If Harris really wanted to make an analogy, as weak as it is, she should have used the assassination of JFK. . . But the assassination of JFK was committed by a leftist, a devout communist. In other words, someone on their team.There’s A Reason No One Likes Kamala Harris (townhall.com) "Most people look at the choice of Kamala Harris for Vice President and scratch their head. “Why would anyone pick a person so wildly devoid of political talent or even the basics of likability?” they wonder. The conventional wisdom is that she checked the right number of boxes to fulfill left-wing interest group demands, which is partially true, of course. Overlooked, however, is how there is one more, rather good and important reason Joe Biden, or really any politician would pick someone like Harris: because by comparison, you’ll always look better.
"Harris is such a singularly grating personality that she polls lower than lemon juice on an open wound. Death by wood chipper is less likely to incur the wrath of human rights activists for torture than forcing someone to listen to Kamala’s speeches. If you’re an incompetent politician, partnering with someone possessing all the public charm and warmth of explosive diarrhea means you will always come off better than you otherwise would because the alternative is so horrible.
"That’s what, and all, Kamala Harris brought to the ticket
"If anyone needed another example of how awful she is, her speech on Thursday provided it. Just the first three paragraphs show how unlikable, opportunistic and hypocritical she really is. Let’s take a look." . . .
Below: Democrats Booker and Harris laughing at the agony of Judge Kavanaugh.
"Kamala tweeted amid a 51-mile traffic jam just outside DC, "Because of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, America is moving again. That's what infrastructure is all about: getting people moving." Now we know why Willie dumped her. Never marry stupid." Don Surber