Friday, January 5, 2024

Schadenfreude: Biden campaign volunteers quitting 'in droves'

It's ugly out there and going to be a lot of work to win over the public to this jalopy of a president. Who'd want to do that? No wonder they're getting out while taking their chance to grandstand for Palestine. This is rats fleeing the sinking ship.

 Monica Showalter- American Thinker   . . ."Palestine looks more like just an excuse. Since when have these people actually cared about Palestine? 

While there have been a few high-profile resignations from the Biden administration over Israel's attempt to defend itself from terrorism coming from Palestine -- it's chiefly from Palestinian- and Palestinian-linked Arab- and Muslim-Americans, where it's far more plausible that these characters have lives that revolve around Palestine, the way the life of Rashida Tlaib, who waves a Palestinian flag in a congressional office, does.

The young hipsters of the Biden campaign who are jumping ship look more like they may be using Palestine as the opportunity to just get out. We already know that odds are good they are anti-Semitic, but to insist that their lives revolve around Palestine rather than what happens here and the power they can obtain here if they win this election is simply ridiculous.

Because odds are, they know they're losing the election with an embarrassment like Joe at the helm. Young people are fleeing him, black people are fleeing him, Hispanics bolted a long time ago. Most voters say he's too old to be president and many are disgusted with his policy failures around inflation, the economy, the open border, and crime. Joel Kotkin has an excellent piece describing why the left is losing against the right in what increasingly looks like a great change of direction.

So Palestine and all that supposed love of the Palestinian children offers the perfect opportunity for them to jump ship, which, it turns out, the paid staffers are contemplating, too.

Yesterday, Axios reported that there was trouble even among that group." . . .

Given the Details, the Media Is Certainly Going to Bury the Iowa School Shooting

 Townhall  Mia had all the details on Thursday regarding the tragic school shooting in Perry, Iowa. As students at Perry High School were returning from their winter break Thursday morning, Dylan Butler, 17, opened fire, killing one sixth-grader and injuring five others (via NYT):

. . . "Mia noted that Butler’s social media accounts were scrubbed, but before they were deep-sixed, he was known for using “genderfluid” hashtags. Before committing suicide, Butler also set bombs in the school: 

An emoji of the gay Pride flag was featured in the TikTok page's bio and an image of an anime girl was selected as the profile picture's avatar. In another TikTok video, the account used the hashtag "genderfluid." 

According to a series of Reddit posts that Butler appears to have authored, he interacted with transgender and "femboy" forums. 

Butler is believed to have acted alone. He was armed with a pump-action shotgun and a small-caliber handgun. During a search of the school, authorities additionally located an "improvised," "rudimentary" explosive device, which was rendered "safe" by the state fire marshal and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).  . . . 

You know where I’m going with this: this story is going to be depth-charged to hell by the liberal media. There’s nothing here to weaponize against conservatives. The shooter was a genderfluid/transgender whackjob. With 2024 upon us, politicians aren’t going to be sticking their necks out for a gun control bill based on a transgender going insane. The media will write up the main points and move on because this shooting, yet again, does not comport with the narrative that pro-MAGA white supremacists are killing us all. " . . .

The Iowa attack: guns and trans - American Thinker  . . ." Can we be certain the Perry shooter was trans? Considering the media, we can be certain of little other than that there was an attack and some unknowable number were injured. We can be certain, however, if he was trans, media interest in reporting that fact will be minimal."

Gender Fluid Perry School shooter identified as Dylan Butler. He is known abuser of SSRIs which he was prescribed to deal with his gender confusion. He posted on tiktok before the shooting spree.

Harvard --- Out the frying pan into the fire

If next week, anti-Israel students once again call for the destruction of the Jewish people in Israel all the way "from the river to the sea," or if they again storm Harvard's Widener library, screaming support for the October 7 massacre and intimidating Jewish students, what will the new — or old — Harvard do? 

 Victor Davis Hanson  "Harvard may assume the forced resignation of its president, Claudine Gay, has finally ended its month-long scandal over her tenure.

"Gay stepped down, remember, amid serious allegations of serial plagiarism — without refuting the charges. She proved either unable or unwilling to discipline those on her campus who were defiantly antisemitic in speech and action.

"But Gay's removal is not the end of Harvard's dilemma. Rather, it is the beginning.

"In the respective press releases from both Gay and the Harvard Corporation, racial animus was cited as a reason for her removal.

"Gay did not even refer to her failure to stop antisemitism on her campus or her own record of blatant plagiarism.

"Yet playing the race card reflects poorly on both and for a variety of reasons.

"One, Gay's meager publication record — a mere eleven articles without a single published book of her own — had somehow earned her a prior Harvard full professorship and presidency. Such a thin resume leading to academic stardom is unprecedented.

"Two, the University of Pennsylvania forced the resignation of its president, Liz Magill. She sat next to Gay during that now-infamous congressional hearing in which they both claimed they were unable to discipline blatant antisemitism on their campuses.

"Instead, both pleaded "free speech" and "context" considerations.

"Such excuses were blatantly amoral and untrue. In truth, ivy-league campuses routinely sanction, punish, or remove staff, faculty, or students deemed culpable for speech or behavior deemed hurtful to protected minorities — except apparently white males and Jews.

"Yet Magill was immediately forced to resign, and Gay was not. Also noteworthy was Magill's far more impressive and extensive administrative experience, along with a more prestigious scholarship that was free of even a suggestion of plagiarism." . . .

Claudine Gay’s Resignation Letter and New York Times Editorial Make the Case for her Firing - American Thinker  . . ."New York's Republican Rep. Elise Stefanak asked her a simple question with an obvious answer but Gay, incomprehensibly, gave irresponsible answers that even eventually led Harvard students, not “the vast right-wing conspiracy” or “white racists” to call for her resignation. Gay still does not understand that her appointment as Harvard president was not about her. It was about the proper free and open education of Harvard students.

"Thirty years ago, black Democrat Texas congresswoman Barbara Jordan inspired praise from both sides of the aisle because she spent less time thinking about herself and more time about doing her job with the highest standards of fairness to both sides.

"Claudine Gay is no Barbara Jordan. If she were, she would still be the president of Harvard." 

Mr. Sharpton, you sure this is a hill you want to die on?

‘Completely shambolic performance’: Douglas Murray slams Claudine Gay


Thursday, January 4, 2024

The media is hiding this: Biden's historically low polls aren't a "presidential slump"—it's CODE RED

 - Revolver News

"Key demographic groups aren’t just mad at Joe Biden; they’re abandoning him in droves. When you consider his historically low polls, this isn’t a traditional “presidential slump” that can be brushed off and fixed with some stumping and handshaking. What we’re witnessing right now, and what the media won’t tell you, is that this is a “CODE RED” in the political world. We’re watching the complete collapse of a political figure, and the media is in a frenzy, trying to cover it up.

"Here’s what pollster Richard Baris had to say about the decline of Joe Biden’s entire political career and the Democratic Party as well:

"The Suffolk/USAToday Poll is showing what we’re all seeing, which is NOT a normal weak showing 1-year out for an incumbent president seeking re-election.

"Historically, he’s far below Barack Obama at this point (who won) and significantly lower than Donald Trump (who lost). H.W. Bush was higher, but his approval was falling RAPIDLY from far higher than Biden has ever been.

"It’s not just that these demographic groups are “abandoning” Joe Biden. Donald Trump is gaining among key Democratic constituencies, Hispanic, Under 35. It’s the one poll NOT showing gains among Black voters. Clearly he is in the consensus.

"I’d just also note that “enthusiasm” and “voting likelihood” are not the same thing. Higher turnout benefits Trump.

"People need to get used to understanding that now.Lastly, while they are just reshuffling the bottom of the deck, Nikki Haley has overtaken Ron DeSantis nationally. Almost identical to our latest results @BIGDATAPOLL.. . . 

. . ."There’s nothing more detrimental to a politician than being labeled as “nothing.” It’s essentially political death, and that’s precisely where Joe stands. Meanwhile, in a surprising turn of events that Biden surely didn’t anticipate, there’s renewed interest in the 2020 election sham, which many within the Uniparty regime have tried to portray as the “fairest election of all time.”


"Despite their best efforts to convince us otherwise, polls indicate that the majority of Americans believe there was cheating in the 2020 election."


Epstein Documents Unsealed: Witness Testified ‘Clinton Likes Them Young’

  American Greatness  "The unsealing of documents revealing the identities of nearly 200 people linked to Jeffrey Epstein began Wednesday evening, more than four years after the convicted sex offender died in jail while awaiting federal sex-trafficking charges.

"Legal eagle “Techno Fog” quickly published some initial findings  on X. Not surprisingly, Bill Clinton,  listed as John Doe #36,” was implicated in one witness’s testimony, according to documents. Link here." . . .

"The list of names stems from a settled lawsuit filed by Epstein victim Virginia Giuffre against Epstein’s former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, the Daily Mail reported. After the case was settled in 2017, Giuffre and many others called for the names to be made public.

"The names that appear in the 943 pages of files published Wednesday night include celebrities, high-profile political and business figures, victims, and witnesses, providing significant insight into Epstein and those associated with him."

. . . "Prince Andrew, who has been stripped of most of his royal titles, is among those expected to be discussed in the unsealed documents. He settled a civil lawsuit with Giuffre last year for an undisclosed sum and has denied wrongdoing.

"ABC News said former U.S. President Bill Clinton would also be among those named. Epstein’s former pilot has testified that Clinton flew on Epstein’s plane several times.

"Clinton has not been accused of wrongdoing and has denied knowledge of Epstein’s sex crimes.

"Another name that could surface is Jean-Luc Brunel, a modeling agent who died in France in 2022 after being arrested on sex charges.

"Other names expected to be released are those of former Epstein employees and several people who have been sued over their ties to Epstein.

"Maxwell was sentenced last June to 20 years in prison for conspiring with Epstein to sexually abuse minors." . . .   Much more here...

More here at Thread by @Techno_Fog

Tucker Carlson ignites the Internet with new insider info on Epstein's death... - Revolver News

Charlie Kirk on X: "BREAKING: The site hosting the Epstein List crashed almost instantly following the publication of the documents due to a surge of users.

Black professor once targeted by Claudine Gay had one word for her fall from grace: ‘Karma

But Al Sharpton will defend her.

Olivia Murray - American Thinker   "In a striking paradox, pro-meritocracy conservatives and pro-DEI Democrats alike can revel in the schadenfreude of Claudine Gay’s fall from grace—because her antics are just that ridiculous. In a since-deleted post to X, Ronald S. Sullivan Jr., a Harvard law professor, high-profile criminal defense attorney, and former college dean said Gay’s disgraced resignation was… “Karma.” You might recall the name from headlines a few years back—Sullivan once served as a faculty dean for Harvard’s Winthrop House, a position from which he was ousted after he agreed to represent Harvey Weinstein, in large part, due to Gay’s influence. Here’s this, from political pundit Wesley Yang:

As Dean of Faculty of Arts and Science, Gay refused to defend Sullivan’s right to provide legal counsel to an unpopular client and played a key role in the decision to remove him from his role as Harvard's first and only black faculty dean in response to student demands. In doing so, Gay shunted aside an appeal by 52 members of the Harvard Law School faculty, who in an open letter to the administration characterized the right to defend unpopular clients as foundational to their own academic freedom and to the rule of law itself.

"Gay didn’t just come after Sullivan though, she came for his wife, Stephanie Robinson, too; from an announcement via Harvard’s Crimson:" . . .

. . .Yet when Fryer undertook research into the killings of unarmed Black men in Houston, Fryer’s research found no racial disparities. He made the mistake of undercutting the racial narrative that the Left has adopted, and as a result, Gay did her best to remove all of his academic privileges, coordinating a witch hunt against him. Fryer survived Gay's crusade of discharge but Fryer’s lab was shut down, his reputation tarnished.

"So as we celebrate the departure of Gay, let’s also pour one out for the black academics who suffered demotions and destroyed reputations when they dared do their jobs in Gay’s sphere of influence."

So who wants to go to Harvard now? -Patricia McCarthy   . . ."While there are many, many qualified black American scholars, Gay is not one of them.  But Harvard would never hire the likes of a Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Shelby Steele, Carol Swain, John McWhorter, Larry Elder, etc.  Those people, scholars all, are not race-hustlers like Claudine Gay.  They do not buy in to the racist victimization ideology of the virtue-signaling DIE crowd.  It should be obvious to all now that it is the left that is racist; leftists believe they must “make allowances” for those less intellectually endowed.  As for all those brilliant black conservatives?  They are condemned for their apostasy, ignored.

"Who will want to go to Harvard now?  Its reputation as one of the three finest universities in America has been shattered.  Its most famous professor emeritus, Alan Dershowitz, is not even allowed to speak there for the crime of mildly defending Donald Trump as per the Constitution.  There is no such thing as tolerance when it comes to persons who hold any remotely conservative opinions, just as there is no such thing as freedom of speech if it deviates from the anti-American radical left (Harvard) party line." . . .

Why Are Americans At Each Other's Throats? Ask Barack Obama

There is a straight line between Obama's rhetoric and the months of the deadly, costly 2020 Black Lives Matter/George Floyd protests. Never mind that the lead prosecutor, a black man, never argued the officer-defendant was racially motivated and the officer was not charged with a hate crime.

  Larry Elder ( "At the 2004 Democratic National Convention, Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama said: "There is not a Black America and a White America and Latino America and Asian America — there's the United States of America... We are one people..."

"After announcing his candidacy for president, Sen. Obama appeared on "60 Minutes":

"60 Minutes": "You think the country's ready for a black president?"

"Obama: "Yes."

" '60 Minutes": "You don't think it's going to hold you back?"

" Obama: "No. I think if I don't win this race, it will be because of other factors. It's going to be because I have not shown to the American people a vision for where the country needs to go that they can embrace."

"Polls offered support for Obama's optimism. The 2008 principal primary candidates for the Republicans were Arizona Sen. John McCain and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. For Democrats, the candidates were Obama and Hillary Clinton. A 2007 Gallup poll found that 42% of Americans said they would not vote for someone of McCain's age. Twenty-four percent said they would not vote for a Mormon, Romney's religion. As for Clinton, 11% said they would not vote for a woman. Just 5% said they would not vote for a black person.

"Shortly after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, an optimistic Rev. Martin Luther King said, "Frankly I have seen certain changes in the United States over the last two years that have surprised me." He said, "We might be able to get a Negro president in less than forty years."

"Fast forward to 2008. Even those who voted against Obama nevertheless felt his victory made a profound statement about the country. Polls showed both blacks and whites expected "race relations" to improve. But after Obama's eight years in office, both blacks and whites thought race relations got worse. What happened?". . .

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Why do people villainize Hamas just for trying to defend themselves?

(4) Quora:  "Stop thinking of Hamas as a plucky band of freedom fighters taking on an evil empire.

"In reality, Hamas are radical Islamists — extremely violent, misogynistic, fascistic, fanatically antisemitic, and obsessed with war.

 . . ."When Hamas talk about “liberating Palestine”, they don’t mean ending Israel’s occupation of the West Bank or its blockade of the Gaza Strip. They mean the genocidal elimination of Jews in Israel (“Palestine”) and the replacement of Israel itself with a medieval Islamic theocracy.

"Politically, Hamas are essentially Muslim supremacists, or Arab Nazis. Their primary goal is a genocide of Israeli Jews.

"They even have an equivalent to the Hitler Youth Movement. They hold summer camps for children where they literally learn how to hate and how to kill Jews. This youngster was interviewed at one such camp:

"Hamas’s mission, backed by Iran, is to destroy Israel and replace it with an Islamic state. But like other Islamist regimes, they also have zero tolerance for “Western” ideas like liberty, democracy, free speech, the right to protest, women’s rights, etc. catching on within their own population. Gazan citizens are suffering more under Hamas than they ever did under Israeli occupation. If they question Hamas’s policies, men will come to break their arms and legs. Those who oppose the cause of Jew-genocide are likely to be executed in public.

"People don’t “villianize” Hamas. Hamas fighters are no different from those al-Qaeda terrorists who flew planes full of passengers into American buildings, or any of the other Islamists responsible for countless atrocities in Russia (Moscow theatre, Beslan school), the UK (London Underground, Ariana Grande concert), France, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Too many people imagine that Hamas are something like the cool rebel heroes in Star Wars. But a much more accurate analogy would be the Borg in Star Trek, a horde of dehumanised drones out to destroy and/or ‘assimilate’ all other races into their hive mind. The difference, though, is that this is no movie; Hamas are far worse than any villain Hollywood could imagine."

Jewish family targeted by anti-Semitic abuse in New Jersey's American Dream Mall over teen daughter's IDF jacket say 'dozens' of bystanders stood by just WATCHING as they were attacked | Daily Mail Online

. . ."Rez attributed the incident to the 'Free Palestine' movement, which she said 'has generated so much hatred and division in America that a Jewish family can't walk through a shopping mall without being accosted.'

"The video of the incident posted on X shows the confrontation already underway, with a young man and woman screaming at the family. 

" 'Leave her alone, leave her alone!' the Jewish father is heard saying as he steps in between the Palestinian supporters and his family. 

"The Jewish mother, who appears to be filming the incident, is heard saying: 'You're attacking me, you attacked me and dropped my phone!'

"The female aggressor responds: 'You're recording me without my permission! It's free Palestine 'til I f***ing die b***h! Free Palestine 'til I f***ing die b***h! Free Palestine, you should be embarrassed you're supporting genocide!'

"The Jewish father is seen herding his family away from the abusive rant, and shouting back 'What genocide?' ". . .

Women raped by Hamas were found with nails driven into their thighs and groin and were passed around by terrorists who slaughtered them after or even during gang-rape, horrifying new witness accounts of October 7 reveal | Daily Mail Online  "New devastating accounts of sexual violence and torture enacted on defenceless Israeli women by Hamas terrorists amid their brutal October 7 attacks have emerged. 

"Images shown to the New York Times by Israeli authorities showed a woman who had dozens of nails driven into her thighs and genitals in a savage example of mutilation, while other clips displayed the corpses of soldiers and civilians alike who had been either shot or stabbed in the groin.

"Another dark image dubbed 'the woman in the black dress' showed the corpse of an Israeli later identified as Gal Abdush."

Much more at this site that Jew-attackers should be required to see.

Harvard President Claudine Gay's Resignation Reveals DEI Rot

 Daily Signal  

While neither Gay nor Harvard acknowledged the scandals that led to Gay’s resignation, the event demonstrates the impact of conservative media, even as the Left dominates so many of America’s institutions." 

"Claudine Gay ended her tenure Tuesday as the shortest president in the history of Harvard University, yet her resignation statement didn’t acknowledge the scandals that led to her ouster—instead suggesting that racism was to blame.

"The incident arguably illustrates the effectiveness of conservative critics in drawing attention to Gay’s many scandals, and the fecklessness of a university so rooted in diversity, equity, and inclusion that it refuses to acknowledge the ideological roots of the scandal." . . .

. . ."Furthermore, Greene and Eden noted that “Gay’s institutional rise was marked by a pattern of destroying the careers of genuinely brilliant black scholars who had the stature to point out her mediocrity.” They wrote that Gay led the charge to undermine black Harvard economist Roland Fryer and black Harvard Law professor Ronald Sullivan, who had agreed to serve as an attorney to help defend Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein from sexual assault charges.

"Reporters and analysts went through works Gay’s published work, finding example after example of text blocks apparently lifted from other writers without attribution. The steady drip-drip-drip of information, coupled with conservative outlets such as The Daily Signal demanding answers and repeatedly raising the issue of DEI in education, appears to have led Harvard to reconsider.

"These examples led Greene and Eden, among many others, to conclude that Gay had been an “affirmative action pick,” an example of the university’s prioritizing goals for “diversity, equity, and inclusion” over scholarly merit.

Human Rights Groups' Hypocrisy on Hamas Rape

 Rafael Medoff - The Lid (

"There was a time when self-described human rights advocates such as Samantha Power, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International earned the international community’s respect for their defense of the innocent and the oppressed. But they have forfeited that respect by failing to defend the human right of Jewish women to not be raped."

"Rape during the Rwanda genocide? Outrageous. Rape during the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia? Abhorrent. Rape by Hamas terrorists? Not worthy of comment.

   " That’s the troubling position taken by Samantha Power, a senior official in the Obama and Biden administrations who has built her career on her concern for victims of genocide, sexual atrocities, and other human rights abuses." . . .

"Reuters, it happens, has also done some important reporting on Hamas rapes of Israeli Jewish women. As early as October 15—eight days after the pogrom—Reuters reported that Israeli forensic experts “found multiple signs of torture, rape and other atrocities” among the victims of Hamas. 

    "Two days later, Reuters quoted Israeli first responders describing evidence of rape on some of the bodies they found. Subsequent Reuters dispatches cited a senior Israeli police official describing eyewitness and forensic evidence of “sexual assaults” (Nov.14) and “evidence about sexual violence” with the sentence, “Reuters has seen photos corroborating some of those accounts” (November 28 and November 30). But for some reason, Power did not regard those Reuters reports as “important” enough for her to recommend.

   "Power’s silence on Hamas’s rapes is glaring because she presents herself as a champion of human rights. But she is not alone in turning a blind eye to the sexual violence of October 7. Sadly, she is typical of the painfully slow, in some cases non-existent, response of the human rights community on this issue.

   " Human Rights Watch issued fifty-one press releases about Gaza in the first eight weeks following the Hamas invasion. They were loaded with accusations about Israeli “war crimes,” with just brief, passing references to the Hamas massacres. " . . .