Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Joe Biden Tells Black Students to "Stand Up Against White Supremacy" - Then This Unfortunate Video Resurfaces |

Thomas Sowell - "Racism is kept alive mainly by the people who use it for an excuse or to keep minority communities fearful or resentful enough to turn out as a voting bloc on election day."

 The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft   Joe Biden on Saturday delivered the 2023 commencement address at Howard University.

"Biden, being that he is a lifelong racist, made his speech about race.

}Joe Biden falsely claimed the most dangerous threat to the US is ‘white supremacy.’

 Note: 👀

"Unfortunately, for Joe Biden there is video of Old Joe delivering the eulogy and KKK Kleagle Senator Robert Byrd’s funeral.  They were very close."

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Former Top Biden Aide Predicts SCOTUS Could Outlaw Black History…

 Weasel Zippers  ‘Brace Yourselves, Folks!’: Former Biden Aide Predicts SCOTUS Could Outlaw Black History | The Daily Wire

Prepare for the push by the left to pack the Supreme Court with leftists. TD

. . ."Sanders, who served as a prominent member of Joe Biden’s campaign before becoming the chief spokeswoman for Vice President Kamala Harris, argued that it was “not hyperbole” to suggest that the current court might use the cases before it to do these things and worse.

“ 'Last summer, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade with the Dobbs decision, and that was just the opening act for the assault on our fundamental rights and freedoms,” Sanders began, and then she went on to lay out some of the cases and extrapolate their potential repercussions.

"Referencing the cases brought by the organization Students for Fair Admissions, Sanders noted that the Court was set to weigh in on whether or not race should be considered as a factor when making college admissions decisions.

Biden And His Party Are Trying To Kill Humanity’s Last Best Hope

Meantime, our military is being hollowed out in an era in which nothing could be more dangerous, our global status is sinking, dependence on government is being broadened, and meritocracy murdered.


Biden And His Party Are Trying To Kill Humanity’s Last Best Hope – Issues & Insights

"The president hates America. No? Then why is he, and his Democratic Party, systematically taking down this nation? Leaders who love their country don’t try to leave it on the ash heap of history.

"Konstantin Kisin, a Russian-British satirist, recently said on Bill Maher’s show that “people in other parts of the world are not teaching their young children to hate their own country.” Maher, a man of the left, agreed. “This country,” he said, “is better off than a lot of people who are native to it” are willing to admit.

"It cannot be argued that there is not an element, loud and strident, in this country that actively agitates against it and doesn’t miss a chance to weaken it. Its ever-outraged members are always found on the political left, and if they’re not Democrats, they caucus with them because they’re more closely aligned with that party’s agenda.

"This faction denies America’s superior goodness relative to every other nation that exists or has existed. It rails against our market economy, which has produced far more prosperity than any system that’s ever been tried. Educators teach Marxism not as history but as guideline, twist past events to vilify this nation’s cornerstones, pervert objective math and science into subjective fields of study, undermine our national identity by pushing global citizenship, and tear away at the fabric of society through critical race theory instruction. The left mourns America’s founding, is at war with free speech, is perpetually in conflict with the Judeo-Christian heritage that has molded a nation like no other in history, and misses no chance to further divide an already polarized people. The moral code of the West has been shattered." . ...

Any decent Democrat should seek to foster wars between races



It sure looks like Michelle Obama is being pressured to run for president, forcing Biden out of the 2024 race - American Thinker If so, don't think for a minute that will make the racial division one bit less than with Joe.

Howard University Presents Joe Biden, America’s Racial-Supremacist-in-Chief - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "The president’s commencement speech reveals, once again, the Democrats’ blatant racism."

. . ." And, in typical form, the president who views the world through the lens of racial supremacy said this, as covered by Politico:

“White supremacy … is the single most dangerous terrorist threat in our homeland,” Biden said. “And I’m not just saying this because I’m at a Black HBCU. I say this wherever I go.”…

“Fearless progress toward justice often means ferocious pushback from the oldest and most sinister of forces,” Biden said. “That’s because hate never goes away. … It only hides under the rocks. And when it’s given oxygen it comes out from under that rock. And that’s why we know this truth as well: silence is complicity. We cannot remain silent.”

"Still, in an apparent reference to former President Donald Trump, Biden acknowledged that the path toward that future is by no means easy:

“Let’s be clear: There are those who don’t see you. Who don’t want this future,” Biden said. “There are those who demonize and pit people against one another. There are those who would do anything and everything, no matter how desperate or immoral, to hold onto power.” . . .

The Biden-Trudeau ‘Joint Suicide Pact’

 Conrad Black

. . .Mr. Biden has fumbled away the status built by his predecessors of the United States as an energy self-sufficient country.

[March's] meeting at Ottawa between Prime Minister Trudeau and President Biden must rank as one of the most platitudinous encounters of recent world history. It was also a prodigious demonstration of the utter intellectual bankruptcy of the contemporary social democratic left.

"Almost every official sentence from the two leaders was bunk. We had had no state visit from an incumbent president of the United States in Canada for approximately seven years, something that it has not been possible to say since President Roosevelt’s visit in 1938 when he famously said that the United States “would not stand idly by” if Canada were attacked by a power from another hemisphere.

"Yet it is not clear what was the purpose of this 24-hour swing. It virtually shut down central Ottawa as if the truckers were back in greater strength, and severely disrupted air traffic. We were assured by the Prime Minister that “We’ve made progress on… growing the middle class, strengthening the economy, making life more affordable for people, fighting climate change and protecting the environment, protecting our citizens and our values…

”Plus he threw in that “economic policy, climate policy, and security policy aren’t just connected; they are one and the same. Both the president and I agree on this, and that’s why we launched our Joint Energy Transformation Task Force.”. . .

Unless the voters of Canada and the United States have taken a prolonged leave of their senses and even their instinct of national self-preservation, what we saw in Ottawa last week was just a joint selfie with banal audio of two placemen in high office running out the clock to the end of their terms: a decayed servitor and a politically agile young man with a pleasant countenance and a famous name but not the slightest conception of the public policy needs of this country. It was a sobering spectacle.

Two views of the Durham Report

View #1: Durham Serves Up a Heap of Obvious Too Long After the Damage Was Done – PJ Media

. . ."Well, chalk another one up for the rightwing nutjobs. We keep being proven right but not getting much for it. It’s very irritating for those of us who are old enough to remember when there were consequences for things like pathological lying.

"John Durham’s long, slow tease is over, and — SURPRISE! — there was no surprise. This is from Matt:

Special Counsel John Durham’s report on the Russiagate hoax scandal has been released. According to the report, the Department of Justice and FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” when they began Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation into nonexistent Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 presidential election.

"That’s a very polite way of saying, “These idiots didn’t do their jobs at all.” When you add this to all of the imaginary domestic terrorists they’ve been trying to find in Roman Catholic churches, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has wasted taxpayer dollars doing absolutely nothing to keep things safe here.

"They’re also running out of ways to cover for the fact that all they want to do is ruin the lives of anyone who votes Republican.". . .

View #2: Durham Releases Russia Hoax Report Containing Bombshells (

. . ."Durham found that the Steele dossier, which was developed by the Clinton campaign with foreign spy Christopher Steel and then used by the FBI to obtain FISA warrants and by the media to deem former President Donald Trump guilty of collusion, was extremely flawed and untruthful.". . .

. . ."Inside the Obama administration, a number of officials were involved and briefed on the Clinton campaign's efforts to falsely tie Trump to Russia. 

"In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians' hacking of the Democratic National Committee," the report states. "According to his handwritten notes, CIA Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the 'alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services."

Durham proved a vast conspiracy to deceive voters about Trump and Russia, but won't indict anyone, so media can bury the story - American Thinker    . . ."So, here we are, engaged in a proxy war with Russia, holding the world’s largest nuclear arsenal. Putin is in a war that he can’t afford to lose, and he is forced into China’s embrace, triggering a geostrategic realignment whose consequences are already nearly catastrophic, and risking a nuclear war if Putin gets desperate.

"It's hard to think of a more consequential political conspiracy. And yet, nobody will be prosecuted. Durham must be counted as an enabler of the biggest scandal in American political history.". . .

And Biden the most inept tool of those planning the destruction of America.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Biden’s Drag Queen Navy

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Say goodbye to patriotism, tradition, and pride inside our armed forces.

"Anheuser-Busch, the beer manufacturer, has suffered a huge self-inflicted wound by employing transgender “woman” Dylan Mulvaney as a brand ambassador for Bud Lite.

"Anheuser-Busch has put the female vice president of marketing who thought up the Mulvaney campaign on a presumably permanent leave of absence and fired the ad agency that helped her do it. Anheuser-Busch has reportedly lost about $6 billion in market value and as much as 20 percent of its market share.

"That loss of market share and the reduced revenue that accompany it have been enough to bring Anheuser-Busch back to reality and make the company remember that its primary mission is to brew good beer. Unfortunately for our national security, there are no market protections against President Joe Biden’s political agenda, which is destroying the readiness and lethality of our military.

"Anheuser-Busch’s transgender mess came late to the party. From October 2022 to March 2023, the U.S. Navy made an active-duty drag queen one of its “digital ambassadors” to help recruit new sailors, which we’ll get back to in a moment.

"Back in the olden days of the 1990s, the military had a culture unto itself, defined by patriotism, tradition, and pride. Young men and women join the military for any number of reasons. Some do it to satisfy family tradition. Some join simply out of patriotism. Some join to get a job or to get away from their family and friends. Some join to earn GI Bill benefits, which is the only way they can go to college.

"Two vignettes: My late great friend, former U.S. Navy SEAL Al Clark, once told me that he wanted to become a SEAL because it was the toughest group with the toughest training regimen. About 20 years ago, I was privileged to visit the John F. Kennedy Army Special Forces school at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, for its Special Forces Robin Sage graduation exercise. When I talked to the Green Beret applicants, their most common refrain was that, after the 9/11 attacks, all they wanted to do was get a piece of the bad guys.". . .

AOC former aide now leader of New York Communist Party

 "[W]ell, I *am* a Communist, but work for AOC & helped start Queens DSA’s Electoral WG, so I def see utility in working on the Dem ballot line!" Medina tweeted in October 2020. 

Fox News

The former aide has said she sees 'utility' in working on the Democratic ballot line

. . ."A former aide to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is now a senior official within the New York State Communist Party. 

Records, first reported on by The New York Post, show 33-year-old Justine Medina worked for Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign for much of 2020, earning around $35,000

. . ."In response to a reply questioning whether she adhered to the Maoist or Leninist variety of Communism, Medina said she subscribed to "Marxist-Leninist-Robesonist" thought, a reference to Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Paul Robeson.

"While modern-day adherents of communism have tried to water it down, the ideology has been the driving force behind many political movements throughout the 20th century, killing upwards of 100 million people. The Soviet Union's communist dictator Joseph Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s. China's communist dictator Mao Zedong led the Cultural Revolution and Great Leap Forward, the death toll from which is estimated to have been above 40 million. Cambodia's Khmer Rouge communist leader, Pol Pot, imposed brutal programs during his brief rule in the 1970s that are estimated to have killed about one-fourth of his own country's population."

White Democrats Like Joe Biden Are the Real Racists in America

 PJ Media  "President LOLEightyonemillion spoke to a black audience this past weekend and did his level leftist best to pretend that he was down with the struggle. Rick covered it for us:

Biden gave the commencement address to the historically black college of Howard University on Saturday and turned on the pander up to “10” in his bid to win over his audience.

Biden discussed racism and said that hatred “never goes away” and only “hides under the rocks.”  “A vivid demonstration when it comes to race in America, hope doesn’t travel alone. It’s shadowed by fear, by violence, and by hate,” he said.

"In the Democrat fever dream, race relations in America are firmly rooted in 1958. In reality, the United States of America has had a two-term black president and, presently, a black vice president.

"We’re obviously not doing the #RAAAAAAAACISM very well.

"The leftist “white supremacy” tale is not only utter garbage, but it’s also destructive. It’s the primary component of the Democrats’ concerted effort to disenfranchise Republican voters. If they can portray everyone on the right as racist, they can scare all of the minority voters in America and make them vote for the party that pretends to care.

"The real racism in America is occurring on the left. Democrats pay lip service to minority needs and reap the benefits. It is a strategy that has mostly worked for years. Donald Trump shook things up by bringing the Hispanic vote over to the Right, and that made the leftist “ALL REPUBLICANS ARE RACIST!” crowd really lose it.". . .

Lori Lightfoot bids farewell as Chicago Mayoral tenure comes to a close


"Lightfoot, a former federal prosecutor who had never before run for political office, became the city’s first black female and first openly gay mayor when she defeated another black woman, Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, in 2019.

"She joined Chicago’s top prosecutor and police chief as black leaders in a city that continues to struggle with race relations.

"Mayor Lightfoot had a record of achievements that included pushing through a $15 minimum wage that labor unions had sought for years and approval of a long-sought casino that’s expected to bring millions in revenue and thousands of jobs. She also had budgeted over $3 million to protect access to abortion, including for people who travel to Chicago from states where the procedure is illegal.". . .

Elderly Passenger Prays For Subway Hero Marine Who Protected Her

Elderly Passenger Prays For Subway Hero Marine Who Protected Her – IOTW Report  . . ."Jordan Neely, a horrifying violent monster who had assaulted a 67-year-old woman, a 64-year-old man, and a 7-year-old girl, threatened to kill a ticket agent and his grandfather (his grandparents wouldn’t even let the deranged murderous monster in the house) is the new George Floyd.

"Democrats and their media are busy turning him into a saint because in between assaulting innocent people, he also impersonated Michael Jackson.

"Daniel Penny, the heroic former marine who put his body between Jordan Neely and any more innocent victims, restraining the deranged monster who kept on fighting to break free and hurt people until he died, was arrested and is to be tried by DA Alvin Bragg’s racist lynch mob." . . .

“Shortly after 8am this morning Daniel Penny surrendered at the 5th Precinct at the request of the New York County DA’s office,” Mr Penny’s attorney Thomas Kenniff told a reporter. “He did so voluntarily and with the sort of dignity and integrity that is characteristic of his history of service for this grateful nation.”

Legal Insurrection

. . ."While the Usual Suspects feel Penny should have been charged with murder, others view Penny as a Good Samaritan for stepping in to protect fellow passengers from someone who reportedly acted erratically and aggressively at the time.

"According to the New York Post, one alleged witness, a 66-year-old female, said Penny did not take action until the situation reached a boiling point:

The subway rider said Neely, who had a history of mental illness, was threatening passengers after he hopped on an F train in Manhattan.

“He said, ‘I don’t care. I’ll take a bullet, I’ll go to jail’ because he would kill people on the train,” the woman said of Neely. “He said, ‘I would kill a motherf—er. I don’t care. I’ll take a bullet. I’ll go to jail.’”. . .

 Massive outpouring of GiveSendGo support for Daniel Penny… Soros-prosecutors must be sweating bullets… - Revolver News  "Given the unpredictable nature of this disturbed and violent individual, it was impossible to anticipate the extent to which he would escalate. However, Mr. Penny, a former Marine and a compassionate individual, selflessly endangered himself to safeguard others by restraining the extremely foul-smelling Mr. Neely in a chokehold. Sadly, Neely’s disruptive behavior caused him to lose his life, and now the Soros-backed DA, Alvin Bragg, who also arrested Trump, has filed second-degree manslaughter charges against the heroic Marine.

"This is just more weaponization of our judicial system by the usual radical left wing zealots."

 UPDATE: Legal Defense Fund for Hero Marine Charged in Jordan Neely Case Tops $1 Million – PJ Media

While most people would consider Penny a hero for stepping in to keep his fellow citizens safe from a man who was clearly out of his mind, the race hustlers on the left saw another opportunity to inflame racial tensions by protesting the death of Neely — a career criminal with over 40 prior arrests for various offenses, including drug-related charges, disorderly conduct, and fare evasion. At the time of his death, Neely had an outstanding warrant for assaulting a 67-year-old woman.

Will the Media Ever Acknowledge the Biden Family Bribery Scandal? -

The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

It’s in cahoots with the White House to deny, deny, deny.

"The Biden family — Joe, Hunter, and all — are guilty of bribery, but the media is hiding it.

“My son has done nothing wrong.” It’s the mantra Brain-Dead Biden repeats regularly about his son Hunter as the president tries to cloak the Biden family’s greed behind the family’s grief. (RELATED: George Santos Guilty, Biden Family Not?)

(When I speak of the Bidens’ greed, I think of Crackhead Hunter Biden’s refusal to live on the honest six-figure compensation.)

"Crackhead Hunter Biden, 53, has dealt with horrific loss in life. When he was 2, his mother and baby sister were killed in a car accident. Then, in 2015, his brother and soul mate Beau died at age 46 from an insidious form of brain cancer.

"Those awful losses, however, do not excuse Crackhead Hunter Biden’s reckless behavior or his shameless cashing in on the family name, as the House Oversight Committee reported Wednesday. (READ MORE: Bribery Probe May Sink Biden Reelection Bid)

"Committee Chairman James Comer released information about a web of more than 20 shell companies used to conceal money paid by foreign entities, including Chinese and Romanian nationals, to the Biden family. Not just Hunter.

"The committee noted on Twitter, “[W]e can now confidently trace at least $10 million in total from foreign nationals’ and their related companies going to the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies.” Most of the transfers occurred when Biden was vice president.

"According to the report, nine Bidens received payments, including Hunter, the president’s brother James, and Beau’s widow Hallie, who was romantically involved with Hunter after her husband’s death."

"Brandon Administration, Media Downplay and Deny

"In a statement to Fake News CNN, White House spokesman Ian Sams responded, “Comer has a history of playing fast and loose with the facts and spreading baseless innuendo.”

"Crackhead Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell dismissed a Comer memo as “repackaged misstatements of perfectly proper meetings and business by private citizens” with “no evidence of wronging.”

"The Politico headline on the Oversight report: “Comer releases Biden family probe update without showing link to president.” . . .

Nine Biden Family Members Received Over $10 Million From Foreign Nationals, Hid Money in Shell Companies (

NEW - House Oversight reveals the nine Biden family members that received wire transfers from foreign nationals via shell companies.