Friday, September 8, 2023

UK Telegraph reports: Tucker Carlson seems to think Obama is a gay crack addict. It’s a new low for conservatism

 Tucker Carlson seems to think Obama is a gay crack addict. It’s a new low for conservatism (   

Here’s how Tucker described his star witness in a separate interview dated August 30: “Larry Sinclair has been in and out of prison... He’s got a criminal record... He’s poor, he’s got a disordered life... I think he has a record of deception, obviously he does.” But, for all that, “this story... is clearly true.” 

"The last refuge of a scoundrel is no longer patriotism, it’s the Tucker Carlson show. Larry Sinclair appeared on it this week to repeat his claims that he did crack cocaine and had sex with Barack Obama in 1999. The salacious details were lapped up by Tucker with his trademark wide-eyed credulity (“So what you’re saying is, Mr Hitler, that Poland started the war? Wow! Why does nobody report this?!”) 

"Mainstream media has largely ignored the interview, which will fuel the idea that they elevate liberals and silence conservatives – it’s the “lying” that really gets to me, says Tucker. But the simple reason why Sinclair has never been given serious hearing is that his claims are baseless and tasteless. Never mind that we are meant to believe that a very good looking Illinois state representative risked his career and marriage to fool around with a 5’7” stranger who, today at least, is prominently missing teeth – or that he enjoyed it so much, he came back for seconds. The bigger problem is the reliability of Mr Sinclair, a man with a rap sheet so long that Dickens could string a novel out of it." . . .

If the Right believes in anything, surely it is cultural excellence. If that makes us snobs, so be it. The hierarchy of taste and morality is at the heart of philosophy. How sad that when conservatives such as Carlson have the chance to build an alternative media space, they create a mirror image of the impoverished liberal culture they so dislike.

Barstool Sports' Dave Portnoy slams Tucker Carlson's interview with fraudster Larry Sinclair and says his tale of sex with Barack Obama 'has 0.0% chance of being true' - Sound Health and Lasting Wealth 

Sinclair’s history of sworn statements is also dubious. In 2004, he signed an affidavit claiming to be ‘terminally ill’ as he sought to have a warrant dismissed, although nearly two decades later he appears to still be alive.

“Tell me what role you played. How many of you have organized to stop what they’re doing to us?"

AfterMath - Home (

For Democrats like Eric Adams, the chickens come home to roost - Monica Showalter  . . ."Adams could solve this problem in one day if he were serious about New York City not being "destroyed" by too many migrants.

"One, get rid of the city's sanctuary city policies and start cooperating with federal law enforcement to remove people who have no right to be here.

"Two, light a fire under New York's city council which voted in the insane "right to shelter" law, which forces the city to pick up the tab for any incoming foreigner from some other country.

"End free food, free health care, and free school for illegal migrants. Bill them for those costs as well as their jail stays and collect on those bills. Challenge any judge in court who attempts to stop such a shutoff." . . .

. . ."New York City has quickly descended into a state of emergency after failing to adequately meet the needs of thousands of migrants entering the city. "We can't give help to all these people," said New York Police Commissioner Edward Caban. "I don't know where anyone got the idea that New York, a sanctuary city, would be a city where this many people could find sanctuary.' " . .  .
   . . .“We had a $12 billion deficit that we’re going to have to cut. Every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us,” Adams added.
“It’s going to come to your neighborhoods. All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000. I’m telling you now with 110,000. The city we knew we’re about to lose. And we’re all in this together.”
To those criticizing his response to the crisis, he said:  “Tell me what role you played. How many of you have organized to stop what they’re doing to us?

The Democrat party, not Biden, is the problem in America. Who DOES rule America?

 The Democrat party, not Biden, is the problem in America - American Thinker

"Do you really think getting rid of Biden will solve or change anything? Do you really think it will warrant a victory lap? Or do you think we’ll then simply have to up our game, like there is no tomorrow if we fail to?"   James Mullin

"I would warn and encourage AT readers to take no joy in the upcoming, preordained derailment of Joe Biden’s presidential reelection aspirations. Biden is a semi-senile, corruption-pock-marked albatross around the neck of a party that doesn’t deal kindly with liabilities. Like water flowing downhill in a sewer line, the disintegration of a potential Biden second term is a certain conclusion. In fact, the 2024 Democrat messaging will very likely be, “See, we’ve cleaned up our mess, and we are ready to boldly move on for America.” Conservatives need (for once) to be there ahead of this propaganda fest and, in the minds of American voters, sow abundantly the counter idea that nothing has changed in the least—that the penchant for corruption, ineptitude, and larcenous treason remains the same.

"So, ask friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers (that’s right—take that risk) the following questions, emphasizing whether they apply merely to Biden, or is something much broader and deeper afoot here.

1. Which is the party that kneecapped US domestic energy production, causing fuel prices to skyrocket and kickstarting (and still fomenting) rampant US inflation, so evident at any supermarket?

Keep reading on down to #14...

Is America Under the Thumb of a Shadow President? – RedState  . . .His doctor has proclaimed him healthy and capable of doing the job, but for those who do believe Biden has cognitive difficulties and that someone is behind him calling the shots, the list of “suspects” is short: former President Barack Obama, who famously sneered, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up,” Biden’s former chief of staff, Ron Klain, or his the former head of domestic policy, Susan Rice. Both Klain and Rice have extensive experience working in government and in the White House.

"My RedState colleague Sister Toldjah recently presented a couple of additional suspects.

Such was the case on Wednesday, when during the now-infamous clip of Biden losing it with Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy, a handler stepped in moments after Doocy began asking the Devon Archer speakerphone question — and proceeded to promptly take control of the situation… and Joe Biden.  . . .

Vice chair of Minnesota Democrat Party who advocated for dismantling police gets violently beaten and carjacked

 The Post Millennial |

In June of 2020, Sathanandan wrote in a post on Facebook: "We are going to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. Say it with me. DISMANTLE The Minneapolis Police Department."

"A far-left Minneapolis activist was the victim of a brutal armed car-jacking that occurred in the driveway of her home on Tuesday evening.

"Shivanthi Sathanandan, a radical leftist and second vice chairwoman of the Democratic Farmer Labor party in Minneapolis, who was left bruised and bloodied during the incident, is calling for "accountability" despite her past history of being a notable "defund the police" agitator.

"Sathanandan said in a Facebook post that she suffered a broken leg, deep lacerations to her head, and cuts and bruises all over her body when four armed juveniles allegedly beat her to the ground in front of her children and then stole her vehicle in broad daylight, according to KSTP.

"Look at my face. REMEMBER ME when you are thinking about supporting letting juveniles and young people out of custody to roam our streets instead of HOLDING THEM ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS. You could have been reading the obituary for me and my children today," Sathanandan wrote.

‘The Squad’ Introduces Bill To Defund Police And Provide Reparations | News | BET 

. . .Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) are the two main sponsors of the BREATHE Act, which they announced during a Zoom call. The bill has not yet been officially introduced.

“ 'We can start to envision through this bill a new version for public safety — a new vision for public safety, one that protects and affirms Black lives,” Tlaib said on the call. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) are also members of The Squad, however they weren’t announced as backers of the bill.

"It will be tough for the BREATHE Act to even pass the Democratic-held House as many leaders on the left do not support defunding police. A recently passed police reform bill from June came under fire from House Republicans for not curbing the power of police unions that shield officers from being fired." . . .

View in browser Kamala can win; The deep state loves her

Don Surber
Biden ran three times for president and didn’t make it past the Iowa caucuses. The only reason that he made it that third time was Obama paid off the frontrunners, who quit the race. The skids were greased for Biden just as they were Vaselined in 2016 for Hillary.

 "Democrats and RINOs fear Kamala is a lost cause for the presidency. I disagree. She certainly can win and the same way that the dumb, old, plagiarizing, crooked, perverted Biden won: fixing the election.

"But Nikki Haley attacked her, saying, “I think that we can all be very clear and say with a matter of fact that if you vote for Joe Biden you really are counting on a President Harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that I think is likely.”

"In that interview, she said, “But really, are we willing to say we’re OK with a President Kamala Harris? Is that what we’re looking at? Because that’s the reason we’ve got a country to save.”

DeSantis made the same case, saying, “We’re running to win and to deliver, and that’s really the only reason to run, and I feel compelled to do it, because I think that if we, if we muff this one and Biden gets in again — heck you may end up with Kamala as president.”

"The press once hailed her as historic and accomplished.

"Now it says Kamala is a dud." . . .

Kevin McCarthy May Be in Danger of Losing House Speaker Position: Report

 Kevin McCarthy May Be in Danger of Losing House Speaker Position: Report (

"Trending Politics reports House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s position as speaker of the House may be in jeopardy.

"Sources close to the situation report that McCarthy is viewed by GOP Party leaders as floundering — owing to his slim majority vote to assume the speaker role and his bowing to President Joe Biden on several financial issues.

"Reportedly, concessions were made with the White House to avert a government shutdown — due to begin on October 1 if government leaders do not strike a budget agreement.

"Weakened by weeks of whipping up support just to win his first speakership at the start of the year, McCarthy has only floundered in the eyes of conservatives who feel he caved to Biden during the last government shutdown funding bill. With another funding measure due by the end of September, conservatives have begun an all-out push to win concessions in exchange for their support including the launch of impeachment proceedings against Biden.

"Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) expressed frustration with McCarthy, telling Axios: “I think it’s [motion to vacate] in the back of everybody’s mind … If somebody brings that it wouldn’t take much, you know, it just takes a couple of votes.' ” . . .

Thursday, September 7, 2023

I must have my mask or..or...I'll Die!

 Sen. John Kennedy Nails Why Most Americans Wouldn’t Buy Joe Biden Trying to Sell Mask Mandates – RedState   . . ."My feeling about the mask is that if you want to wear a mask, wear it. If you don't want to wear a mask, don't wear it. But if President Biden tries to mandate mask-wearings, I think he needs to call a press conference, throw away the teleprompter, come armed with the science, and explain to the American people. 

"But I don't think they'll believe it. Because the polls tell me most Americans right now don't trust President Biden to make Hamburger Helper. And I wish I didn't have to say that but he's brought this on himself." . . .

 Congressman Vows to Sue If Biden Slaps On New Mask Mandates (

Rep. Massie Says He'll Refile Lawsuit if Biden CDC Tries to Bring Back Travel Mask Mandate – RedState   . . ."In March 2022, Massie and sixteen other Republican Congressmen filed a lawsuit to end the Biden administration's mask mandate. 

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not have the legal authority to force people traveling on commercial airlines to wear masks," Massie said at the time. "Congress never passed a law requiring masks on commercial flights. This lawsuit targets the faceless bureaucrats who are behind the CDC's unscientific regulation so that this illegal mask mandate can be brought to a permanent end."

On April 19, 2022, the mandate was struck down by U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, but later vacated after President Biden declared the pandemic was over. 

"Now, Rep. Massie says he will refile the Republicans' suit "immediately," if the CDC moves to reimpose masking on public transportation and inside federal buildings: . . ."

Utah Special Election Results Put Mitt Romney on Notice for 2024

The Western Journal

"A pro-Trump candidate won a three-way Republican primary in a special election Tuesday to fill a soon-to-be vacant congressional seat in Utah.

"Celeste Maloy, a proponent of former President Donald Trump, defeated former state Rep. Becky Edwards, winning 38 percent of the vote in the race for Utah’s 2nd Congressional District.

" But perhaps the nail in Edwards’ election coffin was that she voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential race, a move she said she regretted." . . .

"The results of the special election should serve as a wakeup call for Sen. Mitt Romney, whose anti-Trump rhetoric has put him at odds with many Utah Republicans.

"The senator, who often angers conservatives by working with Democrats, voted to convict Trump in both of his impeachment trials.

"Romney, a supporter of the race-baiting, anti-police Black Lives Matter movement, is up for election in 2024.

Has the regime finally given the green light to get rid of Biden?

Has the regime finally given the green light to get rid of Biden? - Revolver News   " The Biden administration is clearly on some very shaky ground right now. The popular theory is that Dems are using Republicans as a tool to take down Biden. They realize that winning in 2024 with Biden at the top of the ticket, even with another wave of sketchy mail-in ballots, is a long shot. The latest scandal is a big one. According to National Archives, Biden sent over 5,400 emails using secret accounts during his vice-presidential tenure, apparently to facilitate he and Hunter’s foreign money hustle. Now, a new very intriguing rumor is making the rounds in the Swamp that could be the ultimate downfall for the Biden Boys. According to Newsmax, there’s evidence that confirms Biden’s guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. Greg Kelly says there’s a video that will end Biden’s 2024 campaign. So, as these scandals continue to pile up the question on everyone’s mind is: have Dems finally given Republicans the green light to oust Biden?

"Here’s what Collin Rugg, the co-founder of Trending Politics had to say about this recent development:

BREAKING: Newsmax host Greg Kelly claims an audio tape containing “incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption” exists and will be released to the public in the coming weeks.

Big if true.

Kelly claimed the audio tape is so explosive that it will force President Biden to drop out of the 2024 race.

“I am told by people in the know… that there is incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden’s corruption that is about to be made public,” Kelly stated.

“He will not be able to remain a candidate for the presidency for reelection. It will be over and done with.”

“They’re worried about it right now at the White House.”

"Newsom on deck?"

Biden Claims He Doesn’t Have Time to Visit E. Palestine after Being on Vacation for 40% of Term – enVolve (  . . .Biden claimed on March 2 that he would visit the site “at some point.”  It’s been 184 days since then. Guess that “point” never came up because he still hasn’t shown up. But he sure has had time for vacations! . . .

The New York Post reported on Saturday, “As of last Sunday, Biden has spent all or part of 382 of his presidency’s 957 days – or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle commander-in-chief, according to data calculated by the Republican National Committee and confirmed by The Post using White House reports of Biden’s movements.”

The report found Biden’s record vacation time beats out George H.W. Bush – who spent 36% of his presidency on personal trips away from Washington. Meanwhile, Donald Trump was at 26%, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama at 11%, and Jimmy Carter at 5% away from the White House. 

Florida Surgeon General Calls on American Public to ‘Refuse to Participate’ in Mask Mandates

  enVolve (

"Florida’s surgeon general Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo is calling on mass civil disobedience if public health “experts” once again try to impose mask mandates, despite those non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) having failed spectacularly to stop the spread of Covid-19 in the United States and throughout the world.

Specifically, Florida’s chief health officer has urged the public to oppose the “terrible policies” surrounding mask mandates and advised Americans to not abide by renewed masking requirements.

“What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?” Ladapo questioned on Twitter/X. “You don’t call it sanity. These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate…”

"Dr. Leanna Wen, a medical contributor for CNN, also shared a moment of honesty on the network."

What Democrats Would Say If They Told the Truth -

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Save Amanda Gorman’s poetry, AOC’s speeches, the demagoguery of equality, entitlement, and populism.

"We believe that the individual is an aberration of nature, selfish, destructive, morally pernicious, and intellectually idiotic. In fact, we believe that voters are fools. That is why we need a great State, so great that it can get into the minds of the people to lead them on the straight and narrow, away from their depravity, individualism, and addiction to money. We are only ones who can afford depravity, individualism, and addiction to money. 

"Everything must be redistributed, starting with stupidity. There are very smart, hard-working people and very dumb, lazy people. Our main threat is the former. We need social justice, because those smart and hard-working people could effectively rebel against the State; in turn, theft, that is, redistribution, will generate hatred between those who pay more taxes and those who benefit from it. Our strategy is to turn both into confused idiots, and, if at all possible, suffering from depression. The only way to prevent intelligent, hard-working individuals from getting together and posing a threat is to divide them.

"We strive for division on all levels and the scalpel we use to guarantee that estrangement is rancor. We need women to hate men, blacks to hate whites, vegans to hate meat-eaters, the poor to hate the rich, the unemployed to hate the employed, singles to hate those with large families, and so on. Our success consists in making the members of each of these categories believe that their counterpart has been taking advantage of them for centuries, mistreating them. Once their frustration is unstoppable, and their personal destruction is complete, to the point they have lost their identity, then the grand Democratic Government will appear ready to save them, to turn them into a victim worthy of protection. 

"All of this costs money. I have a plan. Let’s raise taxes on workers. Let’s invest the proceeds in creating new groups lobotomized by the government, dependent, public aid, and social engineering policy junkies." . . .

The shot seen round the world

"If a picture is worth 1,000 words, how much does that infamous mugshot of Donald Trump rate?"

 Greg Maresca - American Thinker   . . .However, this is not a celebratory photo, no matter what political affiliation you identify with.  Since the advent of the FBI's Most Wanted List, what criminal ever faced so many indictments in different jurisdictions nationwide simultaneously?

Other than those whose eyes fall here, how many folks do you know that truly recognize what this situation represents?  Conservatives understand that their Judeo-Christian culture is under attack and that they are the primary target, with the former president providing cover.

If a parent speaks out at a school board meeting, he is a domestic terrorist.  If a pro-lifer prays while hindering access to an abortion facility, expect an early-morning raid from the FBI.  Declare that only women can get pregnant, and be prepared for a garden variety of backlash.

Meanwhile, the Bidens, Clintons, Barack Obama, and every swamp-dweller gets off scot-free.

Keep electing Democrats, and expect more of the same.  The choice is elementary: either you are for this White House administration that is Obama's de facto third term, or you are not.

The cases against Trump are all scheduled to be heard during the middle of primary season.  If anything, it will showcase the Democrats' duplicity and most of all their hypocrisy.  When will the reality that the nation is drifting toward tyranny cast out the mote out of the leftist's eye?

The left got its prized Trump mug shot.

The question remains: will it backfire?