Saturday, November 27, 2021

The media; our source of education and enlightenment

 “Zuckerbucks” and the 2020 Election  . . ."Zuckerberg’s help to Democrats is well known when it comes to censoring their political opponents in the name of preventing “misinformation.” Less well known is the fact that he directly funded liberal groups running partisan get-out-the-vote operations. In fact, he helped those groups infiltrate election offices in key swing states by doling out large grants to crucial districts." . . .

Resident MSNBC Host Thinks You Are an Absolute Moron . . ."In one sense, Ruhle is right, though. This does ultimately come down to what a business chooses to prioritize, and last I checked, that priority is almost universally…staying in business. But Ruhle doesn’t have to worry about that. She gets paid millions of dollars to read a teleprompter on a low-rated daytime cable news show. Perhaps she should stay in that lane going forward.". . .

Hillary bemoans lack of media ‘gatekeepers’ and spread of ‘disinformation’  "Hillary Clinton is emerging from the shadows and pimping censorship as the solution to the Democrats’ ills. All this is taking place just as talk builds of Kamala Harris’s disastrous performance as veep and the Democrats’ terrible presidential electoral prospects in 2024.  Hillary’s never conceded the 2016 election, and the lust for power she’s exhibited in the past appears unabated. Something is going on that brings her back to the public spotlight." . . .

Yes, Media Bias Still Matters; Most American “journalism” is partisan propaganda for Democrats.

As Joe Biden's Polling Flounders, Hillary Clinton Comes Out to Bat for Him

Acquittal Aside, The Rittenhouse Saga Shows America Is Still A Media-Run State

"The Kenosha jury’s acquittal of Rittenhouse was a severe defeat for the constellation of newspapers, TV channels, blogs, and Twitter bluechecks who are America’s self-appointed checkers of fact and setters of narrative. They came close to victory. Their power was nearly enough to send a teenager to prison for murder, even though he had done nothing wrong and there were absolutely zero factual disputes in play.

"But criminal juries are one of the only things left in America where the left’s dominance of the airwaves and institutions counts for nothing. A jury can look at the facts and decide for itself, and if they acquit, there is nothing the left can do about it." . . .

Darren J. Beattie  "
China has state run media, the Globalist American Empire has a media run state."
And yet, in flagrant disregard for facts that were obvious from day 1, the press created what was in effect an entire alternate reality for the Rittenhouse case. In this alternate reality, there were no Kenosha riots and Rittenhouse was a white supremacist spree shooter, whose victims were unarmed blacks peacefully protesting against racism.

Joe Biden Moves to Completely Screw You at the Pump


Yet, just as prices looked to be going down due to a drop in the cost of oil caused by COVID-19 hysteria (oil dropped over $10 a barrel today), Biden is making a move to get those prices headed up again.

"Just days ago, Joe Biden was insisting that his climate change provisions weren’t causing higher gas prices (see Joe Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy in Reality-Bending Speech on Gas Prices). You see, according to the White House, canceling Keystone XL and limiting oil and gas leases in the name of fighting global warming doesn’t actually have an effect on gas prices.

"Of course, most of us realize that’s a complete lie because we understand basic economics. And while Biden may be senile, he’s cognizant enough to understand what he’s doing. When you lower the supply and make oil more expensive, you end up with higher prices at the pump. In fact, the current hike in gas prices tracks with the rise in the price of oil almost perfectly.". . .

. . ."Enter some breathless media member insisting that the president doesn’t control the price of gas. In some sense, that’s true, but Biden absolutely can make the problem better or worse. By raising the costs to drill on public leases, the president is directly influencing the cost of gasoline, and not in a good way. You will absolutely pay more at the pump if the White House raises the costs to drill in the name of fighting climate change." . . .

Biden's Kamala Harris Problem

 Katie Pavlich

Further, the far-left stranglehold on the Biden administration's policy direction is tanking President Biden's presidency. As the border continues to be overrun, Americans are noticing, and approval among independents is cratering.

"On March 15, 2020, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden vowed to choose a woman as his vice president. The pledge was made as a way to unify the warring Democratic Party, with so-called moderates and progressives at each other's throats. Heading into Election Day, Biden needed to shore up votes from his side of the political aisle to get over the finish line.
"I commit that I will, in fact, appoint a woman to be vice president," Mr. Biden said during a Democratic primary debate hosted by CNN. 
"The woman he eventually chose was Kamala Harris, the most progressive member of the U.S. Senate. She even beat out socialist Bernie Sanders for the top slot." . . .
"According to fresh USA Today polling, Harris' disapproval rate sits at a whopping 51 percent, with just 28 percent approval. With the drag on the administration, rumors are swirling on Capitol Hill. It's almost as if her dropping out of the Democratic primary before a single vote was cast could have been a warning about her qualifications and likability." . . . 

Whose Land Did Native Americans Steal Before Europeans Stole It From Them?

 Rick Moran

"We all know that history is not the left’s favorite subject. Many times, it’s just too inconvenient for their political narratives. Often, history has to be erased or submerged in order to achieve the “greater good” of creating a just and moral society.

"In truth, it’s not much better on the right, although generally, the conservative take on American history is more nuanced. Christopher Columbus was an ass — a greedy, cruel, ambitious man who didn’t let anyone stand in his way to achieving riches and power, especially native people. But he was courageous enough to cross an unknown ocean in a rickety ship and with a mutinous crew.

"Do his sins outweigh the good he’s done? Not our call. And certainly not the call of biased, cretinous leftists who don’t want to understand Columbus and only use his sins as illustrations in their little morality plays to condemn the entire “Age of Exploration.”

"American history did not begin in 1492. There have been human beings residing in North America for at least 20,000 years and probably longer. But the people who crossed the Bering Sea land bridge from Asia to North America during the last Ice Age may not have been the first humans to arrive here. Recent DNA evidence shows that there have been several different migrations to North America with Native American tribes only being the most recent.

"And that leads to the inescapable conclusion: the Native Americans who were present on the North American continent when Europeans arrived were not the same Native Americans who arrived 20,000 years ago. DNA evidence tracks the migration of one early American civilization — the Clovis people, so-called because the first tools and weapons were found in Clovis, New Mexico — and reveals that they thrived in both North and South America until about 8500 years ago." National Geographic: 

This has been a big debate for some time, that people some 13,500 years ago were making distinct tools that you can find all over the Americas, so-called Clovis Weapons. This is a new style of weaponry: finely crafted, relatively flat spear points no thicker than an envelope, which required unique skills, and therefore stand out in the record.

Something happened, a cultural change or an arrival. For a long time they were seen as the first people. Now, we’re seeing it more as the middle-age arrival in the Ice Age. . .

"Newsletter Peddlers Offended By Real Journalism Quit"

American Greatness "An 82-second movie trailer was supposedly all it took for two of the most perpetually outraged—and chronically wrong—political pundits to quit their gigs at Fox News.

“The trailer for Tucker Carlson’s special about the Jan. 6 mob at the Capitol landed online on Oct. 27, and that night Jonah Goldberg sent a text to his business partner, Stephen Hayes: ‘I’m tempted just to quit Fox over this,’” New York Times media columnist Ben Smith revealed in an unnecessarily lengthy article on November 21 to explain why the pair resigned before they were let go by the network, as a Fox executive later confirmed to the Washington Post. “‘I’m game,’ Mr. Hayes replied. ‘Totally outrageous. It will lead to violence. Not sure how we can stay.’”

"Carlson’s documentary, “Patriot Purge,” aired in three separate segments on the network’s streaming service, Fox Nation, a few days later. It’s unclear whether Goldberg or Hayes watched the film in its entirety but additional commentary—given to Smith over Zoom while “clad in athleisure,” a word intended to lend muscularity to two of the laziest commentators in the business—suggests that neither did.

"Their beef with Carlson, aside from obvious jealousy over his success and influence, is with the notion there is a domestic war on terror. Hayes told the Times it’s “not true” the Biden regime is launching a “domestic war on terror and it’s coming for half of the country.” In a follow-up post published on The Dispatch, the $6 million blog Hayes and Goldberg founded in 2019, the indolent duo continued to attack Carlson for suggesting a domestic war on terror is underway: “This is not happening. And we think it’s dangerous to pretend it is. If a person with such a platform shares such misinformation loud enough and  and long enough, there are Americans who will believe—and act upon—it.' ” . . .

Candace Cameron Bure defends representation in Hallmark movies and says the network has 'definitely' improved after being criticized for a lack of diversity


  • Candace Cameron Bure told Insider Hallmark Channel has improved diversity its in holiday films.

  • The "Fuller House" star said "it's important to represent all people."

  • "The Christmas Contest" airs on the Hallmark Channel on Sunday, November 28 at 8 p.m. ET/PT.

"Hallmark Channel's original movies are a staple in many households over the holidays but have faced criticism in recent years for a lack of Black leads, exclusion of the queer community, and a lack of religious diversity.

"When speaking to Insider about her new Hallmark holiday film "The Christmas Contest," Candace Cameron Bure reflected on the network's recent steps toward more inclusivity.

" 'Hallmark has definitely made changes in that direction, which we are all very, very happy to see," the "Fuller House" star told Insider.

" 'It's very important to me in all the casting that we do for the films, and it's important to represent all people and all of their journeys and their family dynamics," she continued, noting that everyone's family looks "so different."

"In 2020, Hallmark premiered its first holiday movie featuring queer characters, "The Christmas House." A sequel will air in 2021." . . .

Critical Race Theory Destroys American Justice

American Greatness

Although Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, none of us is safe, so long as “critical race theory” and other Marxist ideas pollute our law schools, our judges’ minds, and our legal system. 

"The George Floyd riots, conveniently shut off this past summer, were as much theater as reality. They were designed to associate Donald Trump with police abuses and disorder, while painting Democrats and their notions of “racial justice” as the path forward. 

"Ordinary citizens standing up for themselves interfere with this guerilla theater indoctrination; after all, there are a lot more normal people who do not want their towns burned down than there are maniacs willing to do street violence. This is why individuals like Kyle Rittenhouse and citizen self-defense groups are dealt with so harshly by the government and the media. 

Government Did Not Protect Us Last Summer

"Consider that there were dozens of fires and beatings and a significant number of killings in Minneapolis, Kenosha, Chicago, Portland, St. Louis, and Seattle in the summer of 2020Hardly any Antifa and BLM rioters have been brought to justice. Federal authorities have made no significant effort to roll up these groups.

"In the cities worst hit by the riots, there appears to be a semi-cooperative relationship between the rioters and prosecutors. In the Rittenhouse trial, prosecutors presented Gaige Grosskreutz as a blameless victim, even though he illegally carried a concealed gun and pointed it at Kyle Rittenhouse after chasing him down. Grosskreutz also escaped responsibility for a subsequent DUI

"But if Rittenhouse’s presence was provocative and illegal, why was Grosskreutz’s pursuit and brandishing a gun not a more serious crime?" . . .

The Rittenhouse prosecution is a landmark case. It is fundamentally a referendum on whether normal, middle-class Americans will be at the mercy of the Left’s violent shock troops. The prosecution is simply an expression of the “class justice” concept, as Rittenhouse was treated differently than those who initiated the violence in Kenosha and brandishing a gun not a more serious crime?". . .

Crenshaw: "I'm Not That Conspiratorial," But It's Obvious That Soros-Funded Prosecutors Are Pushing "Social Justice" Over "Justice"

Well, it did happen. Look, this happens all over the country. In my home city of Houston here, law enforcement tells me all the time that suspects can just laugh at them when they get caught. Just laugh at them, even violent offenders can just laugh at them because they know they are going to get off on some easy bail. 

Tony Branco

Friday, November 26, 2021

Alyssa Milano Mocked An Army Vet, Then James Woods Destroyed Her

Off the Wire

"Hollywood leftists have completely lost their minds in the Donald Trump era.

"But conservative actor James Woods provides a breath of fresh air.

"Now Woods just humiliated Alyssa Milano with one devastating tweet." . . .

. . ." Brian Kolfage, the triple amputee who started the campaign, also saw his business get targeted by leftists on Facebook.". . . 

After Raiding His Home, Dragging Him on One Limb in the Rain, and Indicting Him on Two BS Charges – Feds Now Take Away Brian Kolfage’s Pain Meds – All Because He Built a Wall on the Southern Border

Our free and courageous press

 I’m Thankful For Joy Reid

Others on the left come close, but no one is quite as good at representing, day in and day out, just how awful Democrats and the media have become. Watching Reid’s show is the surest way to get a sense of where the left’s depravity stands and where it’s headed. Her program has been a godsend in providing me with direction in explaining and answering any given lie that Democrats and the media are excitedly spreading.

The Media's Chickens Come Home to Roost in Wisconsin  . . ."There are consequences for incessantly demonizing people or teaching others they have a right to hate or to riot; for amplifying the message that one ethnicity is constantly oppressed or victimized by another; for telling people they are being hunted; and for amplifying the absolute bald-faced lie that white supremacy is the biggest threat Americans face.

"On Sunday night, the consequences of these lies, inflammatory rhetoric, and the media’s malice came home to roost.

"Brooks was behind the wheel of the SUV but the media helped get it started."

When did the Babylon Bee start writing headlines for the Washington Post?

"The "tragedy" (not "attack") was caused by the SUV.  

"Forget about blaming Darrell Brooks; he's a Black man and therefore cannot be blamed for anything he does.  Apparently, the WaPo has such contempt for African Americans that they have no personal agency.  They are merely the accompaniment to the actions of the machines they use.  The machines are the responsible party.  How dehumanizing is that!

"This vanished tweet is not some troll making fun of the WaPo.  It is real." . . .

James Madison U. Instagram Page Video Says Kyle Rittenhouse Killed Two Black People  “taking away two beautiful black lives at the ripe ages of 26 and 36”

"A jury found Rittenhouse not guilty in the killing of two white men named Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. Rosenbaum was a convicted child rapist who can be seen on video yelling “shoot me n***a” at armed men. Huber was “found guilty of a felony for strangulation and suffocation, domestic abuse,” reported."

Spare us from guilt-ridden white liberals, many of whom support "Beto" O'Rourke, the quintessential guilt-ridden white liberal who apologizes for being born. TD

In a critical assessment of the Rittenhouse trial, Conrad Black denies that the outcome of the case vindicated the American justice system

. . .'The reason the judicial system has become so evil so fast is that the media abets violence against those they decide to destroy. And they will engage in this kind of mischief until a government, at the risk of media retaliation, reins them in. Although an attempt to keep the media from playing their incendiary games is not likely to happen any time soon, I don’t see how we can repair our justice system until such action is taken." . . .

MSNBC is ungrateful for our nation's history.

Former NYT’s Journalist Claims They Deliberately Prevented Her Article About How Rioters Destroyed Kenosha Businesses From Being Published Until After 2020 Election   

.@jonathanvswan presses Rep. Tlaib on backing a bill to end federal prisons: To what extent have you wrestled w/ potential downsides?

 CBS San Antonio Whistleblower GOES PUBLIC, Exposes Internal Diversity & Inclusion Training Where Journalists are Instructed to ‘Stop Thinking in Terms of Objective Journalism’   "Ron Treviño, CBS Houston News Anchor: “I don’t really care if people trust us or not, we still have to do our job. Whether they trust us is the least of my concerns -- whether they trust me or not.' ”

. corporate message: Thanksgiving sucks. Come for the lies; stay for the anti-American hate.

For Chesa Boudin, it goes from bad to worse

But first7 Month Old baby Murdered After Radical DA Chesa Boudin Freed His Killer TWICE

 Monica Showalter  "Now that San Francisco has seen three days of smash-and-grab robberies on its remaining retailers, following the shutdowns of many more, he's making noises about being tough on crime.

"The problem for him?  Nobody's buying it.

"Here's what happened when he tried to organize a rally for himself in a bid to whip up public support against his recall." . . .

. . ."And that claim about the lootings happening all over, so no blame to him, is utter bee ess, too.  San Francisco is the nexus of the problem and much of it has spread to its suburbs such as Walnut Creek.  What's more, Chesa's lax-on-crime, let-'em-out stance is not San Francisco–specific.  Wherever Soros-financed district attorneys come to blue cities to roost, crime waves of this kind are happening.  San Francisco just had more fertile ground based on its being a progressive blue city for a lot longer and a lot loonier than most of them.  Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.

"The interview shows even more disconnect the more you read of it: he claims he's not soft on crime." Leading to this tweet:

Hilarious to watch Boudin freeze when asked a question on his ineffectiveness by a reporter that is not Chronicle-gullible. He's a Rhodes Scholar? Really? A speechless prosecutor?

Waukesha Suspect's Previous Release Agitates Efforts to Reduce Bail


"In early November, prosecutors in the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office made a fast, fateful decision, asking that bond for a 39-year-old repeat offender accused of brutalizing his girlfriend, then running over her with an SUV, be set at only $1,000.
"That call, one of many made in the city’s bustling criminal court that day, initiated a succession of events that ended, according to police, with that man, Darrell E. Brooks Jr., ramming his maroon Ford Escape through the barricades of a Christmas parade in nearby Waukesha, killing six people and injuring dozens more.
"The bail decision has brought criticism raining down on Milwaukee County’s district attorney, John T. Chisholm, a Democrat who has tried to reduce high rates of incarceration and racial disparities in the justice system. Longtime critics, led by Wisconsin’s previous governor, Scott Walker, blamed Brooks’ release on Chisholm’s “radical” liberal ideology.
"It appears, though, that the controversial release may have been not a policy decision but the result of happenstance and other factors — an inexperienced junior prosecutor and a rushed supervisor up against a huge backlog of cases that piled up during the coronavirus pandemic, according to court documents and interviews with judges, prosecutors, local officials and defense lawyers.". . .

In a Facebook post in June 2020, shortly after the death of George Floyd, 39-year-old Darrell Brooks Jr. said that black people should knock “white ppl [the f-ck] out.”

When Black Lives Matter supporters made news in Wisconsin, they all boasted rap sheets. 

. . ."Joseph Rosenbaum? Child rapist. Jump Kick Man? Holder of a War and Peace criminal record. Anthony Huber? Domestic abuser. Does it not tell us something that all of the identifiable anti-police protestors encountering Kyle Rittenhouse in a violent way on August 25, 2020, boasted extensive criminal charges?"It turns out that many of the “protestors” condemning the police with the volume turned up loudest do so because the police thwarted their criminal behavior. A “duh” quality colors this revelation. Criminals hate cops. You don’t say?". . .


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Independent Journalists Disprove Wicked Mainstream Media Lie that BLM Supporter Darrell Brooks’s Parade Attack was Accidental

 The Gateway Pundit

. . ."Following the attack several fake news channels ran with the “report” that the killer missed his turn and “accidentally” barreled down the street. Other channels reported the killer was being chased by police when he ran over 60+ innocents.
"Of course this was all liberal media BS.
"And now, independent journalists at Bevo Fox simulated Darrell Brooks’s drive through the Waukesha Parade along with actual footage of his devilish attack on children and seniors."
"This is a brilliant video and proves the Waukesha killer was on a mission to murder as many innocents as was possible."