Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Argus Hamilton's Rogue Report

  Argus Hamilton ( Dec. 21, 2022 "Miss Manners notes the recent sharp decline in etiquette and social manners in public. However last week in L.A., I hopped on the bus to go pick up my car in service. Just when I'm on the verge of thinking that all chivalry is dead, I saw an elderly woman stand up and give her seat to a pregnant man.

 President Biden gleefully mocked Donald Trump Friday for issuing a limited set of trading cards as NFT for $99 on the crypto market. Then they took off and soared to $22,000 per card. Now Biden wants to issue his own trading card, but he's terrified they'll put his career stats on the back of the card.

 The World Cup in the Persian Gulf kingdom of Qatar drew universal praise for the host country for how well the crowds behaved. Qatar boasted there was no violence, no hooliganism, no alcohol-fueled rioting. They said it shows that in the past World Cups it was the gays who caused all the trouble.

 North Korea's dictator Kim Jung Un was on hand for the launch of two intercontinental ballistic missiles Sunday which were to prove he could attack the United States. They just made it into the ocean. Kim Jung Un was reported to be so angry, he stormed back to the palace, kicked his dog, and then ate it.. . .

. . . The January 6 Committee issued a criminal referral on Trump, citing a 14th Amendment article written in 1866 to keep Confederate officers from re-entering politics after the war. That's not all. They want Florida, New Jersey and California to tear down all the Trump statues on his golf courses.

What Is a Woman? Elon Shows Pendulum May Be Swinging Back to Reality With Hilarious Babylon Bee Video


"Lol, “X doesn’t make that sound.”

"The video was from June, but they were suspended from Twitter in March over calling Rachel Levine a man, so they posted the video again on Wednesday. But under Twitter 1.0, you weren’t have been allowed to see that kind of humor or that speech skewering the present problem with the left. Now you can again, and that’s positive movement. Indeed, it was the Babylon Bee suspension that got Musk interested in buying Twitter, to begin with, because of his belief in free speech. He’s also spoken about the dangers of the “woke mind virus.”

"The pendulum may be swinging back a bit toward reality, at least on Twitter.

All the Presidents' Insurrections

 Ann Coulter

Mohammad Haroon Imaad was among the first batch of beloved Afghan "translators" brought to America last year. He was still living on the Fort McCoy military base in Wisconsin when he was charged with beating and choking his wife. She explained that he beat her all the time back in Afghanistan, once blinding her in both eyes.

"Well, the Jan. 6 committee has produced its long-awaited report. In a surprise move, the committee referred former President Donald Trump for criminal prosecution, accusing him of inciting insurrection, among other crimes.

"In fairness, Jan. 6, 2021, was the day that Trump announced he would open our southern border and allow nearly 5 million unvetted illegal immigrants into our country, whereupon they would be flown to various cities around the U.S. and given full access to all our welfare programs.

"Obviously, this constitutes insurrectionary behavior. The committee had no choice but to demand criminal charges.

"LATE BULLETIN: It was NOT the former president who did this, but the current president, Joe Biden. In another development, it turns out that engineering a foreign invasion of our country has been redefined as a "humanitarian mission."

"When will this "humanitarian mission" end? Apparently, never -- not until all 7 billion humans living in places less luxe than America have moved here, at which point America won't be so hot anymore, so no one will want to come.

"Thus, The New York Times quoted Jennifer Quigley, of Human Rights First, saying of our intervention in Afghanistan: "We can't claim mission accomplished. There are still too many vulnerable people abroad."

"After spending billions of dollars trying to build a semblance of civil society in that stone-age culture, evidently now we're supposed to open our doors to everyone who lives there. Even granting that absurd notion, I can't help but notice that Quigley seamlessly shifted from "Afghanistan" to "people abroad."

"So we have to take in every "vulnerable" person who doesn't already live in the U.S.? Is there any other way to interpret her statement?" . . .

CNN Admits to Being a Propaganda Operation

 CNN Admits to Being a Propaganda Operation - The American Way of Life (    

In its response to the Trump lawsuit, “the most trusted name in news” no longer seeks to hide its true nature from its viewers.

"Recently, CNN filed its response to former President Donald Trump’s defamation lawsuit. It is not surprising that CNN’s attorneys seem to have the stronger legal argument. After all, the controlling precedents make it notoriously difficult for a public figure to prevail in a defamation action. It is surprising, however, and more than a little revealing, that CNN’s filing nevertheless tends to support the political complaint that animates Trump’s suit: namely, that CNN, contrary to its branding, is not exactly a beacon of journalistic objectivity and honesty.

"Before coming to his specific defamation claims, Trump’s own submission set

s the stage by claiming that CNN has a history of smearing him in order to advance its own anti-Trump political agenda. Thus, for example, Trump alleges that CNN broadcast an interview with a psychiatrist, Allen Frances, who stated — outlandishly — that “Trump is as destructive a person in this century as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were in the last century. He may be responsible for many more million deaths than they were.” On another occasion, Trump claims, CNN’s Anderson Cooper interviewed Linda Ronstadt — yes, that Linda Ronstadt, the pop singer — about her views on Trump’s similarities to Hitler. Finally, Trump asserts that a CNN producer — filmed undercover by Project Veritas — admitted that the network’s coverage of Trump’s presidency was a kind of “propaganda” designed to get him “out” of office.

"Given how damaging these claims would be to the reputation of a serious news network, you might expect CNN to launch a defamation suit of its own against Trump. CNN has not done so, however. Indeed, it cannot dispute these claims, for the simple reason that they are all absolutely true and easily verifiable. In fact, Trump’s suit reminds us that these ridiculous and humiliating examples are accurate descriptions of the network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.”

"Indeed, CNN does not even deny Trump’s general complaint that its negative coverage of him is motivated by political animus. It merely notes that, under the prevailing legal standards, evidence of political animus is not sufficient to establish the “actual malice” necessary for a public figure to win a defamation case. “Actual malice” is a legal term of art. It means that the person or entity being accused of defamation made defamatory claims knowing that they were false, or with reckless disregard for whether they were true. CNN’s lawyers are no doubt correct that political animus does not establish actual malice. But it would also be nice if “the most trusted name in news” could credibly deny that its reporting is motivated and shaped by political animus. Alas, it cannot do so.". . .

There Certainly Was an Insurrection, But Not by Trump

The January 6 Committee issued a criminal referral on Trump, citing a 14th Amendment article written in 1866 to keep Confederate officers from re-entering politics after the war. That's not all. They want Florida, New Jersey and California to tear down all the Trump statues on his golf courses. Argus Hamilton

There Certainly Was an Insurrection, But Not by Trump  . . ."The deep state is the real insurrectionist, using their immense power, influence, and money to control in Orwellian fashion what Americans hear, see, and think, and if that isn’t enough, to use their might to install a government of their choosing.

"How Trump got elected in 2016 is a mystery, as it caught the deep state by surprise. But never again as subsequent elections demonstrated. Republican leaders are happy to go along with it all, possibly due to their lack of resolve, but more likely as they are a part of the deep state cabal, enjoying the perks of power and wealth in exchange for offering only a façade of resistance.

"It's Donald Trump and his 80 million supporters who are the last bulwark against the deep state embedding its tentacles so deep in government and society that the pretense of a Constitution and Abraham Lincoln’s government of, by, and for the people is relegated to the ash heap of history.

Instead, the focus is on Trump and his supporters, silencing them in a financial or judicial gulag via special counsels, indictments, raids, harassment, and censorship, making a mockery of the Constitution.

"Who again are the real insurrectionists?"

"Criminal prosecution is the wrong idea. Use the 14th Amendment on Trump."

Ann Althouse

"Write Bruce Ackerman and Gerard Magliocca (in The Washington Post).

Legislation already proposed by Democratic Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) and Jamie B. Raskin (Md.) would grant special jurisdiction to a three-judge federal court in the District of Columbia to determine, within three months, whether Trump’s involvement in the assault on Capitol Hill amounted to an “insurrection.” The panel’s decision would receive automatic Supreme Court review.

This is urgent business. If Congress does not move quickly to enact the Schultz-Raskin proposal, the issue of Trump’s political future will drag into 2024, when the next election will rev into high gear and courts will be inclined to let the voters decide.

"Yes, hurry up! Wouldn't want to leave it to the voters to decide. Democracy is at stake.

"You know, I wish Trump would go away. But these efforts to subvert the democratic process using the courts and the 14th amendment are not the way to make it happen. I know there's a tremendous fear that if allowed to run for President, Trump might win. But if you give into that fear and look for some way other than fighting him politically, you are blatantly displaying your mistrust of democracy."

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Jim Clyburn backs Biden all the way: ‘he’s delivered for this country’

2022 Guardian News

South Carolina congressman says Biden delivered for the country and put it back on track, making him a powerful contender for 2024

"He was described as the most important politician of 2020. James Clyburn’s endorsement performed a political defibrillation on Joe Biden’s flatlining campaign, reversing his fortunes and sending him on his way to the White House.

"Midway through Biden’s first term, the South Carolina congressman has no regrets. On the contrary, as America’s first octogenarian president spends the holidays deciding whether to run for re-election in 2024, Clyburn is backing him all the way.

“ 'I’m supporting him and I hope he makes that decision too,” he tells the Guardian by phone. “He’s delivered for this country. He’s put this country back on track towards a more perfect union. If you look at the production of his administration in this Congress he’s had to work with, we’ve been the most productive since 1965.”

"Biden’s roll call of legislative achievements includes coronavirus relief, infrastructure investment, historic climate spending, a boost for computer chip manufacturing and scientific research and measures on gun safety and military veterans’ benefits. And like a unicycle juggler on a tightrope, he did it with tenuous majorities in the House and Senate.

"Clyburn adds: “Joe Biden has delivered exactly what the country needs and that’s why we were rewarded the way we were on [midterm] election day. There were people predicting there was going be this ‘red wave’ and Democrats were going to lose by 60.” "They lost only by nine, largely due to redistricting in California, Florida and New York.". . .  

Guardian is consistently referred to as a leftist paper and that is more than evident in the way Joe Biden's performance is described in this article. If you are aware of Biden's record as President, then you will readily recognize the above as blatant gaslighting. TD

Republicans Under McConnell Have Done Nothing To Stop What Biden Has Done To The Border

 Mollie Hemingway: Republicans Under McConnell Have Done Nothing To Stop What Biden Has Done To The Border | Video | RealClearPolitics   "Mollie Hemingway on Monday's edition of FOX News' 'Special Report' commented on the growing number of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border as the deadline on Title 42 nears.

" 'We have turned over our border willfully to control by the cartels who engage in human trafficking," Hemingway said. "There are all sorts of crimes committed against women and children because of the cartel's control over our borders. There is the drug crisis we have allowed to happen. And we have done it by willingly tearing down whatever things did work in the previous administration to control the border. It's a bipartisan problem because Republicans under Senator Mitch Mcconnell have done nothing to stop what the Biden administration has done."

"Hemingway on the $1.7 billion spending bill: "The Democrats were happy with it. The Republican establishment was happy with it. I think the vast majority of Americans, and particularly Republican voters, are livid. And hearing again from the Republican establishment that giving additional funding to Ukraine is more important than border security is just one of those things that really bothers Republican voters.". . .

California's Ban on Gas-Powered Cars Could Wreak Havoc on Its Energy Grid

 Reason Magazine

If all Californians bought E.V.s tomorrow, it would be a nightmare.

"In late August, California air regulators announced that the state would ban the sale of most gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035, a policy aimed at encouraging a shift to electric vehicles (E.V.s). A week later, amid a massive heat wave, California officials begged E.V. owners not to recharge their cars during peak evening hours so as not to overload the state's energy grid.

"The regulations that the California Air Resource Board (CARB) unveiled in August are aimed at meeting a target that Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom announced in 2020. Yet if all Californians bought E.V.s tomorrow, it would be a nightmare for the state's power grid.

"There are more than half a million E.V.s in California, the most of any state. Although that represents a tiny share of the 14 million or so vehicles on the road in California, E.V.s already pose a problem for the state's energy grid. Summer after summer, Californians are warned to minimize their energy use in the evenings, lest the state resort to rolling blackouts. E.V. owners typically recharge their cars overnight. Given that situation, the plan to dramatically increase the number of E.V.s seems impractical, to say the least.

"It's not just gasoline-powered cars that California wants to eliminate. In September, CARB unanimously approved a proposal to ban sales of new natural gas–powered furnaces and water heaters by 2030.

"California officials hope these mandates will reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Yet nearly half of the state's electricity production comes from natural gas, according to the California Energy Commission. The same fuel the state wants to prohibit in private homes is largely responsible for the electricity that powers those homes and charges the E.V.s the state is trying to promote.

"Nuclear energy, which accounts for less than 10 percent of California's electricity, is one possible solution to the energy crisis and climate change concerns.". . .

 Related: "Why Did We Let Stupid People Run America??"  . . .

List Crowns 2022’s “Worst of The Woke” Companies…

Weasel Zippers

I've had work going on at Disney World for over 30 years. Had multiple contacts canceled in the past few months. Even jobs I started building for they are asking me to send everything I have made with all the leftover material to them. Then send my final bill. I've started doing that. One time not long ago I was able to keep 15-20 people busy. Now I'm down to 4 for maybe one more month. It's crappy they went over the edge. I really enjoyed working with the

imagineers. Came up with some unique things that I'm very proud of over the years.
Fu*k Disney for awhile, I guess.

How Hanukkah & Christmas Affirm the Jewish People’s Connection to the Land of Israel

 The December holiday season is in full swing, as Jews around the world celebrate Hanukkah and Christians gear up for Christmas festivities.

Although these holidays are observed by two separate religions, are celebrated according to two different calendars (Hanukkah is celebrated according to the Jewish calendar while Christmas is celebrated according to the Gregorian / Julian calendars), and commemorate two different religious events, both Hanukkah and Christmas have one thing in common: They highlight the Jewish people’s ancient connection to the Land of Israel.

Hanukkah & the Land of Israel  "In the week prior to the beginning of Hanukkah 2022, the Israeli Antiquities Authority announced that a recent dig in the Judean Desert had unearthed a trove of ancient coins dating back to the tumultuous period just prior to the Maccabean Revolt in 167 BCE.

"According to archaeology experts, this discovery is concrete evidence for the story told in the Book of Maccabees, of pious Jews fleeing to the desert to escape the persecution of the Seleucid Empire under Antiochus IV. 

"However, this cache of silver coins not only corroborates the Hanukkah story but, like the Hanukkah story itself, is further proof of the ancient ties of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel.

"The Hanukkah story is essentially a traveling map of the Land of Israel. The story opens as Mattathias and his sons begin their revolt against the Seleucids and their Hellenist allies in the town of Modi’in (located near the central Israeli city that bears the same name). 

"After the revolt was declared, the band of Jewish rebels (known as the Maccabees) fled to the Gofna hills (near the modern-day Jewish community of Beit El) in order to set up a paramilitary camp to be used as a base for their fight against the Seleucids. 

"From this camp, the Maccabees engaged in a number of battles from which they emerged victorious.". . .

Christmas & the Land of Israel  Just like the story of Hanukkah, the Christmas story also highlights the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel for thousands of years. 

"The story of the birth of Jesus, which Christmas celebrates, is based upon the words of the Gospels of Luke and Matthew and details the lives of a Jewish family in the Land of Israel at the turn of the first century CE.

"The narratives in both Luke and Matthew describe the birth of Jesus to Mary and Joseph, a Jewish couple, in the Judean city of Bethlehem. At the time, Bethlehem was thought to be a major source of agriculture for the nearby metropolis of Jerusalem, especially for produce and livestock that were brought as offerings to the Holy Temple.

"Following the birth of Jesus, the narratives of Luke and Matthew diverge, with the Gospel of Matthew having Jesus’s family escape to Egypt before returning to the Land of Israel and migrating to the Galilean city of Nazareth, while the Gospel of Luke has Jesus’s family ascend to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem before venturing on to Nazareth.". . .  Keep reading...

Celebrity-Backed Bail Reform Group Shuts Down Las Vegas Chapter After Bailing Man Who Shot Waiter 11 Times


"A left-wing bail reform organization discontinued its Las Vegas chapter after it was sued for helping bail out a repeat offender who shot a restaurant worker 11 times nearly a week later.

"The Bail Project — which has celebrities Danny Glover, John Legend, and Richard Branson sitting on its advisory board — ceased its Sin City operations in early December and is currently restructuring, CBS affiliate KLAS reported, citing the organization.

"The shuttering of the non-profit organization comes after it became the subject of a lawsuit after posting a $3,000 bond in December 2021 for serial criminal Rashawn Gaston-Anderson, who was suspected of burglary at the time.

"Six days after being released, Gaston-Anderson shot restaurant worker Chengyan Wang 11 times at the Shanghai Plaza mall located in Las Vegas Chinatown.

"Gaston-Anderson, 24, was sentenced earlier this month to seven to 18 years in prison after reaching a plea deal to be convicted on charges of attempted robbery and mayhem, both with deadly weapon enhancements, NBC affiliate KSNV reported.

"Although Wang survived his injuries, he suffered seven gunshot wounds, including a punctured lung and stomach.

"In September, Wang filed a lawsuit against The Bail Project, Gaston-Anderson, and Shanghai Plaza owner U.S. Hui De Real Estate Investment Corp. of Law Vegas.

"Wang accuses The Bail Group of failing to consider Gaston-Anderson’s criminal history before they bonded him out, including his pending and past cases of “burglary of a business, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit, two counts of grand larceny and attempted grand larceny,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.". . .