Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Don Surber: Putin rolls into Ukraine. NYT praises Biden for avoiding war

 Don Surber: Putin rolls into Ukraine. NYT praises Biden for avoiding war  "Russia biting off two more counties from Ukraine sucks, but what are you going to do? We have a doofus commander-in-chief.

"Obama gave up Crimea and his flunky is giving up Luhansk and Donetsk, which have been controlled by Russia since 2014. That was in Obama's second term. You know, the one he said he would be more flexible in.

"This is another humiliation for America under a Democrat president. Not as bad as Afghanistan but a humiliation never the less. Sending Kamala to Munich was embarrassing. She sounded high. ("I mean, listen, guys, we’re talking about the potential for war in Europe. I mean, let’s really take a moment to understand the significance of what we’re talking about.")". . .

. . ."The loss of a couple more cities to Russia is just a down payment on the price America and the free world will pay for Biden's sudden surrender of Afghanistan.

"If you own property in Taiwan, you may want to sell.

"Knowing Biden is in trouble, the New York Times tried to spin this new defeat as a peace in our time.

"NYT reported, "Wooing Allies, Publicizing Putin’s Plans: Inside Biden’s Race to Prevent War.' ". . .

Biden's Actions Making Putin Very Rich - President Trump Chimes In (thegatewaypundit.com)  . . ."President Trump chimed in on Biden’s disaster in a statement noting the following.

If properly handled, there was absolutely no reason that the situation currently happening in Ukraine should have happened at all. I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump Administration what he is doing now, no way! Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration, with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling. The weak sanctions are insignificant relative to taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land. Now it has begun, oil prices are going higher and higher, and Putin is not only getting what he always wanted, but getting, because of the oil and gas surge, richer and richer. The U.S. was energy independent under the Trump Administration, an independence that we had never obtained before, and oil prices would have remained low. Now, what a mess our Country is in!

 Liberals Overdose on Cope After Biden's Pathetic Weakness Is Laid Bare – RedState

In the end, what we are witnessing is Democrats doing their best to cope with the fact that they were simply wrong. They truly thought that a senile old man could be put into the White House, and that it wouldn’t lead to horrible consequences. In their world, “mean tweets” and arguments over gender pronouns were the most important issues of our time. Well, how’s that working out?

Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris brings it to Munich

 Amateur Hour: Kamala Harris brings it to Munich - American Thinker

"Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared," the Washington Post reports. . .

AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

. . ."But Biden’s handlers saw [I'm speaking] Harris for what she really is, extraordinarily incompetent and unusually inarticulate, and above all, extremely unwilling and probably incapable of learning on the job"..."They knew that once Harris was exposed before the people, her ineptness on all fronts would become instantly obvious. This means she presented no threat to Biden, whose incompetence is compounded by his rapidly declining cognitive abilities.". . . 

Tony Branco

I would say that Harris is a walking illustration of the adage that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt, but Harris long ago passed the point of no return.

When Democrats rule...

Trans child molester gloats, laughs about lenient sentence issued thanks to progressive California DA: Report - TheBlaze 

 . . ."In another phone call, Tubbs directs the caller on the other line to address him as a female. According to prosecutors, Tubbs did not begin identifying as a female until after he was taken into custody.". . ."So now they're going to put me with other trannies that have seen their cases like mine or with one tranny like me that has a case like mine," Tubbs is heard saying. "So when you come to court, make sure you address me as her.". . .

LA DA Backtracks after Sentencing 26-Year-Old Transgender Child Molester to Two Years in Juvenile Facility | National Review

Mr. Soros will not be happy about this.

AOC Selling New Merchandise Including Shirt That Says ‘Abolish ICE’… | Weasel Zippers

Exclusive Poll: Majority Of Democrats Back Trudeau’s Crackdown, Freezing Bank Accounts Of Truckers | The Daily Wire

Democrats overwhelmingly favored Trudeau’s response with 65% approval to 17% disapproval. Republican responses were weighted even more heavily against Trudeau, however, with 87% of likely GOP voters disapproving to just 8% approving. Respondents who said they did not belong to either one of the two main parties cut against Trudeau’s crackdown with 74% disapproving versus 21% approving

Indicted Austin officer says Soros-funded DA is targeting police: 'This has nothing to do with justice' - NY Press News 

. . .“This has nothing to do with justice, has nothing do with any wrongdoing,” Justin Berry, one of the indicted officers and a Republican candidate for the Texas House of Representatives, told Fox News. “This is simply about politics and a political agenda that has taken place with these radical liberal district attorneys.”  ..."Berry stressed that he and the other officers acted lawfully in their attempt to quell the violent riots. He said Travis County District Attorney Jose Garza was using the indictments as a tactic to strip local law enforcement of their ability to uphold the law.". . .

 The Chinese launch a hypersonic missile, and we throw at them a transgender four-star admiral.

New Collages (plutoniumpress.com)

The Delicious Tucker Carlson-AOC War


 Wild Sage News from The Delicious Tucker Carlson-AOC War - The American Spectator  "In case you missed it, on Friday night Tucker Carlson ditched the opening monologue he was going to talk about, which had to do with the impending military conflict between Russia and Ukraine or the fresh Castro-esque tyranny in Canada, and instead started a public war with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

"Carlson wasn’t angry at AOC. His ire was directed at New York Magazine, which has produced a hagiographic book about her entitled “Take Up Space: The Unprecedented AOC.” The editors at that magazine go on and on about the importance of the leftist congresswoman from Queens, prompting Carlson to compare it to a box of Fig Newtons that one cannot put down until it’s empty despite the knowledge that what’s inside isn’t healthy.

" 'We still feel sick” after reading it, he quipped.

"As Carlson puts it, the book “opens by comparing Ocasio-Cortez to Jesus and then it suggests that because she once got second place in a high school science competition, she could have gone on to win the Nobel Prize. It is a remarkable piece of journalism.”

"The whole thing is ridiculous, and so Carlson spent 12 minutes ridiculing it.". . .More...

*Caps in the original. 

Defying the Desecrators

Matt Schlapp and Deal W. Hudson remind us that where there are Desecrators, there are also saints and everyday heroes.

 In The Desecrators, the Right Can Learn to Reclaim Hope for America - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "Matt Schlapp and Deal Hudson have written a must-read book about how the Left seeks to destroy this country and what we must do to ensure this doesn’t happen. The book is called The Desecrators, and that’s just what has happened to America in the last few years.

"Matt is the chairman of the American Conservative Union and the fellow who runs CPAC. Deal is the radio host of Church and Culture and the secret behind Trump’s successful outreach to Catholic voters in 2016. And what they’ve given us is an eye-opening account of just how bad things have gotten.

"Today’s Left attacks America with an astonishing and never-before-seen ferocity. In the past, it loved our country, or said it did. In the 1930s, the U.S. Communist Party spied on us for Russia, but party leader Earl Browder was constrained to say that “communism is 20th century Americanism.” Protestors took to the streets but told us that that was how we began as a country and assured us that dissent was true patriotism.

"In the last two years, however, we’ve seen the rise of a cancel culture that seeks out conservatives and religious believers with the goal of getting them fired. Left-wing prosecutors have allowed hardened and dangerous criminals to remain on the streets. And in our liberal cities, looting has become accepted as a form of social justice.

"For this, part of the blame can be attributed to the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which asks readers to rethink all our history from the perspective of slavery: “Out of slavery grew nearly everything that has truly made America exceptional: its economic might, its industrial power, its electoral system.” That naturally appeals to people who despise America. Nikole Hannah-Jones, who wrote the Pulitzer-winning essay kicking it off, took pride in how she might have encouraged the 2020 riots. She approvingly retweeted a New York Post op-ed entitled “Call them the 1619 Riots.” I’d be honored if that’s what they’re called, she said.". . .

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Gathering Storm in the West

"Few are listening anymore to the clueless Justin Trudeaus and bumbling Joe Bidens and all the toxic hypocrisies they embody."

"The truckers remind Western audiences that modern progressivism equates muscular labor and hourly wage compensation with a sort of Neanderthalism. ". . .

Victor Davis Hanson  "Canada is now governed by absurdism, and it is symptomatic of an ailing Western elite.

"Liberal Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week invoked martial law to arrest and financially destroy truckers on the charge that their largely peaceful protests are “dismantling the Canadian economy” that had already been dismantled for two years under some of the most draconian lockdowns in the world. The trucker “sect,” Trudeau added, is guilty of felonious “unacceptable views.” But his rhetoric still cannot square the circle of demonizing vital workers while conceding he cannot run his country without them. 

"He has invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in the law’s 34-year history, even as the highly infectious Omicron variant wanes after spreading natural immunity and yet proving relatively mild in its effects. Trudeau has neither science nor good governance on his side, especially given how civil the protests have been. The truckers, who more or less work in solitary cabs, are better informed about the “science” and are themselves mostly vaccinated.  

"Whether by accident or intent, the truckers have now become iconic of far larger issues. Their resistance to government vaccination mandates transcends them. And so, they are playing the role of the proverbial straw that may break the back of a once compliant Canadian citizenry, burdened by over two years of masks, lockdowns, and vaccination mandates. ". . .

Truckers, please continue to remain better than these people:

The absurd ‘Russiagate’ Pulitzer of the NY Times and Washington Post

NY Post  For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest,” the citation from the Pulitzer Prize board begins, “that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the president-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration.”

"Except the journalism that the Pulitzers honored — a 2018 National Reporting prize shared by the Washington Post and the New York Times for reporting on Russiagate — did no such thing.

"It led to a dramatic misunderstanding, suggesting that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to help sway the 2016 election — a grand conspiracy that we now know never existed.

"Oh, it was “deeply sourced,” in that deep-state Democratic bureaucrats, furious that Trump had won the White House, were falling over themselves to talk anonymously to reporters.

"And it was “relentlessly reported,” or at least just relentless, as the newspapers were obsessed with taking down the Trump administration.

"Yet reading these pieces four years later, one is struck not only by how irrelevant they are, but how shlocky — tinged with a McCarthyist alarmism of a red under every bed. Two major newspapers that hold themselves up as the pinnacle of press freedom, the “truth dies in darkness” brigade and all that, pushed a conspiracy theory.

"As a lesson in mass delusion, it’s worth going through the 20 stories that make up the Post and the Times’ award-winning series to show just how damaging they were: to the truth, to the newspapers’ reputations — and to America itself." . . .  Full article here...

Recall it was the NY Times that gave us the vaunted  Walter Duranty Award for obfuscating controlled-media propaganda journalism ) 

Pulitzer prizes have become a sick joke - American Thinker   "New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty, as Andrea Widburg notes here, got a Pulitzer prize for lying about the massive crimes of communism in what was then the Ukraine.  It's supposedly an embarrassment.". . .

If this doesn't discredit the Pulitzer committee, what will?  An old-school Timesman, Tom Kuntz, recently wrote a RealClearInvestigation piece worrying that stuff like this would happen, warning that the Times had lost its integrity and it's likely he didn't want to see the Pulitzer committee go downhill with the paper.  Well, it did.

 "At the bottom is Walter Duranty, one of Stalin’s useful idiots, who was the greatest journalist liar of his generation, the model of journalistic mendacity."

Washington and Lincoln Call the American People to Reclaim their Rights from Government


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

American Thinker   "With the shock and awakening of Americans that the freedoms, rights and opportunities they had taken for granted for generations have been brazenly stripped away in the last few years, this President’s Day 2022 may well be one of our most significant holidays. Presidents Day is unique among American holidays in providing the opportunity to appreciate why George Washington and Abraham Lincoln -- whose birthdays fall in February -- were the two greatest U.S. presidents. 

"While Washington was the founding father of the United States, becoming the first President in 1789 after final success in the War of Independence, Lincoln would save the nation from division and collapse -- bringing an end to the Civil War and the scourge of slavery as the sixteenth President in 1865.  In short, Lincoln saved the republic that Washington made possible.  And two remarkable men they were, whose wisdom, judgment and foresight are more relevant today than they were in their times.       

"In both Washington and Lincoln, we are confronted with flawed men who made mistakes, but whose remarkable qualities of character were so formidable that they became part of the essence of what we call “American exceptionalism.”  Both presidents readily admitted that it was not their own abilities that made the difference but rather their faith, trust and reliance on God that gave them their strength and opened the way for ultimate success. 

"What is particularly striking for people today is that both Washington and Lincoln agreed that America’s greatest threat to its national survival would not come from military invasion from a foreign power. Rather, America’s downfall would come from within.". . .

Fires in liberal democracies - American Thinker   "What if there were a fire in a liberal democracy scorching human rights and civil liberties?  What if that fire was in several liberal democracies and spreading fast?  The people are loudly screaming "fire!," but their leaders are curiously silent.". . .

Not Going to Be a ‘Punching Bag’ for the Police: Freedom Convoy Spokesman Announces Peaceful Withdrawal From Ottawa (theepochtimes.com)    . . ."Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has continued to refuse to meet with the organizers of the trucker convoy, which arrived in Ottawa on Jan. 28 and 29.

"The convoy began as a protest by truck drivers opposed to the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for their cross-border travel. It turned into a much larger movement after many Canadians from across the country began joining in or voicing their support for ending the various COVID-19 mandates and restrictions.

"Prior to the convoy’s arrival in Ottawa, at a press conference on Jan. 26 Trudeau dismissed the protesters as a “small fringe minority … who are holding unacceptable views.' ”. . .

Babylon Bee’s satirical post about trans woman Jeopardy! champ has been yanked by Facebook for violating ‘Community Standards on hate speech

 Twitchy  "Last month, Amy Schneider’s impressive 40-game “Jeopardy!” winning streak came to an end. Schneider’s achievement was all the more impressive because she is a trans woman.

"While she was still enjoying her lucrative run on the game show, The Babylon Bee paid tribute to her stunning achievement:". . .

. . ."The Babylon Bee also shared their post on Facebook. But if you go to their Facebook page today, you won’t find it.

"Because it’s been taken down for violating Facebook’s Community Standards on hate speech:  . . . 

Replying to @JoelWBerry and @TheBabylonBee
Pretty proud of this. It's not often we manage to get transphobia and misogyny into one headline

Crackdown Sparks Even More Massive Protests Across Canada, Crisis for Trudeau

So far the crowds have been classier than Antifa and BLM.


"The protesters in Ottawa are hoping to make it through the weekend until the Senate convenes. They want to make it to Monday because the Emergencies Act has to be approved by the Parliament within seven days of it being called for, which was on February 14. So it has to be approved by tomorrow. They are hoping that the legislators will not approve it, the police will back off, and the Parliament will address their concerns.

"There were still hundreds of protesters out Saturday in Ottawa, more even than there were earlier when there was a lot of police action against them. And some of them may even be the people who were “arrested” earlier.". . .

Eric Bolling on the crime spike from coast to coast


Sunday, February 20, 2022

Tucker Carlson said there's 'no place on Earth' that AOC 'would be recognized' as a 'woman of color'

 Tucker Carlson Said AOC Is an 'Entitled White Lady' (businessinsider.com)

"Tucker Carlson on Friday derided Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, saying she's not a woman of color. 

"Carlson made the remarks on his Fox News' show "Tucker Carlson Tonight" after he aired a clip showing the progressive lawmaker giving her social-media fans a makeup tutorial. In the clip, Ocasio-Cortez referred to herself as a woman of color. 

""No one ever dares to challenge that description, but every honest person knows it is hilariously absurd," Carlson said, calling it "funny."

""There is no place on Earth outside of American colleges and newsrooms where Sandy Cortez would be recognized as a quote, woman of color, because she's not," he added.

"Carlson often calls the New York lawmaker "Sandy Cortez," media watchdog Mediaite noted. Ocasio-Cortez used the nickname "Sandy" while in high school, Vox previously reported. 

"Ocasio-Cortez's mother is from Puerto Rico, and she has called herself a woman of color multiple times. 

"But Carlson on Friday said: "She's a rich entitled white lady."

" 'She's the pampered obnoxious ski bunny in the matching snowsuit who tells you to pull up your mask while you're standing in the lift line at Jackson Hole," he added. "They're all the same. It doesn't matter what shade they are.' ". . .

AOC-led push to kill Amazon's NYC move under renewed scrutiny as city faces catastrophic job losses | Fox News   Time magazine: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Celebrated Amazon Pulling Out of New York––But the Governor Says It Cost the City 25,000 Jobs"

Here Are Ocasio-Cortez’s Latest Idiotic Remarks About Illegal Aliens And Immigration Enforcement (townhall.com)

 "Because we are standing on Native land, and Latino people are descendants of Native people. And we cannot be … criminalized simply for our identity or our status."

 AOC Slammed for Gloating Tweet About Amazon Jobs in NYC (westernjournal.com)
