Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Is Fredo Cuomo about to get whacked at CNN?

Fredo Corleone yells "I'm smart!"

Monica Showalter  "Chris "Fredo" Cuomo is one of the pampered princes at CNN, whose usefulness to the network was pretty much nil after his bigger brother, Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, went down in disgrace.

"Now it comes to light that he was engaged in some despicable conflict-of-interest behavior that, as Rolling Stone noted, "would get any other journalist fired."

"R.S.'s unexpectedly good report is here:

Chris Cuomo hosts a primetime CNN show on which he discusses national political issues. He's also the brother of Andrew Cuomo, the disgraced former governor of New York who resigned in August in the wake of a damning report detailing several allegations of sexual misconduct. It was a pretty big conflict of interest, especially considering Cuomo the younger was advising his brother on how to weather the scandal. . .

CNN Suspends Chris Cuomo After Report Showed He Used Resources to Find Dirt on Brother’s Accusers   “These documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother’s efforts than we previously knew.”

CNN previously stood by the anchor of its weekday 9 p.m. show

National Review on Cuomo  . . . "Anchor Anderson Cooper will temporarily take CNN’s 9 p.m. time slot, previously occupied by Cuomo Prime Time."

. . ."Chris was himself accused of sexual harassment by journalist Shelley Ross, who detailed her allegations in a Times op-ed in September. Ross wrote that Chris grabbed her buttock at a party in 2005, shortly after Ross stepped down as executive producer of ABC’s Primetime Live, where Chris was an anchor."

"Biden voters owe the country an apology'

 The Twin Pillars of Biden’s Failure

Biden and his followers and minders will go down because of these two issues. 

"Everything has gone so terribly wrong for the Biden Administration, and in the ways that were widely predicted, that it is hard to believe Joe Biden could be perceived as a successful or at least potentially successful president if only he had avoided being such a tool of the Democratic extreme Left. On the afternoon of his inauguration, he killed the Keystone XL Pipeline and curtailed fracking and offshore oil and gas exploration, and ordered the end of construction of the southern border wall. The consequences have been over 200,000 illegal migrants entering the United States across the southern border most months and the rise in the price of gasoline from approximately $2 a gallon to $5 a gallon across the country.         

"As practically everyone outside his immediate entourage saw and predicted, these were disastrous errors. The excuse regularly given in the case of the wall was that Biden had inherited a “broken” immigration policy. In support of this outrageous falsehood, all that could be offered was the tear-jerking fabrication about children being separated from their parents and confined to cages that reminded that eminent authority on modern European history, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, of “Auschwitz.” 

"In fact, Obama had installed those facilities while Biden was vice president, and they were not in any conventional parlance actually cages. The migrant children who stayed there undoubtedly received the most nourishing meals and useful exercise and education in the best and most sanitary comfort that they had ever known. Many of them were not related to the adults from whom they were separated, but as everyone who follows the issue knows, were merely props to facilitate the claim that the migrants were authentic fugitives from injustice, and to capitalize on the bias of civilized American authorities not to separate people from their ostensible minor children." . . .

Biden voters owe the country an apology   . . ."When Trump did this exact same thing, Biden stoked the flames of racial hatred to get elected. Now, nearly a full year into his first term, Biden is the dog that caught the car. He duped 81 million people into voting for him, and he has no clue what he is doing. Biden voters owe the country an apology. They are responsible for our mess — and every bit the mess that the approval ratings suggest it is. From foreign policy to immigration to crime to inflation to gas prices, there is absolutely nothing going better right now than on Jan. 19, 2020." . . .

Joe Biden was involved in a deal with a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10 percent cut  By 

In her new book, “Laptop from Hell,” Post columnist Miranda Devine reconstructs the Biden family’s quest for cash by using files left on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop. Sunday, she detailed how Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden entered into a deal with Chinese government-linked energy conglomerate CEFC, and contacted businessman Tony Bobulinski to run the enterprise. Here, Bobulinski meets “the big guy” — Joe Biden himself. 


Buttigieg Tries to Make Families Feel Better About Gas Prices By Offering an Unaffordable Alternative



Katie Pavlich   "As the Biden Administration continues to push American families into alternative energy sources by maintaining pain at the pump, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is attempting to explain away high gas prices. 

"During an interview with MSNBC over the weekend, Buttigieg reassured Americans they won't have to worry about an increase in gas prices ever again, so long as they buy an electric vehicle. 

" 'Families who own that vehicle will never have to worry about gas prices again," Buttigieg said. "The people who stand to benefit most from owning an EV are often rural residents who have the most distances to drive, who burn the most gas, and underserved urban residents in areas where there are higher gas prices and lower income.' " . . .

Hong Kong: Disney+ Removes a Simpsons Episode Over Tiananmen Square Reference

 Legal Insurrection

Disney once again falls in line with China proving once again the Communist country has immense influence in Hollywood and Hong Kong.

"How do I irony? Disney is *litrally* doing what The Simpsons mocked China for doing about Tiananmen Square.

"It also shows just how much influence China has on Hong Kong. The city has passed many bills limiting free speech, especially when it comes to insulting China. Oh, wait. I mean, “banning films deemed contrary to China’s national security interests.”

"Do the laws apply to streaming services? It’s all too vague, with some people thinking the legislature will eventually pass laws targeting streaming services while the city said it already has laws for those companies:

The content rules governing streaming services in Hong Kong remain somewhat unclear, although analysts believe it’s only a matter of time before they are hit with the same restrictions that are undercutting the city’s once vibrant film sector and international journalist community. When asked in August whether the new film law would apply to online platforms, a spokesperson for the city’s Commerce and Economic Development Bureau told the Hong Kong Free Press that “other” laws apply to the internet: “[TV] broadcast and the Internet are subject to other applicable law and regulations. Whether an act constitutes a crime or otherwise would depend on its specific circumstances and evidence, and cannot be taken in isolation or generalized,” they spokesperson said.

"In other words, Disney did this on its own. The Hollywood Reporter noted that Netflix still airs pieces that would never air in China:. . ."

Monday, November 29, 2021

Arizona State vs Kyle Rittenhouse

Woke ASU Students Issue ‘List of Demands;’ Plan Rally Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse Be Expelled From School ...."After Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal on all counts earlier this month, leftist student activist groups at Arizona State University have issued a ‘list of demands’ that calls on the school to immediately expel him from campus because they claim he is a white supremacist and a “blood-thirsty murderer.' ”

"In addition to issuing their woke demands, radical student organizations like MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán), Students for Socialism, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Multicultural Solidarity Coalition are planning a rally this week to “get murderer Kyle Rittenhouse off [the] campus.”

Even the "guardian" sources cannot be trusted  

According to 95% of the media talking heads and their cohorts, Kyle Rittenhouse is a "murdering white supremacist."  Laughably, Snopes calls the three convicted felons who attacked Rittenhouse — one a domestic abuser and rapist, another a pedophile, and the third a burglar — "victims."  Snopes goes farther, saying those three felons were there to "peacefully protest."  Never mind the fires, the looting, and the property destruction.  None of this was discussed in the vast majority of the media during Rittenhouse's trial or after his acquittal.

 The weaponization of the 'white supremacy' label  . . ."But now leftists routinely judge and condemn people because their white. Whiteness is considered an offense. Attacks on white people for being white are not only condoned by our Democratic leaders but encouraged We also  routinely pre-judge the police. Police  are in high risk jobs. Sometimes they use more force than they should. . We know that Derek Chauvin used excessive force when he killed George Floyd. But even though it was widely assumed that he did that because George Floyd was black there's no evidence that that's true or that Derek Chauvin was a racist." . . .

Rittenhouse Protesters Chant For Communist Revolution  . . . "Political activist and Baptist pastor Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow PUSH coalition led the march throughout the city with calls for the Department of Justice to investigate the verdict, according to CBS Chicago.

"Footage captured a crowd of people marching the streets with a sign that called Rittenhouse a “white supremacist” and demanded to end the “fascist USA.” The crowd chanted in support of a communist revolution." . . .

“The only solution is communist revolution,” the crowd is heard chanting.

Did Kyle Rittenhouse Just Get Canceled?   "While the news around Kyle Rittenhouse has greatly subsided since his rightful acquittal of multiple charges of murder, RedState reported yesterday that “social justice” groups on the campus of Arizona State University were rallying to get Kyle Rittenhouse disenrolled from the state school.

"Here’s a taste of what the far-left demands looked like."

Republicans slam woke, new Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal who says site is not 'bound by the First Amendment'...

...and once asked 'why should I distinguish between white people and racists?'

 Daily Mail   "Republicans have slammed the new Twitter CEO who boasted last year that the company is 'not bound by the First Amendment' while a 2010 tweet has today resurfaced in which he appears to call all white people racist.

"Parag Agrawal, 45, was named the new CEO of the social media giant early on Monday, after serving as the company's chief technology officer since 2017.

"But he's already under fire after an old, controversial tweet resurfaced today.

" 'If they are not gonna make a distinction between Muslims and extremists, then why should I distinguish between white people and racists?' Agrawal, who has an estimated net worth of $1.52million, tweeted in October 26, 2010." . . .

Gov. Baker: QR code vaccine passport coming soon



Vaccinate children? Not mine   "What will happen to our children when we mass vaccinate them?  Since the vaccine side-effect of myocarditis is more prevalent in children, will the low dose be enough to mitigate, or will they die at a higher rate?  What else can go wrong?  Here is one idea." . . . 

Biden: Strategy for omicron variant is vaccination, not shutdowns   . . ."The president stressed that all individuals, whether vaccinated or not, should be wearing masks and face coverings in public settings again." . . .

When All Else Fails, Bring Out the Masks  . . ."Billions of masks containing microplastics, non-biodegradable, and toxic will end up in landfills and oceans. We already see masks littering streets and parking lots. Sea birds and other aquatic life can become tangled in mask elastic straps. Animals may ingest masks and microplastics which enter the food chain. Ironically mask microplastics are petroleum-based, something Democrats want to ban."

“In Florida, we will not let (the federal government) lock you down. We will not let them take your jobs. We will not let them harm your businesses. We will not let them close your schools,” he added.

When it comes to oil, Biden is the tool of someone else


Buried lede: The real reason the Saudis are refusing Joe Biden's beggings to ramp up oil production  . . ."What he hasn't been doing is anything constructive to lower energy prices. He's thrown out shiny baubles such as the release of two days' oil reserves onto the global markets as his claimed 'tool' for driving down energy prices, hoping you don't notice his other acts. He's pathetically begged the Saudis and OPEC sheiks to raise production in lieu of the local pipelines and production he has shut down.

"But now there's another way he's driving energy prices sky-high and I found it in a buried lede that ran in a long story on CNN: . . ."

What has made so many this nation so dysfunctional?

MALL MAYHEM Black Friday chaos sees Home Depot smash and grab as teen thieves aged 15 to 20 take off with hammers and crowbars

Your Thanksgiving Weekend Round-up! Shoplifting, Black Supremacy and Antifa
 Weeps!  . . ."I know white supremacy is real because MSNBC’s Joy Reid talks about it every day. This country is obviously chock full of white supremacists, being all white supremely and whatnot, but unless the color is off on my computer, most of the looters don’t look like white supremacists to me."
I won’t even try to make a tongue-in-cheek reference about the Waukesha black supremacist attack, ever. A domestic terrorist ran over 60+ people, killing six and injuring roughly 56 others. BLM is attempting to raise the $5 million that Darrell Brooks, the terrorist who ran over the paradegoers, needs to post bail (how he got bail at all is yet another reminder that Soros has people communists in high places everywhere).

“By reducing penalties associated with car break-ins, shoplifting, and other property crimes—and by making it more difficult to issue felony sentences—Prop 47 de-prioritizes justice for California residents and businesses, who are now increasingly victims of vandals and thieves operating with near impunity,” writes Independent Institute Senior Fellow Lawrence J. McQuillan, in his new report, California Property Crime Surge Is Unintended Consequence of Proposition 47.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Biden’s Ultimate Plan to Thwart Religious Freedom; "It goes far beyond Obama’s contraceptive mandate."

. . .“The bishops would love to have the separation between church and state we thought we enjoyed just a few months ago, when we were free to run Catholic institutions in conformity with the demands of the Catholic faith, when the government couldn’t tell us which of our ministries are Catholic and which not, when the law protected rather than crushed conscience. The state is making itself into a church.” 

Conservative Angle  "Joe Biden’s secularism pervades the federal government. He is rooting out all the rules and regulations that his predecessor established in defense of religious freedom. Earlier this month, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) rescinded Donald Trump’s rule protecting religious foster care and adoption agencies. Biden seeks to cut off federal funding to any such agencies that do not conform to his LGBTQ agenda.

"Xavier Becerra, Biden’s HHS Secretary, dismissed Trump’s rule as “a blanket use of religious exemptions against any person or blank checks to allow discrimination against any persons, importantly including LGBTQ+ persons in taxpayer-funded programs.”

"According to National Catholic Register, Becerra is also hatching a broad plan to wipe out the religious freedom of health-care providers — a rule that would force them to “comply with abortion and gender-transition agendas.” The publication reports that the Biden administration is working with secularist groups to formulate this new rule, which would go far beyond Barack Obama’s contraceptive mandate." . . .

In a recent legal filing, HHS acknowledged the existence of a “health-care task force of activist groups coordinated by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights that included Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Center for American Progress, the Human Rights Campaign and others,” reports National Catholic Register. “HHS was discussing with these groups how to change the rule for Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination based on sex.”. . .

The post Biden’s Ultimate Plan to Thwart Religious Freedom appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

Wyoming GOP Votes to Not Recognize Liz Cheney as Republican, Calling Her Pelosi Ally



Newsweek  "The Wyoming Republican Party voted on Saturday to no longer recognize Representative Liz Cheney as a member of the party.

"The vote is mostly a symbolic gesture and does not strip Cheney of any power. It passed the Wyoming GOP Central Committee by a vote of 31-29.

"Joey Correnti, chairman of the Carbon County GOP, one of the officials who pushed for the resolution to be passed, told the Casper Star-Tribune the resolution came after what he estimated were nine county Republican parties in Wyoming voting to no longer recognize Cheney as a member of the state's GOP.

. . .

"Previously mentioned in the resolution of censure, Representative Liz Cheney 'cast her vote in favor of impeachment without any quantifiable evidence of High Crimes or Misdemeanors,'" the resolution passed on Saturday said, referring to the February censure resolution. "As to date, no quantifiable and or undisputed evidence has been offered [by] Representative Liz Cheney to defend her questionable decision."

. . .

"The Wyoming Republican Party voted on Saturday to no longer recognize Representative Liz Cheney as a member of the party.

"The vote is mostly a symbolic gesture and does not strip Cheney of any power. It passed the Wyoming GOP Central Committee by a vote of 31-29.

"Joey Correnti, chairman of the Carbon County GOP, one of the officials who pushed for the resolution to be passed, told the Casper Star-Tribune the resolution came after what he estimated were nine county Republican parties in Wyoming voting to no longer recognize Cheney as a member of the state's GOP." . . .

Capitol riot investigation: Pelosi taps Republican Liz Cheney ...

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Mike Lindell Accuses Mitt Romney’s Niece Ronna McDaniel Of Trying To Sabotage His Supreme Court Case

Red Voice Media  "MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who is in the midst of building a case to take to the Supreme Court regarding the 2020 election, says that his efforts to bring forth his case is faced with some opposition from none other than the Republican National Committee – and the RNC’s chair Ronna McDaniel, a.k.a. Mitt Romney’s niece.

"We at Red Voice Media have covered the anti-GOP antics of Ronna McDaniel previously, with her still having the audacity to refer to Rep. Liz Cheney as a Republican despite Cheney seeming to go against the party and her constituents time and again.

"On November 22nd, as Lindell was speaking during a livestream about his complaint for the Supreme Court that notes the “November 2020 election was stolen”, he claimed that McDaniel was contacting state attorney general and urging them not to sign his complaint." . . .