She made history not only without the support of her spouse but despite a husband who was opposing her at every turn.
Don Surber "She was a beauty queen who built a successful business. Later she became the first woman to elect a president as a campaign manager.
"Her husband became a jealous blob who tried to publicly humiliate her and undercut her at every turn.
"Now Kellyanne Conway has written about her abusive spouse in a memoir, Here's the Deal.
Her situation was best summed up in this paragraph: "I had two men in my life. One was my husband. One was my boss, who happened to be president of the United States. One of those men was defending me. And it wasn't George Conway. It was Donald Trump."
"She was and is a strong woman. Georgie Boy couldn't take it. A real man would be proud and supportive of his wife. Chumbawamba Conway was a coward. The Washington Post enabled his misogyny by publishing his screeds about the president which were really aimed at his wife, Kellyanne. Cable TV made Conway a star, the Costanza of Washington.
"Divorce was not the answer because they are Catholic. He had her trapped. All of Washington cheered on his monstrous abuse of his wife. And of course, they laughed and mocked him behind his back because his actions showed what a loser he is, seeking approval of people who will never respect him. How could they? Look at how he treated his wife.
"But all the liberal talk about feminism is baloney because here was a trailblazer -- a heroine who unlike Hillary definitely did not get to where she was by marriage -- whom the denizens of DC mocked. There are no accolades in their lifetimes for some of the brave.