"In 2009, the most divisive and societally destructive president in American history, Barack Obama, came into office determined to reverse this trend by manipulating the Black citizenry into abandoning racial harmony by utilizing malicious demonization of the White population. He succeeded in fanning the dying embers of racism into a potential national conflagration.
"Thanks to Obama and the media’s incessant drumbeat that so-called “white supremacy” is a
major threat to minorities, in particular Blacks, a Washington Post poll in May of 2022 revealed that three quarters of Blacks are worried that they or someone they love will be attacked by a white person -- while the reality is that Blacks perpetrate the vast majority of interracial crime. And nearly as many, 70 percent, believe that half or more of all White people “hold white supremacist beliefs.”"A Rasmussen poll taken in February of 2023, exposed the inevitable and disturbing reality that only 54% of Blacks think it’s ok to be White. Race based hatred and discrimination now appears to pervade the bulk of the Black population. This same mindset is also pervasive within far too many of the nation’s private and government institutions.". . .
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Smears: “If It Ain’t White, It Ain’t Right in DeSantistan”… . . ."Reid continued to lash out at DeSantis. “There's the legislation that goes directly after journalists. Anonymous sources would be deemed inherently fake,” Reid falsely claimed. “Unsurprisingly the law would also make it easier to sue journalists if politicians don't like what they report.' ” . . .