Thanks For Letting Us Know, Joe: Your True Border Policy Is Chaos
"During the last presidential election, then-candidate Joe Biden got away with trashing then-President Donald Trump for his border policies. After this week’s trip to Arizona without visiting the border mess he created, we finally got proof the border nightmare’s no accident. It’s policy.
"Biden’s recent sojourn in the Grand Canyon State cleared up a conundrum for us: Was Biden’s destructive border policy a result of age-related mental issues and incompetence? Or is it what he wanted all along?
"The answer came when he was questioned by Fox’s Peter Doucy about his curious Arizona itinerary, which brought him to Phoenix, just 100 miles from the border: “Why go to a border state and not visit the border?” Doocy asked.
"Biden’s response: “Because there are more important things going on. They’re going to invest billions of dollars in a new enterprise.”
“ 'More important things” than millions of undocumented people, including some affiliated with terror groups, crossing our border? More important than the hundreds of migrants who died on the journey, or were sold into virtual slavery by human traffickers?
"More important than the thousands of Americans who will die from overdoses of fentanyl that had been carried across the border by members of Mexico’s vicious drug cartels, which now also control the illegal immigration business, pocketing billions of dollars?". . .
Back in 2020: Joe Biden's Top Ten Mentally Deficient Moments - National File
. . ..Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is losing his mind in public. Unlike the classic movie Network, wherein an aging news anchor pours out his soul and righteously condemns our shallow artificial culture, Biden’s public meltdown mostly consists of spouting half-remembered anecdotes, confusing basic historical details, threatening to fight everyday Americans, and generally acting like a bewildered crank. Biden, who suffered multiple brain aneurysms in 1988, is basically liable to say anything out on the campaign trail, creating a precarious situation for a Democrat Party that has inexplicably made him their presumptive nominee.
Biden’s mental woes growing and other commentary ( " When it “plays out on the world stage,” President Biden’s “fatuity . . . can be downright horrifying,” notes Spectator World’s Amber Athey. At his meeting Tuesday with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Biden’s staff “made sure he was armed with a laminated note card,” reminding him “to welcome Johnson to the White House and speak positively about the relationship between the UK and the US. An easy thing to forget for a president, apparently.” But “most shameful” was how Biden’s staff, after BoJo took some questions from the UK press, “cut the British PM off mid-sentence, yelling at the media to leave the room. Biden eventually appeared prepared to respond to a question about the border from CBS’ Ed O’Keefe, but the wranglers continued to shout,” so his answer went unheard. “Biden’s mental deterioration must be even worse than we realize if his staff members are willing to treat foreign leaders with wanton disrespect to prevent him speaking to the press.”
For some blatant gaslighting, see this liberal praise for Biden's ability to overcome "stuttering" and those who question him are "ugly" and "ableist".
Joe Biden Shattered a Glass Ceiling When it Comes to Disability | Houston Press
. . .As the ugliness of the presidential campaign season ramped up, many used Biden’s speaking patterns to accuse the 77-year-old statesman of mental incapacity. It was ableist garbage that had no place in the discourse, but still found root in the talking points of the cruel. It also reinforced traditional stereotypes of people with stutters, something Biden is well aware of despite his lofty ascension...