Thursday, December 2, 2021

No Mainstream 'Journalist' Is More Racist Than MSNBC's Joy Reid


Joy Reid is at it again. Well, she never really ceased her bigotry.  . . ."Why hate anybody at all? I don’t find it impressive when people hate. And hating a group that it’s socially acceptable to hate — whites, Christians, southerners — just shows you’re a coward. Moreover, is there a limit to anti-white pathology?

"At some point, might Comcast decide anti-white racism is not something to subsidize and pull the plug on Reid, as they did with the execrable Keith Olbermann a decade ago? Much of her odiousness, sadly, reminds me of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Constantly blaming all the world’s ills on one group of people — effectively vilifying them — should not be tolerated by MSNBC.

"On Monday, before Reid’s Tuesday racism, Miranda Devine had a dynamite New York Post piece in which she reminded everyone, “This is a woman on a seven-figure salary who went to Harvard and has more elite privilege in her little finger than the 17-year-old son of a single mother who was in Kenosha working as a lifeguard when all hell broke loose in the form of BLM-Antifa riots in August 2020. Yet Reid continually plays the victim and makes her living punching down at white people less fortunate than she is.”

"Devine continued by noting Reid’s ratings are abysmal.

“ 'Every night she spews hatred against white people,” she wrote. “Who knows what pathology drives her, but it’s not healthy, for her or any of her dwindling audience. Shame on MSNBC for elevating such a hate-filled racist to prime time. She has zero charisma….But for some unfathomable reason, she has Teflon protection at the network, even after being caught with homophobic and anti-Semitic comments on her blog." . . .

"Why not just contact my booking producers like a normal person, rather than going with the White Man Demands option?"

Racist Propagandist Joy Reid’s MSNBC Ratings Collapsing This was in June 2021; MSNBC still broadcasts her. Maybe the suits there are among the many who don't watch her show either. 

Remember those who wanted to defund the police, causing Rittenhouse to happen

It began here: 

Enough of that; now on to banning Kyle Rittenhouse.  

Acting in the spirit of any lynch mob, the rioters also decided not to wait for the facts. They set at least 37 fires, burned down more than two dozen businesses, many of them family small businesses with long community roots, and spray-painted pro-Palestinian graffiti at a local synagogue. Rioters armed with rifles surrounded a police SWAT vehicle. A 71-year-old man was hit in the head with a concrete-filled plastic bottle, which fractured his jaw in two places. The riots caused nearly $2 million in damage to a city of 100,000 people. The destruction was worst in Kenosha’s mostly black Uptown area.
A jury's integrity and the absence of riots is good news

"Above all, let's try to remember that jury members refused to cave into political or media pressure.  They simply did their job.  As a result, we have a criminal justice system that works even when the rest of society breaks down — and an innocent teenager has his life back instead of life in prison.  But would the hard left care one iota if an innocent man was deprived of freedom for the rest of his years?  Hardly.  Just a means to an end, to install full-fledged totalitarianism rule over the great unwashed masses."

AOC Attacks Brett Kavanaugh but Gets Laid out by Tara Reade


. . ."There was a lot of reaction to her tweets. But I’ll have to give the nod for the best response to Tara Reade."

Frightening Social Media POSTS From Oxford’s High School Shooter Allegedly Shows That He’s Part Of Some Satanists’ Cult

Nathan Swanson, a 10th grader who was in some middle-school classes with Crumbley, told The Daily Beast that he was “really quiet, he would never talk to people.” “He wore all black, I believe he was really into something,” Swanson said.

Another "quiet guy" 

USA Supreme  . . ."Another post appears to show Ethan had a “countdown to return of devil” and wrote “now I become death — destroyer of worlds — see you tomorrow Oxford” on his Instagram page.

"Crumbley’s social media pages have given possible evidence that the attack may have been planned long before it happened.

"In a post on his alleged Instagram account, Crumble had a “countdown to return of devil” and wrote, “now I become death — destroyer of worlds — see you tomorrow Oxford.”

"The countdown ended on the day of the shooting.

The account also features images of horror movie villains such as Michael Myers from Halloween and Jigsaw from Saw.

"The account handle is under Crumbley’s name but he may have also used the alias Black Death as it appears in his bio

"Here is the social media account of the alleged US school shooter, Ethan Crumbley (aged 15). He had a countdown of when he was going to murder children, and this account was allegedly reported to the school BEFORE the shooting!" . . .

Ethan Crumbley was in meeting with Oxford High School officials & his parents about his behavior hours before shooting

...Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald added that her office is weighing charging both of Crumbley's parents and will be making charging decisions "swiftly".

The prosecutor said that evidence suggests the school shooting "was not an impulsive act" and may have been premeditated. 

Crumbley has been held at a juvenile detention facility, where he was placed on suicide watch with someone checking on him every 15 minutes...

Crumbley was charged with four counts of first-degree murder, terrorism, and other weapons charges in the shooting

Fourth Student Dies After Shooting Rampage at Michigan High School

. . ."Crumbley, a sophomore, was previously flagged by administrators for “behavior in the classroom that they felt was concerning,” Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard said Wednesday. He was called in to talk with school officials on Monday and Tuesday. Then, his parents were brought into the school the morning of the shooting for a face-to-face meeting about their son’s behavior, according to Bouchard."

Ethan Crumbley’s parents name, photos, full details

The students made some quick and sound decisions . They kept their cool, helped each other and survived. Their parents and their community should be proud of them:

Red flag: "Come out, Bro!"

Third Worldizing America

Our elites, like the Third World rich, have mastered ignoring—and navigating around—the misery of others in their midst.

Victor Davis Hanson  

. . ."Violent crime is now soaring in America. But two things are different about America’s new criminality.

"One is the virtual impunity of it. Thieves now brazenly swarm a store, ransack, steal, and flee with the content without worry of arrest. 

"Second, the Left often justifies crime as a sort of righteous payback against a supposedly exploitative system. 

"So, the architect of the so-called 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, preened of the summer 2020 riotous destruction of property: “Destroying property, which can be replaced, is not violence.” 

"Third Worldization reflects the asymmetry of law enforcement. Ideology and money, not the law, adjudicate who gets arrested and tried, and who does not. 

"There were 120 days of continuous looting, arson, and lethal violence in summer 2020. The riots were variously characterized by the burning of courthouses, police precincts, and an iconic church." . . . 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

ASU Administrators Must Stop 'Protests' Demanding Kyle Rittenhouse's Expulsion

 Def-Con News  "Two “student” groups permitted to organize on the campus of Arizona State University, Students for Socialism ASU and Young Democrat Socialists for America ASU, are protesting the attendance of a student, Kyle Rittenhouse, at the University. This from

. . . "Does the Administration at Arizona State University share the view that self-defense makes one guilty of murder regardless of jury decisions or that self-defense is a white supremacist act?  Does the Administration, too, agree that violent recidivate predators are victims of white supremacy if stopped with deadly force while in the act of committing further violent assault? Does the Administration share the view that one or two organized political groups should determine who can and cannot attend the University and who should be harassed and intimidated?" . . .

Students Rally to Get Kyle Rittenhouse Thrown Out of College for ‘Crime’ of Being White and Defending Himself
   . . ."
The Post Millennial provided more background on the ASU student organizations involved."

Rally to support Kyle at ASU They aren't all mal-educated drones at ASU.

Thankfully, this was NOT the O.J. jury:
A jury's integrity and the absence of riots is good news  . . ."Above all, let's try to remember that jury members refused to cave into political or media pressure.  They simply did their job.  As a result, we have a criminal justice system that works even when the rest of society breaks down — and an innocent teenager has his life back instead of life in prison.  But would the hard left care one iota if an innocent man was deprived of freedom for the rest of his years?  Hardly.  Just a means to an end, to install full-fledged totalitarianism rule over the great unwashed masses." . . .

The Democrats’ Mayor Pete problem

National Journal

The fact that a Harvard-educated Transportation Secretary and former small-city mayor is considered a top presidential prospect is an illustration of the party’s elite turn.

"It should be far too early to be talking about the next presidential election, but between President Biden’s advanced age, his sagging fortunes, and widespread worries about Vice President Kamala Harris’s political competence, the parlor games are already beginning. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who ran an impressive campaign for president as a political underdog, has emerged in the hearts and minds of some Democratic strategists as the favored successor.

"In reality, Buttigieg, the brainy former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, exemplifies the problems that Democrats are facing in the post-Trump political environment. They’ve become the party of intellectuals and technocrats, winning over growing numbers of highly educated, white-collar voters while losing support from their old base of working-class voters of all racial and ethnic backgrounds.

"That’s a bad trade-off, even in a Democratic presidential primary. Buttigieg’s own presidential campaign was an illustration of the limitations of relying on affluent professionals as a voting base. Even when he surged during the presidential primary, he always struggled to muster support among the nonwhite and blue-collar voters that typically decide the party nomination." . . .

Male Swimmer Dominates UPenn's Women's Swim Team

PJ Media  "Will Thomas was a moderately successful swimmer on the University of Pennsylvania’s men’s swim team for three years. But then he took a year off, reemerged as

transgender, and started dominating the women’s swim team.


Get Ready for President Hillary Clinton; Don't laugh. Get ready. It's coming. Clinton/Obama in 2024.


Biden's "white moderate grandfather" routine did the rest: He fooled just enough clueless and naive voters in a handful of battleground states to finish the job.

Wayne Allyn Root  . . ."I also predicted that this communist takeover and purposeful destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism, the American middle class and Judeo-Christian values was all designed, coordinated and carried out by a combination of former President Barack Obama, communist billionaire George Soros and the Chinese Communist Party.

"This is all clearly happening right in front of our eyes.

"So, I'm going to make another shocking prediction. Democrats (i.e., the party of radical, insane and hateful socialists, Marxists and communists) are getting ready to install Hillary Clinton as president of the United States." . . .

. . . "Here's my crystal ball. Democrats will demand Harris' resignation. She'll cite "personal reasons" or "family issues." Then corrupt Democrat billionaire donors will give her a $25 million mansion to retire in. You'll never hear from Harris again.

"Next, they'll name Hillary Clinton vice president.

"Very quickly after that, they'll start planting nonstop stories in the media claiming Biden's aides see him in dramatic mental decline. After 3 to 6 months of those stories in the media, Biden will make his touching goodbye announcement and ride off to a nursing home specializing in dementia patients. And like Harris, Jill Biden will get a $25 million mansion as incentive to shut her mouth and never be heard from again." . . .

Tips on Fake News for Twitter's New CEO

 Ann Coulter

"What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie." -- Joe Biden

"Twitter announced this week that Parag Agrawal will be the social media giant's new CEO. (This is an incredible achievement for the Indian-born Agrawal, given that the selection process heavily favored people born in India.) He has a difficult job ahead of him, trying to maintain the site's reputation for fast-paced, free-ranging commentary, while also keeping the platform free of dangerous misinformation.

"Agrawal is probably aware of the mounds -- and I mean mounds -- of irrefutable SCIENTIFIC PROOF that conservatives are gullible paranoids, constantly falling for misinformation and hoaxes. For example, consider these 100% objective academic studies: . . .

. . ."Even a skeptic would have to admit, Smollett's account had the ring of truth. When you add (to an already highly believable story) the fact that there have been dozens of "noose incidents" over the past few decades, and every single one of them, without exception, turned out to be a hoax, his narrative only becomes more convincing!" . . .

All this blithering idiocy, about something that was an obvious hoax from day one, was posted on the very social media site that Agrawal is about to oversee. Nearly identical tweets from nearly identical liberals could be produced for similarly deranged takes on Nick Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse, Althea Bernstein, the NASCAR "noose," the "Klansman" at Oberlin College, the "racist" bus attack in Albany, Trump supporters ripping hijabs off Muslim girls, racist graffiti at the Air Force Academy, the noose at Columbia's Teachers College, the Duke lacrosse rape hoax, the University of Virginia gang rape hoax, the synagogue bomb threats and on and on and on.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Leftist Democrats: The Ku Klux Klan Reincarnated

Kyle Rittenhouse's leftist ASU classmates want him gone  "One of the things that makes Kyle Rittenhouse quite proud is the fact that he is a student at Arizona State University, although, so far, he's only attended online.  The leftists on campus think being online is already more than he deserves and are trying to get him kicked out of the college.  So far, ASU is holding the line, but one wonders how long it will do so." . . .Oops! Cancel that!

Rittenhouse No Longer Enrolled at ASU Following Left-Wing Protests  ..."One group, Students for Socialism at ASU, planned a protest and had a series of demands for the university:

  1. Withdraw Kyle Rittenhouse from ASU
  2. Release a statement against white supremacy and [the] racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse
  3. Reaffirm support for the multicultural center on campus as a safe space from white supremacy
  4. Redirect funding from the ASU [police] to support the multicultural center and establishment of a CAARE center [a rape crisis center] on campus.

Universities Trying to Enforce Preferred Narrative About Rittenhouse Trial  ..."Higher education shares the same view of the Rittenhouse trial as Democrats and the media. Not very surprising, is it?"

Why a Rittenhouse Federal Investigation Is a Non-Starter

What Happens When Leftists Govern a City

Power Line Blog  "I have lived in the Twin Cities metropolitan area since 1974, roughly half that time in the city of Minneapolis and half the time in the suburbs. As everyone knows, Minneapolis is in a steep decline due to out of control crime that began with the George Floyd riots. How bad is it?

"I don’t ever recall hearing the word “carjacking” in connection with the Twin Cities until 2020, when such crimes exploded, and carjackings in Minneapolis have again risen steeply in 2021. Minneapolis resident Steve Taylor created this map on The yellow pins indicate carjackings in 2020, while the red pins show carjackings in 2021.". . .

. . ."Minneapolis was a center of “defund the police” insanity until burgeoning crime sobered up the city’s leaders. But only up to a point: the city is still entirely in the hands of leftists, with Boy Mayor Jacob Frey being re-elected after running as the most pro-law enforcement candidate in the race. I am not sure how many carjackings and other violent and non-violent crimes it will take for residents of Minneapolis to snap out of their torpor, but I guess we are going to find out." . . .