Wednesday, January 10, 2024

New Hampshire Attorney General Sends Cease and Desist Letter to DNC as National Party Tells Democrats the Upcoming Presidential Primary Is “Meaningless” - Vote for Nikki Haley

 The Last Refuge (

"As the DNC is telling New Hampshire Democrats the upcoming primary is “meaningless,” the background Democrat control officers like David Plouffe are telling them to vote for Nikki Haley.  The New Hampshire Attorney General has had enough of this manipulative scheming and sends a letter to the DNC telling them to stop. [Letter pdf HERE]

"Forgive me…. but I am laughing a little.   When you work as hard as we have to showcase the fraud within the two-private-corporation election system (DNC & RNC), year after year, after year, this type of stuff is just gold, GOLD.

"You see, there comes a point in the display of the marionette strings when they just start glowing so brightly, those who try to retain pretenses can no longer support the ruse.   Yes, finally, the DNC bloom comes off the ruse." . . .

. . ."PREVIOUSLY – […] “I think it’s probably too distasteful for a lot of people. But for those who would be up for it, to do something tactically—I don’t know if it would stop Trump, but, you know, it could help extend the primary.” … “I think, when you look out in the rest of the states, Trump’s clearly a dominant favorite, but in a two-person race, there’s a healthy number of Republicans who are open to an alternative if she’s the only one. So, I think for liberals, or Democrats, or independents who might not ever support Nikki Haley to be the president to cast a strategic or tactical vote, to me, makes a lot of sense.”  ~ David Plouffe

These and the incidents on College campuses have been an indictment of the US education system, the news industry, and our culture

 The Dangerous Pro-Palestine Protests Have a Common Thread ... His Name Is Rudy – Twitchy  "Lately, we have shared stories of Pro-Palestine protestors making life generally difficult for their fellow Americans. These protestors have shut down stores and backed up traffic. Basically, they are massive jerks. Today, Twitchy favorite, AGHamilton, shared a link between many of these protests. His name is Rudy Martinez." . . .

"Rudy wants 'Hamas', the organization that killed babies in their beds and raped women to 'long live'. Isn't that nice of him? . . .

NY girl's basketball game called off after 'disgusting' antisemitism (   . . ."At the end of the third quarter, her teammates were getting injured by the rough play, and “players on the opposing team started shouting ‘Free Palestine’ and other antisemitic slurs and curses at us,” wrote Bosworth, also editor-in-chief of the school paper.

“ 'I have played a sport every athletic season throughout my high school career, and I have never experienced this kind of hatred directed at one of my teams before,” Bosworth said.

“ 'Instead of responding to hatred with more of the same, we chose to separate ourselves from the situation and leave with dignity and pride in who we are and what we believe in,” she continued." . . .

This and the incidents on College campuses have been an indictment of the US education system, the news industry, and our culture. TD

Coach Fired, Player Suspended, then Reinstated for Antisemitic Remarks at Roosevelt HS Basketball Game | Yonkers Times 

"The worst of the alleged antisemitic slurs was, “I support Hamas, you f–king Jew,” which came from a Roosevelt Girls Basketball player. Many of those in attendance did hear Roosevelt players saying, “Free Palestine,” during the game. The game was cancelled during the 3rd Quarter, and security walked off members of The Leffell School.

"One of the players for The Leffell School, a private, Jewish school in Westchester, wrote a letter for their school newspaper detailing what happened.". . .

Fired high school coach says he's 'scapegoat' over antisemitic slurs during game (   . . ."Bosworth said both teams lined up to shake hands at the premature end of the game.

"Despite our conflicting feelings about his practice, every member of my team acted with respect and class and lined up to shake their hands," she wrote. "However, being forced to shake hands with and say, ‘Good game’ to people who had expressed such hatred did not sit right with me afterwards."

Members of The Leffell School girls basketball team with coach John Tessitore

Jewish Stars Accuse Academy of Antisemitism ( "Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of antisemitism for not listing them as a specified underrepresented group in its inclusion efforts.

"Celebrities including Mayim BialikDebra MessingJulianna MarguliesTiffany HaddishDavid Schwimmer, and Josh Gad have signed a letter to the Academy, in which they have complained that while other groups are named, Jewish people are not.

"An inclusion effort that excludes Jews is both steeped in and misunderstands antisemitism," reads the letter, which was organized by Jew in the City's Hollywood Bureau for Jewish Representation. "Jewish people being excluded from the Motion Picture Academy's Representation and Inclusion Standards is discriminating against a protected class by invalidating their historic and genetic identity.". . .

Next blame the news networks.

And that, boys and girls, is how the (real) Nazis accomplished the murder of six million Jewish people and others. TD

The problem is Joe, not Lloyd -

  Silvio Canto, Jr.- American Thinker

Beyond office politics, this is an embarrassment for the country and for a president who looks more detached every time he goes public. 

"Just think.  How does the President of the United States go three days without talking to the Secretary of Defense? 

 "I guess National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan did not, either.  We are talking about a time when tensions are running high.  Again, aren't U.S. forces under attack in the Far East and Middle East and Navy assets occupied with Houthis too? 
"Did I tell you about North Korea, China and Russia?  
"So how do you address such an obvious example of irresponsibility?
"First, you can't fire the president, so we have to wait for an election on that one.
"Second, you can fire Secretary Austin." . . .

How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Enabled Terrorism


Obama administration acknowledges $1.7B transfer to Iran was all cash - CBS News (2016)  "The $1.7 billion was the settlement of a decades-old arbitration claim between the U.S. and Iran. 

"An initial $400 million cash delivery was sent Jan. 17, the same day Tehran agreed to release four American prisoners.

"The Obama administration had claimed the events were separate, but recently acknowledged the cash was used as leverage until the Americans were allowed to leave Iran." . . .

How Obama Secretly Gave Iran Access To Billions Of Dollars — And Also Enabled Terrorism (   Iran: One of the linchpins of former President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran was that it would be accompanied by a near-ban on Iran having any access to the U.S. banking system. A new congressional report says that, too, was a lie.Obama and his officials at the Treasury Department and State Department were clear: They would work assiduously to freeze out Iran from getting dollars to fund its mischief and mayhem around the world.

"The Associated Press, puts it this way: "As the Treasury and State Department worked behind the scenes to help Iran access the dollar, the message to Congress remained the same: The JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) did not allow Iran to access the U.S. financial system."

"Obama sent a clear message to Congress: If you don't block this nuclear deal, we will bar Iran's access to our financial system. The deal was clear, unequivocal.

"It was also a lie. Obama lied, and so did others in his administration." . . .

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Women Silent? Where Did The #Metoo Movement Go? Famous actress and model, Moran Atias, with a clear message to all hypocritical women’s organizations.

  Religio-Political Talk

Actress Moran Atias addresses the hypocritical women's rights organizations that have been silent since October 7, which, as it turns out, do not care at all about the rights of Israeli women.

"Similarly, as THE AMERICAN MIND asks, “Why is extreme anti-Israel activism dominated by wild-eyed young women?”

"Especially after the violent sexual rapes and murder of women by Hamas?" . . .

Hamas uses rape as weapon. Why are the left's #MeToo feminists silent? (   "Appalling. That’s the only word that describes the response by progressive women and women’s rights groups to the clear evidence of what Hamas terrorists did to women and girls in their brutal attack on Israel Oct. 7. 

"When they started in force a few years ago, the Women’s March and #MeToo movement centered on the idea that we must “believe women” when they say what’s happened to them. No proof or due process needed. Just their word. 

"It’s obvious now that those hashtags came with a huge asterisk: These groups support only the women they deem worthy. 

"In the face of reports of mass rape, mutilation and murder of Israeli women (and plenty of corroborating proof and eyewitness testimony), the reaction from too many women’s rights organizations, professors, journalists, congresswomen and citizens has been either to ignore the fact it happened; cast doubt on the fact it happened; or equivocate by comparing the horror these Israeli women experienced with Palestinians suffering because of Israel’s justified retaliation on the terrorists who perpetrated these acts. . . .

Why are these women not speaking out on school campuses to combat the blatant mal-educated anti-Israeli students?

Global women's rights groups silent as Israeli women testify about rapes by Hamas | The Times of Israel   . . ."One survivor of the Supernova music festival, where about 360 people were slaughtered, described how she witnessed Hamas terrorists rape an Israeli girl: “As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,” the witness recounted. “They bent her over and I realized they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [terrorist].”

"Yet many feminist and women’s rights organizations worldwide have remained conspicuously silent — and some are even questioning the veracity of the accusations. These denials of the sexual abuse perpetrated by Hamas have far-reaching consequences, including the deterrence of other sexual abuse victims from seeking help." . . .

Global women’s rights groups silent as Israeli women testify about rapes by Hamas

Despite widespread evidence of terrorists’ systematic acts of sexual brutality on Oct. 7, most worldwide organizations either have no comment or bash IDF’s military campaign in Gaza  

"As the United Nations promotes an awareness campaign ahead of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, chilling accounts from survivors and first responders who witnessed Hamas’s October 7 massacre of 1,200 Israelis paint a horrifying picture of systemic sexual assaults perpetrated against women and girls of all ages.

"One survivor of the Supernova music festival, where about 360 people were slaughtered, described how she witnessed Hamas terrorists rape an Israeli girl: “As I am hiding, I see in the corner of my eye that [a terrorist] is raping her,” the witness recounted. “They bent her over and I realized they were raping her and simply passing her on to the next [terrorist].”

"Yet many feminist and women’s rights organizations worldwide have remained conspicuously silent — and some are even questioning the veracity of the accusations. These denials of the sexual abuse perpetrated by Hamas have far-reaching consequences, including the deterrence of other sexual abuse victims from seeking help.                                                "Among others, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (also known as UN-Women) released a statement on October 13 equating the Hamas brutalities with Israel’s self-defense. Likewise, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) neglected to explicitly condemn Hamas’s atrocities. And the international #MeToo movement completely failed to mention Hamas — or the Israeli victims." . . .

“A Hamas video from a kibbutz shows terrorists torturing a pregnant woman and removing her fetus. Our forensic scientists have found bodies of women and girls raped with such violence that their pelvic bones were broken,” wrote Herzog.                           
Disturbing ⚠️On Nov 2, an Arabic-Hebrew transliteration glossary belonging to Hamas was discovered in Israel with sexual terminology, including “take your pants off.”

 This evidence suggests that Hamas terrorists planned to systematically rape Israeli women.

REVEALED: Reuters and AP 'Journalists' Live-Streamed Themselves Encouraging Gazans to Invade Israel


This is a massive scandal that will unfortunately never be treated as such. American news agencies were paying these men to participate in terrorist acts against innocent people. In fact, as mentioned in the report, one of Reuters' "photos of the year" was the picture of an Israeli soldier being dragged out of a tank and lynched. The guy on that video bragging about participating in that act was paid for his photo of it.

"In an escalation of earlier reporting that showed multiple "journalists" working for the Associated Press and The New York Times participating in the October 7th attack on Israel, live-stream footage has now been uncovered that illustrates even more direct coordination with Hamas terrorists.

"As RedState originally reportedHassan Eslaiah, who was freelancing for CNN, Reuters, and the AP, filmed  himself riding into Israel on October 7th carrying a grenade. Another "journalist" was also implicated, though the Times defended his work despite evidence he had advance knowledge of the attack. 

"The claim from the Times was that these "journalists" had simply been caught up in quickly unfolding events and were merely trying to do their jobs. That claim has now been proven false. According to Honest Reporting, a UK media watchdog, two "journalists," both of whom did freelance work for the AP and Reuters at the time, live-streamed themselves showing off pictures of the atrocities, with one even bragging that he had helped take Israelis hostage. 

"Abu Mostafa then tells people to cross the border into Israel, proclaiming it a one-in-a-lifetime event that won't happen again. All of this occurred as Hamas' murderous rampage was still in full swing."  . . .  Amra can be seen laughing and smiling while Abu Mostafa presented footage of the lynching of an Israeli soldier.  A treat on US college campuses everywhere, I'm sure. TD

Fani Willis' Team Billed Taxpayers To Meet With Biden White House About Trump Case

The Federalist (

"Evidence submitted in a motion by former Trump campaign official Michael Roman’s legal team suggests Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis used taxpayer money to meet with the Biden White House about her 2020 election case against Donald Trump around the time he announced his 2024 presidential campaign.

"Corporate media hubbub about the recent filing largely centered on Willis’ allegedly inappropriate romantic relationship with private attorney Nathan Wade, who she contracted out as a special prosecutor on her “get Trump” case.

"Documents allege Wade, who the motion alleges was underqualified for the role, used some of the $654,000 taxpayer-funded legal fees he earned on the case against former President Donald Trump to fund “lavish vacations” for him and Willis.

"The motion asserts that Willis and Wade’s actions amount to honest services fraud and possibly federal racketeering.

"Perhaps the most interesting evidence presented in the motion is that Willis paid Wade with taxpayer dollars for at least two formal meetings they had with the Biden White House about their prosecution of Biden’s number one political opponent.

"Tucked away in one of the exhibits attached to the motion to dismiss and qualify were several invoices from the law offices of Nathan J. Wade. Among the charges for prep meetings and discovery dating back to 2021 were two bills for 8-hour conferences with the Biden White House." . . .

Harvard student sends defiant message to Claudine Gay following resignation

Bookworm Room; The very contextual illustrated edition -

The very contextual illustrated edition - Bookworm Room

"NY Post  The Thursday night game between The Leffell School, a private Jewish school in Hartsdale, and Roosevelt High School, a public school in Yonkers, ended early after some kids from Roosevelt shot antisemitic slurs at their opponents — including one who allegedly said “I support Hamas, you f–king Jew.”
"Security guards had to escort Leffell School players off the court following the hostile contest.
"On Sunday, Yonkers Public Schools Interim Superintendent Dr. Luis Rodriquez and city Mayor Mike Spano issued a joint statement denouncing the hatred and apologizing for the vitriol the visiting team faced.
“The Yonkers Public Schools, along with the City of Yonkers, sincerely apologize to the students and community of The Leffell School for the painful and offensive comments made to their women’s basketball team during a recent game with Roosevelt High School,” the statement said." . . .

Biden's speech at Valley Forge {UPDATED)

Reminds one of the way he blew up Romney's mention of "binders of women" candidates.

Why didn't Russia invade Ukraine while Trump was president? Probably because Putin feared Trump. What foreign leader fears Biden? The only people who fear Biden are half of the American people.  Dennis Prager

Joe Biden's Scary Speech on Jan. 6 (  . . ."Politically speaking, the purpose of the speech was clear. Given that Biden has among the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, he cannot make the election about his achievements.

Because he has none that warrant his reelection. In every way, he has made America a worse country.

"He has terribly damaged the economy -- increased an already unsustainable national debt; changed an energy-independent and energy-exporting country into an energy dependent and energy-importing one.

"He hurt America and the world by withdrawing -- and in the way he withdrew -- American troops from Afghanistan. He showed that America cannot be counted on by those who depend on us. He abandoned $7 billion in weaponry, much of it now being used by Islamic terror groups. For example, as NBC News reported, "Most of the weapons recovered so far, officials say, are from Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) or Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both Pakistan-based militant groups that the U.S. designates as terrorist organizations." Other weapons have ended up in Gaza, and others in Iran.

"He has hurt America and Israel by enriching the Iranian regime. According to the Wall Street Journal, "The Iranian surge in oil exports since President Biden took over has brought Iran an additional $32 billion to $35 billion, according to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies." ...

 A Trashy Speech by a Trashy President: Biden Takes on Valley Forge - The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  "You probably didn’t watch Joe Biden fumble, stumble, and mumble his way through that pathetic speech he made in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, on Friday. It was supposed to set the tone for his 2024 reelection campaign — or, at least, what will consist of that campaign until Biden is dumped out of his spot on the Democrats’ ticket (nobody seems to have a great idea who the replacement will be, but it seems more and more inevitable that Biden simply isn’t going to be able to carry on the charade that he’s the guy in charge too much longer)." . . . Sadly, the full article is behind a paywall.

Joe Biden is no George Washington, and Valley Forge proved it | The Hill  . . ."The speech was a masterpiece of contradiction. Biden started by denouncing how Donald Trump’s campaign is only “about him” and “obsessed with the past.” He then spent virtually all of the speech obsessing about Trump and Jan. 6, 2021. 

"It was an early indication of the Orwellian character of the speech. Facing the lowest polling numbers of any modern president, Biden attempted a constructive substitution. “Democracy is on the ballot,” he said. So voters do not have to vote for him. When they see Biden, they should just read “democracy.”

"That will require more than an act of substitution in the voting booth. It would require an act of willful blindness.

"Biden spoke of how Democrats are fighting to protect the “right to vote.” Democratic activists and officials across the country are seeking to remove Trump from the ballot even though he is the most popular choice for the presidency right now.  

"In fact, dozens of Democratic officials have sought to remove 126 Republicans from Congress on the same basis. Even as Biden was telling citizens to vote Democrat to preserve democracy, a Democratic activist was seeking to remove a GOP congressman from the ballot in a nearby Pennsylvania district.

"Biden’s speech would be more credible if he had joined principled Democratic politicians who have denounced this nationwide effort. As usual, he has remained silent as he did on court packing in the last election.

"It would also have been a tad more convincing if his party were not preventing citizens from voting for anyone other than Biden in the primary. Florida called its Democratic primary for Biden and blocked opposing candidates, despite two-thirds of Democrats wanting an alternative to Biden. Faced with such polling numbers, the party establishment is so committed to democracy that it has decided voters cannot be trusted with a choice. North Carolina’s Democrats became the latest to bar anyone but Biden from the ballot. " . . .

UPDATE: Romney to Biden: January 6 Is a Political Dead Horse – HotAir   "Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT) delivered some campaign advice to Joe Biden – stop campaigning on Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021. Move on, Joe.

"For some unexplained reason, the Biden campaign thought it was a good idea to take Biden to Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, about 15 miles from Valley Forge, where George Washington rallied the Continental Army to fight the British almost 250 years ago. I guess the purpose was to compare Washington to Biden. It’s ridiculous on many levels, but Team Biden is absolutely clueless, lost in their own little bubble.

"George Washington could not lie. Joe Biden is a serial liar.

"When Joe Biden delivers a speech, usually the White House has to smooth over or explain his remarks. Especially when he goes off the teleprompter, Biden’s staff just holds their breath because they are afraid what he will say. The Biden campaign has decided to bring back Dark Brandon, the screaming old man we saw during the 2022 midterms. The playbook is to paint Trump as a threat to democracy and generally a bad person. One way to do this is to concentrate on the riot on Capitol Hill on January 6. Biden uses the word ‘insurrection’ though Trump was not charged with insurrection. Nonetheless, Biden persists.

"The problem with dwelling on January 6 is that Americans are over it." . . .

. . .Anyway, Biden has nothing to run on and Americans are feeling a Carter-like malaise. The only choice Biden has is to trash Trump on a personal level.

Democrats take cash from head of anti-Israel group justifying Palestinian terrorism

  Analyzing America

"Congressional Democrats, including members of the “Squad,” have received campaign donations from Hussam Ayloush, CEO of the California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

"CAIR has been accused of ties to Palestinian terrorism and was named as an “unindicted co-conspirator” of Hamas in a 2009 terrorism financing case.

"Ayloush has made donations to several Democratic politicians, prompting criticism and calls for returning the funds due to CAIR’s alleged support for designated terrorists. (Trending: U.S. State Passes Personal Pronoun Ban)

"Peter Flaherty, CEO of the conservative National Legal and Policy Center watchdog group, said, “The lawmakers should not take any such donations, and they should return them.”

“These members of the ‘Squad’ have a bum rap when it comes to antisemitism. It’s a problem,” he continued.

"Investigator Susannah Johnston for Focus on Western Islamism, said, “Voters should take note of who is funding their elected officials.”

"Hussam Ayloush wrote on X, “And if Israel did not occupy Palestine, steal Palestinian land to build illegal settlements for Jews-only, and impose its brutal apartheid on Palestinians, there would not be a Hamas, PLO, or Fatah to begin with.' ”. . .

Hamas’ Mass Rape of Israeli Women Exposed—New York Times . . . Reveals Truth for a Change  . . ."The point of this article is to expound upon a long soul baring by the [T]imes of rape and sexual violence by Hamas terrorists and their civilian partners. The Slimes went into great detail regarding specific attacks, locations, eyewitness accounts, and post-pogrom medical reports.

"We the People wonder why the [T]imes would publish an article that:

a) supports Israel’s contention of widespread sexual violence in the 10/7 massacre, and

b) goes against progressives who have chosen from the first day to identify with Hamas and downplay any claims of mass rape.

"Decades ago we would have called this an act of “journalism” but such a thing—particularly from the [T]imes—has long been dead. Perhaps the impetus was an internal war between real women who refused to swallow the negligent bullsh*t and the mindless Leftist drones who value their jobs more than their ethical standards.

And apparently, the real women won.

"The [T]imes gives horrific detail from eyewitnesses, videos, and after-death studies. They claim there are three survivors of the sexual assaults who are each too traumatized to speak to anyone from the press.

Those involved in the macabre rape and murder spree were both terrorists and civilians. They laughed and smiled as they defiled and murdered young Israeli women and mothers. A captured Islamic Jihad terrorist admitted during questioning that his cell was involved in the rape and murder of Israeli women on 10/7. The article describes a woman found in one of the overrun kibbuztim with “dozens of nails” driven into her thighs and private parts." . . .

Hillary the un-stoppable


Hillary Clinton: Biden has ‘good record’ but ‘people have every right to consider’ his age | The Hill  . . .“Well, I mean, it’s a concern for anyone. And we’ve had presidents who’ve fallen before who are a lot younger, and people didn’t go into heart palpitations,” Clinton responded. “But his age is an issue. And people have every right to consider it.”
Clinton also said that she believes that Biden is determined to run for another term in office, noting how Biden has a “good record” in office. 
“And I am of the camp that I think he’s determined to run. He has a good record that three years ago people would not have predicted would have gotten done,” Clinton told Luce. " . . .

Hillary Clinton Says No to 2024 Presidential Bid (  Hillary Clinton is disappointing some politically active people. And it's not just her supporters.
"The political figure the right wing loves to hate made it very clear Tuesday morning that she is absolutely not running for president again. That's a minor blow for the part of the Democratic base that wants her to make another try, but it's a bigger blow for Republicans who have raised a great deal of money over the years by warning GOPers of the specter of a Hillary Clinton presidency.
" 'No, no," the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee and former secretary of state said with a laugh during a "Morning Joe" interview Tuesday morning, when Clinton was interviewed to honor International Women's Day
"But I am certainly going to be active in supporting women running for office and other candidates who I think should be reelected or elected, both women and men," Clinton said."...