking to a small group inside the “crazy golf club” at Swingers in Dupont Circle. Others in the crowd can be seen not wearing a mask either. Pelosi appears to have her arm around Clarke, who is smiling without a mask. Democratic D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced Monday that the indoor mask mandate will be lifted on Nov. 22. (RELATED: Mayor Bowser Appears To Violate Her Own Mask Mandate Again)

"The CDC released guidelines May 13 that said masks are no longer required to be worn inside by fully vaccinated people in “most” situations. The CDC has since changed the guidance to require masks be worn inside, referencing the delta variant. (RELATED: Democratic Congresswoman Denies ‘Intentionally’ Liking Tweet Comparing Daily Caller Reporter To Nazi Informant)

"The current D.C. mask mandate states masks must be worn inside “any business or establishment open to members of the public . . ."

RedState's Nick Arama comments at length....

Biden Moves to Destroy Religious-Based Childcare

PJ Media 

  "To hear the Biden administration talk about it, there’s something for literally everybody in the 2,000-plus pages of the $1.8 trillion Build Back Better spending packages. After all, you’ll get tax breaks if you want to buy an electric bike, and there will be federal money available to you if you work as a doula, as my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran pointed out recently.

"But there’s one group that won’t benefit from the largesse that Build Back Better offers if the bill passes as-is: child care facilities affiliated with religious institutions.

"The New York Times is reporting that lobbyists are trying to talk Congress into stripping a provision from Build Back Better that would prevent religious preschools and child care centers from receiving their share of the gargantuan funds." . . .

. . ."According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, about 53% of families with children in preschool or daycare enroll their kids in religious-affiliated facilities, so you can see the problem here: for all that the Biden administration and congressional Democrats have promised to families of kids in childcare, over half won’t benefit one bit." . . .

. . ."The left has made the LGBTQ agenda a sacred cow, and as a result, they’ve doubled down on promoting it through culture, higher education, and K-12 schools. Now they want to use the power and purse strings of the federal government to ensure that they can push their sexual agenda to American preschoolers.

"If First Amendment protected religious liberty gets in the way of that agenda, they will restrict it. This is one of many reasons why Build Back Better must be stopped."

Drag Queen Story Hour Engages Kids With Reading, Gender Creativity

. . ."According to its website, Drag Queen Story Hour is "just what it sounds like -- drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools and bookstores." The program started in San Francisco and has spread to cities across the United States.

"Miriam Meadow first heard about Drag Queen Story Hour when it was held at the San Francisco Public Library two years ago. She immediately knew she wanted to bring it to the East Bay. Meadow is the children’s librarian at the Dimond Branch Library." . . .

Teen suspended for saying there are two genders   "Abraham Lincoln is said to have told a joke about how many legs a dog has if you call a tail a leg.  Lincoln said the dog has four legs because calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg.  This simple bit of wisdom has been abrogated in our modern times.  Men calling themselves women are considered women.  Women calling themselves men are considered men.

"Bruce Jenner calls himself Caitlyn now and has collected a Woman of the Year award.  A boy who grew out his hair and called himself a girl was allowed to compete as a girl and blew away the competition in state championship races in Connecticut.  The CDC says "pregnant people, not "pregnant women."  There's an awful lot of people trying to prove that if you call a tail a leg long enough and loud enough, it really will become a leg." . . .

Rittenhouse VERDICT WATCH Day 3: Jury Focusing In On Controversial Drone Video, Provocation Issue

Legal Insurrection

Yesterday’s request by the jury to view controversial drone video suggests they are focusing on provocation issue; if they believe that is proven, then self-defense is arguably off the table for Kyle Rittenhouse

"Welcome to our ongoing coverage of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial! This is our VERDICT WATCH post, where we will share any fast-breaking news on verdicts and other events around the jury deliberations which begin today.

We Warned Dems About Kamala

Democratic leaders should have paid more attention to the volumes of evidence that Kamala Harris isn’t even up to the empty role of vice president.

Tony Branco

The American Spectator   "In terms of an understatedly savage insult, it’s hard to top the president’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, for her Twitter rebuttal after reporters have noted the strained relationship between the White House and the Office of the Vice President.

"“For anyone who needs to hear it. @VP is not only a vital partner to @POTUS but a bold leader who has taken on key, important challenges facing the country – from voting rights to addressing root causes of migration to expanding broadband,” she tweeted.

"My wife doesn’t closely follow politics, so she couldn’t understand why I was laughing so hard. “It’s the equivalent,” I said, “of me defending your attributes as a wife by noting that you’re a vital partner in our family — and have taken on challenges such as paying the cable bill, addressing the root causes of our unkempt flower garden, and changing the cat litter.”

"Some commentators would have us believe that Kamala Harris’ political problems aren’t about her, but about the nature of the position she holds. “The vice presidency of the United States is a terrible job,” wrote the usually sensible Joel Mathis in the Week. “It always has been. And right now, that terrible job belongs to Kamala Harris. It’s turning out about how you’d expect.”

"Mathis is partially correct. The Harris vice presidency is turning out largely as this writer had expected, but not because of any inherent problem serving as president-in-waiting. Harris was a terrible San Francisco district attorney, a terrible California attorney general, and a terrible U.S. senator. Perhaps that better explains why she’s a terrible vice president?". . .

Rittenhouse doesn't have to prove he acted in self-defense

There is already significant concern that women who defend themselves from domestic violence attacks struggle to get juries and judges to believe their defensive-force claims

JWR  "No one disputes that Kyle Rittenhouse, now 18 years old, shot three men and killed two of them during turbulent protests in Kenosha, Wis., that broke out after the shooting of a Black man by White police officers.

"And it is well known that the central issue of his trial is whether Rittenhouse has a valid self-defense claim for the three shootings. Less familiar to the public, however, is that, by and large, the outcome of Rittenhouse's case will turn less on the specific murky facts concerning what exactly transpired on the night of Aug. 25 than on the seemingly technical but actually essential issue of the burden of proof: Does Rittenhouse have to prove he was acting in justifiable self-defense, or does the state have to disprove it?

"In Wisconsin, the state bears that burden: The prosecution must disprove at least one legal element of Rittenhouse's self-defense claim, and do so beyond a reasonable doubt. Now, to be clear, that doesn't mean that Rittenhouse could just pronounce "I did it in self-defense!" and sit down. Rittenhouse bore the "burden of production" - one of the components of burden of proof.

"That means he had to present facts which, if proved, could be found by a jury to constitute valid defensive force. But the Wisconsin state Supreme Court has made it clear that this burden is a fairly low (if meaningful) bar. The narrative that Rittenhouse laid out cleared it; it then fell to the prosecution to disprove at least some part of it. The prosecution may yet prevail in its attempt to disprove beyond a reasonable doubt that self-defense was justified; that's now up to the jury. But many legal experts have described such an outcome as a long shot." . . .

Joy Reid Accused Of Racism Over ‘White Male Tears’ Comment Amid Kyle Rittenhouse Trial In Viral Video


“You can be black and racist. Joy Reid proves this.”

"MSNBC national correspondent, Joy Reid, is getting candid with her thoughts on the Kyle Rittenhouse case.

"Kyle Rittenhouse faces multiple charges for shooting three men, and killing two of them, during an August 2020 protest against police brutality in Kenosha, Wisconsin. While on the stand on Nov. 10, he began crying when he gave his testimony of what happened the night of the shooting."

. . .

She continued and said,

“And his [Kavanaugh’s] tears turned out to be more powerful than the tears of Christine Blasey Ford [his accuser]. But in America, there’s a thing about both white vigilantism and white tears, particularly male white tears. Really white tears in general, because, that’s what Karens are, right?”  

"You can watch her full video below. It’s caused some passionate responses on Twitter and many users have accused Joy Reid of being racist.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Get Rittenhouse!

Ann Coulter....Editor's note: This column contains graphic language.

"In his prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger drew so many well-earned rebukes from the judge that some speculated he was intentionally going for a mistrial.

"Nope. He was fighting like a banshee. He just has a really bad case.

"Of course, it was his own decision to charge the then-17-year-old Rittenhouse with murder for shooting three psychopathic criminals who were attacking him at the BLM/antifa riots in Kenosha last year. (That, by the way, is a more accurate summary of the evidence than anything Binger said.)

"In his closing argument, Binger decided to ignore his loser case and argue an entirely different case, for which no evidence had been adduced. Binger posited that Rittenhouse was an "active shooter" -- like at Sandy Hook Elementary or Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

"Forget that Rittenhouse was not at a grade school, but in the middle of a riot that did $50 million in damage to the town of Kenosha. Forget that rioters were beating up random people they encountered, including a 71-year-old man protecting a mattress store from being looted, who had his jaw and nose broken by a water bottle filled with concrete -- hurled by "unarmed" protesters.". . .

Rittenhouse Trial: Big Wins for Defense on Jury Instructions, State Leads with Provocation; but the crowd seems to own the streets

Legal Insurrection

There's a rumor that the mob has affected the Kyle Rittenhouse jury   "Anybody objectively watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial could see that he should never have been charged.  Witness testimony and video footage established clearly that Kyle acted in self-defense when he shot at three men, all of whom were vigorously engaged in trying to kill him.  My worry from the beginning, though, has been that the jury will be so intimidated by the gathering mobs that it will affect their verdict.  The facts seem to support my concern.

"Despite the clear evidence presented, which should have led to a verdict in an hour or two at most, the jury did not reach a verdict on Monday.  According to Jacek Posobiec, "Two jurors holding decision up, outright citing backlash, per US Marshall in Kenosha." 

Buck Sexton
A manifestly innocent Rittenhouse still at this moment faces the prospect of life in prison because a jury knows he did nothing wrong but is terrified their lives could be ruined for finding him not guilty
Handbrake Poso
This is the America that the Left wanted to create, and it’s here
Handbrake Poso: 
I see people tweeting they want to come after Kyle Rittenhouse if he walks and I can't help but think - wow - are you really just going to cross state lines?!

. . ."What is heartening is that only two of the twelve jurors seem to fear the mob.  That means ten out of the twelve people in that jury room believe that Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent and are willing to go back into the courtroom and say so.  I hope they can prevail on the other two jurors to do the right thing.  If they don't, we have ceased to be a country with the rule of law and, instead, become a country governed by mob rule on the ground and totalitarian diktats from on high.  Rather than being a free, first-world nation, we will be just another failed state." 


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Joe & Kamala Show

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "Strange things are happening, and it does not get any stranger than The Joe and Kamala Show.  On Sunday night, CNN got everyone excited with a front-page website story about the knives out in the White House.  It must have hit the right spot because the press secretary put out a statement denying that Joe & Kamala were throwing dishes at each other.

"This is the story:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended Vice President Kamala Harris' position in the Biden administration on Sunday amid her sinking poll numbers.

"For anyone who needs to hear it. @VP is not only a vital partner to @POTUS but a bold leader who has taken on key, important challenges facing the country -- from voting rights to addressing root causes of migration to expanding broadband," Psaki tweeted.

"I guess that's like passengers on a cross-Atlantic flight in the middle of a storm who hear that the pilot and the copilot are screaming at each other." . . .

Austria formally segregates unvaxxed from society, promises rigid enforcement and heavy fines

The selections begin: After taking effect Sunday at midnight, Austria’s new policy has put some 2 million people under lockdown, formally segregating unvaccinated Austrians from society. Antifa brought us Kristallnacht; Covid gave us ostracizing of the "undesirables".TD

Lifesite  "VIENNA, Austria (LifeSiteNews) — In a deliberately divisive lockdown strategy allegedly intended to reduce the spread of COVID-19, unvaccinated people aged 12 and up in Austria have been forbidden to leave their homes except to perform a handful of permitted activities, including grocery shopping and getting an experimental COVID-19 injection.

“ 'It’s our job as the government of Austria to protect the people,” Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said while speaking to reporters in Vienna on Sunday. “Therefore we decided that starting Monday … there will be a lockdown for the unvaccinated.”

"Contrary to Austrian government claims, Simon Fraser University economics professor Douglas Allen, in an April study, reviewed over 80 research papers on lockdowns across the world and concluded that lockdowns saved 22,333 years’ worth of lost life but caused 6.3 million years of lost life, making the policy’s long-term harm 282 times worse than its benefits.

"After taking effect at midnight, Austria’s new policy has put some 2 million of the nation’s 8.9 million residents under lockdown, the AP reported, formally segregating unvaccinated Austrians aged 12 and over from society." . . .

Knowledge in selections gained from their ancestors perhaps.

US Holocaust Memorial Museum