American Thinker . . ."Despite billions of dollars lost in aggregated revenue, property damage, and thousands of human causalities (including many deaths), the "neo-peaceful protest" movement still receives credit as altogether peaceful!
"Is this just an expansion of the definition of "peaceful protest"? Well, not quite. It's a complete redefinition — a redefinition both disorienting and nonsensical.
"The definition of peaceful protests used to refer to mass marches and chants of dissatisfaction (while unarmed). Many Americans don't realize that that definition exactly describes the protesters in D.C. on January 6, 2021. They were unarmed as they marched toward the Capitol buildings, chanting displeasure with the presidential election outcome. Media and commentators called this group "hateful," "White Supremacists," and insurrectionists.
"That's funny. The D.C. protesters didn't topple statues, they didn't set buildings on fire, they didn't set upon onlookers and demand a salute, and they didn't loot or interfere with private businesses at all. Yet those actually peaceful protestors are universally targeted, condemned, and prosecuted by the FBI, CIA, Capitol Police, and judges. True, some in this group did enter Capitol grounds and have been charged with "trespassing." Still, compared to the fully armed, violent rioting and looting "neo-peaceful protesters" in 2020, this cadre of protesters was entirely benign. Like something out of Orwell's 1984, the disproportional treatment between these two groups is grotesque!"