The gushing Cory Booker notwithstanding
Why the Senate should reject Ketanji B.rown Jackson - Washington Times
"Unless Republicans and Democrats begin to place the good of the nation above raw politics, the Senate will use a rushed process to place Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Supreme Court.
"We have heard that the Senate needs to make history by appointing a Black woman, even though Democrats, led by then-Sen. Joe Biden rejected former President George W. Bush’s attempts to nominate Judge Janice Rogers Brown to the D.C. Court of Appeals — placing her on a path that could have led to a Supreme Court confirmation.
"What is happening is the fulfillment of a racist political promise that candidate President Biden made to get the needed support from progressive groups. Judge Jackson’s record — not her academic pedigree — make her the wrong choice for a deeply divided and polarized nation.". . .
The American Spectator . . ."Instead, the issue with Judge Jackson is that she is a left-wing ideologue who, if successfully confirmed by the Senate, will devote the next few decades endeavoring to move the Supreme Court far to the left. All relevant indications are that she will approach her job not like her (slightly) more pragmatic former boss, but like a leftist activist—in the mode of her possible future colleague, the midwit partisan flack Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
"Worse, Jackson, due to the outrageous race- and sex-conscious nominating process in which President Joe Biden selected her, is uniquely unfit to render equal justice under the law for legal issues affecting race and sex. Even worse, she is a proponent of critical race theory and, despite getting nominated solely due to her XX chromosomal structure, appears ignorant as to how to differentiate men from women. Worst of all, she has shown a peculiar juridical soft spot for some of society's very worst offenders—pedophiles and child pornographers.". . .