School Shootings: If It Was Simple, We’d Have Done It - American Thinker
"There are no easy answers for school shootings. If there were, we’d have done it by now. But that doesn’t mean there are none at all. There are, but they’re neither simple nor easy and they’re exceedingly difficult to hear and acknowledge, especially for the stubbornly unintellectual.
"There are several broad categories of American societal norms that have changed dramatically in recent times that exacerbate the aberrant tendencies in emotionally conflicted young people. These have occurred mainly since the 1960s, for the last few generations, Baby Boomers to Gen Xers to Millennials."
- There is a markedly lessened sense of absolute right and wrong
- Since the 1990s, young people have been increasingly indulged and made to feel entitled
- Digital equipment distractions enable young people to withdraw into an isolated, self-centered world