Wednesday, May 25, 2022

'You are doing nothing': O'Rourke accosts Abbott at press conference on shooting

"The morons that are praising Beto for disrupting the meeting are the same ones that said parents that disrupt school board meetings are domestic terrorists." Tex Aggie

 POLITICO  "Texas Democrat Beto O’Rourke confronted Gov. Greg Abbott at a press conference on Wednesday, accusing the governor of inaction on gun violence in the wake of a mass shooting at an elementary school that left 19 children and two teachers dead.

"Abbott, flanked by law enforcement officers and fellow Republican lawmakers, had just wrapped up giving an update on the Uvalde, Texas, shooting Wednesday afternoon — in which he said mental health was the root cause of the deadly event — when O’Rourke approached the stage.

“ 'Governor Abbott, I have to say something,” O’Rourke, who is running for the Democratic nomination to challenge Abbott in November’s midterm elections, said. “The time to stop the next shooting is right now and you are doing nothing.”

"The totality of O’Rourke’s remarks were difficult to hear as he was shouted down by those on stage who were speaking into microphones. Among those attempting to speak over O’Rourke was Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican, who told the former El Paso congressman to “sit down” and that he was “an embarrassment.”

'Sick Son of a B*tch': Uvalde Mayor Shouts Down Beto for Heckling (  While repeatedly praised by Democrats, Beto rated a few biting comments from readers.

"Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin got it right the first time The RICH KID with the FAKE NAME yelling that Governor Abbott is responsible and interrupting to get TV time is as sick and disgusting as you can get

"Not surprisingly, leftist media Enemies of the People CNN / NPR / MSNBC are all giving Frito O'Dourke the attention he hoped he'd get. Not a one of them is reporting on the Mayor's apt assessment of the SOB. Doesn't help advance their agenda.

. . ."O’Rourke was confronted by Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, who yelled back;

“I can’t believe that you’re a sick son of a bitch that would come to a deal like this to make a political issue.”

"At the same time, people in the audience, including the parents of some of the dead children, started screaming at Beto to “go home” Eventually, he was led out by the Police.". . .

Here are the nutcases who believe in 'replacement'

On MSNBC, they’re constantly sneering about “old white men” and celebrating the “browning of America.” A group called Battleground Texas boasts about flipping that deep red state to the Democrats — simply by getting more Hispanics to vote. Blogs are giddily titled, “The Irrelevant South” (“the traditional white South — socially and economically conservative — is no longer relevant in national politics”). MSNBC’s Joy Ann Reid tweets that she is “giddy” watching “all the bitter old white guys” as Ketanji Brown Jackson “makes history.” 

 Ann Coulter  "The “Great Replacement Theory” (GRT) has taken the media by storm! It seems that the white racist who shot up a grocery store full of black people last weekend cited GRT in his 180-page “manifesto.”

"First of all, journalists need to understand that GRT is only a theory taught in advanced law school seminars. It is not something designed for indoctrination of mass audiences of young people.

"So what is GRT? The New York Times describes it thus:

" '[T]he notion that Western elites, sometimes manipulated by Jews, want to ‘replace’ and disempower white Americans.” (You want a conspiracy theory about a secretive cabal of Jews? Check out the Times’ series of articles on “neoconservatives” back in the early 2000s.)

"But then — just as every argument about abortion suddenly becomes an argument about contraception — a few paragraphs later, the crackpot theory jumps from a Jewish cabal replacing whites with blacks … to the idea that Democrats are using immigration “for electoral gains.”

"Wow, that is nuts! Where’d anybody get that idea?

"Oh yeah — from liberals.

"Here’s Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy in 1998:

" 'The 1965 Immigration Reform Act promoted by President Kennedy, drafted by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and pushed through the Senate by Ted Kennedy has resulted in a wave of immigration from the Third World that should shift the nation in a more liberal direction within a generation. It will go down as the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.' ”

(Well, sure, if you want to totally overlook skirt-chasing and pill-popping.)..."

They're Replacing YOU, Black America (     "Liberals are screwing over African Americans again, sublimely confident that whatever they do, Democrats will never get less than 90% of the black vote.

"In the Buffalo, New York, mass shooting 10 days ago, 18-year-old Payton S. Gendron drove 200 miles to a grocery store jam-packed with the descendants of American slaves and gunned down as many people as he could. But instead of this being an anti-black thing, the media have decided, no, it's an anti-immigrant thing, based on the shooter's belief in the "great replacement theory," which holds that elites are deliberately replacing historic Americans with immigrants." . . .

Children as political cannon fodder


'For God’s sake …': Joe Biden and the Texas tragedy - American Thinker  "For God’s sake, Mister President, don’t turn this tragedy into cheap political capital.

"I just watched President Joe Biden take a stab at playing the role of America’s “mourner in chief,” a role his Democratic predecessor, Bill Clinton, managed quite well.  That may, in fact, have been the only thing Clinton did which actually helped the country.  For all his many failings, Clinton knew the importance of helping people cope with tragedy.

"Unfortunately, Joe Biden didn’t crib this page from Bill Clinton’s playbook. He made it partisan fairly quickly, blaming the tragedy on the "gun lobby" and "gun manufacturers."

"Yet he started out well. As a man who’s lost two children, he has earned the right to let America know what the parents of those precious children must be feeling, and in doing so, give us moral guidance as we all come to terms with this most senseless of tragedies.  As a man who has lost a child – and my son’s mother – to two different and senseless tragedies, I deeply appreciate this role as taken by presidents of both parties, men who know how to help those suffering from a loss they can never overcome.

"After that, it became a political stump speech:". . .

Biden’s appalling response to the tragedy in Texas - American Thinker    

Regarding those errors, if Biden is going to play politics, let’s at least make sure his lies don’t stand unchallenged.

Definitive studies show that the 1994 “assault weapons” ban did not affect gun violence. Unsurprisingly, criminals ignored it. 

Much more on this at American Thinker

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Southern Baptists to Release List of Ministers Accused of Sexual Abuse

 The New York Times (  "Leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention announced Tuesday that they were preparing to release a secretly maintained list of hundreds of ministers and church workers they say are credibly accused of sexual abuse.

"The existence of the list was revealed Sunday in a bombshell report on the denomination’s handling of sexual abuse over the past two decades. The report, produced by a third-party investigator and totaling almost 300 pages, alleges that the denomination’s top leaders had suppressed reports of sexual abuse, opposed proposals for reform, and denigrated and discouraged abuse victims who approached them for help.

"One of the report’s most shocking revelations was the existence of an internal list of 703 people suspected of abuse, compiled by an employee of the denomination’s executive committee, its national leadership body.

"Survivors of sexual abuse in Southern Baptist churches and seminaries had pressed the denomination for years to compile and publicize a list of known offenders. Leaders insisted that because of its decentralized structure they had no ability to take action.". . .

STUDY: When There’s a Slaughter, the Press Loves to Blame Conservatives

 If you needed additional proof of a corrupt media, this should be it. Any time there’s an opportunity to exploit a tragic outburst of violence, journalists jump at the opportunity to blame conservatives and Republicans. But when a killer has a left-wing background or appears to draw inspiration from powerful liberal figures, these same media personalities bury the connections. 

STUDY: When There’s a Slaughter, the Press Loves to Blame Conservatives | Newsbusters  "In avowed racist committed an unspeakable act on May 14, 2022, murdering 10 African Americans at a grocery story in Buffalo, New York. The mainstream media reacted in a sadly predictable way: They took an evil action by a disturbed individual and attempted to link conservatives everywhere to it. 

"According to NBC’s Chuck Todd, “the chickens are coming home to roost” when it comes to white supremacy. The New York Times smeared that congressional Republicans “have stoked the beliefs that led to the killing.” CNN’s Brian Stelter said that, in regards to the killing, “you’re talking about the biggest stars on Fox News.” CBS Mornings on Wednesday connected “many conservative politicians” to the views of the racist alleged gunman. 

"This is something we’ve seen again and again over the decades: An isolated loner or mentally unstable person commits violence and journalists connect it to the broader conservative movement. But when, for instance, a self-described fan of Rachel Maddow attempts to slaughter congressional Republicans at a baseball practice, they downplay connections to the political left. 

"Here are the most blatant attempts by the liberal media to pretend conservatives are responsible for appalling violence AND their efforts to cover up violence by left-wing extremists.

Oklahoma City Bombing (1995)  . . ."The networks joined President Bill Clinton in vilifying the right. Time magazine called conservative talk radio an “an unindicted co-conspirator in the blast.” 

"On the April 25, 1995 Today, then-co-host Bryant Gumbel attributed culpability to Rush Limbaugh, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North: “While no one's suggesting that right-wing radio jocks approve of violence, the extent to which their approach fosters violence is being questioned by many observers, including the President of the United States.” . . .

Will the Supreme Court leaker ever face any consequences?

 The Supreme Court or any other Court is supposed to be apolitical.  A court's function is to be as objective as possible in interpreting the Constitution.  Once upon a time, the phrase "I have full faith in the Judiciary" was frequently used because the public did actually feel like that.  Those days are sadly over. . .  

American Thinker   It has been over two weeks since Politico published a draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito that provides the rationale on why Roe v. Wade (1973), which legalized abortion nationwide, has to be overturned. 

The document, which was leaked to Politico by an unnamed "source," launched a thousand protests all over the country.

Law enforcement was compelled to place barricades before the Supreme Court building in Washington, and U.S. Marshals had to provide around-the-clock security at the homes of Supreme Court justices because of relentless intimidation from the "protesters."

That wasn't all.  "Protestorsvandalized Catholic churches and pregnancy centers.  Hoodlums tossed a Molotov cocktail into the offices of a Wisconsin pro-life group.  The rapidly moving news cycle and the pace at which the Democrats mobilized their hooligans could cause people to forget how it all started.

The starting point was the leak.

The word "unprecedented" is frequently used without much consideration in current times, but this leak truly was unprecedented.  Supreme Court historians, law professionals, and court observers have expressed shock over the leak, saying they cannot recall any such previous instance.

Chief Justice John Roberts called the leak a "betrayal of the confidences of the Court" and vowed that its work will not be affected in any way.  He also said he has directed the marshal of the court to launch an investigation into the source of the leak.

Hunter Biden's laptop is 100% authentic, forensic examination concludes

 Washington Examiner   "EXCLUSIVE — A copy of Hunter Biden's hard drive obtained by the Washington Examiner is indisputably authentic, and there is no evidence of any hacking or file manipulation, according to an examination conducted by a former Secret Service agent who has testified as a cyberforensics expert in over 100 classified, criminal, and civil matters at the state, federal, and international levels.

"The Washington Examiner commissioned Konstantinos "Gus" Dimitrelos to conduct a full forensic examination to determine the drive's authenticity and whether there were any signs of tampering. Using a technique he developed called "digital sandwiching," Dimitrelos cross-referenced thousands of emails, documents, business records, text messages, Apple Notes, photos, geolocation data, travel records, and other information on the drive to conclude that Biden is the only person capable of producing the data.

" 'My analysis revealed there is a 100% certainty that Robert Hunter Biden was the only person responsible for the activity on this hard drive and all of its stored data," Dimitrelos said, noting that his forensic techniques are reproducible and are the same that he frequently uses as an expert when working on criminal and civil cases.

" 'Hunter Biden's MacBook Pro was not hacked, and the data contained on the hard drive is authentic," Dimitrelos added. "Based on the data I examined, there was no manipulation of any photographs, emails, documents, or other user activities.". . .


Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control - December 18, 2012

 Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control (

This is a column I posted in Dec 2012 in grief and anger over the Sandy Hook school shooting that killed so many innocent children........The Tunnel Dweller

Seeking an effective argument FOR gun control

Here, two respected writers discuss the case against taking away individual firearms from Americans. Yes, it is true that if guns did not exist everywhere in this nation those little children in Sandy Hook would be living right now and I only wish that were the case. But it is not and there are violent people out there in their thousands and they are armed; willing and lusting to watch innocent people die in bunches by their hands. How, exactly do you gun-control advocates plan to remove those weapons from their blood-thirsty hands?
I will honestly look for a reasoned argument FOR gun control that contains effective means for keeping us safe from those who carry weapons illegally and are willing to do us harm. Cartoons showing crazed, wild-eyed gun owners don't wash.
As yet, I have seen only politically correct, emotional responses to the issue that have no value other than simply making a politician look as if they are doing something. TD

Monday, May 23, 2022

Psaki Busted At College Event

Let’s see how Psaki fares at her new yet-to-be-titled MSNBC gig.

  WATCH: Psaki Busted At College Event (  "Joe Biden’s former Press Secretary Jen “Peppermint” Psaki should expect to receive a new moniker after an appearance at a Chicago college where she was confronted by a student journalist over previous comments she had made about protests outside the homes of SCOTUS justices, which she initially denied having made.

"Psaki appeared at a think tank symposium at the University of Chicago’s Institue of Politics, where she talked about her time as Sleepy Joe’s press secretary and her thoughts on how things stand in the mainstream media. After responding to the moderator’s series of prepared questions, Psaki took questions from the audience.

"But little did she know not all of the audience members would fawn over the redhead.

"Daniel Schmidt, journalist and senior editor at the University’s independent newspaper “Chicago Thinker,” stepped up to the microphone and questioned Psaki over her comments earlier this month encouraging pro-abortionists to continue protesting outside of the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices in the wake of the Roe v. Wade draft opinion leak. “We certainly continue to encourage that [what she called “peaceful protests”] outside of judges’ homes.”

"Schmidt asked Psaki if she regretted making the comment, whereby Psaki saw red, initially denying she had said exactly what she said and even attempted to turn the tables and accused the college journalist of lying:

Schmidt then held up his phone and said he was quoting her. Psaki then tried to insinuate that because he left the word “peaceful” out of his question that he was lying about what she said. Schmidt correctly pointed out that “peaceful” or not, she and the rest of the Biden White House advocated for unlawful protests outside of the Justices’ homes.

Impeach Hillary Clinton In 2023

 Impeach Hillary Clinton In 2023 – Issues & Insights (

"When it looked as if Democrats last year were going to try to impeach the already-impeached Donald Trump again after he left the White House, the Congressional Research Service said: “​​It appears that most scholars who have closely examined the question have concluded that Congress has authority to extend the impeachment process to officials who are no longer in office.” If so, should the Republicans take Congress as expected, they ought to impeach Hillary Clinton.

"During the entire four-year Trump presidency, the American people were deluged with fake “Russia, Russia Russia” news. The mainstream media would not let up on the unfounded accusations that Trump was a stooge of Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, and there existed a dossier that proved it. It was a connection, said more than one talking head, that meant that Trump was not a legitimate president.

"Of course it turned out the dossier was a literal pack of lies – and financed by Clinton and her party.

"But that didn’t stop Clinton, the Democrat candidate whose “turn” it was to be president, from approving one of the dirtiest political tricks in U.S. history to, first, severely wound Trump’s election chances, then second, damage his presidency.

"Last week we learned from Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook that she personally approved planting a false claim that Trump had Moscow connections. Mook was testifying in the trial of Michael Sussmann, who is believed to have shopped lies about Trump to the FBI as a Clinton operative though he claimed he was acting alone. Mook’s statement under oath confirms that those who’ve argued for years that Clinton has engaged in crooked behavior have been right.

"Politics have been a dirty business since the founding of the American republic. But the Clinton campaign, with the aid of the now hard-left media, did its best to undermine an election that was as honest as we can expect. If the power-mad former U.S. senator and secretary of state could have used the faux scandal she and her cabal set in motion to find a way to overturn the election, she most certainly would have. It sounds a lot like … insurrection.

"At worst, her conduct, including using federal agencies to do her dirty work, might be criminal and deserving of a prison sentence. Minimally, though, Clinton should be impeached by the House, then prosecuted in the Senate. If two-thirds of the chamber convicts her, then she will carry the stink of corruption on her for the rest of her life. That would be the least of her deserved punishments.

"Undoing Joe Biden’s mountain of policy errors will take effort and time, and enough support among Republicans to override two years of presidential vetoes. But Clinton has to be punished for her offenses. To let her slide would be an injustice."  Written by the I&I Editorial Board

Pro-abortion signs highlight ignorance, inanity, vulgarity

Abort your signs, not your babies.

  American Thinker "An extraordinarily high percentage of the signs wielded by pro-abortion demonstrators are mind-bogglingly dumb and/or nonsensical. One of these inane sentiments (see below) has prompted me to write this post. That sign/sentiment? ”Guns have more rights than my vagina.” 

"Really? Let’s examine the facts. First of all, it must be noted, the vast majority of gun owners don’t stick a penis in their gun’s barrel and climax in it. They do have to subject themselves to a thorough background check by the feds, answer more than a dozen probing questions, fill out a 2-page form, and hand over several hundred dollars or more before they can take their firearms home with them. Oh, and they are also forced to present a current, valid, government-issued I.D.! (I don’t know how so many minority gun owners accomplish this feat!)". . .

"Moreover, firearms owners are prohibited from taking their guns into many public --and private places. By contrast, vagina owners are generally free to travel wherever they wish to go. None of the demented sign-carrying “ladies” have ever walked into, say, a library or retail outlet and seen a sign saying, “This is a vagina-free zone.” So back off, rabidly ignorant and entitled placard possessing protesters. If you don’t want a baby, don’t recklessly engage in the act that creates them.

"Otherwise, you become a greater threat to life than any firearm.

"And, speaking of rights, are you absolutely sure a baby in your vagina has none?

"Abort your signs, not your babies."

Republicans move to protect real women

 Republicans move to protect real women - American Thinker  

Indeed. It’s particularly telling at this point in time, during a baby formula shortage, that no transgender woman has emerged to feed a baby from “her” own body. That’s because a transgender woman is, in fact, a man, and lacks the equipment that God gave real women to feed babies with. . .

"I found it ominous when Bruce Jenner called himself Caitlyn and scooped up a Woman of the Year award from Glamour. It was considered so important to call this man a woman that Twitter created a bot to correct anyone using male pronouns for him. My fears were confirmed as women were slowly erased from society. Signaling a possible change in courage, Republicans are now pushing back.

"The effort to delegitimize women seemed to be unstoppable. A man calling himself Amy was touted as the first woman to win a million dollars on Jeopardy. Will Thomas, aka Lia, has become notorious for throwing women out of competitive swimming. Men calling themselves women were emboldened to invade women’s safe spaces by the mere proposal of the Equality Act, a bill that has failed to garner enough support to pass but that, if passed, would prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity.

"It might be well to pause here and ponder the fact that, while the word “discrimination” has come to be a pejorative, it used to mean the quality or power of finely distinguishing or perceiving a difference. In other words, it is not negative to discriminate between a woman and a man calling himself a woman. It is simply a recognition of a biological fact, but I digress. What is important is that there is a growing backlash to men taking the place of women.". . .