Friday, June 16, 2023

Republican senator warns parents to ‘flee’ California over radical new transgender bill

“It just breaks my heart. I [was] born and raised in California, I love this state,” he said. “I’m not gonna stay in this state because it’s just too oppressive.” 

Child Waves At His Teacher And Principal Acting Out Bondage Scene
On Pride Parade Float | Babylon Bee

LifeSiteNews   "A Republican state senator on Tuesday issued a stark warning to California parents, urging them to “flee” the state if they love their children as a radical bill advances that could result in parents being considered “abusive” if they refuse to affirm their own child’s gender confusion.

"California’s Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-2 on Tuesday night (with one abstention) to pass Assembly Bill 957, which would characterize a “parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

"The measure would alter Section 3011 of the California Family Code to require judges to consider whether or not parents “affirm” a child’s “transgender” identity as one of the factors in the consideration of custody disagreements, LifeSiteNews previously reported. 

"The Washington Free Beacon noted that the vaguely worded new amendment has sparked worries that “non-affirmation” will be regarded in the Golden State “as abuse.”

“ 'In the past, when we’ve had these discussions, and I’ve seen parental rights atrophy, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting,” California state Sen. Scott Wilk said during the Tuesday night Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“ 'I’ve changed my mind on that — if you love your children, you need to flee California,” he said. “You need to flee.”

Wilk said the bill’s language could be used by the state to remove children from their homes if their parents don’t “support the ideology of the government.”

“I believe in freedom,” Wilk said, quipping that he’ll “move to America when I leave the legislature.”. . .

RELATED: California bill could frame ‘non-affirming’ parents of ‘trans’-identifying kids as abusive, critics say

In California, the state's takeover of parenting is nearly complete – HotAir

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of California’s Lori Wilson pushing to pass bill AB 957 which will mandate gender affirming care for trans kids even if it is against the parents wishes.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Indict Trump's valet? Why not the biggest liars first?

 Was Biden's Corvette garage more secure than the closets and bathrooms inside the Mar-a-Lago gated estate? 

"I’ve always been proud to serve the country I love"

Victor Davis Hanson (  "Walt Nauta is a 10-year veteran of the Navy and served as an aide to former President Donald Trump both in and out of office.

"Special Counsel Jack Smith has now indicted him for allegedly ”making false statements in interviews with the FBI.” The indictment's subtext is that Nauta refused to cooperate with, and turn state's evidence to, the special counsel in its efforts to convict Trump.

"But why stop the indictments with a man who loyally served and followed the orders of the former president of the United States, was a Navy veteran, and a hard-working immigrant from Guam?

"Are there not far bigger fish to fry to remind Americans that justice is blind?

"After all, when Smith announced his indictments of Trump, he lectured America on the rule of law and the cherished notion that no one is above it.

"So let us start with the former interim director of the FBI itself, Andrew McCabe.

"McCabe admittedly lied four times about his illegally leaking sensitive information to witnesses and mishandling classified information.

"Have those crimes suddenly ceased being felonies?

"Or is it now the policy of the United States government that an FBI director can lie with impunity, and leak, and mishandle sensitive classified information?

"Yet Walt Nauta may be sent to prison while McCabe will continue to earn a fine salary at CNN as a paid ”expert” to deplore . . . what exactly?

"What McCabe knows best from his own experience with the deed — the ”mishandling of classified information”?". . .

These 20 House Republicans voted to block resolution to censure Adam Schiff

The Hill Twenty House Republicans joined Democrats on Wednesday in voting to table a resolution to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), breaking from the majority of the GOP conference on a measure that was backed by leadership.

"The House voted 225-196-7 to effectively kill the measure, which was spearheaded by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.). It called for censuring and condemning Schiff “for conduct that misleads the American people in a way that is not befitting an elected Member of the House of Representatives"

"It also would have directed the Ethics Committee to conduct an investigation into Schiff’s “lies, misrepresentations, and abuses of sensitive information

"Twenty Republicans voted with Democrats in favor of the motion to table: Reps. Kelly Armstrong (N.D.), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Ore.), Juan Ciscomani (Ariz.), Tom Cole (Okla.), Warren Davidson (Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Kay Granger (Texas), Garret Graves (La.), Thomas Kean Jr. (N.J.), Kevin Kiley (Calif.), Young Kim (Calif.), Mike Lawler (N.Y.), Thomas Massie (Ky.), Tom McClintock (Calif.), Mark Molinaro (N.Y.), Jay Obernolte (Calif.), Mike Simpson (Idaho), Mike Turner (Ohio), David Valadao (Calif.) and Steve Womack (Ark.)." . . .

The fine was a deal-breaker

Adam Schiff Avoids Being Censured in Republican-Controlled House, For Now (   There had been a sense of dramatic chatter on Wednesday leading up to the vote, as Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) indicated over Twitter he would vote to table the motion, thus not censuring Schiff. Although he agreed that Schiff "acted unethically," he expressed that the "$16 million fine is in violation of the 27th and 8th amendments."

Trump indicted, not Hillary, Hunter or Milley -

 Don Surber (

. . ."Attorney General Patrick Morrisey tweeted, “Here we go again with another political prosecution. I think every American (including the other Presidential candidates) should speak out against having two different systems of justice. No double standards!”

"Governor Jim Justice tweeted, “The Biden Administration and the Democrats know they can’t beat President Trump and me unless they weaponize the federal government. Democrats will stop at nothing to defeat us and keep the presidency and their Senate majority. I will always stand with President Donald Trump!”

"Justice was a Democrat who supported Trump in 2016. He has switched parties and is taking on Senator Joe Manchin, D-Manchin, in next year’s Senate race. It would be nice to have both our senators put West Virginia first.

"Americans know the indictment is a set-up because those are the only crimes the FBI can solve anymore. The January 6 protest became an insurrection thanks to FBI informants and maybe even agents who egged people on.

"The FBI is best at covering up crimes. Consider Hillary sending state secrets while secretary of state via email to foreign governments and others who paid the troll via donations to her fake charity." . . .

Alvin Bragg Justice: Daniel Penny Indicted

 JUST IN: Daniel Penny says Jordan Neely was threatening to kill people on the subway and said he was prepared go to jail for life or die before Penny put him in a choke hold.

Alvin Bragg Justice: Daniel Penny Indicted, Anti-Semitic Hate Crime Assailant Given Sweetheart Plea Deal (   . . ."New York City authorities have been pursuing manslaughter charges against former Marine Daniel Penny, who was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury yesterday.  In case you missed it, here's how Penny recently described the altercation that led to the death of Jordan Neely:

"Keep in mind that this isn't just Penny's word against an unknowable, potentially alternative account from a man who is now dead.  There were many witnesses to the whole episode, and there's video.  Reportedly, some of the women on the train whom Penny sought to protect with his intervention have already proactively backed up his story.  They're grateful.  Even in a place like New York City, I suspect it will be very difficult to convict Daniel Penny for any crime, in light of the available facts of the case -- but it looks like Alvin and company will give it their best shot.  Priorities." . . .

Video of Muslim children trampling ‘pride’ flag at Ottawa protest hits nearly 30 million views…

 Video of Muslim children trampling 'pride' flag at Ottawa protest hits nearly 30 million views - LifeSite (

"During last Friday’s pro-family rally in Ottawa protesting the promotion of gender ideology in schools, a video recorded at the event showing Muslim children stomping on the “pride flag” with the full support of their mother has gone viral with tens of millions of views.  

"The video shows no less than six kids stomping on a string of small “pride flags.” One of the kids’ mothers cheers them on, saying, “yes, yes, yes good, good.” 

"The mom then said to the person recording the video, “Leave our kids alone.” 

"The viral video of the Muslim kids trampling the “pride flag,” which was posted to Twitter by the independent reporter “The Pleb,” has nearly 30 million views as of today." . . .

Joe Biden; Father of the Bribe


Grassley, Comer allege bribery scheme involving Biden and demand documents from FBI - CBS News  "Two top congressional Republicans say they want to know what, if any, information the FBI has about an alleged bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, while the White House accuses the lawmakers of an "unfounded political attack.' " . . .

Let the Biden crime clan off the hook -- for a steep price - American Thinker  "Prosecution of Biden, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden crime clan will be a can of worms.  Among the considerations:

"Is Biden fit to stand trial?  His vacant staring, and his shaking hands with imaginary people, suggest that the answer is no. 

"The common law precludes a trial of an incompetent person.  Under the United States Constitution, an accused person must be able to understand the charge against him, and must be able to assist his lawyer to present a defense. See Rohan ex rel. Gates v. Woodford, 334 F.3d 803 (9th Cir.  2002).  Biden is a basket-case, and clearly cannot.

"Assets which result from alleged criminal conduct may not be used by a defendant to pay for a lawyer.  That's from Kaley v. United States, 571 U.S. 320 (2014). If Biden, Hunter, and the rest of the Biden crime clan cannot afford lawyers, the United States government will be required to pay a million or two in defense costs.  That will be over and above a million or two in prosecution costs." . . .

Meet the Ukrainian Oligarch Who Allegedly Paid Joe Biden $5 Million (

. . ."Mykola Zlochevsky, a former Ukrainian minister and founder of Burisma Holdings, allegedly paid President Joe Biden $5 million and possesses two audio records as insurance to secure the pay-for-play scheme, according to Republican lawmakers. 
"Zlochevsky’s whereabouts today are unknown. Some speculate he is in Monaco, where he reportedly fled in 2019, escaping Ukraine after being suspected of embezzlement. He reportedly bought Cypriot citizenship between 2017 and 2019, according to an investigation by Al Jazeera.
"In 2002, Zlochevsky co-founded Burisma, which allegedly changed owners in 2011 to an offshore Cypriot investment fund. According to the Guardian, from 2010 to 2012, Zlochevsky was Ukraine’s Ecology and Natural Resources Minister and was Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council from April 2012 through February 2014. As the environment minister, some accuse Zlochevsky of handing out gas licenses to his cronies, the British daily newspaper reported.
"In 2016, Zlochevsky was under suspicion of money laundering and public corruption related to Burisma." . . .

California Democrats propose bill to confiscate parents’ children if they oppose gender change -

 American Thinker  "Incredibly, California Democrats are now considering a bill that would cause parents to lose their children in custody disputes if they are against their offspring having irreversible sex changes.

"The bill currently being considered in the legislature would include “a parent's affirmation of the child's gender identity” as a factor in “the health, safety, and welfare” of a child in a custody dispute. The bill is being pushed by state Sen. Scott Wiener, who previously introduced the “sanctuary state” law for child sex changes. The aptly named Wiener also led the push to lessen the state’s penalty for intentionally exposing people to HIV. Quite a guy.

"The bill is coauthored by Assemblywoman Lori Wilson, who is said to be simultaneously pushing a different but related bill that would mandate that foster parents pledge to help their children change genders. Wilson says that a 7-year-old who is “able to articulate that they believe that they are not the same gender as they are biologically” should then have that notion confirmed by their parents. Or guardians. And their teachers. And the world at large." . . . 

 Replying to @ClownWorld_Is California the worst State in America?

  • Yes
  • No

When are enough Americans going to realize our government is a criminal enterprise? -

Joy Reid must love him

 Patricia McCarthy; American Thinker   "While the mainstream media refuse to report actual facts, our blessed plethora of alternative media are on the job.  They are doing their level best to report the truth of the deep corruption of the Deep State, exacerbated by the preternatural criminality of Joe Biden, his family, and all those in service of the Obama agenda; the anti-constitutional, racially divisive transformation of America.

"No one can deny that the hatred of whites has exploded, having been taught to young people as a moral imperative for many years now.  The myth of white supremacy came to new heights under Obama, the man who revered Jeremiah Wright, a man filled with rage and hatred of America as founded and, of course, white people.  Wright was Obama's mentor.  It was Obama who set us on the course for where we are today.  Biden is just the mind-numbed, moronic tool of Obama's and his communist pals' plan to destroy the United States.  Who installed him as president?  Roaring lions seeking to devour anyone who gets in their way.

 "The devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking whom to devour." 

—1 Peter 5:8

"Let's skip Obama's history of privilege, his disrespect for his white grandparents who raised him, and his communist indoctrination by an earlier mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and go directly to his promise to transform America.  He was hugely successful!  He mesmerized his acolytes, his disciples.  We are now essentially a police state with institutions — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS — all operating on the Stalinist model, each an arm of the Marxist/Democrat party.  

"While these so-called progressives have been undermining our constitutional and Judeo-Christian values since the turn of the last century (Woodrow Wilson was their patron saint), it was Obama that took the move toward tyranny from gradual to sudden.  Now we are there.  Surveillance, censorship, and control are their goal, the Constitution be damned." . . .

Mocking Maddow: MSNBC Host Roasted Into Next Week for Saying Network Doesn’t Air 'Untrue Things'


"There are few things as rich as when someone who routinely does something turns around and admonishes you for doing it. It’d be like Joe Biden lecturing you on plagiarism, Stormy Daniels sermonizing about ethics, or Adam Schiff getting on a soap box to warn about the “dangers to democracy” when he himself embodies the concept.

"Such was the case Tuesday night when MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow ludicrously claimed her network would never knowingly broadcast things they knew not to be true—despite the obvious evidence that they’ve been doing that exact thing for years.

"Luckily, we have the receipts, which I will get to later.

"But first, let’s let the newscaster, who makes millions despite only appearing once a week on the airwaves, speak for herself. She was discussing former President Donald Trump’s arraignment in the classified documents case and declaring in advance that she would censor his (then) upcoming speech from his Bedminster, N.J. golf club."


 A sampling: The Tunnel Wall: MSNBC Producer Quits, Pens Letter Calling Network A ‘Cancer’ That Stokes ‘Racial Division....   " 'Why bring race into it?': MSNBC's Joy Reid sparks fury after calling Kyle Rittenhouse a 'Karen' who uses 'male, white tears' to defend himself after 'getting caught' and compares teen to Justice Kavanaugh"

. . . While the Sanders campaign demanded an apology from the network, critics of Joy Ann Reid's morning show said the segment was "fraudulent garbage" and a "disgrace.". . . "MSNBC is a f*cking disgrace," said journalist Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept. Greenwald said the use of "bulls**t charlatan body language analysis" to call Sanders a liar was "appalling but typical" of the network." . . .

. . . "Media critic Adam Johnson noted, "just to be clear 'body language experts' aren't actually a thing and MSNBC should stop having them on all the time in general.' " . . .

MSNBC’s Joy Reid is the wrongest person on television  . . . "But! Joy Reid is a television pundit, albeit one who toils for the hysterical conspiracy-theory factory known as MSNBC, and hence can never suffer any penalty for being factually inept: Hey, it’s only somebody talking. Did you make the mistake of assuming MSNBC was about accuracy?. . . "If MSNBC were capable of shame, it would announce that Reid has been suspended and told not to come back to work until she is up to speed on basic civics. But then again, Reid’s balderdash is in harmony with MSNBC’s brand: Just think of the network as Mostly Stupid but Nobody Cares." . . .

Carolla smacks down ‘narcissist’ Joy Reid’s bragging rant on Dems having ‘the glamorous culture’  ..."Following MSNBC airing the big “Celebrating America” prime time special for Joe Biden’s inauguration, Joy Reid dripped praise for the event and said it shows how “Democrats have the culture” and the right “hates that.” She went on to explain how that makes the left so much better than the right."...

The legendary MSNBC"s Ali Velshi and his "Mostly peaceful riots"

MSNBC, CNN anchors blasted as ‘DNC propagandists’ after clips used in pro-Biden ad  . . ."Glenn Greenwald, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, reacted on Wednesday to an ad released by the DNC showing several anchors and commentators from the two news networks.

"'President Biden’s strong, steady leadership delivered once again for the American people to avoid catastrophic default and protect our economic recovery,” read the caption of the June 2 tweet, which was posted on its “DNC War Room” account.

"The ad, which was produced shortly after President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy reached a deal on raising the debt ceiling, then showed MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell declaring “Joe Biden won. Kevin McCarthy lost. The Democrats have delivered.” ... 

The ad also featured clips of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Joy Reid praising Biden as well as interviews with Democrats on CNN who hailed the president and his “excellent negotiators.”

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Trump Indictment

 Ann Coulter

"After a DNA-stained blue dress proved he'd lied under oath, every single Supreme Court justice boycotted Clinton's next state of the union address. They'd react the same way to Trump's obstruction today. "

"Last week's indictment of Donald Trump is the latest example of why liberals really should have read my book, "Resistance Is Futile." Or Aesop's fable "The Boy Who Cried Wolf." Either one.

"After years of making insane accusations against Trump, from Russian collusion to indicting him for misdemeanor record-keeping errors in his blackmail payments to a porn star, liberals finally have him dead to rights committing serious felonies. And no one believes them.

"It's your own fault, liberals.

"Much to my surprise, the documents Trump had spirited away to Mar-a-Lago were not cheesy souvenirs appealing to his juvenile sensibility, like Shaquille O'Neal's shoe or a picture with Kim Kardashian.

No, the documents he'd stuffed in Mar-a-Lago's ballroom, bathroom and shower (among other highly secure locations) included information about our nuclear weapons programs, the defense capabilities of the U.S. and other countries, potential vulnerabilities of the United States and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation.

"As Trump's Attorney General Bill Barr said in an interview with "Fox News Sunday," these were "among the most sensitive secrets the country has."

"Plans to attack Iran drawn up by the Pentagon are NOT -- as alleged in Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal five days after the indictment was released -- "newspapers, press clippings, letters, notes, cards, [and] photographs [gathered by President Trump]." (Good to see the Dominion lawsuit has forced Murdoch's companies to start being honest with conservatives!)" . . .

Kevin McCarthy DESTROYS Reporter Defending Schiff, Swalwell: They "Lied"

 Resolution to Censure Schiff Killed After 20 Republicans Joined Democrats (

Good grief so sick of media driving propaganda and being disrespectful to GOP, but super sweet and super nice to KJP. We know what ice cream dementia ridden Joe likes though!