Give voters a populist conservative who's not a conman and a liar and they'll be "Republicans" again. No wonder Trump hates DeSantis.
Ann Coulter "Our media are obsessed with Donald Trump, but Trump's obsessed with Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida. For months now, Trump's been playing the aging silent film star Norma Desmond in
"Sunset Boulevard" to DeSantis' younger, prettier Betty Schaefer.
" Amid the hourly, annoying group emails to Trump's list -- "YOU are one of my TOP supporters!" --
there was one from Roger Stone on Nov. 2, 2021, denouncing DeSantis.
" The insults sounded a lot like what Trump used to say about Stone: "Ron's own piss-poor campaign
...," "without really delivering on his Trump-like rhetoric ...," "Governor DeSantis has failed ..." and
so on.
"The title of this diatribe was: "WILL RON DESANTIS TAKE THE PLEDGE?" Can you guess what
"the pledge" is? That is correct: not to challenge Trump for president in 2024.
"Only because it was "from" Stone, a smart guy who sadly prostrated himself on the altar of Trump,
did I open it. Then, I shook my head and deleted it.
"Evidently, others on the Trump email list responded with more rancor.
"One week later, Stone sent out a follow-up email frantically backpedaling, noting that "many"
recipients of his recent email were "surprised" by his attacks on DeSantis. The crow-eating letter
ended by pleading with Stone's critics to "Please take a moment to read what I have actually said ..."
"That must've been some blowback!
"No one wants Trump. He's fading faster than Sarah Palin did -- and she was second place on a losing
presidential ticket. In case you don't remember, for three years following that loss, Palin was packing
stadiums with tens of thousands of Trump-like fans