Olivia Murray - American Thinker "Imagine if you will, a world in which businesses exist to make a profit, and free people consent to labor for these businesses in exchange for pay, and then a government comes in and legislates that these businesses pay their new employees a price they cannot (or do not want to) afford, so they eliminate the positions, fire the workers, and remove a service to paying customers they once provided—and certain people (read, average Democrat voters) still can’t figure out what factor in the equation caused the whole mess.
"See a new report below, published by CBS News yesterday:
California Pizza Hut operators cutting all delivery driver jobs in 2024 due to minimum wage increase
Two Pizza Hut franchise operators with hundreds of stores across California will lay off all delivery drivers in February, according to a report by Business Insider. That's more than 1,200 jobs.
…Business Insider says the Pizza Hut franchisees explain they are cutting all delivery driver positions as the company braces for California's minimum wage increase for fast food workers coming in 2024.
California-based fast food chains with 60 or more locations nationwide will have to begin paying employees $20 an hour in April, higher than the state minimum wage of $16 that becomes law on Jan. 1." . . .