Saturday, January 6, 2024

Joe Biden’s Valley Forge Speech About Trump’s ‘Threat to Our Democracy’ Was as Awful as You’d Expect

 “Biden had the nerve to say democracy is on the ballot, as his party tries to remove Trump from multiple state ballots.”

. . ."Joel Pollak of Breitbart News notes that this was just more of the same, tired strategy that Biden has used in the past:

President Joe Biden kicked off his reelection campaign on Friday near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, with recycled attack lines against Donald Trump that he had previously used in the 2020 presidential campaign.

Biden claimed — as if it were a fact — that Trump had called fallen soldiers (Biden called them “dead soldiers”) “suckers” and “losers,” an unsubstantiated accusation by unnamed sources that was refuted at the time by more than a dozen people who went on the record, including some who opposed Trump.

Biden also attacked Trump for considering the use of the Insurrection Act in 2020 — which Biden described as a frightening use of the military on American streets, omitting the fact that Black Lives Matter rioters were rampaging through America’s cities.

Much of the speech was devoted to the third anniversary of the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021; Biden moved his speech a day earlier to avoid bad weather. He made no mention of similar left-wing “insurrections,” such as a left-wing shutdown of the California State Assembly this week — which resulted in no arrests at all, even though legislators had to flee the building.

The important thing to remember here, is that Biden’s speech was a preview of the next ten months. His devoted followers in the media will repeat his argument for him between now and November. Prepare to hear a lot more of this rhetoric.

Today’s materialistic world cannot survive without crude oil

 - America Out Loud News

"The elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss is that crude oil is the foundation of our materialistic society as it is the basis of all products and fuels demanded by the 8 billion on this planet.

"As a reality check for those pursuing net-zero emissions, wind and solar do different things than crude oil. Unreliable renewables, like wind turbines and solar panels, only generate occasional electricity but manufacture no products for society.

"Crude oil is virtually never used to generate electricity but, when manufactured into petrochemicals, is the basis for virtually all the products in our materialistic society that did not exist before the 1800s being used at these infrastructures like transportation, airports, hospitals, medical equipment, appliances, electronics, telecommunications, communications systems, space programs, heating and ventilating, and militaries.

"Most importantly, today, there is a lost reality that the primary usage of crude oil is NOT for the generation of electricity but to manufacture derivatives and fuels, which are the ingredients of everything needed by economies and lifestyles to exist and prosper." . . .

Joe Biden at Valley Forge: triumph of the shill II

  Mike McDaniel - American Thinker

. . ."Trump’s assault on democracy isn’t just part of his past, it’s what he’s promising for the future. He’s being straightforward. He’s not hiding the ball,” Biden said.

“His first rally for the 2024 campaign opened with a choir of January 6 insurrectionists singing from prison on a cellphone while images of the January 6 riot playing on the big screen behind him at his rally. Can you believe that? This was like something out of a fairy tale — a bad fairy tale.”

"What were those horrid insurrectionists singing? The Star-Spangled Banner, our national anthem. The horror.

“Let’s be clear about the 2020 election: Trump exhausted every legal avenue available to him to overturn the outcome — every one. But the legal path just took Trump back to the truth that I’d won the election and he was a loser,” Biden said to hoots and applause.

"Gropin’, sniffin’ Joe forgot to mention not a single court actually heard evidence, which makes for rather a dead end “legal avenue.” He also forgot to mention Trump quietly, and on time, left office as the Constitution requires. What a pathetic dictator.". . .

Friday, January 5, 2024

Douglas Murray DESTROYS Norman Finkelstein on Israel Hamas War

Douglas Murray DESTROYS Norman Finkelstein on Israel Hamas War (

Comment to this video: "As someone who has been to Gaza several times with medical teams and has knowledge about the conflict in the area. In Gaza there are hotels, resorts, luxury restaurants, and luxury car dealerships. There are many poor people (like most of the Muslim countries in the region that do not have oil). And there are hundreds of thousands who enter every year to work in Israel and tens of thousands more who enter the Egyptian neighborhood in order to fly abroad from there. Somehow I don't remember reading about such conditions in prisons or concentration camps. But anyone who has some understanding of the conflict understands that the Palestinians simply throw out slogans like -Prison, genocide, apartheid, etc.. They know that 90% of the world today will not check what they say, as long as enough people shout the same thing, and give them a like for it."

"I agree with Douglas. It would be like engaging in a debate with a flat-earth believer who insists the Earth is flat despite being presented with infinite amounts of objective evidence. It would be a waste of your time. Israel is on the right side of history."

"The trouble is that Norman Finkelstein is a superb debater, and with a combination of unwavering self belief, false equivalences and oratory flare, he is able to defeat almost anyone. I saw him eviscerate someone at a debate in Cape Town many years ago. At the time his arguments seemed so powerful and obvious. But the moment I got home and actually researched his positions and thought about them, they turned to sand. A dangerous man."

Collapse Of Used EV Market Spells Doom For Biden’s Electric Car Dreams

  Issues & Insights (

"You’d think the Biden administration would respect the wants and needs of the car-buying public. Instead, it’s kowtowing to radical eco-leftists and is spending billions upon billions to build charging stations, massively subsidize the EV manufacturing business, and hand out lucrative tax credits to EV buyers."

"Just as President Joe Biden starts showering hundreds of billions more of taxpayers’ money to “electrify” the nation’s fleet of automobiles, the bottom is falling out of the EV market.

"The latest indication is the sharp drop in prices for used EVs.

"A report from, a search engine for auto buyers, found that the average price for all cars declined 5% in 2023 compared with 2022.

"But the resale price EVs plunged 33%.

"While a used EV sold for an average of $52,821 in 2022, it went for less than $35,000 in 2023, which means they can be had for just slightly more than the average price for all cars.

"Even with this dramatic decline in prices, it took 40% longer to sell an EV in 2023 than it did the year before. Used gas-powered cars, in contrast, sold 10% faster than they did in 2022.

“ 'This combination of lower prices and slower sales suggests EVs have hit a market demand threshold that will be difficult to break through,” said Karl Brauer, iSeeCars executive analyst.

"Why is the used EV market in trouble? Bloomberg speculates that “Buyers are shunning them due to a lack of subsidies, a desire to wait for better technology, and continued shortfalls in charging infrastructures.”

"But it’s not just the used EV market that is cratering. iSeeCars found the same trends with new EV sales. The time it took to get an EV off a dealer’s lot more than doubled in 2023. It now takes roughly three times as long to see an EV than a conventional car, despite price cuts and Biden’s huge EV tax credit.

"Nearly half of EV owners buy a gas-powered one for their next vehicle, according to a study from S&P Global, titled “Does the auto industry have an EV loyalty problem?”

"The collapse in used EV prices is hurting the sale of new ones. Why plunk down big money for a car that will lose value faster and be harder to sell down the road?" . . .

Gross. NBC News Covers for Bill Clinton Even After Documents Show "Doe 36" Liked the Young Girls on Epstein Island (VIDEO)

 The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft   

 "It’s come to this. The mainstream media is now openly defending the alleged child sex abusers.

"The anchor on NBC News defended Bill Clinton on Wednesday night after legal documents were released that show he likes young girls on Epstein Island.

NBC Hews host: I should mention, none of this obviously suggests any wrongdoing by the former president suggests that he was involved in a crime. It’s merely talking about his connections to Epstein, something that has already, again, been out there. But he has obviously maintained his innocence and denied any wrongdoing as it relates to any abuse by people that Epstein exploited. Tom, about interactions that Clinton, former President Bill Clinton, Clinton may have had with Jeffrey Epstein.

She specifically asked about meals with Clinton. She says she can’t recollect any meals with him. She’s asked about whether he may being Clinton may have had a meal on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane. She says, quote, “I’m sure that he had a meal on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane.” So, Tom, these are the types of interactions that we expected. Much of this has already been reported in the public domain, but it’s different now, of course, seeing it in a court filing.

They’re defending the perpetrators. They really have no shame!

"Ultra Pepe Lives added: It’s time to put the nail in the coffin and ditch the mainstream media for good. They are actively protecting pedophiles.
“I should mention none of this suggests any wrong doing, suggests he was involved in a crime.' ”

Obama’s New Movie, Same Message: Blame White People

 J.B. Shurk - American Thinker

A more skillfully crafted movie might have been able to turn that sentiment into something more horror adjacent, or at least a little more discomfiting. But there’s a lot of over-signaling dialogue here: ...NY Times 

With divider-in-chief Obama involved in the project, it was hard to see these breadcrumbs as anything other than a warning that Americans deserve to be punished for not sufficiently apologizing for their great-great-great-ancestor’s neighbor’s uncle’s racist tendencies.  

. . ."You see, we are the real monsters in this movie.  We are the ones to blame for the collapse of civilization.  Our ultimate destruction won’t come from hostile foreigners, mysterious pandemics, cyber attacks, or the “Great Reset” plans of the World Economic Forum’s jackbooted “elites.”  Huh-uh, we will all die because conspiracy-spreading MAGA Americans are inherently selfish and just can’t get enough of the “patriarchy” and “white supremacy”!

"If you speak “woke-stupid,” the movie is a masterpiece indictment of “Trump’s America.”  If you are a psychologically stable person with a virtuous sense of duty to God, family, and country, you are left wondering, “Why didn’t those rich people plan ahead for a rainy day?”

"To be sure, there was ample foreshadowing suggesting that Americans would ultimately be blamed for their own suffering.  The oil tanker that crashes into the beach is the “White Lion,” a reference to the early-seventeenth century privateer credited with delivering the first Africans to the colony of Virginia to be sold as indentured servants.  We get it: oil and slavery are both really bad.  In another please-hit-us-over-the-head-with-woke-history moment, a car radio frequency lands on 1619 as the camera lingers — a retch-inducing hat-tip to The New York Times’ propagandistic attempts to erase America’s 1776 foundations in liberty and rewrite the history of the United States as one irredeemably stained by slavery and “white supremacy.”. . .

Blue State Blues: 'Insurrection' Is OK, as Long As It's by the Left


Over the next several months, left-wing mobs staged insurrections in almost every major city in America, taking over the streets in illegal protests that often became riots. Though the media described these events as “mostly peaceful,” the fact is that riots hit 48 out America’s 50 largest cities. Ordinary citizens were placed under curfew while rioters looted businesses and even attacked government buildings.

"This week, there was an “insurrection” in the California State Capitol in Sacramento.

"A group of radical extremists invaded the State Assembly, interrupting the first day of the legislative session and forcing lawmakers to flee the chamber. They continued to occupy the legislature even after the lights were turned off. But eventually, they were allowed to leave peacefully, and there were no arrests at all.

"The reason: unlike the January 6 protesters in Washington, the California protesters are on the political left.

"Those who participated in the January 6 event three years ago are still being arrested and prosecuted for the nebulous crime of “obstructing an official proceeding.” Some are being punished merely for showing up on the Capitol grounds, without committing acts of violence. They have been publicly humiliated; they have lost jobs; and many have been forced to endure pre-trial detention before receiving long sentences.

The left-wing anti-Israel radicals who invaded the California capitol will never be punished.

"In fact, they are more likely to be hailed as heroes.

"That is because they are part of the Democratic Party coalition, and because they are using a tactic that Democrats have reserved for themselves for over a decade.

"Long before a crowd of angry Donald Trump supporters — and a still-unknown number of provocateurs — invaded the U.S. Capitol, Democrats had repeatedly used the tactic of staging protests inside legislative buildings, both at the state and federal level, and praised themselves for their bravery." . . .

The First Shoe Drops Against Rashida Tlaib in the House, but It's Not Enough

 With that said, while this is a good first step, it's not nearly enough. What Tlaib has done is essentially offer aid and comfort to terrorists who tortured, raped, and slaughtered civilians, including over 30 Americans. Her continued propagation of misinformation regarding the scene at the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza has been a boon to Hamas and has likely bolstered the terrorist group's decision not to release the over 200 people being held hostage.

RedState "The first shoe has dropped against Rep. Rashida Tlaib in the House of Representatives. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a motion to censure the Democrat congresswoman, a move that will likely succeed.

"Tlaib infamously waited days to comment on Hamas' deadly slaughter of 1,400 people in Israel on October Tlaib infamously waited days to comment on Hamas' deadly slaughter of 1,400 people in Israel on October 7th. Yet, when Hamas officials claimed Israel had bombed a hospital, she immediately ran with the story, parroting terrorist propaganda, including the allegedly overinflated death toll.

"Even after much evidence had come out to show that the damage was actually done by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket misfiring, she refused to apologize or retract her claim. Instead, she repeated her claims at a rally in front of the Capitol Building in which she accused Israel of committing genocide. That rally then turned into an insurrection as protesters stormed inside, occupying the rotunda and interrupting the business of the Congress. 

"Whether the resolution will succeed or not isn't so much in doubt compared to the question of whether some Democrats will join with Republicans in passing it. Tlaib has taken fire from her own party members for her behavior in the week following the insurrection that occurred and her refusal to show any remorse. It is not beyond the realm of possibility that you could see Jewish members of the Democrat caucus vote in favor of censuring her. 

. . . "What she has done and continues to do goes well beyond the boundaries of what should be allowed from a member of the U.S. Congress. In short, Tlaib needs to be expelled from the body, not just censured. Would such a motion succeed? I don't know, and I don't think it matters. What's important is to get people on record. Make Democrats own a member of their party who has routinely sympathized with terrorists. At the very least, some clarity will be provided." 

Greg Abbott's stunning immigration win: Biden is likely to concede to GOP demands for border crackdown after Texas Gov. bussed 95,000 migrants to 'Sanctuary Cities' whose Dem. mayors are now piling pressure on president

 Daily Mail Online    Texas Governor Greg Abbott appears set for a huge victory on the border crisis, as President Joe Biden and Washington Democrats look likely to cave on Republican demands for a crackdown on migrants. 

The Republican posted to X on Tuesday, announcing the success of his program to bus illegal migrants to Democrat-led cities.

He said his initiative has amounted to the transfer of nearly 100,000 migrants to cities such as New York, Boston, Denver, and Chicago - where leaders are being forced to find accommodation for them.

Those Democrat-led areas bill themselves as 'sanctuary cities' that welcome migrants. 

But the New York Times reported that their mayors are so perturbed by the migrant crisis, they've been pleading with the White House for help - with the president likely to offer Republicans previously-unthinkable concessions on migration laws. 

What Republicans appear to be targeting is what's known as a 'credible fear interview', where asylum seekers argue they should stay in the U.S. because they would be in danger if they returned to their home country.

That is an early hurdle for prospective asylum seekers that, if the likes of Abbott get their way, would have them sent back home much earlier in the migration process, according to the New York Times

The White House and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is also considering rules that would allow faster deportations of illegal migrants, considered a pipe dream at the beginning of the Biden administration. " . . .

Schadenfreude: Biden campaign volunteers quitting 'in droves'

It's ugly out there and going to be a lot of work to win over the public to this jalopy of a president. Who'd want to do that? No wonder they're getting out while taking their chance to grandstand for Palestine. This is rats fleeing the sinking ship.

 Monica Showalter- American Thinker   . . ."Palestine looks more like just an excuse. Since when have these people actually cared about Palestine? 

While there have been a few high-profile resignations from the Biden administration over Israel's attempt to defend itself from terrorism coming from Palestine -- it's chiefly from Palestinian- and Palestinian-linked Arab- and Muslim-Americans, where it's far more plausible that these characters have lives that revolve around Palestine, the way the life of Rashida Tlaib, who waves a Palestinian flag in a congressional office, does.

The young hipsters of the Biden campaign who are jumping ship look more like they may be using Palestine as the opportunity to just get out. We already know that odds are good they are anti-Semitic, but to insist that their lives revolve around Palestine rather than what happens here and the power they can obtain here if they win this election is simply ridiculous.

Because odds are, they know they're losing the election with an embarrassment like Joe at the helm. Young people are fleeing him, black people are fleeing him, Hispanics bolted a long time ago. Most voters say he's too old to be president and many are disgusted with his policy failures around inflation, the economy, the open border, and crime. Joel Kotkin has an excellent piece describing why the left is losing against the right in what increasingly looks like a great change of direction.

So Palestine and all that supposed love of the Palestinian children offers the perfect opportunity for them to jump ship, which, it turns out, the paid staffers are contemplating, too.

Yesterday, Axios reported that there was trouble even among that group." . . .

Given the Details, the Media Is Certainly Going to Bury the Iowa School Shooting

 Townhall  Mia had all the details on Thursday regarding the tragic school shooting in Perry, Iowa. As students at Perry High School were returning from their winter break Thursday morning, Dylan Butler, 17, opened fire, killing one sixth-grader and injuring five others (via NYT):

. . . "Mia noted that Butler’s social media accounts were scrubbed, but before they were deep-sixed, he was known for using “genderfluid” hashtags. Before committing suicide, Butler also set bombs in the school: 

An emoji of the gay Pride flag was featured in the TikTok page's bio and an image of an anime girl was selected as the profile picture's avatar. In another TikTok video, the account used the hashtag "genderfluid." 

According to a series of Reddit posts that Butler appears to have authored, he interacted with transgender and "femboy" forums. 

Butler is believed to have acted alone. He was armed with a pump-action shotgun and a small-caliber handgun. During a search of the school, authorities additionally located an "improvised," "rudimentary" explosive device, which was rendered "safe" by the state fire marshal and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).  . . . 

You know where I’m going with this: this story is going to be depth-charged to hell by the liberal media. There’s nothing here to weaponize against conservatives. The shooter was a genderfluid/transgender whackjob. With 2024 upon us, politicians aren’t going to be sticking their necks out for a gun control bill based on a transgender going insane. The media will write up the main points and move on because this shooting, yet again, does not comport with the narrative that pro-MAGA white supremacists are killing us all. " . . .

The Iowa attack: guns and trans - American Thinker  . . ." Can we be certain the Perry shooter was trans? Considering the media, we can be certain of little other than that there was an attack and some unknowable number were injured. We can be certain, however, if he was trans, media interest in reporting that fact will be minimal."

Gender Fluid Perry School shooter identified as Dylan Butler. He is known abuser of SSRIs which he was prescribed to deal with his gender confusion. He posted on tiktok before the shooting spree.